Sorry about that, kids
Monday, Feb 6, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller * Had to give a speech then went out to lunch with an old friend and lost track of time. I’ll be posting in a bit. This caption contest will serve as our question of the day. Mike Cramer, my former cartoonist, drew this one of me while I was giving a speech. We’re using this graphic on the invites to our March 31st charity fundraiser to benefit Lutheran Social Services of Illinois. Tickets will go on sale very soon… ![]() Try to be gentle, please.
- 47th Ward - Monday, Feb 6, 12 @ 2:13 pm:
“Bite me.”
- PQ's Primary Opponent - Monday, Feb 6, 12 @ 2:16 pm:
The tie is all wrong dude!! The collar is NEVER buttoned and the tie is ALWAYS ASKEW>>
- beserkr29 - Monday, Feb 6, 12 @ 2:18 pm:
Though many have feared the Miller, few know that it is the BEARD which wields the true power of his blog. Behold it in all its glory.
- Because I say so... - Monday, Feb 6, 12 @ 2:20 pm:
NO need to go any further….47th Ward nailed it!
- OneMan - Monday, Feb 6, 12 @ 2:23 pm:
We finaly find out what the teacher looks like on Penuts.
- OneMan - Monday, Feb 6, 12 @ 2:26 pm:
After seeing the concept art Marvel decided Part-Time Faculty Man was not going to work…
Most were impressed by Tim’s sketch of the sub they had for the art teacher that day.
Republicans were shocked that he was looking to the right, Democrats felt it had confirmed their feelings about him
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Feb 6, 12 @ 2:27 pm:
Phineas J. Whoopee - the tweed jacket and beard years.
“If you see this man talk to ANY of my Mushrooms, you let me know”.
“a man, in his late 40’s was seen hoping out of one of the offices, on the 3rd Floor of the Capitol today … here is an artist’s rendition …”
“You see this man … let him know I put these drinks on his tab.”
“Yeah, I saw him … where? … a bar, uh restaurant … which one? …you kidding me?”
“Yeah, that might be him, but usually I am under the influence, and he doesn’t look that clear to me.”
- OneMan - Monday, Feb 6, 12 @ 2:28 pm:
When Mr. Miller would have his students do a sketch of him, they all would nail the beard.
- Michelle Flaherty - Monday, Feb 6, 12 @ 2:28 pm:
I always wondered what happened to Pig Pen.
- Boone's is Back - Monday, Feb 6, 12 @ 2:31 pm:
Rich Miller’s Cameo in A-ha’s “take on me” music video
- OneMan - Monday, Feb 6, 12 @ 2:32 pm:
Mr Weatherbe from Archie, the early years….
- Mike Murray - Monday, Feb 6, 12 @ 2:32 pm:
“Someone get me a whiskey on the rocks and a shot of Jameson… I can’t give a speech with dry-mouth”
P.S. - Picture is spot on. Hahaha
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Feb 6, 12 @ 2:37 pm:
He has been known to write Capitol Fax late in the evening, then be amazed at what even HE found out the next morning…
Campaigns have been known to wait to hear from him is they are starting …
Governors claim to not read him, but they unknowingly quote him to his face often…
He can order a round of drinks and get the quote written on a napkin with either hand and would would never know the difference…
he is …
The Most Interesting “Artist’s Rendition” in the World.
- OneMan - Monday, Feb 6, 12 @ 2:39 pm:
Once Bill had been reduced to doing courtroom sketches of local attorneys in possession cases it was time to move on
- RetiredStateEmployee - Monday, Feb 6, 12 @ 2:40 pm:
Very professorial. The PHD of Illinois politics.
- The Captain - Monday, Feb 6, 12 @ 2:42 pm:
- ah HA - Monday, Feb 6, 12 @ 2:42 pm:
I’m going to blow up Earth!!
- unclesam - Monday, Feb 6, 12 @ 2:43 pm:
The title of this cartoon is “It’s Been An “Up” Day.”
- Suburbs - Monday, Feb 6, 12 @ 2:44 pm:
This just in…with no other options, Gov. Pat Quinn has entered Witness Protection. This artist’s rendition speculates upon Quinn’s incognito look…a homeless man in a suit (yep, that tie is purple.)
- CircularFiringSquad - Monday, Feb 6, 12 @ 2:44 pm:
He once road a bus all over bleeping Illinois with a bleeping sociopath in hopes of getting some products to shape up hair and beard
No luck
- OneMan - Monday, Feb 6, 12 @ 2:48 pm:
Everyone who has had drinks with Rich thought the ‘blurry’ suit was spot on…
Dagwood and Blondie’s oldest
- L.S. - Monday, Feb 6, 12 @ 2:48 pm:
Later in life, Pigpen would grow to be a well known political journalist. But the little dust-covered tike never forgave the Peanuts gang for picking on him those many years.
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Feb 6, 12 @ 2:48 pm:
“Dear rich,
If you make this ‘Color by Numbers’, i will culor it and sign it & sent it bak to you.
You Pal,
Jason P.”
- OneMan - Monday, Feb 6, 12 @ 2:50 pm:
It was one of the most interesting Art Instruction School applications they had ever seen..
It didn’t look like a turtle or a pirate…
- Wensicia - Monday, Feb 6, 12 @ 2:51 pm:
What do you mean the drawing isn’t proportional?
Don’t you guys appreciate the size of my intellect?
- Anonymous - Monday, Feb 6, 12 @ 2:56 pm:
Take the cannoli.
- OneMan - Monday, Feb 6, 12 @ 2:57 pm:
Rod found the art classes in Colorado to be therapeutic…
- Dirty Red - Monday, Feb 6, 12 @ 2:58 pm:
King Richard IV
- Barton Lorimor - Monday, Feb 6, 12 @ 3:13 pm:
“I shoulda cut my hair like this BEFORE Tichenor’s show.”
Can’t wait for the roast. Pay back is a word the comment filter does not allow
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Feb 6, 12 @ 3:18 pm:
“Now available in stores … The ‘Magic Sketchy’… a Must-Have for all Illinois political wonks. How does it work?
Well, you ask the sketch a question …
‘Will Governor Quinn sign the bill?’ ‘All signs point yes!’
‘Will the Speaker have hearings’, ‘Looks like NO from my Pad’
‘Your blog is biased, and Illinois is in trouble’, ‘Bite Me!’
Yes, if you need your political questions answered, the Magic Sketchy is the one gift for both parties …
Don’t forget the Tea Party! …Ha, ha, ha …
Operators are standing by, and remember all state tax rates apply …”
- Jake From Elwood - Monday, Feb 6, 12 @ 3:18 pm:
Trey Anastasio meets Jack Black.
- Bluefish - Monday, Feb 6, 12 @ 3:19 pm:
Look it’s The Most Interesting Man In The World’s long lost progeny!
•Even his bad deeds get rewarded.
•He leaps, before he looks.
•He has never had a boss, no one can afford him.
•He has never been carded…he had a full beard at 12.
- ericd1112 - Monday, Feb 6, 12 @ 3:20 pm:
“The lobbyist for the legalization coalition gave compelling testimony until he forgot what he was saying mid-sentence, paused, and inquired about the availability of Doritos.”
- downstate Commissioner - Monday, Feb 6, 12 @ 3:27 pm:
Gee, have never seen him in person, but he’s shorter than I expected…
- 32nd Ward Roscoe Village - Monday, Feb 6, 12 @ 3:30 pm:
“Stay thirsty my friends.”
- OneMan - Monday, Feb 6, 12 @ 3:37 pm:
After seeing a concept drawing the Parade Of Rich Millers in downtown Springfield was approved for Public Art Funding
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Feb 6, 12 @ 3:44 pm:
OneMan … your posts …very well done!
- TCB - Monday, Feb 6, 12 @ 3:46 pm:
@ Downstate =Gee, have never seen him in person, but he’s shorter than I expected… =
He has a normal sized torso, just stumpy legs, much like the rendering above. Haha
- OurMagician - Monday, Feb 6, 12 @ 3:55 pm:
Fear the beard
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Feb 6, 12 @ 3:55 pm:
“The Illinois State Museum (ISM), today released the ‘forgotten doodle’, the sketch on the opposite side of the napkin Gov. Jim Thompson used to illustrate the Sox stadium deal at ‘Play it Again Sam’s’ in 1988.
Thompson was waiting for others to arrive when one of his party saw him doodling. Thompson, possilbly embarrassed at sketching, turned the napkin over and proceeded writing out the deal that kept the White Sox in Chicago.
There have been many stories about the napkin, including its whereabouts, but the ISM wanted to release to the public this very important doodle and its role in Illinois history.”
- What's in a name? - Monday, Feb 6, 12 @ 4:01 pm:
The before picture on the “Legalize Marijuana Now!” website.
- mark walker - Monday, Feb 6, 12 @ 4:08 pm:
“I know what you’re thinking”
- quicknote - Monday, Feb 6, 12 @ 4:17 pm:
Nicely done, Boone’s - “Rich Miller’s Cameo in A-ha’s “take on me” music video”
- 3rd Generation Chicago Native - Monday, Feb 6, 12 @ 4:21 pm:
This is what happens when you put a mountain man in a suit, the hair spills over.
- Jade_rabbit - Monday, Feb 6, 12 @ 4:47 pm:
“My advice to all young bloggers is quite simple. If you decide to grow a mullet, the internet is the best job you could hope for.”
- Grandson of Man - Monday, Feb 6, 12 @ 4:47 pm:
My first impression of the caricature was that Rich looks a bit like the late, great Chicago guitarist, Terry Kath, or someone from that era.
- zatoichi - Monday, Feb 6, 12 @ 5:09 pm:
- just sayin' - Monday, Feb 6, 12 @ 5:15 pm:
1982 called. It wants its hair back.
[Just kidding. Kudos on having a lot.]
- MrJM - Monday, Feb 6, 12 @ 5:22 pm:
- GenMil - Monday, Feb 6, 12 @ 5:51 pm:
The Keith Richards of Illinois Politics
- Retired Non-Union Guy - Monday, Feb 6, 12 @ 6:25 pm:
Only known drawing of Rich in his “respectable” guise …
- Give Me A Break - Monday, Feb 6, 12 @ 6:29 pm:
Well, the beard is pretty accurate, as a matter of fact, there are several previous opponents of the Speaker who have gone missing but are really residing in the Miller Beard.
- Anonymous - Monday, Feb 6, 12 @ 7:29 pm:
Where is the Silver Bullet Band?
- Arthur Andersen - Monday, Feb 6, 12 @ 7:33 pm:
The State Journal-Register’s outsourced cartoonist today featured this sketch of “Ace Tribune Political Reporter Rich Pearson” while highlighting its coverage of Illinois’ General Assembly (with copy checked in Sioux Falls, SD.)
- Blue Dog - Monday, Feb 6, 12 @ 8:34 pm:
Future GM of the White Sox.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Monday, Feb 6, 12 @ 9:12 pm:
The Trudeau of Illinois Politics — and Zonker of Illinois