Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Congressman Jackson wants Obama to “declare a national emergency,” take “extra-constitutional” action
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Congressman Jackson wants Obama to “declare a national emergency,” take “extra-constitutional” action

Thursday, Oct 13, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Somebody is running scared

Illinois Democratic Rep. Jesse Jackson, Jr. told The Daily Caller on Wednesday that congressional opposition to the American Jobs Act is akin to the Confederate “states in rebellion.”

Jackson called for full government employment of the 15 million unemployed and said that Obama should “declare a national emergency” and take “extra-constitutional” action “administratively” — without the approval of Congress — to tackle unemployment.

“I hope the president continues to exercise extraordinary constitutional means, based on the history of Congresses that have been in rebellion in the past,” Jackson said. “He’s looking administratively for ways to advance the causes of the American people, because this Congress is completely dysfunctional.”

* Rival Democrat Debbie Halvorson’s response via press release…

“In Rep. Jackson’s entire congressional career, he has never introduced a single jobs bill,” said Halvorson. “Now, he’s calling on the President to suspend the constitution? As a representative of the people, you don’t give up when you hit a roadblock and throw the constitution out the window – you keep working to get something done. The people of the 2nd district deserve real leadership, not rhetoric.”

In Jackson’s sixteen years in Congress, Jackson has proposed ten separate amendments to the Constitution – none have passed.

* Jackson video…

* Meanwhile, Raja Krishnamoorthi’s latest press release tries to put the best spin on his latest fundraising numbers…

Raja (RAH-jah) Krishnamoorthi (krish-nuh-MOOR-thee) has raised nearly three quarters of a million dollars since launching his campaign for Congress in the 8th District of Illinois–a figure that puts him well ahead of his Democratic primary challenger, Tammy Duckworth.

Krishnamoorthi holds a lead over Duckworth in both funds raised and cash on hand. According to his campaign’s latest filing with the Federal Election Commission, Raja raised $726,184 and has $635,997 cash on hand.

Trouble is, Tammy Duckworth outraised Krishnamoorthi in the most recent quarter, $476,894 to $313,536. However, federal candidates almost always do their best fundraising in the first quarter because their money is coming from longtime friends and supporters. This is Duckworth’s first quarter. The second quarter is more difficult because their buds are often capped out and they have to find new sources, ergo the decline for Krishnamoorthi.

Duckworth had David Axelrod and that entire crowd helping her raise funds, so it was expected that she’d do well.

Also, we don’t know how much of this money is for the primary and how much was raised for the general. Those are two different pots and they are rarely ever disclosed in press releases.

…Adding… Duckworth’s campaign says $24K was raised for the general.

…Adding More… Krishnamoorthi’s campaign refuses to disclose how much was raised for the general.

* Greg Hinz

Bottom line: If Team Tammy hoped to bluff Mr. Krishnamoorthi out of the race, it’s not going to happen, not with these kind of numbers.

But they’d still like him to pick up his war chest and run instead in the north suburban 10th District, where the Dems so far have not been able to recruit a top-tier contender and his odds of winning might be better.


  1. - Observer of the State - Thursday, Oct 13, 11 @ 2:19 pm:

    Illya Sheyman in the 10th District has picked up a lot of grassroots activism. He has recently hire Mike Bislek from DFA, Howard Dean’s organization for field director.
    He is pretty well funded but his strength will be volunteers. He is saying there are over 350 volunteers on the ground for him now. I would expect that to double as we move closer to the primary.
    Those are not numbers to be taken lightly. Raja is in better shape where he is right now.

  2. - 47th Ward - Thursday, Oct 13, 11 @ 2:28 pm:

    ===“I hope the president continues to exercise extraordinary constitutional means,===

    What is he referring to? Other than drone strikes on US citizens in Yemen, where has Obama gone outside the Constitution?

    Also, great comeback by Halvorsen. Not one jobs bill in a career on Capitol Hill? Nice.

  3. - Ghost - Thursday, Oct 13, 11 @ 2:30 pm:

    Tammy could move and run in the 10th District as well :) her numbers are not that great where she is in any event.

  4. - so... - Thursday, Oct 13, 11 @ 2:33 pm:

    ==Illya Sheyman in the 10th District has picked up a lot of grassroots activism. He has recently hire Mike Bislek from DFA, Howard Dean’s organization for field director.
    He is pretty well funded but his strength will be volunteers. He is saying there are over 350 volunteers on the ground for him now. I would expect that to double as we move closer to the primary.
    Those are not numbers to be taken lightly. Raja is in better shape where he is right now. ==

    Don’t kid yourself. Ilya Sheyman’s last paying job was as political organizer for That might get him volunteers from the lunatic fringe, but it’s gonna be an albatross when it comes to getting people to actually vote for him.

  5. - Sue - Thursday, Oct 13, 11 @ 2:37 pm:

    what is it with these people that they think they can avoid the restraints of the constitution- The Democratic Governor of NC recently argued that we should forego elections in 2012 for the Congress and now Jessie Jackson is calling on the President to ignore the Congress- With any luck we only have one more year of having to listen to Jackson’s insanity

  6. - JL - Thursday, Oct 13, 11 @ 2:39 pm:

    The problem with the Democrats in the 10th district is that they are too closely tied with the very progressive lakefront money set. This is understandable, because this is where most of the candidates a la Dan Seals raise money. The problem for candidates like Sheyman and Seals is that the district consists mostly of ticket splitters and moderates, not hard charging lefty progressives. Thus, the recent domination of “moderate” Republicans in the district (Dold and Kirk). Even with the favorable remap, I doubt any of the current candidates (even with Raja included) will beat Dold.

  7. - dupage dan - Thursday, Oct 13, 11 @ 2:59 pm:

    Hey, Trips, you trippin’? What next, are you gonna push suspension of Habaeus Corpus and instituting Marshall Law? Is that legislative process too hard for you to work out? Sheeesh.

  8. - JustaJoe - Thursday, Oct 13, 11 @ 3:03 pm:

    Is Jackson nuts? Does he have even a clue? Has he ever watched how a foreign dictator came to power? Same way. He may be just trying to rouse his base, but such statements are totally irresponsible.

  9. - wordslinger - Thursday, Oct 13, 11 @ 3:04 pm:

    Trips is tripping — he might want to read that oath of office he took.

    “I, AB, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”

    Does advocating extra-constitutional actions make you a domestic enemy of the Constitution?

  10. - siriusly - Thursday, Oct 13, 11 @ 3:04 pm:

    If voters don’t understand that is totally irresponsible for a member of congress to be talking like this, then we’re in worse shape than I suspected.

    Great comeback by Halvorsen, but she needs to raise money so people can hear her speak. People don’t read the news.

  11. - Responsa - Thursday, Oct 13, 11 @ 3:06 pm:

    Extra-Constitutional? Really? JJJ, you just gave Debbie the gift of a couple real nice campaign videos. And when you called the congress “completely dysfunctional” did you momentarily overlook the fact that YOU are a member of that dysfunctional congress–and that Debbie’s campaign is going to be all about bringing some new blood to Washington?

  12. - wordslinger - Thursday, Oct 13, 11 @ 3:14 pm:

    –Hey, Trips, you trippin’? What next, are you gonna push suspension of Habaeus Corpus and instituting Marshall Law? –

    DD beat me to it. But unless you’re referring to rulings written by John or Thurgood, I think it’s Martial Law.

    –“I hope the president continues to exercise extraordinary constitutional means, based on the history of Congresses that have been in rebellion in the past,” Jackson said. –

    Those are words, but when you break them down, there’s not a coherent or accurate thought there.

  13. - bardo - Thursday, Oct 13, 11 @ 3:16 pm:

    Man, does JJJ’s bluster get old? Debbie has a real opportunity to capitalize on this goofiness. It’ll be interesting to see if she can do it.

  14. - Responsa - Thursday, Oct 13, 11 @ 3:18 pm:

    Is it too soon for Rich to re-run that QOTD asking if Halvorson “has a chance”?

  15. - Jaded - Thursday, Oct 13, 11 @ 3:21 pm:

    The Congress is in “rebellion” because they disagree with the President? That’s a new one..and all this time I always thought that was called separation of powers.

  16. - shore - Thursday, Oct 13, 11 @ 3:23 pm:

    JL nails it.

    Jesse Jackson continue to fall further down. It’s remarkable when you consider how much alike his career has been to patrick kennedy-son of ted. Both elected in the mid 90’s in their 20’s and early 30’s, both sons of famous democratic leaders , both appropriators, both had major personal issues and both in their early 40’s lost control and watched their once promising careers fade away.

  17. - Plutocrat03 - Thursday, Oct 13, 11 @ 3:24 pm:

    Those who promised a exciting campaign with JJJ were not kidding.

    Kind of sad to see such a legacy come apart

  18. - hisgirlfriday - Thursday, Oct 13, 11 @ 3:30 pm:

    “Don’t kid yourself. Ilya Sheyman’s last paying job was as political organizer for That might get him volunteers from the lunatic fringe, but it’s gonna be an albatross when it comes to getting people to actually vote for him.”

    Maybe so, but it wouldn’t be that hard to hang some of the awful votes that Dold has cast around his neck like an albatross too.

  19. - GoldCoastConservative - Thursday, Oct 13, 11 @ 3:45 pm:

    Pretty sure disparaging the Constitution didn’t help Phil Hare last cycle….

  20. - Son of a Centrist - Thursday, Oct 13, 11 @ 3:48 pm:

    If I had to guess, I would say JJJ is trying to appeal to the uneducated / desparate / poor sector of his district with some “I’m going to the mat for you no matter what it takes” kind of rhetoric. But, really, he is just a clown.

  21. - J - Thursday, Oct 13, 11 @ 3:50 pm:

    I’m not sure Ilya is viable in a general election even if you were to set aside the issue of him working for Move On. Ilya announced via Facebook that this quarter’s fundraising put him over $250k for the cycle. That comes out to roughly $140k for the quarter. That’s $140k with the support of 3 national progressive groups and a former DNC Chair (BoldProgressives/PCCC, Move On, and DFA).

    A candidate needs to raise $2.5-$3 million to have a fighting chance in the 10th, and to run the race right they’d need $3-$5 million.

    Dold is going to raise enough to be competitive, and he will be able to run lots of ads tarring Ilya as a member of the fringe left, and Ilya won’t have the funds to respond.

    Volunteers are nice, but they can’t beat $2 million on TV ads alone in a district with a quarter of a million voters.

  22. - Son of a Centrist - Thursday, Oct 13, 11 @ 3:50 pm:

    Where is the video link to JJJ?

  23. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Oct 13, 11 @ 3:51 pm:

    There isn’t one.

  24. - siriusly - Thursday, Oct 13, 11 @ 4:09 pm:

    I was listening to that mind-numbing morning show on WLS-AM this morning, they had the JJJ audio.

  25. - D.P. Gumby - Thursday, Oct 13, 11 @ 4:26 pm:

    Is JJJ his own circular firing squad or is he taking lessons on governing from Maxine Waters? I don’t know what constituency his remarks could appeal to that would justify such absurdity. Ever since the disclosure of his “friend” he seems to have been in a downward spiral after the start of a promising career. ‘Tis a shame.

  26. - Confused - Thursday, Oct 13, 11 @ 4:37 pm:

    I guess what I’d like would be for politicians to start thinking one move ahead. So, let’s see, let’s go all extra-constitutional. What does JJJ think happens next? All of us, including the publicity-seeking Republican governors in the South and West, just sorta take it? How would this help anyone but the future Republican nominee?

  27. - dupage dan - Thursday, Oct 13, 11 @ 4:39 pm:

    Martial Law - thanks word. No way these letters can show the red of my embarrassment, thank goodness.

    Maybe I was thinking of Marshall Dillon. Or Marshall Tucker Band. Maybe Marshall Ricochet Rabbit? (Yeah, I know, it’s Sheriff Ricochet Rabbit - couldn’t help myself).

    Not up on the campaign in that district but I think JJJ just handed the seat to Halvorsen. What an ultra-marooon!

  28. - How Ironic - Thursday, Oct 13, 11 @ 4:50 pm:

    I’d like Obama to suspend the constitution and send JJJ packing…then restore the constitution.

  29. - mokenavince - Thursday, Oct 13, 11 @ 4:56 pm:

    JJJ sounds like he is in full retreat from reality.
    Lets hope that he is replaced in the next election.
    He may get beat by Halvorsen.

  30. - Dogwalker66 - Thursday, Oct 13, 11 @ 5:19 pm:

    Q2 $412,000 Q3 $312,000 looks like to me Raja’s campaign is losing momentum.. $100K less in a second quarter of fundraising is a huge decline and should be noted… Are the other so called front “runners” in IL coming in at 100k less then there previous reporting period?

  31. - Retired Non-Union Guy - Thursday, Oct 13, 11 @ 5:28 pm:

    The House should just impeach Jackson for being a domestic enemy … maybe that would be the dose of reality he needs.

  32. - Robert - Thursday, Oct 13, 11 @ 5:59 pm:

    @Dogwalker, Rich explained this:

    “federal candidates almost always do their best fundraising in the first quarter because their money is coming from longtime friends and supporters. This is Duckworth’s first quarter. The second quarter is more difficult because their buds are often capped out and they have to find new sources”

    Think of it this way - if you ran for office, your best friends and family would donate right away, within the first month.

  33. - park - Thursday, Oct 13, 11 @ 6:15 pm:

    I can just see him coming up with this idea…”so, what to do today….hmmm, didn’t Lincoln suspend habeous corpus, whatever that is…and wasn’t there a constitution at the time….yeah, I think that was passed in 1877, way before the civil war. So why can’t Obama do it too and do a jobs thingey? OK, that’s all the work for today, what’s on the tube?”

  34. - PublicServant - Thursday, Oct 13, 11 @ 6:17 pm:

    -”The House should just impeach Jackson for being a domestic enemy … maybe that would be the dose of reality he needs.”

    Fuel up the drones!

  35. - way south of chicago - Thursday, Oct 13, 11 @ 6:30 pm:

    and you guys make fun of republicans……

  36. - A Citizen - Thursday, Oct 13, 11 @ 6:38 pm:

    - PublicServant -
    If you are gonna use Drones please use the rubber tipped ordinance - just bruise him a bit, afterall he is the At Large Rep. of the mentally challenged portion of the population ,,,,,, along with Max. Waters.

  37. - Dogwalker66 - Thursday, Oct 13, 11 @ 6:38 pm:

    @ Robert im pretty sure every other candidate who is running for an open seat is not going to be $100 K less then there previous quarter let alone $50 k.. So Im going to have to disagree with you and Rich on this one.. Just look at Bill foster.

  38. - Gregor - Thursday, Oct 13, 11 @ 6:42 pm:

    Three-J must be taking speaking advice from Hollywood Hendon.

  39. - Jesse's Ego - Thursday, Oct 13, 11 @ 7:42 pm:

    Seems that Congessman Jackson has been taking PR advice from Mayor Welch. I’d have to agree that panic has set in. Who’s the Congressman’s campaign manager? Anybody know? Love to hear some results from those polls, too. I’m starting to wonder if there will be enough commercial tv time for all the demand that’s coming (auto dealers better reserve there tv time now if they want air time in March).

  40. - William Strong - Thursday, Oct 13, 11 @ 8:26 pm:

    Robert, Q3 is always the weakest because the people who can afford to donate to campaigns can also afford to go on vacation. If it’s your first quarter, that’s helpful to raise but donors during your first quarter are your “friends and family” network. If you can’t get a hold of them, you’re really in a hole.

    In the 10th, is Brad Schneider not a serious candidate? Am I missing something?

  41. - Patrick McDonough - Thursday, Oct 13, 11 @ 8:36 pm:

    Would Jackson have made a great Chicago mayor? Sorry to chance the subject.

  42. - GMatts - Thursday, Oct 13, 11 @ 9:53 pm:

    Jackson has the old man’s talent for bombast and inspiring moans of disgust.

  43. - Confused - Thursday, Oct 13, 11 @ 10:49 pm:

    @William Strong, have you met Brad?

  44. - Say WHAT? - Friday, Oct 14, 11 @ 12:44 pm:

    Might as well wrap a big red bow on the office and leave it at Debbie’s doorstep. What a gift she has been given!

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