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Quinn vows veto of concealed carry bill

Tuesday, May 3, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Gov. Pat Quinn has been coy about what he thought about the concealed carry bill, fending off reporters’ questions by saying he didn’t want to take a stand on the legislation until it got to him

Gov. Pat Quinn has indicated his opposition to concealed-carry in the past (as has Chicago Mayor-elect Rahm Emanuel), but Quinn recently issued a statement saying he’d give the proposal “the thorough review it deserves should it arrive on (his) desk.”

* Well, that all changed today when he told reporters that he was opposed to the bill and would veto it if it passed both chambers. Quinn said he appointed an anti-violence commission last year and said it unanimously recommended that he oppose the legislation.

Quinn repeatedly used the “concealed, loaded handguns” phrasing that seemed to poll so well earlier this spring. From that poll, which was commissioned by the Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence. Statewide opposition jumped from 56 percent to 65 percent when the phrase “concealed, loaded handguns” was included in the question.

The governor said he would also oppose a “two-tiered system” that would allow concealed carry outside Chicago.

“I campaigned in the primary and the general election against allowing private citizens to carry loaded, concealed handgun,” Quinn said. “It’s important that they defeat this bill,” he added.

A gubernatorial veto won’t mean a whole lot since the bill requires a three-fifths majority to pass anyway. But an active gubernatorial intervention could be crucial since the pro-concealed carry folks are just on the cusp of having enough votes.

* Raw audio of the governor’s press conference…


  1. - Louis Howe - Tuesday, May 3, 11 @ 11:49 am:

    I guess Quinn doesn’t need the perpetually paranoid vote.

  2. - Southern Illinois Democrat - Tuesday, May 3, 11 @ 11:53 am:

    And so it goes as yet another reason why Democrats are losing the Southern Illinois area again and again.

  3. - tak1885 - Tuesday, May 3, 11 @ 11:54 am:

    Wanting to defend yourself and your family doesn’t make you paranoid, it makes you prepared. This really shouldn’t surprise anyone, Quinn will look at any situation and then see what Chicago wants him to do.

  4. - Cincinnatus - Tuesday, May 3, 11 @ 12:00 pm:

    John A Logan,

    This is just another tune on the Quinn hit parade, including such songs as, “Oh, Look, a Kitty” and “Rainbows and Unicorns.” Now Quinn can deflect from another week of unbalanced budgets.

  5. - wordslinger - Tuesday, May 3, 11 @ 12:02 pm:

    –Why any conservative south of Chicago still lives in Illinois is beyond me.–

    The world’s richest farmland, great universities, friendly towns and people, beautiful country, rivers gently flowing….

    I’m curious though: Your wording implies that conservatives should feel comfortable living in Chicago. Is it that conservative, parochial school, Irish Catholic leadership of Mayor Daley, Speaker Madigan, Sen. Cullterton and Gov. Quinn?

  6. - Anonymous - Tuesday, May 3, 11 @ 12:11 pm:

    He said he would veto any tax ncrease above 4% so who cares what he says today his word means nothing

  7. - Louis Howe - Tuesday, May 3, 11 @ 12:15 pm:

    Over 55% (17,352/31,224) of the gun-related deaths in the United States are suicides ( Please, if you are going to commit suicide, do it in the privacy of your home.

  8. - Cheryl44 - Tuesday, May 3, 11 @ 12:16 pm:

    I live in Chicago and think most of the Democratic leadership in this state is GOP-lite. I hate the idea of people carrying loaded handguns on the L. But even I don’t see any well-thought-out reason to be against this bill. I don’t like it, but I can’t argue against facts.

  9. - D.P. Gumby - Tuesday, May 3, 11 @ 12:21 pm:

    Gosh, now the deer will know the hunters are packing and the element of surprise will be lost.

  10. - Palatine - Tuesday, May 3, 11 @ 12:21 pm:

    I’ll be nice when I say Quinn is wrong on this issue.

  11. - Bill - Tuesday, May 3, 11 @ 12:27 pm:

    ==Why any conservative south of Chicago still lives in Illinois is beyond me.==

    Me too. Kentucky is nice this time of year. Seeya.

  12. - Obamarama - Tuesday, May 3, 11 @ 12:30 pm:

    ===* Raw audio of the governor’s press conference…===

  13. - Obamarama - Tuesday, May 3, 11 @ 12:31 pm:

    Sorry for the double post. That should have been followed up with “oh gee thanks, Rich, what a treat!”

    Am I the only one that thinks a two-tiered concealed carry bill is a fair compromise? “Counties under 100,000 residents” or some such language?

  14. - Bob - Tuesday, May 3, 11 @ 12:49 pm:

    Quinn should just go back to Chicago and stay. Maybe he can fly around south of Chicago in his plane next election. Had to be embarrassed before he would go visit Cairo. He does not have a backbone.

  15. - Just Observing - Tuesday, May 3, 11 @ 12:53 pm:

    === Am I the only one that thinks a two-tiered concealed carry bill is a fair compromise? “Counties under 100,000 residents” or some such language? ===

    I disagree. I live in Chicago proper and while I realize a lot of Illinois legislation carves out special exeptions for Chicago and/or Cook, I oppose granting rights to everyone in the State but me (and my fellow 3,000,000 Chicagoans). A strong case can be made that us Chicagoans need concealed carry more than downstaters. Not to mention, how do you think the Chicago suburbs will react when you can’t conceal carry in Chicago, but you can in Highland Park.

  16. - titan - Tuesday, May 3, 11 @ 12:53 pm:

    Sure, easy for him … he has an armed security detail protecting him at all times.

    If carrying a weapon is so unnecessary for the citizenry, perhaps he shouldn’t have an armed security detail.

  17. - Cincinnatus - Tuesday, May 3, 11 @ 12:58 pm:


    I admire your attempt to find a compromise, but the one you offer would probably be considered unconstitutional as it carves out a protected class, and would provide a logistical nightmare for those traveling the state.

  18. - Cincinnatus - Tuesday, May 3, 11 @ 1:00 pm:

    - titan - Tuesday, May 3, 11 @ 12:53 pm:

    Sure, easy for him … he has an armed security detail protecting him at all times.

    If carrying a weapon is so unnecessary for the citizenry, perhaps he shouldn’t have an armed security detail.

    A bad argument. Quinn deserves his armed guard as the Governor of the state. It is the office that is being respected, not the man.

    On another note, nothing is easy for Quinn to say. Have you listened to a press conference?

  19. - wordslinger - Tuesday, May 3, 11 @ 1:04 pm:

    –I admire your attempt to find a compromise, but the one you offer would probably be considered unconstitutional as it carves out a protected class, and would provide a logistical nightmare for those traveling the state.–

    The bill creates a licensed class. Many of the legendary “48 states that allow conceal carry” have geographical exceptions, specifically, New York and and California.

  20. - vole - Tuesday, May 3, 11 @ 1:07 pm:

    “Why any conservative south of Chicago still lives in Illinois is beyond me.”

    Come on. It is not like your own local communities are not mostly supportive of your dominant, conservative world views. And you do get the pleasure of electing some doozies like Shimkus for Congress who try with all their abilities to counteract many of the more liberal governors’ actions. If you do not realize it, it ain’t so easy for Democrats having to bear with partisan representatives like Shimkus and Schock either.

  21. - Joeverdeal - Tuesday, May 3, 11 @ 1:58 pm:

    Unfortunately, it is unlikely that Chicago will allow other areas of the state to function in ways that are appropriate to their own cultures, which are vastly different than those of Chicago and the Collar Counties.

    This is yet another issue that shines a strong light upon the need to divide Illinois and free Chicago and the rest of Illinois to go their separate ways as independent states. A divided Illinois will allow both societies to honor their own starkly contrasting inclinations.

  22. - wordslinger - Tuesday, May 3, 11 @ 2:07 pm:

    –This is yet another issue that shines a strong light upon the need to divide Illinois and free Chicago and the rest of Illinois to go their separate ways as independent states. A divided Illinois will allow both societies to honor their own starkly contrasting inclinations.–

    You’ve got a better chance of passing conceal/carry than that ever happening. And gay marriages. And medical marijuana. And requiring conceal carry and smoking medical marijuana during gay marriage ceremonies.

    You think the rest of country is going to hand Downstate Illinois a couple of their very own U.S. Senators? That’s a very exclusive club and they’re not taking any new members.

  23. - Kevin Highland - Tuesday, May 3, 11 @ 2:08 pm:

    All of these political figures fail to point out that the “concealed and loaded weapon” would be in the hands of law abiding citizens. The criminals are already doing this.

    There hasn’t been a skyrocketing increase in violence in any of the states that allow concealed carry of weapons.

  24. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, May 3, 11 @ 2:18 pm:

    Joeverdeal, I heavily frown on separatists here. Go find somewhere else to post that nonsense… like Kentucky.

  25. - Steve Bartin - Tuesday, May 3, 11 @ 2:49 pm:

    I’m sure Quinn looked at the polling data. But, why should police officers be the only people to walk around with guns in Illinois?? Why do many of the 48 states that have concealed carry have a lower murder rate than Chicago and Illinois. Why? Yes, why? If Chicago’s SOS unit can walk around with guns, shouldn’t you be able to??

  26. - k3 - Tuesday, May 3, 11 @ 3:18 pm:

    I’m just so tired of Pat Quinn.

  27. - Logic not emotion - Tuesday, May 3, 11 @ 3:41 pm:

    My opinion of Quinn and politicians in general just sank even lower. Hopefully, enough legislators will vote to support the rights of their constituents to have and carry effective tools for their own self defense that his veto won’t matter.

  28. - Anonymous - Tuesday, May 3, 11 @ 3:54 pm:

    =A divided Illinois will allow both societies to honor their own starkly contrasting inclinations.=

    Whoosh! Gotta wonder whether this boy/girl is “homegrown” and/or spending way too much time studying (and putting hope into) the wrong conflicts and strategies used overseas.

    What a dreamer.

  29. - Talking With - Tuesday, May 3, 11 @ 4:33 pm:

    Most of the fears about “increased shootings,­” etc, are all apparently unsupporte­d by the facts in the many other states where such laws have already been passed. Iowa recenly passed such a law, and the President of the Iowa Firearms coalition came on our show to talk about it:


  30. - Keith Turner - Tuesday, May 3, 11 @ 5:24 pm:

    I’ll gladly be a party tot he clas action law suit that is sure to follow if this does not pass.

  31. - Mike - Tuesday, May 3, 11 @ 5:27 pm:

    It’s disappointing but not surprising that Quinn would not support CCW. As others have stated, 48 other states have provisions for CCW - and there are 39 states that have “Shall Issue / Constitutional Issue” Concealed Carry. HB 148 has the support of the Illinois Sheriff’s Association, Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police, Chicago Police Sergeant’s Association, Chicago Police Lieutenant’s Association, the Amalgamated Transit Union Local 308 (Chicago Transit Authority workers) and the Illinois Farm Bureau among just a few.

    When beat cops and their supervisors in Chicago are in support of CCW, it’s what cops call “A Clue”.

    In the 38 states with Shall Issue CCW, there has not been a rash of CCW-related “road rage” shootings, much less “Supermarket Bump” shootings (rolling my eyes).

    I understand people’s fears regarding legalization of CCW - however those fears have simply failed to materialize in the 48 states that have CCW and the 39 states with “Shall Issue / Constitutional Carry” CCW.

  32. - wordslinger - Tuesday, May 3, 11 @ 5:32 pm:

    –I’ll gladly be a party tot he clas action law suit that is sure to follow if this does not pass.–

    What manner of “class action lawsuit” is there for alleged damages from the failure of the General Assembly to vote your way?

    Because I want in on that action.

  33. - Keith Turner - Tuesday, May 3, 11 @ 6:03 pm:

    There’s been a Supreme Court Decision affirming our rigthto keeop and bear arms. Arigh that cannot be infringed. With 49 other states having one form or another of citizne carry being permitted, I think there’d be grounds for a suit against the State of Illinois for infrigning up on our 2nd Amendment rights.

  34. - wordslinger - Tuesday, May 3, 11 @ 6:16 pm:

    –There’s been a Supreme Court Decision affirming our rigthto keeop and bear arms. Arigh that cannot be infringed.–

    Keith, if that were the case, you wouldn’t be messing around in the General Assembly. I’m not saying it won’t happen some day, but conceal carry ain’t soup yet in the U.S. Supreme Court. For now, whatever Justice Kennedy will put his name to is “the right.”

    As far as the other states, well, I imagine you could get the Hawaii or New Jersey conceal carry laws passed in a New York minute. But the ISRA is going for the whole enchilada, which is their job.

    A “may” issue statute also would be a slam dunk, I think.

  35. - wordslinger - Tuesday, May 3, 11 @ 10:56 pm:

    Zobie 21, for what it’s worth, and no matter what you think of him, Quinn has probably traveled the roads of Illinois — by himself, with no entourage, with no cash — more than any politician other than Dan Walker.

    As a mope reporter, there were a number of times when I’d be the only reporter who would show up when Quinn had some goofy “press conference” around the Quads, or Rockford, or Springfield, or Decatur, or Quincy, or Metropolis….

    The dude was out in the wilderness for a long time. He knows the state highway system.

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