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Open thread

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* What’s going on in your part of Illinois?…

posted by Isabel Miller
Thursday, Aug 8, 24 @ 7:50 am


  1. Sox just fired Grifol. Not sure if this will do anything substantial to improve such a bad organization.

    Comment by Grandson of Man Thursday, Aug 8, 24 @ 9:02 am

  2. With all the news on Walz ( if true ) about Stolen Valor it looks like JB would have been the safest wisest pick especially if she didn’t trust Shapiro.

    Comment by Long Time Independent Thursday, Aug 8, 24 @ 9:08 am

  3. =JB would have been the safest wisest pick especially if she didn’t trust Shapiro.=

    Pritzker would have presented a different form of criticism as would Shapiro. There is simply no ideal or perfect candidate. And attacking a guy who served 20+ years in the National Guard over his service record is just dumb.

    Comment by Pundent Thursday, Aug 8, 24 @ 9:17 am

  4. well Pedro had to go before the game on Friday. as someone else posted on X It’s Pedrover

    Comment by Amalia Thursday, Aug 8, 24 @ 9:28 am

  5. -Pundent- I’m not a veteran but all my siblings are. All three of them saw action in Viet Nam and one got shot. They all will tell you that anyone regardless of political party that lies about being in a war zone that its reprehensible. So you might think it’s Dumb but most veterans would disagree.

    Comment by Long Time Independent Thursday, Aug 8, 24 @ 9:30 am

  6. Where is the “stolen valor”? A Walz quote was taken out of context. He retired prior to his unit being called up.

    Comment by Huh? Thursday, Aug 8, 24 @ 9:34 am

  7. “Long Time Independent,” sure you are. You just happen to be out here lying about what a candidate said for partisan political purposes.

    Comment by Mary Poppins Thursday, Aug 8, 24 @ 9:40 am

  8. @Pudent

    Exactly, Trump/Vance are desperately lying because they realize they might lose. Doesn’t matter who was picked they were going to make something up.

    This attack is not going to stick. Trump is Vietnam War draft doger. Vance only served 4 years, with only six months in Iraq as war journalist where by his own admission he was “lucky to escape any real fighting.” Neither records are better then Walz’s.

    Comment by ItsMillerTime Thursday, Aug 8, 24 @ 9:40 am

  9. =So you might think it’s Dumb but most veterans would disagree.=

    I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that anyone who’s outraged over this issue wasn’t seriously considering voting for Harris/Walz to begin with.

    Comment by Pundent Thursday, Aug 8, 24 @ 9:44 am

  10. Next week I start my 17th year as a special education teacher (after 11 years working at a non-profit). Every day is exhausting but every day I see incremental growth in my students and I’m so glad I chose this career.

    Comment by Proud Papa Bear Thursday, Aug 8, 24 @ 9:48 am

  11. Let’s keep this thread on topic (Illinois)! Thanks!

    Comment by Isabel Miller Thursday, Aug 8, 24 @ 9:55 am

  12. Proud Papa Bear: Good special ed teachers are gold. Thanks for hanging in there, you are appreciated.
    I wish for all students, teachers, and administrators a highly productive & safe school year.

    Comment by Interim Retiree Thursday, Aug 8, 24 @ 10:08 am

  13. I just received the updated list of mandated trainings for school personnel in Illinois from the ISBE. Mind you, school starts next week for some of us.

    Depending on your role in the district, you may have 49 mandated trainings you are responsible for. Most of them are annual requirements.

    49. That is in addition to anything we do as a district.

    If you are interested to know why mandates are out of hand this is a prime example. Who can retain information for 49 trainings that are supposed to happen before school begins when they send you the complete list days before the start of school?

    Sorry for the whining, but this is a prime example of the issue in public education today. So much of this should be addressed elsewhere.

    Comment by JS Mill Thursday, Aug 8, 24 @ 11:19 am

  14. About stolen valor:

    I am the least among all veterans. I took the Oath at West Point, and I quit West Point in Oct or so, because I realized I was a pacifist. My company commander agreed and I left with an Honorable Discharge. I only served a few months.

    Stolen valor is an evil path to go down. It is the assertion that some who took the Oath in a military uniform are not equal to others who served differently (more? less? combat? non-combat?, etc.).

    Stolen valor in the current context is a claim by one politician that his service was more valid than the other politician’s service.

    Using valor as a condition of office and/or using conditions of service as a criterion by which Americans should judge among veterans is just immoral, unethical, wrong. Vance went down this road and should be challenged. Veterans are of all stripes, all decades, all ranks and all years of service. Shame on one veteran stealing one veterans honor and claiming it insufficient.

    Comment by H-W Thursday, Aug 8, 24 @ 11:45 am

  15. So the White Sox finally fired Grifol, now Grady Sizemore has to deal with this situation…

    Comment by OneMan Thursday, Aug 8, 24 @ 12:07 pm

  16. Jets are practicing overhead for the Air and Water Show this weekend in Chicago. Very loud but a spectacular event centered around North Avenue Beach.

    Comment by Rudy’s teeth Thursday, Aug 8, 24 @ 12:23 pm

  17. @ ProudPapaBear

    Thanks for serving our Illinoisan brothers and sisters who need help.

    Comment by H-W Thursday, Aug 8, 24 @ 1:07 pm

  18. Governor Walz signed significant Gun Control legislation. He campaigned for it and made statements recorded that ‘people shouldn’t be allowed to have guns like the ones I carried in combat’. He was never in a combat zone. That is the basis for the stolen valor claim. However he does get credit for serving, but the combat claim muddied the water.

    Comment by Don Wagner Thursday, Aug 8, 24 @ 1:17 pm

  19. Good to see Sen Feigenholtz & many other legislators sign on to a letter calling for a serious re-evaluation of the Redefine the Drive initiative. We need more pedestrian access and public transit. Stop building more car-centric infrastructure!

    Comment by Lakeview Looker Thursday, Aug 8, 24 @ 1:34 pm

  20. ==Stop building more car-centric infrastructure!==

    Yeah, because cars are going to go away. Great idea you got there.

    Comment by Demoralized Thursday, Aug 8, 24 @ 2:03 pm

  21. ==but the combat claim muddied the water==

    Only to those in the conservative echo chamber

    Comment by Demoralized Thursday, Aug 8, 24 @ 2:04 pm

  22. Just watched the Blue Angels fly past the building. What a sight and sound. Practice for the Air and Water show.

    Comment by Rudy’s teeth Thursday, Aug 8, 24 @ 3:12 pm

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