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Wednesday, Oct 31, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller
This just in… Court denies Ryan bail motion *** Another appeal for bail possible ***
Wednesday, Oct 31, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller * 12:25 pm - The US Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit has denied an emergency motion by George Ryan’s attorneys to continue Ryan’s bail. From the opinion…
* The opinion is here * From the dissent by circuit judge Kanne…
* 1:42 pm - From the AP…
* 2:25 pm - Another update from the AP…
Question of the day
Wednesday, Oct 31, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller It’s Halloween, so write something scary. But, please, no violent stuff. People can get in big trouble for that. Also, let’s try to keep it state and locally focused. Thanks. …Adding… I posted this video a few years ago, but many of you weren’t around back then. Watch and listen closely and you can just barely make out a ghostly image that was accidentally picked up while a car company was filming an advertisement… ![]()
Another “secret” plan?
Wednesday, Oct 31, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller * Could there be some movement on the transit bailout bill?
* But, there’s a catch, as always…
Another “super-secret” plan from the governor, perhaps? I’ll believe it when I see it. * Meanwhile, this is a concern that most of us don’t think about when the topic of transit cuts is discussed…
* The Sun-Times did a story about the gang turf problem earlier this month…
* And the horror stories are really coming out with the deadline approaching…
* More CTA and session stuff, compiled by Paul…
Tribune puts governor back in the bunker
Wednesday, Oct 31, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller * The governor is in the bunker again…
* That Tribune editorial musing about a possible recall is undoubtedly a big reason why he’s unavailable, but this governor has spent more time in the bunker than out during the past few years, so it’s no big surprise that NBC 5 couldn’t find him. Speaking of the Trib’s editorial, the SJ-R didn’t think much of it…
* Even Mayor Daley got into the act…
Hizzoner really wants the Olympic games to go that far. * The Tribune was apparently so pleased with the responses to that recall editorial that it’s now soliciting comments about another issue…
I wonder how they’ll respond if the public disagrees with their position in favor of the tax hike.
Jackson wants to give big bucks to wife’s campaign
Wednesday, Oct 31, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller * Congressman Jackson hopes to expand the family empire…
* I’ve had the results of a poll in that committeeman’s race for a couple of weeks, but completely forgot about them. The survey of 382 respondents was conducted for Ms. Jackson in early October by Lester & Associates…
The poll also found that Mayor Daley was viewed favorably by 73 percent of people in the ward, while Congressman Jackson was viewed favorably by 82 percent, Ald. Jackson was viewed favorably by 75 and Bill Beavers was viewed favorably by just 36 percent and 42 percent viewed him unfavorably. Download the poll here. * Meanwhile, if you had any doubts that the DCCC was serious in its targeting of freshman Republican Peter Roskam, then check this out…
* As I’ve told you before, Jill Morgenthaler is the Democrats’ candidate to run against Roskam. Morgenthaler’s primary opponent isn’t exactly a serious contender. Otherwise, she might have to answer for this…
You can see her voting history here. I’ve had it for a few days, but got busy with other things. Her campaign said in response: “If you want someone who can and will work work for people of both political parties, Jill is your girl.” * Morgenthaler is resigning tomorrow from her state post as homeland security director, which brings up this problem…
* And, of course, this…
Morning shorts
Wednesday, Oct 31, 2007 - Posted by Paul Richardson * Reports says state’s juvenile defense system stretched too far * Study finds lack of justice for juveniles * Recieiver hikes hotel profits
* Whistleblower accused of leaking report fights to keep state job * Don’t extend Ryan’s bail, says Fitzgerald * Editorial: Ryan has avoided prison for far too long * Did Illinois students do too well on tests?
* Girls outpace boys on state tests * Nearly a tenth of Illinois schools are ‘dropout factories’ * State test scores plunge at high school level * Student test scores: some up, some down * School report on time this year * Chicago’s student achievement gap
* Chicago Public Radio: City plans to expand its surveillance system * Illinoize: No the Christian right doesn’t drive up the abortion rate, but thanks for asking * More ‘quality hiring’ by county
* Carol Marin: Why is city hiding scandals? * Sen. Brady decries inaction on health board * State set to review bids for $27 million military center * CPR: Chicago pushes for more expensive beers
* DuPage Co. likely to see flooding because of budget cutbacks
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s Capitol Fax (Use all caps in password)
Wednesday, Oct 31, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller