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Monday, May 21, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I’m a huge, committed believer in the right to protest and to peacefully assemble. But these self-described “anarchists” who cause trouble at demonstrations throughout the country have got to be stopped. So, welcome to Chicago, morons

Several thousand protesters spent five hours peacefully chanting, singing and marching against war. At the end, nearly 40 young veterans dramatically took their military medals and hurled them toward McCormick Place, where world leaders met behind closed doors.

It was supposed to end there — at Michigan and Cermak.

But a “Black Bloc” of about 100 anarchists wanted something else. The group, which chanted “What do we want? Dead cops!” as it left Grant Park at 2 p.m., surged to the front of the protest crowd and tried to break through the imposing line of Chicago cops in riot gear blocking its path.

Then, in a scene Chicagoans feared ever since the city learned it would host the NATO Summit, the two sides violently clashed on live TV, with police nightsticks flailing and protesters unleashing a volley of sticks, bottles and at least one rock.

The battle at Michigan and Cermak flared and then slowed, and then flared again in bursts between 5 and 6:30 p.m. By then, much of the Black Bloc had slipped away, leaving behind a scene of bloodied protesters and four injured cops, including one stabbed in the leg.

* It would help, though, if the city understood what they were dealing with in advance

Prosecutors say the three men charged Saturday with plotting to attack President Barack Obama’s campaign headquarters, Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s home, police stations and squad cars were anarchists and “members of the ‘Black Bloc’ group.”

But a black bloc isn’t an organization. Rather, it’s a tactic for marches.

Participants wear black clothes, bandanas, masks and anything else to conceal their identities from police.

Black blocs first drew the attention of mainstream America in 1999 during demonstrations against the World Trade Organization in Seattle. A black bloc went on the offensive, bashing windows of many businesses in downtown Seattle including Starbucks, Gap and other businesses with a global reach.

Black bloc vandals also damaged property during the 2010 G-20 meeting in Toronto.

Black bloc participants say they conceal their identities for fear of reprisals from police, who often infiltrate black blocs during demonstrations to identify those committing crimes.

* And the same goes for the media

The Black Bloc was also believed to be involved in another incident that took place during the march, an Associated Press report indicated that police and protesters clashed during the middle of the parade. The protesters, dressed in black, allegedly surged toward police and threw objects at officers. Police fought back with batons.

Those protesters ran away, but reconvened with the main crowd near the parade’s end at Cermak and Michigan Avenue and are believed to be part of the later clash with police, who beefed up security around that area — and officers showed up in full riot gear.

* Back to the Sun-Times story

When police surged forward a second time — shouting “move” and using their clubs as barricades to shove protesters — many at the front of the crowd could not move fast enough. Several fell to the ground and were trampled by other protesters also being shoved back by police.

As reporters and protesters in the center of the melee screamed “There’s nowhere to go — stop!” the police line stopped just in time to prevent a disaster.

A good rule of thumb is that when reporters feel their safety has been threatened, you’re gonna see harsh coverage. The Sun-Times article was quite balanced, considering.

* A little perspective

As someone who walked the entire parade route with the NATO protestors, from the Petrillo Band Shell to the corner of Michigan and Cermak, I can tell you there were two groups no one wanted to come in contact with: the police, and the Black Bloc.

From the outset, it was clear that the march’s organizers were not enthusiastic about the appearance of the Black Bloc, a gang of black-clad anarchists who believe that no protest is complete without a punch-up or a broken window. Marshals in orange vests ordered them to move further back in the crowd. They didn’t want the Black Bloc in the vanguard, as the face of the anti-NATO protests.

And yes, they were all dressed in black: black hoodies, black bandannas, black masks, black jeans, black boots. One Black Bloc member even brought along a black dog. Only the police, in their riot helmets and body armor, must have been hotter on that 85-degree day. Seeing themselves as the purest element of protest, the Black Bloc even tried to intimidate peaceful marchers, who they considered insufficiently radical. […]

At the corner of Michigan and Cermak, the march ended with speeches by veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan, who apologized for their roles in those wars and tossed their medals into the trees behind. After that ceremony ended, the police ordered protestors to “Move West” — toward the Cermak/Chinatown Red Line stop. Almost all the protesters complied. But not the Black Bloc. They’d come for a fight, and they weren’t going to leave without a cut or a bruise they could point to and boast, “Police brutality.” McCormick Place was in sight, beyond a line of mounted police officers.

“NATO is east!” the hardcore Black Bloc shouted. “NATO is east!”

They didn’t put up much of a struggle. Nobody got past the police lines. I hadn’t expected them to triumph in a conflict with the cops. None of them looked very big, very fit, or even very tough.

The Black Bloc didn’t storm McCormick Place, but they got more attention than the thousands and thousands of peaceful protestors surrounding them. That may have been their real mission on Sunday.

Their real mission is fighting with cops and causing trouble. They’re basically just punks who think they’re cool because they dig violence. They’re no different than European soccer hooligans, except their venue of choice is otherwise peaceful protests instead of sporting events.



  1. - Adam Smith - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 2:47 pm:

    Two points-

    In a metro area of about 7 million with lots of good liberals, these protests barely mustered a crowd. A couple thousand at best. Not much of a groundswell for the “Progressive” cause. Could be local left didn’t want to embarass their standard-bearer. But that doesn’t say much for their devotion to cause.

    Second, the small groups of violent thug/professional arrestees perfectly staged their protests so TV producers could make them look much bigger than they were. A few dozen protesters turned into “clashes in the streets of Chicago” in the mass media. A wide angle shot showed that the “clash” could have fit inside the average Starbucks.

    Kudos to the Chicago cops who probably would have loved to crack a few New Trier High School noggins, but who kept cool and treated with respect people who deserved none.

  2. - Aaron - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 2:52 pm:

    Coming from someone who doesn’t have a lot of respect for the Chicago Police Department as an institution, today and historically, but has a lot of respect for the work individual officers do on a daily basis, I thought yesterday’s incidents were a great day for CPD. There were clearly people out there to cause trouble, as these events always bring out, but the Chicago Police were prepped, prepared, and ready to make sure that disorder was kept nearly nonexistent and to a minimum.

    I also found Garry McCarthy’s front-line approach very refreshing from a high-ranking official, although I’m not necessarily sure it was entirely appropriate (what if something worse had happened and he was in harms way and not in a place where he could direct strategic operations?). Nevertheless, the fact that he was active on the ground and providing support for officers was a positive thing for me, rather than being a passive hierarchical observer on the ground.

    I hope any officers injured over the weekend heal quickly and I’m glad that most focus were just peaceful protesters. The summit went off a lot better than I thought it was.

  3. - mark walker - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 2:52 pm:

    The police did a wonderful job against those whose only goal was to incite the police to abuse them, so they could make the news. I was very proud of the officers, and the Superintendent who was there on the line in his white uniform shirt.

    The vast majority of demonstrators also acted responsibly in pushing their agenda and messages.

    I hope nothing happens to tarnish what has been great so far.

  4. - Way Way Down Here - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 2:52 pm:

    I was in Chicago this weekend and witnessed a couple of the “marches”. I’ve also been in a soccer riot in Europe (very very scary). The Black Bloc dudes I saw Saturday and Sunday wouldn’t have lasted a minute against soccer thugs.

  5. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 2:56 pm:

    Tip to Protest Organizers:

    1) Don’t tell the Anarchists to move to the back. Tell them to hit the road;

    2) Prohibit Masks. You aren’t the KKK, you’ve got nothing to hide.

  6. - TwoFeetThick - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 3:02 pm:

    1968 this was not. The Chicago Police have nothing to be ashamed of. They performed admirably in what was an obvious attempt to provoke them. These Black Bloc morons will be nothing but a minor footnote.

  7. - Skeeter - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 3:21 pm:

    From the perspective of south Streeterville, the CPD did an excellent job. The President’s hotel was close to my home so the police were everywhere. All were polite and they got the job done. Yes, there were some disruptions, but that will happen. It went off very well.

    In addition to the black bloc, Rev. Jesse Jackson also was a low point. Multiple reports say that he tried to join the vets’ protest. They didn’t want him. He was simply a moth looking for that camera light. Usually that’s just a bit annoying, but when he tries to hog the show from real heroes, it goes to the next level. He should be ashamed.

  8. - Cheryl44 - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 3:24 pm:

    Adam–liberals are not necessarily anti-NATO.

  9. - OneMan - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 3:25 pm:

    Have to say was surprised by the small size of the crowd at Boeing today…

    Some people just want to be jerks for the sake of being jerks

  10. - Bluefish - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 3:29 pm:

    The reason these “black bloc” thugs wear masks is so that their parents don’t see their faces on TV and cut off their college tuition payments or kick them out of living quarters in the basement.

  11. - Louie - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 3:29 pm:

    Don’t recall these violent out breaks at any of the Tea Party rallies!!! Let’s see how the mainstream media covers this.

  12. - Skeeter - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 3:32 pm:

    Good point, Louie.
    At Tea Party rally, you don’t see actual violence.
    You just see racist signs and signs promoting violence.

  13. - Demoralized - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 3:36 pm:


    Please. Did you pick that up from watching your Fox News today?

  14. - PublicServant - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 3:40 pm:

    Agreed Rich. Nuff said about those morons. They got much less than they deserved. As for the other protesters who got trampled. Let’s note that it occured after they disobeyed repeated orders by the police to disperse. If you sleep with dogs, you get flees…and risk getting trampled.

  15. - dave - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 3:42 pm:

    **Don’t recall these violent out breaks at any of the Tea Party rallies!!! Let’s see how the mainstream media covers this.**

    I take it you have completely ignored all of the mainstream media coverage of this over the past 24 hours?

  16. - Bill F. - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 3:50 pm:

    Louie, when anarchists begin setting the pace for the Democratic Party and politicians call themselves anarchists and fly the black and red anarchy flag outside of their congressional offices, then come back and make that comparison.

  17. - wordslinger - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 3:55 pm:

    –* It would help, though, if the city understood what they were dealing with in advance…–

    According to the Sunday Sun-Times, the authorities had three undercover coppers in the room when the no-knock warrant was served on those who were arrested for domestic terrorism.

    Two of them were arrested (and let go, of course).

    Apparently, the coppers were on it.

  18. - In 630 - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 4:00 pm:

    Soccer hooligans are a great comp for people into the Black Bloc thing in terms of motivation. It’s a a tough guy/wannabe act using something else as a rationalization.

    Like a lot of people I’m coming away seriously impressed with CPD this weekend. Their training and planning worked.

  19. - Ann - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 4:11 pm:

    Adam Smith says “In a metro area of about 7 million with lots of good liberals, these protests barely mustered a crowd. A couple thousand at best. Not much of a groundswell for the “Progressive” cause. Could be local left didn’t want to embarass their standard-bearer. But that doesn’t say much for their devotion to cause.”

    1. As Cheryl44 points out, many liberals, like their “standard-bearer” are pro-NATO or neutral on NATO.

    2. “Devotion to the cause” is not demonstrated by joining a demonstration. It’s demonstrated by walking a precinct, running for office, staffing a phone bank, visiting legislators, talking to neighbors, and providing volunteer and financial support to all those non-profits and advocacy groups working on causes you care about.

  20. - WAK - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 4:13 pm:

    While I totally disagree with Black Bloc tactics of violence they actually do have a rationale and theory behind their tactics that amounts to more than being violent punks. Again I don’t agree with their tactics and like many others I think they hurts overall progressive causes but I don’t think it is fair to outright dismiss them as just another version of soccer Hooligans.

  21. - Plutocrat03 - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 4:22 pm:

    Actually the Black Blockers are worse than soccer hooligans.

  22. - wordslinger - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 4:24 pm:

    What’s NATO’s purpose and is it really an alliance?

    You have more than 50,000 troops and dozens of bases in Germany, for what? The U.S. taxpayer — no one else, foots the bill for that.

    When Sarkozy tried to save his job by pushing the bombing of Libya, non-U.S. NATO forces literally could not pound sand for two weeks.

    American soliders and taxpayers are doing all the heavy lifting.

    Read Robert Gates, George Will, Ron Paul and Pat Buchanan on the right-wing of the spectrum about the need and costs of Empire. Then read your moderates and lefties, too.

  23. - hisgirlfriday - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 4:35 pm:

    That parade march and the aftermath, really almost this whole NATO protest weekend, has made me kind of embarrassed as a liberal. Not just because of the anarchists and their disgusting tactics trying to incite a confrontation with police, but also just because it demonstrates how impotent and pathetic the hard left in this country is.

    As a mainstream liberal I want a coherent and respectable hard left to exist so the center doesn’t keep getting pulled further and further right by the increasingly powerful hard right in this country.

    But man… the Occupy/anti-NATO folks were anything but coherent and respectable this weekend and I know if I am not feeling sympathetic to them after this… well I don’t know who is.

    Now the protesters started this weekend off fairly well with that nurses union group that came in organized for the concert with Tom Morello. They had Robin Hood outfits to go with their message of seeking a Robin Hood tax. May be a good idea, may be a bad idea, but at least that group was effectively communicating a particular idea with their protest and they photographed well. But every other aspect of the protests to come out of this weekend… they just seem so disconnected from any coherent policy agenda other than their own victimization and self-importance. It’s off-putting to say the least.

    I also am not sure how well Rahm came out in this weekend with his big promises of all the business to come out of this while everything had to shut down and so many workers were inconvenienced out of even coming into work. He’s also seemed kind of invisible in the news coverage other than the protests at his house. And as much as Obama talks about how much he enjoyed getting to show the city off, I’m not sure if whatever ego boost Chicagoans get from the NATO commander saying Chicago is awesome is worth the headache of not being able to carry a purse or a cup of coffee on the Metra or pick up a paper at a bin downtown.

    The winner of this weekend though was definitely McCarthy. He is getting so much positive press for being on the front lines with the CPD rank and file over this weekend, and this morning all anyone could talk about was how good a job the CPD did.

  24. - wordslinger - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 4:50 pm:

    hisgirlfriday, what does anarchism have to do with being a liberal?

    Plenty of libertarians and folks on the right are down on endless war. Last I checked, it’s Obama and crew carrying it out.

    Labels can be useful shorthand, until they’re not.

  25. - hisgirlfriday - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 5:16 pm:

    WS, anarchism has to do with being a liberal as long as anarchists are a regular component of liberal-led anti-war/anti-economic globalism rallies and not right-wing political events. I actually think anarchists have more in common with libertarian-minded folks like Ron Paul and Gary Johnson than Great Society Democrats but I don’t recall any black-clad, violent folks making appearances at Ron Paul rallies so hard lefties are stuck with the anarchist association all to themselves as long as that’s the case.

  26. - Skeeter - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 5:29 pm:

    His Girl,
    Are you saying that even though anarchists and Dems stand for exact opposite things, because the anarchists show up, they must be on the same side?

  27. - Plutocrat03 - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 5:40 pm:

    “anarchists and Dems stand for exact opposite things”

    How so? As far as I can tell the anarchists don’t care for either party, but will share opinions of one party or another on a case by case basis.

    Perhaps you can tell me why the anarchists show up at the left leaning demonstrations but seem to avoid the right leaning ones?

  28. - CircularFiringSquad - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 5:55 pm:

    The only thing dumber than the “protestors” were the media hordes providing all the attention for the mopes (who failed to hold a match to Vietnam Era protestors).
    Had the media provided 1/10th the attention to the actual work of NATO or G8 we all might be a bit smarter. We might also be a bit wiser so when the next misfit world leader (aka Bush) wants NATO to back his play on starting unnessary war we can better object.

  29. - Randolph - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 5:55 pm:

    ===Perhaps you can tell me why the anarchists show up at the left leaning demonstrations but seem to avoid the right leaning ones?===

    And perhaps you, Plutocrat, can tell us why white supremacists show up at right-wing events but seem to avoid left leaning one. I’m sure it’s because everyone else there supports their cause, right?

  30. - Skeeter - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 5:59 pm:

    “tell me why the anarchists show up at the left leaning demonstrations but seem to avoid the right leaning ones?”

    Maybe because left wing demonstrations tend to include good looking women, while tea party demonstrations include old men wearing George Washington costumes. Just tossing ideas out there.

  31. - Emily Booth - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 6:31 pm:

    Let’s keep it real. Black Bloc protesters are sociopaths and sociopaths exist on both sides of the fence.

  32. - amalia - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 6:31 pm:

    hats off to the men and women of the Chicago Police Department who showed tremendous skill and restraint in the face of those who were violent after the allowed protest. the video coverage of the event was riveting yesterday, from the methods used to steer the crowd to the presence of Supt. McCarthy working just a few rows behind the officers in protective gear.

    interesting how McCarthy corrected one media member to differentiate between protesters and those who assaulted the police. good point. as a whole, the interactions look way different from those in 1968.

    also proud to see that giant round table of world leaders in McCormick Place, and the President talking about the Sox in his presser this aft!

  33. - Responsa - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 6:53 pm:

    I concur with those who are heaping kudos to the CPD for a job well done. And kudos should also include all the coordinating law enforcement agencies who worked so hard (both before and during the summit) to successfully keep our foreign guests safe and to protect our city from physical damage.

    I believe that the early arrest of the guys with the alleged Molotov cocktails put other visiting professional anarchists with big plans for violence on notice that Chicago would not be a pushover. It also served to remind the many peaceful protesters that potentially there was evil in their midst, and to be extra vigilant.

    Finally, I was very glad that the police horses had, and wore, their protective eyegear. It was well worth the cost to protect those magnificent and well trained animals.

  34. - Responsa - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 7:10 pm:

    Who is Andy Thayer? He has been front and center for weeks–”negotiating” with the city for protest “permits” and routes, appearing on Chicago Tonight, issuing press releases. Has he been interviewed extensively by any Chicago media? (I haven’t found any such articles.) Who pays his bills? Who designated him spokesman for the protesters? Anybody know?

  35. - Wensicia - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 7:37 pm:

    Kudos to the Chicago police! I watched this event on TV yesterday. I believe they showed remarkable restraint considering what was being yelled and thrown at them. I’m sorry a few @#&*$ ruined the free speech rights of serious protesters.

  36. - earl - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 8:06 pm:

    Randolph-the right wing anarchists were getting beaten in a Tinley Park restaurant.-CPD must have done a great job since they’re even complimented on this blog.Your comments are much appreciated.

  37. - Burnham Wannabe - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 8:08 pm:

    On Saturday, I checked out Wikipedia for more info on this Black Bloc group, learning what I read above. … anyone thin that SunTimes story seems a little too close to a Wiki article than journalism? Sheesh… my junior high students do a better job at the “change every big word so it’s not REALLY plagiarism ” thing.

  38. - Carl Nyberg - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 9:22 pm:

    The Chicago PD was looking for a fight as much as the Black Bloc. The Chicago PD had an opportunity to segregate the Black Bloc from the rest of the demonstrators. Instead the police surrounded the demonstrators within minutes of the Black Bloc merging with the others.

    The Black Bloc may have come looking for a fight, but the Chicago PD did too.

    They said it on video in advance. Chief McCarthy endorsed it when it was made public. The Chicago PD tactics made it clear they wanted to have their fight.

    Both the Black Bloc and Chicago PD got what they wanted. And the media too.

  39. - Sox fan - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 9:52 pm:

    Hard left, hard right…the political spectrum is a full circle and there really isn’t much difference between hardcore Tea Partiers and the anarchists we saw on the streets in Chicago this weekend. Both group’s aims are to disrupt the political process because they have either been ostracized or, even worse, ignored by those in control. Ultimately, it comes down to keeping these flanks from becoming too powerful and hijacking the party agenda. The GOP lost control of their flank; fortunately fot the Dems, they have the benefit of learning from the GOP’s mistakes.

  40. - Anonymous - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 11:06 pm:

    Responsa, I believe Andy Thayer works as an office manager for a law firm that regularly sues the Chicago Police Department and individual officers.

  41. - Patrick McDonough - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 11:20 pm:

    Andy Thayer works for Loevy and Loevy, one of the best law firms in Chicago. They give many people a chance to have their story told in Federal Court. Andy Thayer is now the host of “Chicago Clout” TV show at CAN-TV in Chicago. Andy is the voice of CANG8. Andy is a wonderful person and I have known him for years. I am proud to be his friend. He believes in his causes to make the world a better place. He does not seek out attention for personal gain. If you ever get into the nuts and bolts of the Chicago Cops when the cameras are off, you might want Andy on your side.

  42. - hisgirlfriday - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 11:58 pm:


    A trip to the google machine turns up quite a bit of info just FYI…

  43. - Responsa - Tuesday, May 22, 12 @ 12:15 am:

    Thank you both Anonymous and Patrick for responding. I appreciate it. Much of the info you provided about Andy Thayer is available on line, though. Perhaps my earlier question was not specific enough. What I was wondering was how he got to be (or was chosen to be) the one spokesman who seemingly represented, negotiated for, coordinated and headed the NATO protest movement in Chicago. Nothing against Andy or the kind of nice person I’m sure he he probably is –but intuitively it would seem that someone with a bit less “history” with the CPD might have been a better all around choice. It appears he’s lucky that his employer is quite flexible in allowing Andy time off to organize and protest.

    In the meantime I did find newly on line a TV interview with Andy which was conducted earlier in the week by Rick Kogan. It offered some insight, but when Rick tried to get to the crux of Any’s beliefs about NATO, and asked about his career in activism, Andy responded that his mom was an anti-war activist and that he (Andy) had been an activist of sorts since rejecting the authority of his teachers in grade school. I don’t know–it seemed like a rather weak and dispassionate response to me.

  44. - Responsa - Tuesday, May 22, 12 @ 12:33 am:

    hisgirlfriday- thx to you, too. I guess we now know who the nite owls are. I had seen the nbc piece and a whole bunch of others from searching but somehow had missed the in-depth suntimes one from Jan. that you linked.

  45. - wordslinger - Tuesday, May 22, 12 @ 9:00 am:

    –hats off to the men and women of the Chicago Police Department who showed tremendous skill and restraint in the face of those who were violent after the allowed protest.–

    Agreed. Coppers are your neighbors, too, and they did a whale of a job on a very hot weekend.

    But hats off as well as to those who stood in the streets and expressed their sadness and shame on our 10 years of sending other people’s sons, daughters, mothers and fathers in a lunatic attempt to transform the dark side of the moon into Santa Monica.

    I was all for whacking Al-Quaeda. I am and still am against the mission creep of propping up medieval, misogynistic heroin dealers to the tune of $2 billion a week.

    Have we all lost our minds? I have pals with kids who have done four, five and six tours there. For what? I’m so ashamed of that I can barely see straight.

    We’ve been played. Osama lived in a mansion at the Pakistan West Point, but nobody knew nothing. You know why? Because as long as he was alive, the gravy train continued.

    They’ve robbed us blind, as they have every other invader since before Alexander.

    So here’s to the anti-NATO protesters, too. You might not like how they said it, but it needed to be said.

  46. - amalia - Tuesday, May 22, 12 @ 9:54 am:

    oh, so Thayer is like a spotter for the law firm! as in right there on the front line for lawsuits. how convenient.

  47. - Mark Glennon - Tuesday, May 22, 12 @ 6:36 pm:

    Haymarket Square started as a peaceful labor protest. One guy threw a bomb. International incident results. That’s why this was so volitile. “Anytime, anywhere” is not part of the First Amendment. They should have been kept further away from sensitive sites and confined to non-disruptive locations, as NYC did with the OWS there.

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