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Fierce opposition to “Occupy” resolution

Thursday, Dec 1, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller

* State Rep. La Shawn Ford (D-Chicago) sponsored a resolution this week “in support of the continued peaceful exercise of First Amendment rights by Occupy protestors.”

The debate got a bit heated at times

During the discussion, State Rep. Rosemary Mulligan (R-Park Ridge) said constituents have told her they’re afraid to go downtown to see the Christmas parade because of Occupy Chicago. “These people should not be honored on the Illinois House floor,” she said.

Rep. Ed Sullivan (R) pointed to HR 610’s Line 19, which he said, says the Occupiers are “lawfully protesting” Wall Street. Sullivan said, “Do you recognize the violence, the crime at these protests? This protest movement is un-American. If you don’t believe in capitalism, then vote for this. I will not stand for it.” […]

Rep Dennis Reboletti (R-) got a little more heated as he asked Rep. Ford, “How many arrests at Occupy Chicago? There’s been over 130 arrests … that’s far from peaceful,” Reboletti said. “We, of course, support the right to protest peacefully. But where are you condemning their bad actions?

“I saw what the media did to the Tea Party movement when they peacefully assembled and they were attacked for all the bad things that they were doing,” Reboletti said to Ford. “The Occupy movement is not lawful, peaceful assembly. This resolution also talks about your feelings and the 1% and class warfare.”

The Chicago arrests were for trespassing at Grant Park after hours. There has been no violence in Chicago.


Rep. Ed Sullivan Jr. called the protesters “un-American.’’ The Mundelein Republican says he has seen reports of them “raping and pillaging and beating people up and murdering.’’

The resolution failed 37-58.

* And thanks to our friends at, here’s the full video


  1. - beserkr29 - Thursday, Dec 1, 11 @ 2:05 pm:

    Sheesh. It’s trespassing, not the sack of Rome. I think this was way over the top, and I don’t even support the Occupy movement.

  2. - Watching - Thursday, Dec 1, 11 @ 2:10 pm:

    It’s interesting to see how the Hispanic Caucus voted on this…P.

  3. - Cincinnatus - Thursday, Dec 1, 11 @ 2:13 pm:

    We have a few people meeting tonight for a few brews at a local pub. Can WE get a resolution, too!

    What is over the top is the fact that we allow and have legislators wasting their time, and our money, on such frivolous Resolutions. Rome is burning, and these clowns are holding the Stradivarius..

  4. - Lincoln's Penny - Thursday, Dec 1, 11 @ 2:16 pm:

    The GOP theory on 1st amendment exercising is:

    its good when its protesting big government
    its bad when its protesting wall street
    its good when its supporting multi-million dollar corporate donations
    its bad when its allowing a mosque near 9-11

  5. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Dec 1, 11 @ 2:17 pm:

    Cincinnatus, do you mean resolutions like these?

    Just sayin…

  6. - Cincinnatus - Thursday, Dec 1, 11 @ 2:20 pm:

    Wrong link, I think, Rich. I want him to vote on FOID. I am tired of the legislature creating resolutions honoring people, and such. If they are going to do these goofy things, I think they should have Resolution Friday, where they are all grouped as omnibus resolutions that honor the schools, people and whatnot. And Resolutions like this really resolve nothing.

  7. - Both Sides Now - Thursday, Dec 1, 11 @ 2:22 pm:

    I agree with Cincinnatus; I thought the point of fall veto sessions were to deal with critical issues. Debating a resolution of support for a movement that MANY DO NOT SUPPORT is a waste of the extra money we are paid the Legislators to be in the Capitol. Dave Ramsey has an interesting take on the Occupy movement that everyone should read:

  8. - wordslinger - Thursday, Dec 1, 11 @ 2:24 pm:

    –During the discussion, State Rep. Rosemary Mulligan (R-Park Ridge) said constituents have told her they’re afraid to go downtown to see the Christmas parade because of Occupy Chicago.–

    Are they planning on doing much shopping at the corner of Jackson and LaSalle?

    The Occupy Chicago crowd is about as dangerous as the crowd at an Indigo Girls concert.

  9. - chuddery - Thursday, Dec 1, 11 @ 2:27 pm:

    ==he has seen reports of them “raping and pillaging and beating people up and murdering.”==

    It sounds like the Huns have made to Chicago now that they’re done sacking Rome.

  10. - Davey Boy Smithe - Thursday, Dec 1, 11 @ 2:27 pm:

    I work a block away from the corner of LaSalle and Jackson. I was there yesterday to exchange my Bears tickets for this weekend’s game (I’ll be out of town). There was maybe seven people Occupying that corner now.

  11. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Dec 1, 11 @ 2:28 pm:

    ===is a waste of the extra money===

    They were already in town. The debate took 17 minutes. Take a breath.

  12. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Dec 1, 11 @ 2:30 pm:

    And, to add to my comment, that 17 minutes is a fraction of the time they sat around waiting for paperwork, and committees and negotiations.

  13. - L.S. - Thursday, Dec 1, 11 @ 2:31 pm:

    Rosemary Mulligan’s friends are also afraid of driving on the highway and teenagers outside the 7-11. The dwindling Occupy Chi people are a lot of things, dangerous is not one of them.

  14. - Fed up - Thursday, Dec 1, 11 @ 2:33 pm:

    Rich their has been broken windows and alot of graffiti. The city has bent over backwards to accomodate these protesters. I agree with them on several issues but fall far short of thinking they should be supported in their criminal conduct. I doubt any other group would be allowed to sit in the streets and block traffic and given a ticket. I do agree with let them protest without camping and ignore them ( when they are not breaking the law) and they will go away.

  15. - Just Observing - Thursday, Dec 1, 11 @ 2:36 pm:

    === They were already in town. The debate took 17 minutes. Take a breath. ===

    These BS resolutions take up a lot more time than just the 17 minutes of debate — you have to look at the staff time preparing the resolutions and the aggregate time wasted on all these silly resolutions session after session. This is no just at the State House, but on the local level too — many local municipalities spend more time preparing and reading resolutions honoring Diabetes month or the seventh place finish of the local high school football team than far more serious, core issues — than they complain they dont have the staff to respond to FOIA’s.

  16. - wordslinger - Thursday, Dec 1, 11 @ 2:37 pm:

    Rep. Mulligan would do her constituents a great service by informing them that Chicago doesn’t have a Christmas parade, anyway. The Lights Festival was on Nov. 19 and was on North Michigan Avenue, far away from LaSalle and Jackson.

  17. - Son of a Centrist - Thursday, Dec 1, 11 @ 2:41 pm:

    This is like a lunatic and a wacko arguing about which one is crazier. Answer: you both are.

  18. - chi - Thursday, Dec 1, 11 @ 2:43 pm:

    I’m disappointed no one called Rep. Sullivan out on his false claims. That wasn’t hyperbole, he was either lying or embarassingly misinformed. Rep. Ford, as the person bringing the resolution, should have had a better grasp of the facts in order to be able to correct Rep. Sullivan.

  19. - Ahoy - Thursday, Dec 1, 11 @ 2:44 pm:

    What kind of narcissist thinks they get to decide what is un-American?… Politicians.

  20. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Dec 1, 11 @ 2:45 pm:

    When the courts read the first amendment to allow corporations to spend unlimited amounts occupying the airwaves during election time but not protect the rights of political protesters to occupy a public park, it only bolsters OWS’s case.

  21. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Dec 1, 11 @ 2:55 pm:


    Springfield, IL (UPI) - The Illinois General Assembly today passed a resolution honoring the fact that the General Assembly can pass resolutions honoring … the honored.

    “Whereas the General Assembly passed rules in each chamber to honor people, groups, organizations, and anything pertaining to them” … read the 7 page resolution, recognizing that they can basically honor anyone, anything, or any date, whenever they get together and vote.

    “This resolution is what is great about the great state of Illinois. We, as a General Assembly, get the opportunity to show, ‘hey, we see you, we honor you … yeah!’ and that is important,” said one member in a written response for the record.

    This resolution passed with little resistance, and after much debate …unanimously.


  22. - wordslinger - Thursday, Dec 1, 11 @ 2:57 pm:

    –Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.–

    I guess this is what Rep. Sullivan considers un-American.

  23. - Aaron - Thursday, Dec 1, 11 @ 2:59 pm:

    Okay, there are a lot of silly resolutions in state legislatures and Congress every day, but the fierce opposition to this one in particular is astounding.

    Clearly, some of these Grand Old Party representatives have been listening to a little to much Rush to learn that few Occupy protests have had violence. The vast majority are or were non-violent encampments.

    And has Reboletti ever heard of civil disobedience? Most arrests at OWS in Chicago were non-violent arrests. Sullivan’s remarks are too dumb to respond to.

    Whether you agree with the perceived political ideology of OWS protestors, you have to admit that by and large the protesters were at least as peaceful as the vast majority of “tea party” protests.

    Additionally, it’s extremely hypocritical of Rebolleti to attack OWS while complaining about how the Tea Party protests were treated. Plus, the resolution mostly contains facts, unless Rebolleti wants to make some of those up too.

  24. - The Captain - Thursday, Dec 1, 11 @ 3:02 pm:

    Uh, rape is a pretty serious accusation. So is murder. I hope Ed Sullivan is hot on the case.

  25. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Dec 1, 11 @ 3:15 pm:

    Thank you, Wordslinger.

    Its ironic that we’re having this debate on the heels of the riot in Iran, where every expert has agreed that protests can ONLY occur if they are state-sanctioned.

    If public safety and protection of property are such high concerns in Grant Park, i look forward to the Mayor’s announcement that he’s ending Lollapalooza.

  26. - walkinfool - Thursday, Dec 1, 11 @ 3:35 pm:

    I would somehow informally limit how many resolutions from any one Rep. can reach the floor, since they are mostly a waste of time. And that is just their function in many cases: to fill the time on the floor, while complex bills are being renegotiated, redrafted, or voted on in the other chamber.

    OWS is in the best traditions of our country. It’s a classic American political process.

    Both debate sides were wrong: Sullivan, Mulligan, and even Eddy looked ridiculous, and Ford’s resolution was as much a partisan political statement, as it was a defense of the 1st Amendment, and he tried to pretend otherwise.

  27. - John Bambenek - Thursday, Dec 1, 11 @ 3:57 pm:

    I think we should take all these resolutions and nail them to the Festivus pole in the Rotunda.

  28. - Coach - Thursday, Dec 1, 11 @ 3:58 pm:

    There’s no doubt in my mind that several, if not many, of Rep. Sullivan’s constituents believe the Occupy people are in fact “raping and pillaging and beating people up and murdering” their way through Chicago, and that they pumped their fists in the air when they heard of his ignorant remark. It’s politics for the lowest common denominator: tell people what they already believe, however ridiculous, and they love you for it.

  29. - AFSCME Steward - Thursday, Dec 1, 11 @ 4:14 pm:

    Apparently the CPD was too busy with the trespassers to deal with the fun stuff.

    “Rep. Ed Sullivan Jr. called the protesters “un-American.’’ The Mundelein Republican says he has seen reports of them “raping and pillaging and beating people up and murdering.’’

  30. - Carl Nyberg - Thursday, Dec 1, 11 @ 4:24 pm:

    I have a childhood friend who is a deputy U.S. Marshall who eats up the lies spewed by Fox and NY Post.

    He’s even called for extra legal violence against “fleabagers” on my Facebook page.

    Everybody knows Fox News is lying a good chunk of the time. But they’d rather live in the world of lies than deal with the truth.

    Republicans and their propaganda machine have become unhitched from reality. Republican activists still believe that invading Iraq was not only right, but it reflects poorly on Tammy Duckworth’s security credentials that she is skeptical.

    For pete’s sake! We know the case for invading Iraq was at a minimum erroneous and if you’re reasonably honest, the Bush administration (with a big assist from corporate media) lied to the American people.

    Occupy stands up and calls BS when the economically powerful abuse their power.

    The Republican Party exists to serve the interests of the rich and powerful and panders to bigotry to get the votes to get their people elected.

    Mullgian and Sullivan feel obligated to go along with the Fox News propaganda. Because if they lose the protection of the lies, then they have to acknowledge they are siding with the people in power who have been causing the big problems.

  31. - gg - Thursday, Dec 1, 11 @ 4:41 pm:

    Wow Carl,

    I can not agree.

    I believe Mulligan and Sullivan are just misinformed.

    Of course rape and mayhem are 24/7 at LaSalle and Jackson. The media is covering it up.

  32. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Dec 1, 11 @ 4:53 pm:

    ===Everybody knows Fox News is lying a good chunk of the time. But they’d rather live in the world of lies than deal with the truth.===

    Tin. Foil. Hats. … optional.

  33. - Wensicia - Thursday, Dec 1, 11 @ 5:13 pm:

    ==If public safety and protection of property are such high concerns in Grant Park, i look forward to the Mayor’s announcement that he’s ending Lollapalooza.==

    Excellent point!

    Let’s quit attacking non-violent protesters.

  34. - Cheryl44 - Thursday, Dec 1, 11 @ 5:47 pm:

    I’m happy the scaredy cats are staying away. It keeps them from getting in my way when I’m trying to get home from work.

  35. - GetReal - Thursday, Dec 1, 11 @ 8:18 pm:

    “you have to admit that by and large the protesters were at least as peaceful as the vast majority of “tea party” protests.”

    - Yeah, tell that to Oakland CA. Now, which Tea Party protest ended up like that?

  36. - Nice Kid - Thursday, Dec 1, 11 @ 8:57 pm:

    I find it ironic that “Get Real” thinks there was no violence at tea party events. YouTube is your friend, GR. The fact is that TPers and OWSers are just two sides to the same crazy coin.

  37. - G. Willickers - Thursday, Dec 1, 11 @ 10:26 pm:

    @ GetReal -

    Name a single Occupy Oakland protester that was openly carrying a rifle or handgun during the protest “just ‘cuz”.

    Then name any Tea Partyer who was an Iraq veteran whose skull was fractured just for peacefully exercising his 1st Amendment rights on a street corner.

    The police never attacked the Tea Party protests (even when they were spitting on United States Congressmen) because those folks went home at the end of the day. Heaven forbid protesters have the guts to literally stake their ground for their principles.

  38. - Aaron - Thursday, Dec 1, 11 @ 10:46 pm:


    You seem to not get the irony of quoting me and then making your statement.

    Additionally, I’m sure plenty of Tea Party protests would have gotten quite violent if that socialist Marxist communist Kenyan had said “sic ‘em” to his FEMA army commanders.

  39. - ebgill - Thursday, Dec 1, 11 @ 11:01 pm:

    I cannot help but believe that anyone claiming to be afraid to go downtown Christmas shopping because of Occupy Chicago is lying. I’ve been downtown many many times since the occupation began and the place is a peaceful as I can imagine in a large city such as Chicago. A month or so ago, I went to a bar association CLE in the Harris Bank building and was caught smack dab in the middle of one of OC’s actions against BMO Harris and BOA which is next door. It was not scary at all, not even close, even as I walked across the entire line of protest and entered the exact building they were protesting. Anyone who knows me knows that I am not a large or tall person, and not particularly physically tough, but I was not scared at all. Mulligan is from Park Ridge, not some small town far outside of Chicago. She is a city girl and knows better. She should be ashamed of herself for her comment and encouraging people to avoid the city for Christmas shopping during tough economic times. But, speaking of shopping, Wal-Mart on Black Friday, of course is a whole other situation. I would not be caught within several yards of rabid shoppers on the Friday after Thanksgiving. I was in the gallery of the IL House on the first day LaShawn Ford brought up his resolution and I admire his courage in bringing it up again after the nasty reactions, and many complete non-reactions from colleagues who should have supported him, he received the first time.

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