Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » I’m just sayin’… He’s guilty
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I’m just sayin’… He’s guilty

Friday, Jun 10, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller

* My Sun-Times column is about the Rod Blagojevich defense

“He talked and he talked and that is all he did. . . . They want you to believe his talk is a crime. It’s not.”

That statement Thursday by Rod Blagojevich’s attorney Aaron Goldstein, as reported by the Sun-Times’ “Blago Blog,” pretty much sums up the former governor’s defense in his federal criminal trial:

“I’m not sayin’ . . . I’m just sayin’.”

Mind you, Rod wasn’t saying that he wanted to extract a bribe in exchange for appointing various people to fill Barack Obama’s vacant U.S. Senate seat. He was just tossing around ideas. He didn’t really mean it.

“He’s not perfect,” Goldstein said. “He likes to talk.”

Rod didn’t really want a bunch of billionaires to pony up cash to fund a nonprofit group in exchange for appointing Valerie Jarrett to the Senate seat. He was just talking about it. And the fact that he stopped talking about the scheme after Jarrett withdrew her name means nothing. He just has attention deficit disorder or something. He quickly moved along, and so should we. There’s really nothing to see here.

Um, OK. Hold on. What about when he told his brother to be careful about negotiating a huge cash payoff in exchange for appointing U.S. Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. to the Senate seat because the whole world would be listening?

“‘The whole world is listening’ is a phrase I use all the time,” Blagojevich said on the stand.

But, wait. When Blagojevich discovered soon after that his office was being bugged by the FBI, didn’t he then order an aide to “undo” the negotiations on the Jackson appointment?

All talk. No big deal. There wasn’t anything there to begin with.

Excuse me, but what about when he told an aide that he wanted to hit up the CEO of Children’s Memorial Hospital for a $50,000 campaign contribution while discussing a state grant for that hospital? Didn’t he also make a call to see if he could hold up the grant?

Nah, there’s nothing to that. He was just thinking out loud.

But the grant wasn’t actually released until after he left office, right?

Hey, he tried to have the money released after he was arrested by the FBI. So, see? It’s all just talk.

“Look at his actions,” Blagojevich’s lawyer said Thursday. That’s how you will know what was in his mind.

You see, Rod never actually came right out and told the hospital CEO, or a big tollway contractor, or Rep. Jackson or anybody else that he wanted a campaign contribution or a job or whatever in exchange for doing them a favor. Others he sent might have said some words to that effect, but they weren’t sayin’. They were just sayin’. Plus, how can Rod control what his own emissaries say? Not to mention that just asking for a contribution isn’t illegal. Never mind that he said privately that he wanted something in return. He didn’t really want anything. It was all just talk. There’s nothing to it.

“This case is about nothing,” Goldstein said. Blagojevich got nothing and he did nothing.

All Rod did was talk.

“I’m not sayin’ . . . I’m just sayin’.”

His lawyers are clearly hoping the jurors will buy into that line of bunk. But maybe they’ll think about it a bit differently. Maybe they’ll assume it’s what a bookie might say if you fall behind on your gambling debts.

“I’m not sayin’ I’ll break your legs if you don’t pay me tomorrow. I’m just sayin’ you might have trouble walking for a while.”

* Meanwhile, we can only hope that the Blagojevich jury decides the same

The time has come to put this boy away


  1. - x ace - Friday, Jun 10, 11 @ 5:05 am:

    On Target

  2. - Bill - Friday, Jun 10, 11 @ 6:18 am:

    Off Target

  3. - Retired Non-Union Guy - Friday, Jun 10, 11 @ 6:19 am:

    Agreed. We all know he’s guilty of a lot more stuff he wasn’t charged with … if most of us here (except maybe Bill) were on the jury, we’d be out only as long as it takes to vote on each count.

  4. - nieva - Friday, Jun 10, 11 @ 6:31 am:

    I got a bad feeling that he is going to get off or just a partial conviction. His talk became confusing for the jury and that is exactly what the defense wanted.

  5. - Roadiepig - Friday, Jun 10, 11 @ 6:42 am:

    I would like to think Blago’s “15 minutes” in the national media spotlight are over, but I still fear there is one juror who will be dumb enough to believe he is innocent. If they do, we will never be free of his ramblings on talk shows and such. If for that reason only (not even counting all the damage his actions have done to the state of Illinois) I hope I am wrong about the jury…

  6. - waitress practing politics... - Friday, Jun 10, 11 @ 7:05 am:

    This guy was the Governor of Illinois, not just a guy in bar just sayin’…he talked too much to be just sayin’..
    Is Bill for real or just a foil blogger?

  7. - bored now - Friday, Jun 10, 11 @ 7:07 am:

    no question about it. if the jurors are half intelligent at all, this thing will be over by the weekend, and blago will spend the next ten years trying to get prison inmates to like him…

  8. - siriusly - Friday, Jun 10, 11 @ 7:32 am:

    Good column Rich. The prosecution simplified and streamlined the case this time. I will be surprised if the jurors don’t have a guilty verdict by end of day Tuesday.

  9. - Gregor - Friday, Jun 10, 11 @ 7:34 am:

    I like the video link:-)

  10. - Wensicia - Friday, Jun 10, 11 @ 7:34 am:

    If it was all just talk, why did he get on the witness stand and make up different scenarios to explain his actions? The defense response, all the other witnesses are lying, Rod’s telling the truth??

    Blagojevich did a better job of portraying his guilt than the prosecution. The fact that the defense is claiming a mistrial based on the judge supposedly forcing him to testify says it all. If he’s found not guilty, it’ll be a sad day for Illinois.

  11. - He Makes Ryan Look Like a Saint - Friday, Jun 10, 11 @ 7:38 am:

    I think we need a friendly pool to see how long the Jury will take to come to an agreement.

  12. - Stooges - Friday, Jun 10, 11 @ 7:57 am:

    I agree with non-union guy, convict him of these charges, and at least he’ll be paying for all the other things he did and got away with. You think people gave him $20 million for re-election and got nothing? He sold jobs and contracts since before he was inaugurated.

  13. - wordslinger - Friday, Jun 10, 11 @ 7:59 am:

    I thought the extreme of the “babbling fool” defense was the scenario where Rod appointed himself so he could pursue bin Laden in Afghanistan.

    Still, you have to wonder if it might not be effective since no money changed hands. You know that’s how the coppers generally like to play it.

    I can’t think of any previous big-time federal corruption case where there was no evidence of anything of value being exchanged.

    Heck, in operation Silver Shovel, the feds themselves participated in the illegal dumping of construction waste in residential neighborhoods to make their cases against aldermen. It took years for that junk to be cleaned up.

  14. - Palatine - Friday, Jun 10, 11 @ 8:18 am:

    It’s a very sad day in Illinois when another of our Governors will have to report to prison. Yes, Blago is guilty. I also will predict that he will be divorced when he gets out. Another very sad day for him.

  15. - Justice - Friday, Jun 10, 11 @ 8:20 am:

    If you use the first and last letter of his name, RB, and add a few characters you will see that it spells out:

    “Rod Blagojevich is guilty, guilty, guilty, and you can take that to the Bank”!

  16. - King Louis XVI - Friday, Jun 10, 11 @ 8:22 am:

    Off with his head.

  17. - Kerfuffle - Friday, Jun 10, 11 @ 8:36 am:

    Rich, I have to say I thought this was a brillant concise summation of the defense’s case. It would be nice if the jury could boil it all down in the same fashion . . . I’m just saying.

  18. - downstate hack - Friday, Jun 10, 11 @ 8:41 am:

    “This case is about nothing,” Goldstein said. Blagojevich got nothing and he did nothing.

    The fact he was so incompetent that done of his schemes ever worked is an interesting defense. We all know he’s guilty, but one hold out on the jury is all he needs. I can’t see that happening but who knows.

  19. - Fed up - Friday, Jun 10, 11 @ 8:43 am:

    Overall it’s going to be an up day.

  20. - sk hicks - Friday, Jun 10, 11 @ 8:49 am:

    Whatever the outcome, will we learn anything from this? Will we ever realize the importance of trusting our elected officials? Deal making is the essence of politics, but self-enrichment at the citizens’ expense seems to be the end game. RB, and so many like him, try to sell their actions as public service. The penalties for putting one’s self-interests above the needs of those they are elected to serve must be severe and certain. Game playing on the taxpayer’s dime must cease.

  21. - Vote Quimby! - Friday, Jun 10, 11 @ 8:56 am:

    RRB has nothing to fear but the truth…

  22. - Bill - Friday, Jun 10, 11 @ 8:59 am:

    Rod is so obviously innocent of any illegal activity that any unbiased juror could not help but vote to find him not guilty. Despite the feds usual tactics of ruining other peoples’ lives to get them to lie, Rod has convinced at least one right minded juror to stand strong. The defense, aided by Rod’s cracker jack legal advice, have shown that this is a vendetta to bring down a good man.
    Ther was no crime and there should be no conviction.

  23. - Colossus - Friday, Jun 10, 11 @ 9:02 am:

    Someone once described the premise of Cop Rock to me, ansd if it weren’t for YouTube I would have accused that person of making it all up to me. Perfect fit for today.

    Anyone else want to get in on the pool? I’ve got a beverage of your choice that says by the close of business Tuesday.

  24. - OneMan - Friday, Jun 10, 11 @ 9:05 am:

    Monday 3:45 PM Guilty on All Counts

  25. - Justice - Friday, Jun 10, 11 @ 9:12 am:


    I can only hope you are trying to spoof us or yank our chain?

    What you may not have seen, or perhaps don’t recall, Blagojevich screwed over so many good hard working people at the state by using his appointed minions to wreak fear and intimidation from the day he was first elected.

    I watched that clown systematically destroy lives of good, hard working citizens. I watched the extortion, and yes I was party to an FBI investigation into it and other of his ruthless acts against our honest way of life.

    So, before you toe the party line, know this. I personally witnessed his ruthlessness and insatiable greed. I hope he spends the next 35 years under a rock in prison.

    I see the “up day” coming for all of us.

  26. - Fed up - Friday, Jun 10, 11 @ 9:27 am:

    Split decision noon Monday.

  27. - Jimbo - Friday, Jun 10, 11 @ 9:34 am:

    He IS guilty as sin, but people are stupid. I hate to say it, but I don’t have much faith in a guilty verdict. At least they got him on one count last time.

  28. - Jimbo - Friday, Jun 10, 11 @ 9:36 am:

    I can’t tell if Bill is trolling

  29. - Wow - Friday, Jun 10, 11 @ 9:36 am:

    I think it is hilarious how everyone has already convicted Rod and sentenced him to prison. We have a system for deciding if he is guilty or not and it is taking place. The jury will decide and not all of you. I hope they take their time and work hard looking and talking about all of the evidence. Everyone deserves their fair day in court, even Rod. Most of you convicted him before he even went on trial. Sad.
    With or without a conviction, this was one of the biggest wastes of tax dollars I have ever seen.

  30. - Seriously??? - Friday, Jun 10, 11 @ 9:39 am:

    Oh, Bill…The fact that you think he did nothing wrong makes me sad. Holding up funding for a children’s hospital until he got a contribution alone should make your skin crawl.

  31. - Seriously??? - Friday, Jun 10, 11 @ 9:43 am:

    @Wow, this isn’t a waste of tax payer dollars. As Governor of the State Rod had an obligation to serve and he made a choice not to do that. He wanted to serve himself and nobody else. He wanted to use Obama’s Senate seat to get out of the state he professed to be working for. All the while dodging his responsibilities, shaking people down for his own benefit, and massively hurting the state and its tax payers in the process. He needs to be held accountable for his actions and working toward a conviction is the only way to do that. I’m glad they retried him.

  32. - Bill - Friday, Jun 10, 11 @ 9:47 am:

    ==Holding up funding for a children’s hospital until he got a contribution ==
    That is just another Gov’t lie. He didn’t get a contribution and the hospital got the funding. Listen to the tape. Brainstorming about how to raise funds is not a crime.

  33. - Anonymous - Friday, Jun 10, 11 @ 9:50 am:

    He was a horrible governor, on top of being a two-bit crook. I seriously hope the jury convicts on all accounts.

  34. - Leave a light on George - Friday, Jun 10, 11 @ 9:54 am:

    =I can’t tell if Bill is trolling=

    Bill is really Bill Dance the TV fisherman.

  35. - How Ironic - Friday, Jun 10, 11 @ 9:56 am:


    Do us all a favor. Go to your local bank, slip them a note that says ‘Give me all your money NOW’.

    Then just stand there for about 10 minutes, being sure NOT to touch any of the cash that’s put on the counter.

    As you are being cuffed, calmly explain to the officer that you ‘really’ hadn’t done anything wrong and you were just ‘throwing out ideas’.

  36. - Mr. J - Friday, Jun 10, 11 @ 9:57 am:

    I can’t believe anyone could not see right through blago’s B.S. I mean can you honestly sit there and say that the man is innocent?? Really??? P.S. That YouTube Video was a nice touch!

  37. - Bill - Friday, Jun 10, 11 @ 10:10 am:

    You sound just like Schar with the false analogy.
    Rod didn’t go into a bank. He was not a cop soliciting a bribe. He was just bs’ing with his bro and a few friends (he thought). There was no plot. If the judge wasn’t so biased the rest of the tapes would have made that even clearer.

  38. - Fed up - Friday, Jun 10, 11 @ 10:17 am:


    He already is a convicted liar and is going to prison, now were commenting on the rest of the crimes he committed yes I think he’s guilty yes he’s going to prison. No their is no sense of satisfaction. No he doesn’t seem like a ” real criminal” he didn’t bash anyone on the head for an I phone downtown. What he did is much worse but since it wasn’t violent and it’s hard to apply it to how it hurts us individually or see my self as a possible victim I think it’s easier to think of his prosecution as a waste of money for some. Thats the problem with white colar crime it hurts more than violent crime but it doesn’t feel like it happened to you no face to face victimization.

  39. - Bill - Friday, Jun 10, 11 @ 10:19 am:

    I’m just saying…
    Rod Blagojevich has been beating the odds his whole life. All of your celebrations could be very painfully premature but go ahead and enjoy it while it lasts. We’ll all know for sure in 3 or 4 weeks.

  40. - soccermom - Friday, Jun 10, 11 @ 10:21 am:

    Rod was a horrible governor and an appalling human being. Through his irresponsibility and criminality, he ruined several lives and had a huge negative impact on dozens more. I hope he does hard time — he deserves it.

    The day he was elected was such a happy day for me — the first Democratic governor of Illinois of my adult life. I was so filled with hope that we could actually make a positive difference in people’s lives. But instead, he betrayed the trust of everyone who put him in office. A guilty verdict puts an end to a shameful chapter in our state’s history.

  41. - Dan the Cubs Fan - Friday, Jun 10, 11 @ 10:21 am:

    Bill, you are either Blagoof him selvis or you have some really, really good weed.

  42. - Way Way Down Here - Friday, Jun 10, 11 @ 10:28 am:

    I don’t know about beating odds. Rod had Dick Mell. When he lost him, the trouble started.

  43. - Seriously??? - Friday, Jun 10, 11 @ 10:30 am:

    @Bill: Rod, is that you??

  44. - Wensicia - Friday, Jun 10, 11 @ 10:31 am:

    Tuesday, ready to party with the rest of us Bill?

  45. - D.P. Gumby - Friday, Jun 10, 11 @ 10:39 am:

    I’m not smoking Bill’s weed and Rich did an excellent summary of the case. But I’m continually troubled by the abuse of power by the Feds in their overreaching w/ such things as “obstruction of justice” and criminalization of activities in the political realm. Things like the Ted Stevens case and the Scooter Libby case and now the extreme interpretation of campaign finance laws to create a criminal indictment in the John Edwards case. The broad brush that X did something unsavory so let’s find or create a crime to charge is a threat to everyone. It’s really true–Give a U.S. Atty a target and they will find/create a crime.

  46. - just sayin' - Friday, Jun 10, 11 @ 10:42 am:

    I’m sorry, but when I see all the shady deals and all the money regularly being “contributed” surrounding big votes on big bills (like gambling expansion), it’s hard for me to get too excited about the Blago thing. I think a lot of people are the same way. Hard to find anyone who really cares about this retrail outside of the press paid to cover it.

    If I was the GMan I would have declared victory over the conviction on one serious count and then moved on to some of the other corrupt activity in this state. Just too much time and expense for too little on Blago. And yes, I know he’s a slimy goof.

  47. - CircularFiringSquad - Friday, Jun 10, 11 @ 10:43 am:

    Let’s hope Capt Fax is correct
    Still hard to find folks who believe it is a crime if you don’t get a dime! ( A little OJ moment there)
    It would have been much easier to try a case where he gets his house remodeled for free by a Rezsko contractor after Rezko shakes folks down or nail him and Princess Patti for the no work real estate deals. Maybe even tried the charges tht got Wyma to crumble like a limp loaf of bread.
    We know the USA loved their tapes, but they are asking a lot.

  48. - One of the 35 - Friday, Jun 10, 11 @ 10:44 am:

    It sounds like Rod’s defense was the same one put forth by George Ryan. “I did not personally get rich from my illegal activities, I just helped other people make money, therefore I’m not guilty”. I believe that even if you don’t personally profit from your illegal behavior, your behavior is still illegal. (And in this case Rod sure tried his best to profit.)

  49. - x ace - Friday, Jun 10, 11 @ 10:44 am:

    Tues June 14 sounds good.

    Most appropriate that he be found Guilty on Flag Day. (We all can wave it and he can’t sell it.)

  50. - Because I say so - Friday, Jun 10, 11 @ 10:46 am:

    As guilty as he seems to me, I think there is a 50-50 chance he’ll walk. My guess is quick verdict=guilty.

  51. - 47th Ward - Friday, Jun 10, 11 @ 10:52 am:

    I made up my mind a long time ago and I think Rod is guilty as charged, and also guilty of stuff he wasn’t charged with. But I’m not on the jury, and I won’t predict how they will decide the case.

    I do hope, however, that Bill has someone in his life who will look out for him if the jury finds him guilty. Bill should be kept away from sharp objects, poisons, etc. He may need some quiet time in a padded room just to prevent him from harming himself.

    Denial this deep is dangerous, and while I admire his consistent tenacity in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, I worry for his mental health and well being next week.

  52. - Phineas J. Whoopee - Friday, Jun 10, 11 @ 11:00 am:

    I know Blago is guilty as sin, however, I’m disappointed in the prosecutions efforts to cross examine him.

    with all the material they had, he should have been left a stuttering fool. Maybe they could have hired David Letterman to do the cross.

    As ole’ P. T. said, there is a sucker born every minute which gives Blago a good chance of snowing a juror.

  53. - Loving It - Friday, Jun 10, 11 @ 11:05 am:

    My advice to and for everyone, is just to ignore Bill.
    In a lot ways he’s much like Rod, always grasping for attention.
    Rich could give him a “Time Out” until the guilty verdict is read.

  54. - Liberty First - Friday, Jun 10, 11 @ 11:05 am:

    This all just Democrat remorse. Everyone knew the guy was a sleeze ball but prosecutors jumped the gun likely to protect others. There is a burden of proof that has to be met and that is what will confuse the jurors. Who won’t be liked more: the prosecutor lawyers or the sleezy politician. All the refusal to allow evidence and objections will work in Rod’s favor.

  55. - Original Rambler - Friday, Jun 10, 11 @ 11:10 am:

    WWDH - you are soooo correct.

  56. - OneMan - Friday, Jun 10, 11 @ 11:16 am:

    Hey I am as much of a Blago disliker as the next guy. But as evidenced by the last trial, Bill is not the only guy who thinks Rod isn’t guilty.

    We may not agree but that does not mean Bill is not rational or a troll or anything of the sort. In today’s political age, a supporter who is a supporter even when things are going bad is a rare thing. He deserves respect for that alone.

    Also some of you know and some of you don’t Bill has been a defender of Rod way before the G showed up at Rod’s door.

    Then again if he had appointed Bill to the US Senate like I suggested we may not be having this discussion.

  57. - Kerfuffle - Friday, Jun 10, 11 @ 11:21 am:

    -47th Ward - Too funny! Bill will be okay if the guilty verdict comes in but he will forever believe it a massive injustice.

    - soccermom - I spoke with our former Democratic County Chairman and he was like you. He fought for 25 plus years to get a Dem in that office and was so disappointed with the result once Rod was in office.

  58. - Spring - Friday, Jun 10, 11 @ 11:29 am:

    Bill should have gotten that effing seat! He’s golden!, but alas he’s also so a taxpayer/citizen so eff ‘em, nothing tangible from Bill. I call 330 today all guilty except one random count. I hope that guy goes to Leavenworth.

  59. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Friday, Jun 10, 11 @ 11:39 am:

    === Brainstorming about how to raise funds is not a crime. ===

    @Bill -

    It is a crime when you are brainstorming a scheme to trade public action for private gain.

    Asking the CEO of a hospital to raise money for you? Not a crime.

    Holding up money for that hospital — or conspiring to hold up money for that hospital — to induce the CEO to raise money for you. A crime.

    In short: we don’t let criminals walk because their criminal efforts were unsuccessful. On the contrary, we HOPE we catch them before they actually succeed.

    Attempting to kill someone and failing? A crime.

    Planning a murder? Still a crime.

  60. - What I wonder - Friday, Jun 10, 11 @ 11:46 am:

    Why didn’t the wire tapping Feds just let black consummate the sale? Taxpayers wre short changed.

  61. - The Captain - Friday, Jun 10, 11 @ 11:58 am:

    @ Wordslinger 7:59am: the Sorich case, the lack of benefit to the accused was a key feature of the defense.

    My prediction is that the jury is out at least a week. I guess it’s possible the jury comes back Monday or Tuesday but I find that highly unlikely.

    Also, I thought the jury would come back on the last case with guilty on all counts and we all know how that turned out. And while I haven’t been in the courtroom I will say that I think the defense is in a much stronger position in this case than the last one so I’m not quite certain of the outcome.

  62. - sidepocket - Friday, Jun 10, 11 @ 12:03 pm:

    I don’t think it serves a purpose (good or bad) to throw out “there is probably one “stupid” juror” now.

    Let’s see first what happens before the name calling about people that are in the hot seat. They are doing a service and I am sure there isn’t one of them that is taking their job lightly and feeling it is easy. They have a huge task to understand the counts, understand the law, then peruse the evidence and come to a conclusion … 20 times.

    I don’t think any juror should be referred to as “stupid” even in a hypothetical sense. They are doing a public service and a massive one. After a juror comes out after the verdicts and describes their position then blast away.

    A juror may be reading this blog or their friends or relatives. Let’s not just toss out that anyone of them is “stupid.” I have read “stupid” and “juror” (in close proximity to each other) over and over in this blog and it is not helping any process.

    Presuming hard working people are stupid could prompt them to do just what you don’t want them to do … because they are offended. Think how you would react if someone erroneously and unknowingly said you were an A** … wouldn’t you go out of your way to make that person regret voicing his uneducated personal attack about you?

    For now lets wish the jury well and thank them for working hard to go through the steps and get it right.

  63. - Tired of the Mess - Friday, Jun 10, 11 @ 12:08 pm:

    I can not stand his arrogance and his fake lack of understanding of the legal system. This man is a crook and a coward. May Chris Kelley rest in peace if the jury finds him guilty. Unfortunately, it only takes 1 ignorant or sympathetic juror.

  64. - Phineas J. Whoopee - Friday, Jun 10, 11 @ 12:11 pm:

    sidepocket, thats a rather silly post. If a juror is reading the blog they are disobeying the law. If they are letting our comments influence their decision it is even worse.

    In a word-they would be “stupid”

  65. - Anonymous - Friday, Jun 10, 11 @ 12:11 pm:

    The jury is likely to organize the evidence, read the exhibits, and listen to all of the tapes in chronological order before beginning to even think about voting on counts. It will be surprising to get a verdict before late Monday, and a delay well into next week wouldn’t mean a thing.

  66. - Loving It - Friday, Jun 10, 11 @ 12:44 pm:

    Preferred way to remember Rod R. Blagojevich…… regardless of outcome.

  67. - Rich Miller - Friday, Jun 10, 11 @ 12:50 pm:

    ===Rich could give him a “Time Out” until the guilty verdict is read. ===

    Nah. What would be the fun in that? Bill is our resident Blagojevich troll. Always has been, always will be. I’d rather he stay here where we know he’s funning than go to another site where they might take him seriously.

  68. - one day at a time - Friday, Jun 10, 11 @ 12:51 pm:

    @ Loving It..
    You win the cheese!

  69. - Soccertease - Friday, Jun 10, 11 @ 1:13 pm:

    Bill, you’re one sick puppy. Your comments would be funny, but I too hae witness good people’s lives turned upside down because of Blago’s mere talking while he was governor.

  70. - Kevin Highland - Friday, Jun 10, 11 @ 1:19 pm:

    I wonder if Bill is the same Bill that frequently calls WMAY Radio in Springfield.

  71. - Rich Miller - Friday, Jun 10, 11 @ 1:27 pm:

    People, please, don’t feed the trolls.

  72. - stuckinthemiddlewithyou - Friday, Jun 10, 11 @ 1:31 pm:

    hmmmm, guilty on a several counts, hung on a several others and NG on the remaining counts. That brings us to an order of two dozen mixed please. We can call it the Blago special.

  73. - Fiesta - Friday, Jun 10, 11 @ 1:45 pm:

    Where is vanillaman?

  74. - Bill - Friday, Jun 10, 11 @ 1:54 pm:


  75. - sidepocket - Friday, Jun 10, 11 @ 2:41 pm:

    “He’s facing jail time, which will be a switch. In federal prison, he’ll be going to the highest bidder.” Jay Leno

  76. - Secret Square - Friday, Jun 10, 11 @ 2:46 pm:

    Ah yes, the Blago rat photo. Perhaps Dave Barry had that in mind when, in his 2010 Year in Review, he said Blago’s first jury had found him guilty only of “being some kind of enormous rodent.”

  77. - anon - Friday, Jun 10, 11 @ 2:54 pm:

    Whether Blago is guilty or not is in the hands of the judges. What bothers me the most is the hypocrisy of some of those who convicted him in Springfield. It would be interesting to see how some of his critics fared with HALF the scrutiny. I am not excusing or defending any potential wrong-doing. Only, I find some of his critics and their remarks appalling. As for Bill, loyalty is rare in this business. I agree with the previous poster. He should be appluaded for that.

  78. - Phineas J. Whoopee - Friday, Jun 10, 11 @ 3:30 pm:

    ===Alexander and Marcus Clark, both 18, are each charged with robbery, aggravated battery and mob action===

    ===Although a witness described Tuesday’s incident as similar to last weekend’s downtown attacks in which 20 youths were arrested, police at the time would not categorize Tuesday night’s incident as mob violence.===

    Above are two quotes from the same trib article which leads me to believe that CPD better get their stories straight if they want a conviction.

  79. - Phineas J. Whoopee - Friday, Jun 10, 11 @ 3:31 pm:

    sorry wrong thread

  80. - VanillaMan - Friday, Jun 10, 11 @ 10:02 pm:

    When You Wish Upon A Liar

    When you wish upon a liar
    He’ll tell you what you desire.
    Anything to win your vote
    He’ll tell to you!

    He has huge political dreams
    He don’t care just whom he reams
    All he asks of me and you
    Is look the other way

    He claims to know facts
    Says he’ll never raise a tax
    While collecting funds in stacks
    Lining his pockets

    Democrats across this state
    Allowed him to steer our fate
    Willingly they renominate
    Just to hold power.

    After Kerner, Walker too
    Ryan and this Blago dude
    Illinois voters’ attitude
    Cannot sink lower

    Now we are screwed
    After the Blago-Madigan fued
    Every citizen is abused
    Our new lost decade

    When you wish upon a liar
    Remember how Illinois expired
    When the Democrats conspired
    To elect this Rat their king

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