Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x1 - Club For Growth responds to Schock *** Schock responds to Club For Growth attack
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*** UPDATED x1 - Club For Growth responds to Schock *** Schock responds to Club For Growth attack

Thursday, Feb 28, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

*** UPDATE *** From a press release…

Washington, DC – In response to Illinois Republican Congressman Aaron Schock’s defensive reaction to, Club for Growth Action today sent Congressman Schock an open letter from Club for Growth President Chris Chocola. The content of the letter can be found below:

Congressman Aaron Schock
U.S. House of Representatives
328 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515

Dear Congressman Schock,

It’s notable that you have chosen to respond to Club for Growth Action’s new website,, with a desperate attempt to hide your liberal voting record. The fact is that any empirical analysis proves that you have consistently voted against policies that would limit government and increase economic growth since you entered Congress.

If you were truly the fiscal conservative you claim to be, you would have no problem answering the following questions:

    • When you voted against cutting all of the spending from President Obama’s failed “stimulus” bill, was that because you are a big spender at heart? (RCV #42, 2009)

    • When you voted to increase the debt ceiling by $2.1 trillion, was that because you wanted to give President Obama more money to spend? (RCV #690, 2011)

    • When you voted for a budget extension that funded ObamaCare, was that because you secretly like ObamaCare and want to implement it? (RCV #579, 2012)

    • When you were one of only 13 Republicans who voted against blocking funding for a National Labor Relations Board lawsuit that would have infringed on a worker’s right to a secret ballot in union elections, was that for the benefit of your friends in big labor, or the people of the 18th Congressional district? (RCV #229, 2012)

    • Speaking of your pro-labor union voting record, how do repeated votes for Davis-Bacon wages on government projects, which are nothing but giveaways to Big Labor, benefit the hard-working taxpayers of Illinois’s 18th Congressional District? (RCV #122, 2009; #414, 2011; #395, 2011; #144, 2011; #585, 2011)

    • When you were one of only 41 Republicans to vote against cutting $1.2 million from the budget of the U.S. Botanic Gardens, located in Washington, D.C., did you mistakenly think it was located in Illinois’s 18th Congressional District? (RCV #371, 2012)

    • When you voted against 40 out of 45 amendments to cut spending in the last Congress, was it because you think all government programs are necessary and that there is no waste to be cut out of the budget? (LINK)

    • When you claim you voted for a tax cut in the “fiscal cliff” tax increase deal, do you think that the other 151 Republicans who voted the other way voted for a tax increase? (RCV #659, 2012)

Congressman Schock, your liberal record speaks for itself. You understandably would like to hide the reality that you are a pro-stimulus spending, pro-ObamaCare, pro-debt limit increase, pro-tax increase, pro-labor “Republican”, but all the evidence points to that very fact. Your actions as a member of Congress matter, and because of you and your votes, taxes and debt are higher, ObamaCare is funded, labor bosses receive their handouts and both your constituents and Americans have less economic freedom.

Congressman Schock, please stop pretending to be a fiscal conservative. The voters of Illinois’s 18th Congressional District are not blind: they can tell when someone is pretending to be something they’re not.

Chris Chocola
President – The Club for Growth

[ *** End Of Update *** ]

* In case you missed it yesterday, the background is here.

From a press release. All emphasis in the original…

Statement from Steven Shearer, Schock chief of staff, on Club for Growth attacks

Club for Growth’s endgame is for Congress to become even more strident and gridlocked.

They are targeting nine Republicans with conservative voting records, for the sole reason of winning the arms race of what interest group can be furthest to the right. That helps in fundraising. Few people are going to agree with a Congressman who has cast over 3,000 votes. All conservative AND liberal national organizations rate Aaron Schock as a mainstream conservative—except the Club for Growth and Heritage Action. They are loud, but not an accurate reflection of Congressman Schock’s record.

Among his recent scores from longtime conservative organizations:

    The National Federation for Independent Business (NFIB), 92%.
    Americans for Prosperity, 89% lifetime rating.
    The National Tax Limitation Committee, 87%.
    U.S. Chamber of Commerce, 93%.
    National Association of Manufacturers, 97%.
    American Conservative Union, 81% lifetime rating.

There are organizations on the far left and right that believe members of Congress should reflexively vote in accordance with their precise vote recommendations and submit to their demands to co-sign letters and other measures. If that should be the case we could install robots instead of having elected representatives.

Aaron Schock however, believes he was elected to represent the people of the 18th District, not the board of directors of Club for Growth. He will not cede his responsibility to represent all the people of the 18th District to any self-anointed guardian of the economic interests of the district.

The number one reason Aaron Schock is in public service today instead of using his degree in Finance to pursue business interests is his passionate commitment to economic growth. Economic growth is the only way to sustain a path toward a balanced budget. Growth is the only way the middle class and working poor will be able to prosper.

Unfortunately, many of Club for Growth’s rigid policies would damage economic growth.

If Congress listened to Club for Growth this past New Years Day, our country would have gone off the fiscal cliff resulting in:

    Higher marginal income tax rates.
    Higher capital gains tax rates.
    Higher interest and dividend tax rates.
    An alternative minimum tax that would have gouged millions more people
    a higher death tax
    Doctors would have been reimbursed far less than the cost of treatment in many instances for treating Medicare patients, forcing them to choose between covering Medicare patients or going out of business.
    The Farm Bill would have expired damaging Illinois agriculture.

With the sequester kicking in at the same time as the expiration of the Bush tax cuts and the payroll tax cut, our economy would have suffered a tremendous blow that would have destroyed hundreds of billions of dollars of private wealth by reducing both stock market equity and home values. Governments would have then racked up even more debt as pension systems’ equity values would have also been further damaged.

One of the bills Club for Growth faulted Congressman Schock on his vote for the Paul Ryan budget to put our country on a SUSTAINABLE path to a balanced budget, instead of the so called “RSC” budget which would have required immediate cuts to CURRENT Medicare and Social Security benefits. That is not acceptable to the American people and therefore unsustainable. Aaron Schock has not supported showy and elusive quick fixes for show, which seek to do too much, too fast that risk losing all progress on getting spending under control.

Aaron Schock supports far reaching Farm Bill reforms such as ending “direct payments,” but he could not support suddenly gutting most farm programs such as crop insurance. That would not be representing the economic interests of the 18th District, whose number one employer is agriculture.

Club for Growth faults Aaron Schock for supporting federal spending on building roads, bridges and other vital public infrastructure, essential for GROWTH. Building infrastructure is a legitimate role of government for all but the most extreme ideologues, and Aaron Schock isn’t going to stand by while our roads and bridges crumble, leading to economic decay.

Going over the fiscal cliff this past New Years Day would have caused massive wealth destruction and radically higher tax bills for everyone, which would have savagely damaged economic growth.

Spending money attacking nine Republicans that are impure in their eyes, rather than working to expand our slim 15 seat majority is counter-productive. They ought to join Congressman Schock in going above and beyond in helping to win more seats from Democrats to bolster the Republican House majority. If Nancy Pelosi becomes House Speaker again, federal spending would again explode. That would be catastrophic for economic growth.

Congressman Schock has strongly supported trade expansion, tax simplification, lower marginal tax rates, lower capital gains taxes, the Paul Ryan budgets, and voted against President Obama’s stimulus, Cap and Trade, Cash for Clunkers, Obamacare and other big spending bills.

Congressman Schock was elected by—and works for—the over 700,000 constituents in the 18th District—not unelected special interest groups based in Washington. He regularly meets with constituents throughout the district and is far more in tune with their values and their economic interests than organizations inside Washington’s beltway.

Having out-performed all Republicans in the 18th District in the 2012 election with 74% of the vote, Aaron Schock needs no lesson in representing the 18th District from Club for Growth. He is proud to be in tune with the vast majority of people in the 18th District.

If the House majority followed Club for Growth’s dictates, we would have lower economic growth and Nancy Pelosi as House Speaker again.

You can never be too pure for those few who make a buck on rabble rousing to differentiate themselves from other stellar conservative organizations.

* Meanwhile, this new ad buy report is from Comcast…

Jobs and Progress Fund
Targeting IL CD 18
Agency: Pierce Communications, Columbus, OH
2/25 – 2/28/13
Networks: FXNC
Dayparts bought: 5a-9a, 9a-4p, 4p-7p, 7p-12m
Syscodes / Zones:
7919 Jacksonville $376
0316 Springfield $1,809
7827 Peoria INT $3,985
Total Order: $6,170


  1. - Small Town Liberal - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 8:47 am:

    I’m really enjoying this overreacting by Schock, as someone that came from his district I’ve long felt that he’d never be able to handle serious opposition.

    Reap what you and your far right buddies sowed, Aaron. Y’all fired up so many wingnuts over Obama that reason has completely left the building for the GOP.

  2. - 47th Ward - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 8:52 am:

    So do they still think Rauner is behind these attacks?

  3. - Dan Bureaucrat - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 8:54 am:

    Is there an executive summary of Schock’s response? I’d like to read it but I don’t have the day off.

  4. - BrianG - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 8:57 am:

    The originator of the “Obama is a Socialist” meme isn’t conservative enough? He works for billionaire hedge fund owner Ken Griffin not the people of the 18th.

  5. - The Captain - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 9:05 am:

    I find it entertaining that all of IL-08, IL-10, IL-11, IL-12, IL-13 and IL-17 should be fairly competitive seats under this map but all of the attack money is currently being spent in IL-18. That will obviously change as the next election day moves closer but it’s entertaining nonetheless.

  6. - Non-ISRA Member - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 9:08 am:

    Wow, what a diatribe.

    I wonder why the boy wonder himself could not respond. Instead, it comes from a staffer.

  7. - anon sequitor - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 9:29 am:

    If Rauner is behind this, then his Schock Troopers are doing a far better job than Schock’s own staffers. So far, these attacks have muddied Schock’s potential gubernatorial run and created a media image that Schock can’t stand the heat. Frankly, Schock’s responses sound amateurish, compared to his opponent’s hamfisted attacks.

    Unfortunately for Rauner, it is very early in the election cycle and Schock still has lots of time to sharpen his game and regain momentum.

  8. - ZC - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 9:32 am:

    I wonder if in future redistricting cycles Repubs will ask for their district to be “a bit blue.” CFG is coming after Schock because his district is so Repub they don’t feel he can deviate one iota. But Schock clearly has his eye on statewide office and doesn’t want to get pegged too closely to the Tea Party.

  9. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 9:36 am:

    IL-08, Duckworth (D) - Not in play.

    IL-10, Schneider (D) - In Play

    IL-11, Foster - (D) Candidate against Foster dictates, “blind R”, Not in Play

    IL-12, Enyart - (D) Not in Play

    IL-13, Davis - (R) In Play

    IL-17, Bustos - (D) Only a “rerun”, then In Play

    I have it, Schneider & Davis, In Play, Foster and Bustos under criteria, In Play.

    Enyart and Duckworth NOT In Play.

    Enyart beat Plummer by 8 points with all that money Plummer threw at Enyart and the way its drawn.

    Duckworth has this year and next to shore up a “Toss-up” district that jst got rid of Walsh, and sadly, I think the next “R” nominee will have a first task of trying to NOT be Walsh, then take on Duckworth. Tough ask.

    We got 7 months or so till petitions, anything can happen, I guess.

  10. - Kasich Walker, Jr. - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 9:36 am:

    Which is it?

    “Few people are going to agree with a Congressman who has cast over 3,000 votes. ..” or “Aaron Schock…will not cede his responsibility to represent all the people”

    If the chief of staff is going to mischaracterize this as the difference between legislating as a representative functionary and exercising judgement, at least pick a side.

  11. - Easy - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 9:45 am:

    I think Schock’s people are right to engage against Club for Growth. CFG is inextricably tied to failed candidates like Akin and Mourdock. The fact that CFG is against Aaron is a big plus for his statewide effort.

  12. - Kasich Walker, Jr. - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 9:50 am:

    @ Non ISRA Member : At least he didn’t quote the Gettysburg Address.

  13. - wordslinger - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 9:51 am:

    This is turning into a real cage match.

    There’s a real Big Hitter from Barrington on the Club for Growth board, name of Jerry Hayden.

    According to google, he used to give some money to candidates like Schock and Kirk.

    Last cycle, he was writing checks at $100K a shot to Club for Growth (that’ll get you a board seat).

    Curious they’re whacking Schock. Are they trying to muddy up a gubernatorial run, or do they want him primaried for Congress? They seem more concerned with Congress.

  14. - walkinfool - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 9:54 am:

    If you’re defending, you’re losing.

    Youth tells — staffer’s probably even younger than Schock.

    Still, his arguments are valid. Too bad logic and rationale don’t often win elections.

  15. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 9:55 am:

    Maybe this is as simple as a “falling out” with Jerry Hayden, and parlay that with Rauner (politcal timing poor to fight 2 fronts…) Schock finds himself with a 2 front battle.

    It happens. Just the timing of all this for Schick trying to get a statewide bid off the ground stinks.

    I agree, this Jerry Hayden and this Board are on the “Congress” train against Schock, not the Guv Express trying to torpedo Schock.

  16. - Calhoun Native - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 10:12 am:

    Perhaps Congressman Schock’s campaign buddy and new best friend Allen West could recycle some of his “If Joseph Goebbels was around” or “I believe there’s about 78 to 81 members who are communists” quotes and make them about the Club for Growth.

    I’m just here to help.

  17. - Cheryl44 - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 10:25 am:

    ===Schock still has lots of time to sharpen his game and regain momentum.===

    I don’t think he’s that bright.

  18. - The Captain - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 10:32 am:

    11 and 12 will be in play in a non-Presidential year, Duckworth won’t be threatened but they better keep her campaigning in her own district because otherwise she’ll be travelling for others and she would be an effective draw.

  19. - Same Old Same Old - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 10:37 am:

    Can you say defensive?

  20. - Kasich Walker, Jr. - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 10:41 am:

    I’d like to learn more about how the Club for Growth’s agenda would have led to higher marginal income tax rates, higher capital gains tax rates. and higher interest and dividend tax rates.

    That’s an agenda that could get my vote.

  21. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 10:43 am:

    - The Captain -,

    Agree about Duckworth and keeping her busy, but 8 points, even in a non-Presidental cycle, given the opportunity of the money that was spent, Enyart is not going to be threatened. The Republicans may want Enyart, a former General, busy, but its not like Bustos or Davis…

    Money thrown at Enyart will be wasted chasing the 8 percent spread.

  22. - Kasich Walker, Jr. - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 11:19 am:

    So how do I get a piece of this dueling press release business?

  23. - 47th Ward - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 11:20 am:

    ===The voters of Illinois’s 18th Congressional District are not blind: they can tell when someone is pretending to be something they’re not.===

    Ouch. And since when did Bruce Rauner start calling himself “Chris Chocola?”

  24. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 11:21 am:

    ===with a desperate attempt to hide your liberal voting record.===

    ===Congressman Schock, your liberal record speaks for itself.===

    ===Congressman Schock, please stop pretending to be a fiscal conservative. The voters of Illinois’s 18th Congressional District are not blind: they can tell when someone is pretending to be something they’re not.===


    Blood Oaths!

    Litmus Tests!

    “We must Primary … anyone … who is not “Pure to the Faith”, Says the “Slytherin House” wing of the GOP, known as “the Base”

    Look at the language, THEIR language!

    Why is it always, “Not Republican Enough” … to the “Base” … not “Pure” enough … to the “Base” … not “Conservative” ….CONSERVATIVE … enough … to the “base”…

    Sad state of affairs for my Party. Dopes are driving the bus on this, and they are trying to drive this bus over as many Republicans as possible, and whoever is left, hops on their bus … as it drives off the cliff of being in the Minority … like here in Illinois.

    (Looking all over …)…Where is that “Sorting Hat”?

  25. - Easy - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 11:25 am:

    An 8 point spread isn’t much when factoring the turnout difference between pres and non-pres years. in 2008, Halvorson beat Ozinga by 16 then lost by same point spread in 2010.

    Enyart was buoyed by huge turnout in St. Clair, previous turnout history demonstrates that such numbers not exist this time around.

    Going from 70% turnout to 48-50% turnout puts 10, 11, 12 and 17 in play on paper. now the key is who they recruit and if the recruits can raise $$.

  26. - pensioner - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 11:26 am:

    I love it when they eat their own.

  27. - wordslinger - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 11:34 am:

    –And since when did Bruce Rauner start calling himself “Chris Chocola?”–

    That dude’s nickname definitely has to be “The Count,” am I right?

  28. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 11:34 am:

    - Easy -,

    Ok, go chase Enyart! If you think …Duckworth … is in play … too ….use your Money to get Enyart and Duckworth.

    Now, you want to talk about Schneider, or Bustos, or even/maybe Foster, you have my attention.

    ===Enyart was buoyed by huge turnout in St. Clair, previous turnout history demonstrates that such numbers not exist this time around.===

    Please send Lottery numbers, stock results, and sports winners. If you can predict, knowledgeably, with THIS candidate, running for the 1st time in a Non-Presidental … get me those things I asked for too.

    ===Going from 70% turnout to 48-50% turnout===

    And … do you realize, even with a lower turnout … not all those leaving are the opponent’s voters … right?

  29. - Cincinnatus - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 11:36 am:


    While I agree with you about diverse party membership, the quotes from your post are pointed more at Schock saying one thing, then doing another. These comments aimed at hypocrisy, even if they are spouted by those who may be hyper-partisan.

    I’m sure if I dug around, I could find Schock talking about ethics and transparency in government, maybe even since he become subject of investigations by the House Ethics Committee.

    If someone is going to change his mind about an issue, that’s okay. Human and totally defensible. Explain it to the people, and most of the time, they’ll cut you slack. It’s the politicians that say one thing and vote another way that frosts my cake.

  30. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 11:37 am:

    ===That dude’s nickname definitely has to be “The Count,” am I right?===

    Heck, we even have a “Vote Countula” in Illinois if “Count Chris Chocola” wants to go all “Royal” on Schock.

  31. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 11:41 am:

    - Cincinnatus -,

    Agreed, and well said.

    My point is not to defend Schock, but to point to the manner which these “Litmus Testers” go to point out hypocrisy with such ferver and to the extreme of a … website …

    that don’t sound like cooler heads are prevailing there either.

    You make good points, - Cincinnatus -, my point is just the utter insanity some are dring the bus of our Party, either running others over, or driving us all over a cliff.

  32. - B2Chicago - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 11:52 am:

    Quote: Congressman Schock, please stop pretending to be a fiscal conservative. The voters of Illinois’s 18th Congressional District are not blind: they can tell when someone is pretending to be something they’re not.

    Wow - this line hits on so many levels.

  33. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 11:54 am:

    ===Wow - this line hits on so many levels.===

    I am confused, can you be more specific?

  34. - justsayin - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 12:03 pm:


    Teal belt white jeans …… #justsayin

  35. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 12:06 pm:

    - justsayin -,

    No, you better spell it out. And I am sure whatever it is you are going to spell out you can prove … right? #InuendoAintJustSayin

  36. - justsayin - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 12:08 pm:

    just saying he is a stylish dresser for spring events .. where is your mind at “Willy”


  37. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 12:09 pm:


    Can someone also explain how, whatever everyone is alluding to but won’t claer up for me, whatever that is, is important in this specific post, and this specific arguement …


  38. - justsayin - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 12:09 pm:

    very style cutting edge

  39. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 12:11 pm:

    This post isn’t about fashion, or about lines, or levels …

    So, maybe just say what you want to say …

    Or, just not say anything until you WILL say what you mean.


  40. - justsayin - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 12:12 pm:

    All I was saying is he dresses nice . This is exactly how folks in the 18th CD dress . What are you talking about ?

  41. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 12:15 pm:

    - justsayin -,

    Uh, I asked …specifically …

    ===I am confused, can you be more specific?===

    So, since I asked …first … well, I guess I will never know.

  42. - sonic - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 12:19 pm:

    Cynics might want to reserve judgment. This is invaluable in a general election and that’s the key objective. Standing up to to wingnuts and the biggest backer of Akin and Murdock is a good thing in Illinois. Coming a day before sequester, with people blaming Republicans for being obstructionist, this is nice inoculation for Schock. Statewide and in his district.

  43. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 12:20 pm:

    So, - B2Chicago -,

    I asked …

    ===I am confused, can you be more specific?===

    Well, what did you mean?

  44. - justsayin - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 12:27 pm:

    Seriously Willy ,

    What are you alluding to ? Is there something your not saying ?

  45. - Easy - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 12:27 pm:

    Actually OW, yeah the biggest fall-off in 10,11, and 12 is among Soft D’s in a non-prez race, then indies, then R’s at a very low percentage (why you ask? because R’s are primarily older, habitual voters). I’m not saying Enyart can be beat, I’m just saying the composite of the electorate in 2014 would say it’s in play. That’s what the numbers say.

  46. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 12:29 pm:

    ===What are you alluding to ? Is there something your not saying ?===

    I am asking -B2Chicago - to clear up what the post meant, unless you can.

    That would be great!

  47. - Cincinnatus - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 12:31 pm:


    - just saying…

  48. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 12:31 pm:

    ===I’m not saying Enyart can be beat, I’m just saying the composite of the electorate in 2014 would say it’s in play.===

    By all means, go for it.

    I still have Enyart as 5th most vulenrable Illinois Congressman, but by all means, we need to go take to the Dems everywhere, but at least know, it will be very tough sledding in that District.

    Best of Luck.

  49. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 12:31 pm:

    B2Chicago’s IP address shows a Washington, DC location. FYI.

  50. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 12:33 pm:


    Well said.

  51. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 12:34 pm:

    ===B2Chicago’s IP address shows a Washington, DC location. FYI.===

    The Plot thickens …thanks, Rich.

  52. - Small Town Liberal - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 12:34 pm:

    - What are you alluding to ? Is there something your not saying ? -

    Man, this guy is pretty clever, he thinks we jumped to our own conclusion without realizing what he was up to.

  53. - justsayin - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 12:36 pm:

    Washington DC ?? Rauner have a DC office ?

  54. - justsayin - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 12:38 pm:

    I am not up to anything , but in typical liberal decision making — you attempt to kill the messenger .

    All I said was Schock dresses like most of the rural very staunch conservative 18th CD folks . I mean his district isn’t a super republican district or anything ? Hell Rep. Steve King could win the 18th CD being Steve King

  55. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 12:40 pm:

    - justsayin -,

    If you have to explain, you are losing.


  56. - justsayin - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 12:41 pm:

    Oh Willy bless your lil heart .

  57. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 12:42 pm:

    Well, it is Lent and all …

  58. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 12:45 pm:

    To the post,

    What is the acceptable percentage for “”? Is there a bottom number you MUST have, and if there isn’t, are different votes weighted? If they are weighted, how do you figure percentages?

    Lots of questions …

  59. - justsayin - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 12:45 pm:

    Willy ,
    Walleye or catfish ? Lent topics

  60. - justsayin - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 12:49 pm:

    Willy ,

    The 18th CD is staunch conservative . There is very little excuse not to have a very high rating in the 18th CD . The Western portions are to the right of Attila the Hun . Even the Dems are to the right of most the the northern R’s .

    Schock could have made a pivot , yet it seems his COS would rather have facebook hissy fits . First he blames Rauner with zero proof . Now he attacks C4G and Heritage .

    Seems like a glass jaw to me .

    One fact is Aaron’s COS is no Rahm .

  61. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 12:50 pm:

    Good Question …

    Pepper and Egg sandwich.

    I think I read somewhere Chicagoland sells more “Filet-O-Fish” during Lent than anywhere in the Country.

    Both equal, - justsayin -, whatever a good Fish Fry has a-ready!

    To the Post,

    And further, can a Conservative Democrat get a higher rating than a Moderate Republican in their ratings?

    No snark, asking …

  62. - justsayin - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 12:55 pm:

    I am sure there are Blue dogs ( that haven’t been made extinct ) that score very well . A moderate R is just a big spending R . C4G isn’t about a single social issue . So common sense would say “yes a Blue dog could score high”

  63. - 18th Rep. Titan - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 12:58 pm:

    why is there this odd obssesion with Rep. Aaron Schock ? can’t we just go back to making fun of Illinois governors gone wild and call it a day?

    Do i hear a sufficient second ?…….


    The motion passes. #DCSchockit

  64. - B2Chicago - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 1:00 pm:

    Just for clarification, the person typing under the handle “justsayin” isn’t me, nor am I going there. The gossip aspect of this is not my intent and it’s beneath the discussion.

    My concerns with Aaron have always been that since becoming a politician, he has said one thing and done another. Hence, my clarification post at 12:20PM laying out those thoughts further.

    I am not having an out of body experience, but I am firmly planted in Chicago and my IP address (at least on Google) shows me to accurately be there as well. Although a vacation to DC would be nice, I am stuck with snow and slush like the rest of Illinois.

    Rich can clarify that if he wants to.

  65. - justsayin - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 1:02 pm:

    Titan ….

    Swing and miss

  66. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 1:11 pm:

    Well, congratulations, - B2Chicago -, your “Drive By” comment fueled this, although it is beneath discussion and not your intent(?)

    ===Hence, my clarification post at 12:20PM===

    Is it still up?

  67. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 1:12 pm:

    ===The 18th CD is staunch conservative . There is very little excuse not to have a very high rating in the 18th CD .===

    Voting your conscious, not your district … that is a pretty good excuse….

  68. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 1:13 pm:

    ===Is it still up? ===


  69. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 1:15 pm:

    ===I am sure there are Blue dogs ( that haven’t been made extinct ) that score very well . A moderate R is just a big spending R . C4G isn’t about a single social issue . So common sense would say “yes a Blue dog could score high” ===

    I like that common sense, but do you have an example of one Dem from …”C4G”?

  70. - justsayin - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 1:20 pm:

    Voting your conscious, not your district … that is a pretty good excuse….

    Rep’s are elected to represent the district .. not their conscious

    101 Willy

  71. - wordslinger - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 1:23 pm:

    Willie, it’s just the usual gay-baiting innuendos from the Usual Suspects.

    For decades, there’s been a certain kind of Illinois Republican, trapped in a in permanent state of arrested development, that pulls that club out of the bag for Republicans they don’t like.

    Kirk has had to deal with it. Rutherford has had to deal with it. Schock has had to deal with it. So have others.

    The cleverness of the rumor-mongers is impressive, isn’t it? A real Algonquin Round Table. And the maturity — just like giddy little boys in a treehouse. At least Roeser has the guts to come out and say it.

  72. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 1:23 pm:

    Why am I going about asking about the Dem scores?

    If the gola is to have conservative Republicans filling seats that Republicans fill, because the current Republican isn’t conservative enough, what the heck is the goal of a group that wants to shrink my Party primaring members of our Caucus?

    Because they are NOT Repbublican enough in a formula that can not be measured accurately, but by a “Vote” test, with certain votes having different weights, even though any Republican can agree 80% of the time as the Reagan Rules asks?

    What are we talking about here?

    Just as a far Left group wants to Primary Blue Dog Dems who are socially conservative, (according to them) causing distruption in Their party!

    What is this Formula that Schock is now “failing” and what is a passing grade????


  73. - justsayin - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 1:26 pm:

    Worked great for SRO & HRO — from the 1990’s to now didn’t it ?

    Oh that’s right we got our clock cleaned . What about Speaker Hassert ?

    Damn … nvrmind

    Be a Repub if note run as a Dem

  74. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 1:31 pm:

    Any further TOS violations on this post are gonna result in some serious scorched earth tactics by me. Just warning you.

  75. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 1:32 pm:

    ===Rep’s are elected to represent the district .. not their conscious

    101 Willy===

    “…that a representative owes the People not only his industry, but his judgment, and he betrays them if he sacrifices it to their opinion.”

    - Edmund Burke, a member of the British Parliament

    Sometimes, being 100% of anything … like voting a district … does not make the BEST member of the Congress of the United States.

    I am sure many will point out his votes, and then the voters will decide Congressman Schock’s fate …

    But …

    If only voing your district 100% of the time is required, why have any … human … in Congress?

  76. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 1:38 pm:

    - wordslinger -,

    Well said.

    It is very disappointing that those thinking they are saving the Party … are the ones … tearing it down.

  77. - Colossus - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 1:42 pm:

    Schock always results in a thread that requires popcorn and a comfortable chair. From an entertainment standpoint, I almost want him to run.

  78. - wordslinger - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 1:46 pm:

    I’ll add, every statewide GOP candidate that I can think of who has been subjected to these juvenile gossip campaigns has gone on to win their primary and general elections.

    What’s that definition of insanity, again?

  79. - justsayin - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 1:48 pm:

    So Willy riddle me this ..

    Cross and X-tine are both squishy moderates . How has the GOP done under them ? People may gripe about crazy Walsh but he lived and died by his stance .

    Your either for small Gov’t or your for the mess that is the once proud state of Illinois . It is pretty simple .

    Schock is in deep do do right now and his COS ’s hissy fits aren’t helping a bit .

  80. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 1:52 pm:

    - wordslinger -

    That factoid gives me solace for the Party. Thanks.

  81. - hisgirlfriday - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 1:56 pm:

    The 18th as right of attila the hun? What? This district is very Republican certainly but its still Illinois and it has plenty of middle of the road college educated cat and state farm employed people to balance out the more rural western portion. It also has plenty of union workers and retirees from cat, mitsubishi, state govt who probably won’t freak out upon learning schock upheld davis bacon. I think people are confusing the 15th and 18th a little bit. The 15th is the one with the keyes counties.

  82. - justsayin - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 2:01 pm:

    Friday ,

    Notice State farm & Cat are all expanding ELSE where … justsayin

    But continue doing “bravo”

    Rome is burning … I should start a fiddle company up

  83. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 2:09 pm:

    ===Cross and X-tine are both squishy moderates . How has the GOP done under them ? People may gripe about crazy Walsh but he lived and died by his stance .

    Your either for small Gov’t or your for the mess that is the once proud state of Illinois . It is pretty simple .===

    Use “The Google Key” and you can find my thoughts, no one wants to read them again, but they are out there.

    But I wll get you started by saying “Two-Putt” and “Commander Galloway” lose and lost historically by running cookie-cutter candidates in districts that needed better choices, and had no field operation to back up what decent candidates there were out there, less the “Fire Madigan” and “Call me, Maybe.”

    Running Right to be “Right” would lead to less than the 66 members that are in the GA now …

    If you are Veto-Proofed out of the process, what really does it matter if you are for small government, large government, or Student Government.

    So your last bit about the “mess” and all that, is Moot, as we in the GOP are shut out … by rigidness and Litmus Tests.

  84. - Cincinnatus - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 2:09 pm:

    - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 1:23 pm:

    “Why am I going about asking about the Dem scores?

    If the gola is to have conservative Republicans filling seats…”

    We’d be better off having these guys fill the seats:

  85. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 2:13 pm:

    Great - Cincinnatus -, now I am going to have nightmares for a week!

    Where is my Night-Light?

  86. - wordslinger - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 2:13 pm:

    The letter from Count Chocola is amazing. Aaron Schock is a “liberal?”

    The Inquisition is on, and no one is safe.

    Every day, all over the country, you see more reports of the GOP ripping themselves to shreds.

    Where’d they get the playbook from here? The Whigs? At least those guys destroyed themselves over something significant.

    Is there no one who can slap some sense into these people? Maybe the Bush presidents?

    The WSJ had a poll the other day that 29% of Americans had a positive view of the GOP — not the GOP in Congress, but of the GOP. Dems were 42% positive.

    When the Dems were in the wilderness nationally, I don’t recall this kind of bloodletting. The difference must be big money. They call the shots and their interests are not necessarily in building a national party.

  87. - matt jones - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 2:16 pm:

    As a Republican, a resident and a voter in the 18th Congressional district my entire life, I don’t need Chris “count chocula” from the Club for Growth telling me about my representative or my district from his Manhattan office suite. Some (including me) might say that a refusal to destroy the credit rating of the nation by defaulting for the first time in history and refusing to use scorched earth tactics (like defunding a lawsuit) to get your way, in short to burn down the village in order to save it,is irresponsble. So Chris can attack Schock and middleclass Reaganesque Republicans (like me) who don’t demand accolytes in order to be part of the team. I’m REALLY getting fed up with this ridiculous purity test within my party. To paraphrase Reagan, an 80% Republican is still a Republican and as Buckley said, the goal of the conservatives is to support the most conservative candidate “who can win”. Which according to your rural Indiana neighbors (sorry South Bend)you can’t! (there I feel better now)

  88. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 2:25 pm:

    - matt jones -,

    I send you out in the 18th District with this Mission:

    Preach it.

    Every time you face those you describe, ask them about the Reagan Rule of 80%, and remind them of the Buckley advice.

    Be what I had hoped the ILGOP could build, and preach the common sense needed to refute the Litmus Testers and Blood Oath “Warriors” that are destroying our Party.

    By fulfilling that Mission, you will be doing more, than what our “Leaders are doing, today.

    Well said, - matt jones -, and I hope you take me up on the Mission.

  89. - capncrunch - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 2:43 pm:

    I would have added that his vote to make permanent the temporary Bush era tax cuts for 99.3% of Americans was a major Republican victory.

  90. - Bemused - Thursday, Feb 28, 13 @ 2:52 pm:

    I have said before I am not a Schock Fan, but this does seem real early to be roughing him up. With the attention span of the average voter being what it is why spend big bucks now. Something here does not add up.

    On the other hand if there is that much money floating around out there perhaps we could up taxes on that high earner group.

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