Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Lisa Madigan more than just hints at gubernatorial bid
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Lisa Madigan more than just hints at gubernatorial bid

Tuesday, Jan 22, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From ABC7

Plenty of Illinois politicians are gathered in Washington DC for the inauguration.

There is speculation abound in the nation’s capital about who will run for governor of Illinois in 2014.

Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan elevated the status of her possible candidacy.

“I think there’s a lot of people who are considering what they want to do in the future and if they can be of greater service to the people of the state. I am among those people,” she said.

* ABC7’s interview of the attorney general

* My weekly syndicated newspaper column also talks about Madigan, even though the piece is about Bill Daley

Bill Daley called the other day. We estimated that it had been about three or four years since we last had spoken, which is par for the course.

Going back to at least 2001, Daley, the brother and son of former Chicago mayors, has mulled a bid for governor. The last time was in 2009, when he publicly thought about challenging Pat Quinn in the Democratic primary election.

And now he’s talking about it again.

Before I returned Daley’s call, I wanted to check around and see what might be different this time. I was told that there are two major differences between now and before.

First of all, Rich Daley is no longer mayor. Hizzoner simply didn’t want his brother running statewide.

A gubernatorial bid could shine too much of a spotlight on the mayor, and there was real fear that a statewide run could upset the mayor’s delicately balanced coalition, meaning black voters. Bill Daley is now free to do what he wants.

The other consideration also has to do with family. Daley was divorced in 2001. Now, he has a supportive spouse who will back him all the way.

Daley confirmed those points when we finally connected. But he hasn’t been raising money, he hasn’t been traveling the state and he flatly denied a newspaper report that he had commissioned a poll.

Instead, he has been reaching out to old friends, including former President Bill Clinton, who encouraged him to run. At 64, this could be his last opportunity to conduct a strenuous statewide campaign.

Daley said if he does run, it will only be for a term or maybe two, just to straighten things out and move along.

My big question was what he could bring to the table that Dan Hynes couldn’t in 2010, when he narrowly lost to Quinn in the Democratic primary. Like Hynes, Daley is a white, Irish, South Side Chicagoan. What votes would he get that Hynes could not?

While he wouldn’t come right out and say it (most of the conversation was off the record), I think he believes that Hynes made some late mistakes and that enough voters are ready to move beyond Quinn that he has a legitimate shot.

The power of a sitting governor should never be underestimated in a primary election. Even in the “new era” of reform, governors have jobs, contracts and other favors they can hand out to key constituencies. Quinn doled out million-dollar grants like they were candy in 2010.

Besides that, Quinn is one of the best closers I’ve ever seen. After leading for months, Quinn began slipping against Hynes in 2010. By the last weekend, even some of the governor’s top aides were thinking about finding new jobs after primary day.

And Quinn rallied again that fall, when most people had written him off against state Sen. Bill Brady.

But back to Daley. Will he do it? Well, he sounds more like a candidate than he ever has, but until he starts raising money and doing some traveling round Illinois we shouldn’t take him that seriously.

Can he beat Quinn? In 2010, enough people were willing to give the “accidental governor” a chance that he was able to achieve wins by small margins in both the primary and general elections.

This time around, Quinn will have had nearly six years in the office, and if things don’t turn around soon, he’s not going to get the benefit of the doubt.

Another Daley consideration has to be whether Attorney General Lisa Madigan decides to run. After years of dismissing the prospect, Madigan seemed almost eager to take on the challenge when we spoke on Election Night in November.

She flatly denied any interest in a state Supreme Court bid, saying such a job would be too boring. She seemed steamed at Chicago reporters, who had asked her whether she could be a governor and raise her young children.

And she pointed to her huge campaign fund, which currently contains about $3.6 million. And one early poll had Madigan leading Quinn 64 percent to 20 percent.

The Daley people say they aren’t factoring Madigan into the equation just yet. If she runs, she runs. But now they aren’t worrying too much about it. We’ll see.


* Related…

* Laura Washington: Bill Daley for gov? Not so fast, folks

* Emanuel in 2016? ‘No, no, no, no, no’


  1. - Elder - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 4:41 am:

    My guess: This year is it for Lisa Madigan, and if her father needs to retire to clear the field for her, he will do it. She has raised that $$ for a reason!

  2. - PublicServant - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 6:46 am:

    So is Quinn being promised a nice, cushy job if he continues to be the fall guy “for what he was put here on earth to do”, which is to be on the hook for pension “reform”?

  3. - Chicago - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 7:05 am:

    Didn’t LM say that she was running for mayor of Chicago? US Senate? My point is, WhY WOULDNT SHE SAY THAT SHE IS LOOKING AT a higher office? She stays put! Until MM retires. Take that to the bank.

  4. - Joe Taxpayer - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 7:06 am:

    So what concessions are the Madigans seeking from the Daleys?

    My guess: the election of a governor in 2016 will be decided long before November 2016.

  5. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 7:36 am:

    Lisa Madigan is running for governor. Full stop.

  6. - London Bridges - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 7:38 am:

    Is Illinois going to turn into a monarchy? Queen Lisa and King Michael?

  7. - Sir Reel - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 7:39 am:

    I wonder if the Daley name would help/hurt in a primary. Blago (unfairly) used Jim Ryan’s last name to great effect in the 2002 general. I’m sure the Daley name could be a problem downstate.

  8. - concern1 - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 7:45 am:

    We do NOT need another madigan ruining this state!!!!

  9. - soccermom - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 7:53 am:

    Lisa Madigan is running for governor. Full stop.

  10. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 8:14 am:

    ===Is Illinois going to turn into a monarchy? Queen Lisa and King Michael?===

    “Fire the Madigans!” - That will go over well, good luck.

    ===We do NOT need another madigan ruining this state!!!! ===

    Uh, unless you are in a Cave, Lisa Madigan is the Attorney General of Illinois. Lisa represents the state in litigation, and has represented Illinois in court on policies that have been enacted.

    Lisa is already helping run Illinois, by doing her job and representing Illinois in court. Lisa may, at times, disagree WHY she is defending for all we know, but the job of the Attorney General is to defend the state of Illiniois’s laws, policies, and practices.

    What is in the water these past few days with the “drive-by” one liners?

    Those one-liners, ain’t helping.

  11. - Newsclown - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 8:22 am:

    The Speaker plays it close to the vest. Look for any “tells” that he’s stepping down first, because that will have to happen for Lisa to move ahead.

  12. - Nieva - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 8:28 am:

    The reason Bill Daley hasn’t been working statewide is he only needs to win in Chicago and East St Louis. Look at Obama and Quinn. You don’t need the rest of the state if you can win in the city. He and Lisa are both anti gunners so they won’t run well in the south.

  13. - Bemused - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 8:48 am:

    As someone who will vote in the primary my feeling right now is, None of the above. It would be hard for me to go with the Rs in the General at any rate and if it’s another Brady no way.

  14. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 8:48 am:

    ===Lisa is already helping run Illinois===

    NOT a typo, meant “run”, typed “run” - for clarification.

  15. - Sunshine - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 8:49 am:

    Lisa Madigan is warm toast as far as I’m concerned. Her father has single handedly brought this state to an all time low with his incredibly poor leadership.

    What makes anyone think his cut from the same cloth daughter could possibly do any better?

  16. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 8:59 am:

    ===Her father has single handedly brought this state to an all time low with his incredibly poor leadership.===


  17. - Sunshine - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 9:08 am:

    Under his leadership he has permitted the state to amass debt and become the most in debt state in the union. All the while he did battle with other leaders to enhance his position as leader and ignored the debt a good leader would have taken on years ago.

    He has the ability to control power but doesn’t have the ability to run or encourage a strong state economy through legislative action. His deeds of inaction speak volumes.

  18. - Crime Fighter - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 9:08 am:

    =”Lisa is already helping run Illinois, by doing her job and representing Illinois in court.”=

    Agreed. She has been staunchly defending Quinn’s top folks who have engaged in widespread wrongdoing. She has in effect supported Quinn’s whistle blower retaliation, procurement schemes, safety violations, and ethical misconduct.

  19. - OneMan - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 9:13 am:

    Andrea Mitchel on NBC described Daley as a likely candidate for governor..

  20. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 9:17 am:

    –Daley said if he does run, it will only be for a term or maybe two, just to straighten things out and move along.–

    That’s awfully nice of him.

    I wonder, though, what makes him think he’s the guy for the job?

    He’s had a lot of titles in business and government, for a very short time, over the years, but where’s the record of accomplishment?

    He was supposed to keep his last job, White House Chief of Staff, through the election. But he got his wings clipped months in for not cutting the mustard, and had day-to-day responsibility taken away from him. He then “stepped down” about 10 months earlier than planned.

    I don’t know what he’s up to, but it’s not running for governor.

  21. - Anonymour - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 9:19 am:

    Bill Daley may still have credibility in DC that he doesn’t have in Illinois.

  22. - hum - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 9:21 am:

    Sunshine, do you know how government works? There are 3 branches of government. Last I checked, it was the Governor who was responsible for 85% of state spending. Even if you want to blame the General Assembly for inflated budgets or missing pension payments, the Governor could have refused to spend money (George Ryan did on one occassion and won a court challenge) or vetoed legislation putting off pension payments.

    The only entity Madigan is responsible to run is the House and it’s hard to argue he hasn’t done that effectively.

  23. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 9:24 am:

    - hum -

    Thank you!

  24. - the Patriot - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 9:26 am:

    Look, Lisa not a competent leader. The AG’s office is a mess and she has cost the state millions with poor management of her people. No way she can handle the state especiallly in its current condition. What is more, I think Mike knows she can’t handle it and will broker a deal to parachute her into a federal judgeship. (and in fairness to Lisa, this state such a mess, I don’t know who could really handle it.)

    Durbins seat is possible, but Mike may not be able to control the appointment and I don’t think the Madigans could stand the national scrutiny of the Senate race.

  25. - Joe Taxpayer - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 9:30 am:

    ” I don’t think the Madigans could stand the national scrutiny of the Senate race. ”

    Oh yes, like that intense scrutiny Alexi Giannouilias and his family’s bankrupt bank got last time around…

  26. - western illinois - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 9:33 am:

    It seems Daley views himself as a kind of negoitator fix it guy and that is what it looks like Illinois needs……But if both Daley and Mddigan run is there a possibility Quinn sqeeks it out in a 3 way or more race? Or could this be an opportunity for an hispanic or African american to pop up and make it even more interesting?

  27. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 9:36 am:

    ===Under his leadership he has permitted the state to amass debt and become the most in debt state in the union. All the while he did battle with other leaders to enhance his position as leader and ignored the debt a good leader would have taken on years ago.

    He has the ability to control power but doesn’t have the ability to run or encourage a strong state economy through legislative action. His deeds of inaction speak volumes.===

    There is an Illinois Senate… there is the Executive Branch. I will give you a 1/3 of the blame, but to say ===single-handedly=== is a dramatic, and inaccurare.

  28. - Sunshine - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 9:40 am:

    I’m supposed to think Madigan could not influence others? Am I to believe you actually think people are that shallow in their knowledge of how influence is weilded at the State? Come on guys….Madigan controls far more than you suggest.

    Give due where due belongs. His power stretches far beyond his “supposed reach.” As does the blame I lay at his feet.

  29. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 9:43 am:

    ===She has in effect supported Quinn’s whistle blower retaliation, procurement schemes, safety violations, and ethical misconduct. ===

    Just remember - Crime Fighter -, Madigan has the “cover” of “doing her constituional duty” to hang her hat on some. I am not even remotely defending her. My point in even going down this road to start is that in her position as Attorney General, Lisa has done what the Attorney General is required to do, thus making her a partner in running the state, but it doesn’t mean Lisa is a 100% aiding and abbetting “conspirator” that others want to label her.

    “Running”, not “Ruining” in her job, with the cover of the Constitution for her troubles. Will it fly? Dunno. Just making the point that her job requires her to assist in the running of government, wether she agrees or not.

  30. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 9:46 am:

    ===Look, Lisa not a competent leader.===


    ===The AG’s office is a mess and she has cost the state millions with poor management of her people.===


    ===No way she can handle the state especiallly in its current condition. What is more, I think Mike knows she can’t handle it and will broker a deal to parachute her into a federal judgeship.===

    And you know the Madigan’s plan, and how Madigan feels about Lisa’a competence, AND you know the channels MJM is goig to get Lisa a federal judgeship?


  31. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 9:49 am:

    I’m supposed to think Madigan could not influence others? Am I to believe you actually think people are that shallow in their knowledge of how influence is weilded at the State? Come on guys….Madigan controls far more than you suggest.

    Give due where due belongs. His power stretches far beyond his “supposed reach.” As does the blame I lay at his feet.===

    Your Tin foil hat + Lack of knowledge how MJM operates with governors, (good, bad, and Rod!) add up to paranoia, that is fun to read, but not assisting to the realities of how MJM has run his Party’s apartus, his Chamber, or his Caucus.

    ALL at his feet? You think, or is that the Tin Foil talking?

  32. - Tommydanger - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 9:49 am:

    Oswego Willy:

    Calling out the Patriot’s unsupported trashing of the AG-


  33. - dave - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 9:51 am:

    **Didn’t LM say that she was running for mayor of Chicago? US Senate?**

    No, she didn’t.

  34. - OneMan - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 9:52 am:

    Can we have Daley and Madigan both run against Quinn… Please…..

    That would be so awesome…

  35. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 9:53 am:

    Willie, life’s a lot easier if you can blame one or two people for all the world’s problems.

    Requires little thinking, understanding, or better yet, insisting that all the powers-that-be work together for solutions.

  36. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 9:54 am:

    ===Can we have Daley and Madigan both run against Quinn… Please…..====

    How fun would that be as a spectacle? Won’t even happen in a paralell universe, but how much fun would that be?

  37. - Crime Fighter - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 9:59 am:

    “=My point in even going down this road to start is that in her position as Attorney General, Lisa has done what the Attorney General is required to do, thus making her a partner in running the state, but it doesn’t mean Lisa is a 100% aiding and abetting “conspirator” that others want to label her.=”

    In certain cases Yes it does, and she shouldn’t be held harmless for her policy decisions. There is a considerable amount of discretion, especially when in the AG’s defense of misconduct and attacks against whistle blowers. Her unqualified defense of Quinn’s malefactors hurts the state in the medium and longer term and shows a lack of leadership and decency.
    I also think its arguable to what extent that she is obliged to defend officials who use their positions to violate the law.

  38. - Small Town Liberal - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 10:00 am:

    Crime Fighter - Do you have any concrete examples to these supposed criminal and ethical violations you speak of? I’d love to see them. In case you hadn’t noticed, the Feds have been pretty watchful of Illinois governors the last few years, and there hasn’t been a peep about this administration. I’m sorry y’all miss the days of Rod spending the state into oblivion, but at least try to remember what an actual criminal looks like, you’re apparently a crime fighter after all.

  39. - circularfiringsquad - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 10:01 am:

    We cannot imagine anyone wanting a legislature without strong, common sense leaders…well maybe Cousin Brucie, the hedge fund hustler, so retirement seems unlikely.
    It would be fun

  40. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 10:01 am:

    - wordslinger -, you are right, I guess I am hoping that, maybe, with the “Fire Madigan” doing oh so well last election, we can get past some dpoiness and try to get to some new understanding of what others already knew…

    My Bad.

    Got “Toots”. Still need to view the film. A good example of a 3-Day Weekend taking up your leisure time!

  41. - shore - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 10:07 am:

    Both of them should look to George W. Bush in 1994 for a role model. Bush was in the negative shadow of a widely known politically define relative and had to distinguish and differentiate himself. Rove created a 4 point agenda for him education, tort reform, 2 other things and that became him and he beat ann richards back when texas still had democrats.

    I don’t think Lisa Madigan has a case against quinn and I think her father’s current position makes it impossible anyone will accept a state run by a single family. The media likes her and is afraid of looking sexist, but father madigan is not to be trusted and we’ve already seen how the blago/mell deal works. Daley has even less of a case coming off his white house tenure and all the unpleasant things the media has had to say about his brother after he left office. the clinton endorsement is nice, but a lot of clinton’s folks like bob reich who ran for mass gov in 2002 have been beaten in primaries.

  42. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 10:12 am:

    - crime fighter -,

    Then, when the time comes, someone would point out these specific instances. As of now, you use the term “discretion” while others use “conspriacy” and neither, up to now, seems to point to the utter incompetence others want to lay at the feet of Lisa Madigan.

    You make a good point, - crime fighter -, I am going to wait to make judgement on the specifics of your discretionary judgements made by Lisa in the same way I will wait to watch the conspiratory movements others think Lisa in involved in as well.

    I get ya, and hope you understand my points as well.

  43. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 10:18 am:

    ===I don’t think Lisa Madigan has a case against quinn and I think her father’s current position makes it impossible anyone will accept a state run by a single family.===

    Two sepeerate issues:

    Lisa Madigan has more than enough, then again, everyone has more than enough, to take Pat Quinn on, including but not exclusively, Quinn’s record!

    On the “Family” thing, that may/moy not have legs, but how can MJM ==…is not to be trusted…===. Example? Madigan says what he says, and does what he does. MJM’s word is better, if not the absolute best, of the Leaders in Springfield. You may not like what he will tell you, or how it will go down, but you can trust MJM at his word.

    I would hate to speculate how Governor Madigan and Speaker Madigan would interact, exist, etc.. I will wait for that to be on the table until I worry about that.

  44. - Kasich Walker, Jr. - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 10:19 am:

    @One Man

    I don’t know about “awesome”, but it would be weird to see Quinn sneak a victory with Daley & Madigan in a primary.

    What’s needed, though, is a stronger candidate to run against Rahm “sell it all off for the sake of some local campaign donating key personnel/ceo(s) or shareholders because I don’t want to lower fees at Midway cuz the FAA supposedly sez we can’t play shell games with airport revenue” Emanuel.

  45. - Bemused - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 10:24 am:

    And could we look farther down the road to a Madigan/Schock battle?
    The mind boggles.

  46. - Ravello - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 10:43 am:

    Neither Lisa Madigan nor William Daley has decided what they will do in next year’s election, but they certainly will not run against each other. They know they must work this out long before the primary, even before filing.

  47. - walkinfool - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 10:46 am:

    There are only two ways for Dems to hold onto the Governorship:

    1. Lisa Madigan runs,

    2. or the GOP picks Brady, Rauner, Schock, or Walsh (rather than the likes of Dillard or Rutherford) — handing it back to Quinn.

  48. - OneMan - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 10:53 am:

    @Kasich Walker, Jr

    Yeah, it would be awesome, two big names going at each other, it would be a show to end all shows. The outside money that would come in to help Bill, Madigan’s ground game, Quinn, well being Quinn, it would be one for the ages…

  49. - langhorne - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 10:55 am:

    so daley hasnt commissioned a poll, after all. he hasnt been traveling the state to meet people. he has just been talking to people he already knows, like clinton, who probably dont have a real good grasp of the problems in illinois.

    you dont get to be governor by sitting around in cook county. you have to meet county chairmen across the state and find out how divergent the party is. guns. gay marriage. anti-chicago sentiment. and then you can get to taxes, pension reform, unpaid bills, education, etc.

    i said before, i wont believe daley is running until manages to get south of I-80 on the ground.

  50. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 10:59 am:

    ===you dont get to be governor by sitting around in cook county. ===


    You apparently missed 2010.

  51. - langhorne - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 10:59 am:

    lisa madigan is positioned to be a very credible candidate for governor. until you bump into the little problem of the speaker. if he-madigan tries to stay, her run gets side-tracked by the distraction. i find it hard to think the speaker will bow out.

  52. - Crime Fighter - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 11:14 am:

    STL - Crime Fighter - Do you have any concrete examples to these supposed criminal and ethical violations you speak of? I’d love to see them. In case you hadn’t noticed, the Feds have been pretty watchful of Illinois governors the last few years, and there hasn’t been a peep about this administration. I’m sorry y’all miss the days of Rod spending the state into oblivion, but at least try to remember what an actual criminal looks like, you’re apparently a crime fighter after all.=

    - It took years to bring Blago and Ryan to justice, so don’t be so sure this gov is in the clear.

    - Concrete examples? I could probably do an entire blog devoted to them.
    Like you don’t already know this, but one example includes the blatant attempted fixing of the state health insurance contract. Director Hamos and the Gov’s office (probably you)willfully violated procurement and other laws, and were about to get away with it. Then the aggrieved bidders lawyered-up against the AG and the administration’s malefactors.
    The result? A Blagoesque explanation from the administration that procurement rules are mere technicalities to be ignored by people of consequence.
    It was only $7 or $8 billion scheme - nothing to see here - move along now…

    Ultimately, my point is that it’s troubling that the AG defends this kind of misconduct from the administration instead of working with the Feds or whistle blowers to stop it.

  53. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 11:18 am:

    ===It took years to bring Blago and Ryan to justice, so don’t be so sure this gov is in the clear.===

    Oh, please. The G was openly and actively investigating Blagojevich before he was reelected to his second term. They indicted RRB’s top fundraiser just days before the 2006 election. And they were probing Ryan almost the minute after he was sworn into office.

    Take a breath, man.

  54. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 11:19 am:

    ===It took years to bring Blago and Ryan to justice, so don’t be so sure this gov is in the clear.===

    Please … Please … Please do not speculate on the Federal Government probing into anyone, of any office, of any party.

    There are enough paranoid people out there, we do not need to say, “well, they haven’t found anything yet”, or words to that effect.

    You can make your statement about any and EVERY elected official you may agree or disagree with.

    ===It took years to bring Blago and Ryan to justice, so don’t be so sure this gov is in the clear.===

    A statement, cold, gives your thoughtful response less weight, since your response seems to be holding up a tin foil hat … unless you can specifically get the “G” to say “Pat Quinn and the Quinn Administration is currently be reviewed by our office.”


  55. - Esquire - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 11:27 am:

    Since Bill Daley has been rumored to be a candidate for so many years, I will believe it only when I see it. If he begins circulating nominating petitions, I may not believe it until he actually files. We have all seen this dance routine many times before. If I was to hazard a wager, I would probably bet against him running.

    If it were an appointed post, he’d probably be all over it like white on rice.

  56. - Crime Fighter - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 11:30 am:

    Oh Please is right - But it’s OK to start off by defending this administration’s ethical posing based on the assertion that this Gove isn’t in prison now like Blago or Ryan. - Sheesh.

    STL should have never started to bring this up in the first place - not particularly productive.

  57. - Small Town Liberal - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 11:33 am:

    CF - You brought it up, pal.

  58. - Cincinnatus - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 11:35 am:

    Hey, OW,

    Now the ILGOP would have a chance to use up all those “Stop Madigan” tee shirts sitting in the basement in Chicago…

  59. - Crime Fighter - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 11:37 am:

    =”In case you hadn’t noticed, the Feds have been pretty watchful of Illinois governors the last few years, and there hasn’t been a peep about this administration.”=

    I retract the above statement by STL.

  60. - RNUG - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 11:40 am:

    If Durbin retires, THAT will be the big prize of the 2014 election. There may even be a three-way behind closed doors fight for that position: Rahm, Bill and Lisa. Whoever loses that will get the consolation prize of duking it out for Gov.

    Otherwise, I’m guessing the back room outcome will be Lisa for Gov. and dad will keep us guessing and won’t leave the Speaker’s post until the very last second.

  61. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 11:46 am:

    ===Hey, OW,

    Now the ILGOP would have a chance to use up all those “Stop Madigan” tee shirts sitting in the basement in Chicago…===

    Make you a deal, we split the tee shirts, 60/40, you get the 60, and I get the mugs!

    I still say MJM should buy the whole lot, and use those on April Fools Day, with the whole HDem Caucus wearing them for “Two-Putt” and the HGOP.

    To the post,

    The Dems are quite a bit smarter then we in the ILGOP and there will not be a fractured primary of juggernauts unless … they WANT a fractured primary of juggernauts. Lisa is signaling, Bill is signaling, Quinn is drawing cartoon snakes … nothing has changed until filing day.

  62. - Cincinnatus - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 12:24 pm:


    A pretty large portion of my time is spent trying to figure out a process to narrow the field down to one, possible two Republican candidates. Any ideas on what that detailed process could possibly be? With the fractured ILGOP, there is an undisciplined free for all…

  63. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 12:30 pm:

    –A pretty large portion of my time is spent trying to figure out a process to narrow the field down to one, possible two Republican candidates.–

    A primary process will definitely get it down to one. I don’t think a party is allowed to have two in the general election.

    I kid. There’s no kingmaker in the state GOP, no process of clearing the field prior to a primary.

    The state GOP should duke it out and decide whether they want to win the base or win the governor’s office.

  64. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 12:44 pm:

    Can’t be done, as constituted by the way the ILGOP as turned itself into.

    I am 100%, everybody in, and see who wins. Now, if you run and lose, gotta back the winner. Gotta!

    That is the secret of Party politics. Whomever the party deems as the winner, through the Primary process, we as a Party must support the winner, and further, strive to make the “big tent” hold larger amounts of people than just the Republicans. That “big tent” must include others that agree with the moderates, reach out to conservative/Reagan Demcrats, and as a Party, be willing to welcome all, as “winning” is the goal, not “catagorizing” voters, and then picking apart why they are bad because they don’t agree with the ILGOP 100% of the time.


    That is how it can work, should work, and needs to work, because with a ruterless, and leaderless ILGOP, our ONLY chance is Unity.

  65. - siriusly - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 1:21 pm:

    Don’t feeling scrolling to give proper credit, but someone made a comment about Daley being more popular in DC than in Illinois. It’s an exaggeration perhaps, but I think a very good point. Lisa has campaigned and won statewide primaries and generals 3 times, 4 times? If she wants to run for Governor, I think its hers.

    Sorry Bill, I think your brother’s last term took some luster off the family name. Call Jeb Bush to discuss.

  66. - siriusly - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 1:23 pm:

    And wasn’t Bill Daley basically Obama’s fall guy for the 2010 election disaster? That’s not going to play well in a Dem primary . . .

  67. - siriusly - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 1:29 pm:

    I would like to recant that last one, off on my timing there.

  68. - Nieva - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 1:36 pm:

    Quinn would be hard to beat in a three way race. Multi races always favor the incumbent.

  69. - Small Town Liberal - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 1:37 pm:

    - Any ideas on what that detailed process could possibly be? -

    I’ve heard some rumors of what that process currently is, any chance you’re focusing on Schock and Rutherford?

  70. - Sunshine - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 2:25 pm:

    When people resort to calling names, it indicates weakness in their argument. But then it might be their tinfoil reflecting their opinion?

  71. - 32nd Ward Roscoe Village - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 2:42 pm:

    Regarding Durbin’s retirement, didn’t AG Madigan already turn down POTUS’s request that she run for US Senate seat vacated by him? What makes you think she then will run for the one that Durbin vacates when he does so?

  72. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 2:42 pm:

    ===When people resort to calling names, it indicates weakness in their argument. But then it might be their tinfoil reflecting their opinion? ===

    Who called names?

    Mabye you need to read what was responded to YOU.

    With kindest personal regards, I remain.

    Sincerely yours,

    Oswego Willy

  73. - Votecounter - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 2:44 pm:

    Does that mean Jim Edgar staying out of the media when his guy loses the Primary? Did the Moderates back Brady? or was Edgar on TV beating him up even the week before the election?
    And this MJM being 1/3 of the power in the state is BS. He is the head of the party he puts money into campaigns! I was talking with Bernie Stone in the last city elections and asked him about getting on the wrong side of MJM he said it is death! All money is shut off another candidate shows up fully funded your finished; or in Bernies words “He’ll bring the walls down on you! And who needs that?”
    And If you think Quinn will not bring up the nepotism factor and beat Lisa bloody you don’t know Pat Quinn! He’s not an insider. Never was and has nothing to lose tying the two together and running on the fact that Madigan is trying to be King; the same with Daily. I predict it will be very effective coming from a sitting Democrat so he will buy those shirts and pass them out in the African American community. Even if either one gets by him the damage will have been done, the water will be bloody and the money almost gone. Rauner then puts in another 3 million early and runs ads following Quinn’s attack (like blago did to Ryan and JBT and Quinn did to Brady and Obama did to McCain and Romney) You see sometime wer do learn.

  74. - Fred's Mustache - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 2:55 pm:

    === And If you think Quinn will not bring up the nepotism factor and beat Lisa bloody you don’t know Pat Quinn! He’s not an insider. Never was and has nothing to lose tying the two together and running on the fact that Madigan is trying to be King; the same with Daily. I predict it will be very effective coming from a sitting Democrat so he will buy those shirts and pass them out in the African American community. Even if either one gets by him the damage will have been done, the water will be bloody and the money almost gone. Rauner then puts in another 3 million early and runs ads following Quinn’s attack (like blago did to Ryan and JBT and Quinn did to Brady and Obama did to McCain and Romney) You see sometime wer do learn. ===

    Good luck with that strategy Votecounter.

  75. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 3:06 pm:

    ===Does that mean Jim Edgar staying out of the media when his guy loses the Primary? Did the Moderates back Brady? or was Edgar on TV beating him up even the week before the election?===

    OK, and if you read ALL I post, you would know I have blamed the moderates for not backing Brady, and further, blamed both the “RINO”s and “Wingnuts” when it was warrented.

    ===And this MJM being 1/3 of the power in the state is BS. He is the head of the party he puts money into campaigns! I was talking with Bernie Stone in the last city elections and asked him about getting on the wrong side of MJM he said it is death! All money is shut off another candidate shows up fully funded your finished; or in Bernies words “He’ll bring the walls down on you! And who needs that?”===

    Apples and Oranges.

    The Speaker of the General Assembly, and the House and Senate in Illinois are 1/3 of Government. How that can be …BS … is quite silly since …it is.


    MJM and his INTER-party issues don’t add up to a hill of beans when we are talking about the function of government, and the fact MJM’s relationships with Thompson, Edgar, Geo. Ryan, Rod, and Quinn, have shown MJM’s role as leader of 1/3 of the government kinda, sorta … reinforces my point.

    Bernie Stone made his own bed the last two elections, and he seemed to get on the wrong side of quite a few people, not just Mr. Madigan.

    ===And If you think Quinn will not bring up the nepotism factor and beat Lisa bloody you don’t know Pat Quinn! He’s not an insider. Never was and has nothing to lose tying the two together and running on the fact that Madigan is trying to be King; the same with Daily. I predict it will be very effective coming from a sitting Democrat so he will buy those shirts and pass them out in the African American community.===

    Again, I don’t think anything about quinn, his strategy, or what Quinn may or may not do. where you might think I do, after re-reading what I posted, is a bit odd for me to comprehend. Pat Quinn, not an insider? OK, how about the the “usual suspects” Quinn hires over and over, and not really going out of HIS comfort zone to find competent help. Yeah, that’s what I thought.

    Now, to the Madigan and Daily King thing … ===…siting Democrat…=== or not, I can care less about the Dem Primary until the winner is chosen and what we in the ILGOP can use that was effective.

    ===Rauner then puts in another 3 million early and runs ads following Quinn’s attack (like blago did to Ryan and JBT and Quinn did to Brady and Obama did to McCain and Romney) You see sometime wer do learn.===

    What you may want to factor in here … is that the GOP in IL is not the majority, and when you go negative, even effectively negative, you need a base to build, and Rauner has no base right now, and if Rauner gets past the Primary, Rauner will nedd 100% of every Republican and a good chunk of Dems to beat Daley or Lisa or even Quinn.

    Money covers a great many sins, but not all.

    Last thought. If you think for 10 seconds that someone is not looking into Rauner and holding those greneades until he files, then that may be a bit naive. Remember ‘…”Jack!” Ryan’…”

    I have no clue why you are on me, I am trying to help, but if you think Rauner is the answer and all is going to be right, bless you.

    With kindest personal regards, I remain.

    Sincerely yours,

    Oswego Willy

  76. - Running Mate - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 3:26 pm:

    Any chance that Speaker Madigan might consider running as her Lt. Governor?

  77. - soccermom - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 3:26 pm:

    Daley cannot hope to beat Lisa Madigan statewide. If Daley and Lisa Madigan challenge Governor Quinn, the Governor wins.

  78. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 3:28 pm:

    ===Daley cannot hope to beat Lisa Madigan statewide. If Daley and Lisa Madigan challenge Governor Quinn, the Governor wins.===

    Daley and Lisa, “fishing” off the same pier …, Quinn, fishing all alone. Concur, - soccermom -.

  79. - qcexaminer - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 3:33 pm:

    One thing I’ve noticed in this thread and the Schock thread is the complete lack of diversity in those considered for governor in Big Blue Illinois.

    Everyone mentioned is white and the lone female would not be either AG or under consideration for governor if her name was Lisa Smith.

    So what gives? Dems are supposed to be the party of diversity, but there are 4 GOP female governors vs. 2 Dem female govs; there are 4 minority GOP govs vs. 1 minority Dem gov.

    Where are the minority Dem candidates for governor? I mean we all know the GOP hates minorites, right? lol

  80. - Fred's Mustache - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 3:40 pm:

    ===Daley cannot hope to beat Lisa Madigan statewide. If Daley and Lisa Madigan challenge Governor Quinn, the Governor wins.===

    ===Daley and Lisa, “fishing” off the same pier …, Quinn, fishing all alone. Concur, - soccermom -.==

    Not so sure about that. According to the numbers Rich has posted, Lisa is polling FAR better than Quinn, Daley, or anyone else for that matter. Don’t see how you say Daley and Madigan would be fishing off the same pier either. I would say that Daley’s support would be far narrower than Lisa’s. Lisa is actually a well liked, well funded public official and happens to have access to a Statewide network of Democratic political supporters via MJM. The Daley brand, on the other hand, has never really moved beyond the City limits, and now that Da Mayor has retired, Im not sure how much influence the Daleys would have there anymore.

  81. - Running Mate - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 3:41 pm:

    I must say that a Madigan/Madigan ticket would be tough to beat.

  82. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 3:44 pm:

    - Fred’s Mustache -,

    Fair Point!

    Daley hurts Madigan, far more, than Madigan hurts Daley …

  83. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 3:46 pm:

    ===Daley hurts Madigan, far more, than Madigan hurts Daley===

    If Lisa runs, Daley is out. Bet on it.

  84. - qcexaminer - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 3:53 pm:

    OW you’re coming on like a Colin Powell Republican.

    Who do you support for GOP candidate for governor?

  85. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 3:55 pm:

    === ===Daley hurts Madigan, far more, than Madigan hurts Daley===

    If Lisa runs, Daley is out. Bet on it.===

    Not enough Cannoli in Springfield to draw me out on that.

    I still am of the ilk that Daley is a Stalking Horse so unrealistic Dopes don’t find their way on the ballot, leaving Quinn vulnerable to a very strong contender, be it Lisa or someone else.

    Maybe not completely intentional, but sure seems to shape up that way.

    Still stand by most post last week in regards to money and the contenders, Lisa’s in the best shape thus far. Dunno how that is going to translate come petition time, but Lisa leads … today.

  86. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 4:11 pm:

    ===Who do you support for GOP candidate for governor?===

    I wouldn’t put that curse on anyone!

    I want an open primary.

    I want an ILGOP that is going to build an infastructure based on field opeations and GOTV, and I want to see the GA GOP do more than recruit cookie-cutter candidates that run against the districts demographics and say “sorry” and give out “consolation trophies” to Senior Political Staff. …

    Other than that …

  87. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 4:25 pm:

    –Daley cannot hope to beat Lisa Madigan statewide. If Daley and Lisa Madigan challenge Governor Quinn, the Governor wins.–

    Yes… and…

    –If Lisa runs, Daley is out. Bet on it. –


    Daley won’t run. He likes the attention, I guess. Lisa may, and she would be formidable.

    But Quinn’s going to run. He doesn’t mind losing. He’s lost a lot in the past and he’s not going to get bluffed out of the big chair at this stage in his life.

    Never underestimate someone who’s willing to lose. You have to beat them.

    I imagine there will be a Quinn and an anti-Quinn in the Democratic Primary. But the anti-Quinn better be willing to lose, because beating an incumbent governor is no slam-dunk, Dan Walker to the contrary.

    Serious questions: Who beats Quinn on the South and West Sides? Among Hispanics?

    As Dan Hynes and Bill Brady will tell you, you better pack a lunch, because it will be an all-day job.

  88. - Boone Logan Square - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 6:03 pm:

    I never state that someone has an elected office in the bag. Too many variables can trip up seemingly sure things.

    That said, if Lisa Madigan is running for governor, it will be hard to stop her. Not only does she have the money, she has developed an image of consumer advocacy that will play well to both primary and general electorates.

    The primary would be her tougher battle. Given the state GOP’s determination to drive off women from the suburbs, she might win majorities in all collar counties.

    Quinn will have money and little incentive to drop out. He is a tireless campaigner. He also will have a longer record and probably few opportunities to boost his approval ratings. I am having a hard time seeing how he closes the gap with Lisa Madigan

    As for Bill Daley, where is the evidence that he can run an effective campaign? He might get a boost if President Obama gives him a gift like he gave former CoS Emanuel (that nice farewell speech that served as a mayoral endorsement). Hard to see anyone calling the Bill Daley years the finest of Obama’s administration, though. He will get money, and there are people in Chicago inclined to vote for a Daley. Not sure that’s enough.

  89. - robert lincoln - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 6:06 pm:

    The votes that will no longer be Quinn’s are the government workers and retired government workers and their families. Quinn’s attack on pensions will cost him this vote and makes him vulnerable. Even in Chicago

  90. - Amalia - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 7:12 pm:

    I just keep hearing that music from Jaws in my head…..

  91. - Just The Way It Is One - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 7:53 pm:

    Best line of your Article: “Quinn is one of the best closers I’ve ever seen.” It’amazing…I know, but true. The proof’s in the Pudding, as you pointed out. Mr. Bill REALLY oughta give THAT a lot of thought. He’s not his brother or father (but his Ego is at LEAST that big, if not bigger) and very likely won’t do any better than Hynes did. Folks just really shouldn’t underestimate “the Mighty Quinn,” (ALA the old 60’s Song)….

  92. - Just The Way It Is One - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 7:58 pm:

    Oh my, no!! Isn’t one Madigan in Illinois with awesome globs of Power ENOUGH?! Lisa is a fine AG, and should remain one, until maybe Rahm is up again, or Senator Durbin chooses the ‘Ol Rockin’ Chair (which isn’t really that far off)…!

  93. - Reformed Public Servant - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 8:21 pm:

    LM is AG while MJM is Speaker. Why must MJM exit should she run and be elected to another constitutional office? Father has not seemed to have impacted Daughter’s rise in the least, nor impacted her stellar statewide approval ratings.

  94. - steve schnorf - Tuesday, Jan 22, 13 @ 8:40 pm:

    We Rs have plenty of potential candidates that I can vote for, but i don’t know yet how many we have that could win

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