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Joe Walsh responds to Joe Walsh

Wednesday, Jun 13, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Congressman Joe Walsh has responded to the news that rocker Joe Walsh is doing a fundraiser for Democratic challenger Tammy Duckworth. From a fundraising e-mail…

“Life’s Been Good” for the liberal elite…

Dear Friend,

Our nation continues to find itself in dire straits. We’re still hurting as Americans and we need serious leadership.

You and I both know Tammy Duckworth represents Beltway insiders who, over-tax and over-spend. She also represents the “liberal elite”, who are far too out of touch with everyday Americans.

Then we saw this in the Sun-Times.

That’s right folks… Tammy Duckworth is bringing in the “rock star” Joe Walsh for a fundraising party on July 1st.

It’s already known she relies on the liberal elite for her campaign’s support. Last fundraising period, her fundraising reports showed she raised more money from San Francisco alone than from the entire 8th district.

But Tammy can keep her “Hotel California” elite liberal supporters, because I want your support.

(Click here to show you support my re-election campaign!)

The Beltway insiders prefer a Congressman endorsed by the liberal Hollywood crowd and backed by the Chicago Machine, because they’re one in the same.

I bet you wouldn’t guess who Joe Walsh’s agent is? Ari Emanuel, Rahm Emanuel’s brother. It figures Tammy is going to continue to roll with the liberal jet-setters and machine politicians.

They want to hand pick her for this seat and get rid of people like me: a person who refused his congressional pension and healthcare package. I’m also a guy who sleeps in his D.C. office, because I know I wasn’t sent to Washington to make it my home.

I went to Washington to shake things up by supporting a Balanced Budget Amendment and the No Budget, No Pay Act and limiting myself to three terms in Congress.

I’m sure they’re just cracking up they got the musician Joe Walsh to come out against the Congressman Joe Walsh, but it’s time to get serious about what we face as a nation.

Tell the Tammy Duckworths and out of touch Hollywood liberal elites of the world that it’s time to get serious about our problems by making a donation to our campaign today.

I don’t need rock stars throwing me a fundraiser. I need support from people like you.

Let’s get to work and get our country back.

Thank you for your continued support.

Joe Walsh… the Congressman


  1. - Quill - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 4:27 pm:

    Sleeping in your DC office, Walsh? Wow, big achievement for your constituents. I thought serious leadership never sleeps.

  2. - OneMan - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 4:30 pm:

    I know a ton of you really dislike the guy, but for the folks who would likely send him this money this e-mail is brilliant.

    More money from San Francisco that the 8th district… That’s going to play well with the Tea Party folks…

    Rahm’s brother is Joe’s agent…. Again, going to play very well.

    You may not like him, but this e-mail is very good IMHO…

  3. - Pot calling kettle - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 4:35 pm:

    It is a well crafted response, and it may raise some money. However, it also looks petty to many voters, and it fits right into the media’s portrait of JW as a whiny jerk. Sometimes it’s better to say nothing.

  4. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 4:39 pm:

    Shouldn’t this have been an update to the Question of the Day post?

  5. - 47th Ward - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 4:40 pm:

    Liberal elite? check
    San Francisco? check
    Beltway insiders? check
    Liberal jet setters? check
    Machine politicians? check
    Hollywood liberal elites? check

    They got all of the buzzwards guaranteed to generate respon$e$ from the gullible. Brilliant.

  6. - OneMan - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 4:42 pm:

    == However, it also looks petty to many voters, and it fits right into the media’s portrait of JW as a whiny jerk. ==

    And virtually none of the undecided voters will ever see this e-mail.

  7. - Shore - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 4:55 pm:

    7 mentions of the word liberal, 5 uses of elite, 0 total mentions of the words jobs, debt, or taxes. I seriously hope he runs for Governor or Senate in 2014 because I think he could win a primary and I’d love to see what he’d do to establishment types.

  8. - Cal Skinner - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 5:11 pm:

    I would respectfully suggest that Joe Walsh auditioned to be the Scott Walker of Illinois during the speech he gave to the GOP Convention Saturday:

    The 18-minute speech can be found here:

    No mention in Rick Pearson’s Tribune article about the speech and its possible implications. No mention of the standing ovation as he entered and left the room either.

  9. - Wensicia - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 5:16 pm:

    Liberal elite is so last presidential election.

  10. - D.P. Gumby - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 5:22 pm:

    Walsh is both the clown to the right of me and the joker on the left

  11. - Ray del Camino - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 5:32 pm:

    “Let’s get our country back . . .” from duly elected representatives?

    Let’s start by getting our country back from this (duly elected) rank amateur.

  12. - LincolnLounger - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 5:32 pm:

    I wish they both could lose.

  13. - Grandson of Man - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 6:37 pm:

    “She also represents the “liberal elite”, who are far too out of touch with everyday Americans.”

    Unlike the Koch brothers, who are exemplars of billionaire corporate donors who weep at night at the plight of the unemployed, underpaid and foreclosed.

  14. - amalia - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 6:45 pm:

    the scary thing is the buzzwords keep working.

  15. - Allen Skillicorn - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 6:48 pm:

    How does this not help Joe Walsh’s name ID?

  16. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 7:03 pm:

    –Our nation continues to find itself in dire straits. We’re still hurting as Americans and we need serious leadership. –

    Yeah, we’re all victims here in the United States in 2012.

    Rep. Joe Walsh, you’re the poster boy of the Crying Victim. Life here has been so hard for you, hasn’t it? What more can we do for you, to get you through the next day?

    I guess my parents should be ashamed of themselves for immigrating here.

    How stupid we were; we thought we became a part of the greatest county ever. Little did we know that everything is really, really bad, because Joe just can’t get over it.

    How any American can stomach the b-s that comes out of that whiner is beyond me.

  17. - Boone Logan Square - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 7:13 pm:

    Hey Joe, got any gum?

  18. - SR - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 7:22 pm:

    Congressman Walsh’s response is surely clever and sardonic. Nevertheless, his wit is no match for Duckworth’s shrewdness. Not only did this endorsement belittle Rep. Walsh, but it also boosted Duckworth’s name recognition and earned her scores of favorable press.

    Walsh should just drop out already. He will inevitably lose to Duckworth by an embarrassingly lopsided margin. And the money his campaign will raise could be better spent in the 10th and the 11th, races where Republicans actually have a shot

  19. - Pot calling kettle - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 7:37 pm:

    ==And virtually none of the undecided voters will ever see this e-mail. ==

    Or, they will because it fits into the MSMedia’s frame of Joe Walsh.

  20. - reformer - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 7:45 pm:

    Do you know how poorly Walsh did in 2010, in the Cook County part of the district? And that was in an election that favored Republicans. Now Cook represents the majority of his district, instead of 20%. Obama will carry the 8th district.

  21. - anonymous - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 7:58 pm:

    “…one in the same”?

    I assume he means “one and the same”?


  22. - Honestly - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 8:03 pm:

    The sad part of this is that the 1% painting decorated combat veterans as liberal elite will probably work.
    I can tell you that if you’ve ever lived in a combat operational area you don’t feel like a liberal elite.

  23. - Can't make this up - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 8:05 pm:

    Rahm’s brother as the agent for Joe Walsh. Priceless.

  24. - One to the Dome - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 8:15 pm:

    he can always ask Ted Nugent

  25. - We're Doomed - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 8:40 pm:

    Great response! Mayor Rahm found Tammy and recruited her. She didnt live in the district she ran for the first go round. When she failed Blago gave her a job. When she got busted using her state vehicle going to Dem fund raisers she tried to hide her vehicle in the back instead of parking out front. Lincoln Lounger is right, i hope they both lose. Since that isnt possible ill take the home grown nut over the liberal puppet. Tammy is a great patriot. Not a great politician.

  26. - anon - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 8:46 pm:

    God help us if Duckworth blows this one. It’s not out of the realm unfortunately.

  27. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 9:11 pm:

    –The sad part of this is that the 1% painting decorated combat veterans as liberal elite will probably work.
    I can tell you that if you’ve ever lived in a combat operational area you don’t feel like a liberal elite.–

    Honestly, I feel that there’s an insult to some in there.

    If you want to say it, spit it out clearly so we all know what you’re talking about.

    Define “elite liberal,” too.

  28. - dave - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 9:22 pm:

    **More money from San Francisco that the 8th district… That’s going to play well with the Tea Party folks…**

    LOL - you do know that it isn’t the Tea Party folks that Walsh needs to attract, right? He already has them. He needs to attract independents. And Dems, being that it is a Dem district. Good luck with that.

    **I would respectfully suggest that Joe Walsh auditioned to be the Scott Walker of Illinois during the speech he gave to the GOP Convention Saturday**

    LOL - I’m pretty sure that Joe Walsh is one of the few politicians that Pat Quinn could still beat in a statewide election.

  29. - Honestly - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 9:50 pm:

    @ Word -
    Any insult is in the eye of the beholder.
    I thought elite in the context of Walsh’s message defined as scary extreme left and out of the mainstream.
    It’s sad that voters are scared off by the “liberal elite” label nonsense. This is evident by the fact that voters have rejected combat veterans like John Kerry, Al Gore, and Duckworth for Roskam previously because because they were labeled as liberal elite and not part of the good old boy network.

  30. - Uptown Sinclair - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 10:48 pm:

    Spoken like a man whose Maserati only does 184.

  31. - Wing Ding - Thursday, Jun 14, 12 @ 8:05 am:

    An admirable job of making lemonade from lemons. But at the end of the day, he will be crushed.

  32. - Stooges - Thursday, Jun 14, 12 @ 8:13 am:

    Wow the Democrat responders are out in force on this one. I like his response, especially the tie to Rahm. Rich I’d like you to save this post so we can look back on it after the election to see how many predicted that Tammy would crush Joe. We shall see.

  33. - Wing Ding - Thursday, Jun 14, 12 @ 8:16 am:

    I believe she will win by 20 points.

  34. - OneMan - Thursday, Jun 14, 12 @ 8:35 am:

    == LOL - you do know that it isn’t the Tea Party folks that Walsh needs to attract, right? He already has them. He needs to attract independents. And Dems, being that it is a Dem district. Good luck with that. ==

    Umm, Dave…

    It’s a fundraising e-mail, not a vote for me e-mail. Very few candidates send out vote for me e-mails in June after a primary. You know why? Because they generally only have e-mail addresses of supporters. It’s kind of the way the whole e-mail thing works for candidates. That is what makes it in part different than direct mail.

    So when you send out a fundraising e-mail you are generally sending it out to those who in fact support you. Otherwise the whole thing is a bit daft, isn’t it.

    So logically, Tea Party folks (and others) who would support Joe Walsh might be more likely to send him funds based off of the points he makes in his e-mail.

    So do you get it now Dave? If not I will make it real simple…

    It’s a fundraising e-mail sent to supporters, not a campaign mailer.

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