She’d better be ready for a fight
Monday, May 6, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller * The nice thing about leaking stuff like this to Sneed is we don’t hear about such pesky problems as the bungled Koschmann case and the disastrous 60 Minutes interview. Instead…
Background on that bizarre 60 Minutes interview can be found here and here. If she runs, African-American politicians are gonna be up in arms. Guaranteed. Also, I’d love to see a poll pitting Sheila Simon against Judy Baar Topinka. Hey, wait. I have a pollster. Hmm. And one other thing. I’ve been saying privately that I was about 70 percent convinced that Lisa Madigan would not run for reelection and/or will run for governor. I’m up to 80 percent these days.
- Because I said so... - Monday, May 6, 13 @ 12:04 pm:
Rich, I’d love to hear your thoughts on why you think Lisa won’t run. It seems like everyone else thinks she will.
- Empty Chair - Monday, May 6, 13 @ 12:12 pm:
Can you clarify that last sentence? It’s pretty confusing. You’re 80% sure she will run for Governor, not AG? Or are you 80% sure she won’t run for either AG or Gov?
- ChicagoR - Monday, May 6, 13 @ 12:13 pm:
I’m surprised that the article mentions Sheila Simon running for comptroller, since just last week she was making calls saying she’s running for AG (and will run for comptroller if Lisa stays in place.)
- Cincinnatus - Monday, May 6, 13 @ 12:13 pm:
- CircularFiringSquad - Monday, May 6, 13 @ 12:15 pm:
Wow two Sheila SImon items
What does that say?
- Rich Miller - Monday, May 6, 13 @ 12:19 pm:
I wrote what I meant.
- Chicago Cynic - Monday, May 6, 13 @ 12:21 pm:
Sneed is such a tool. Sorry - she pulls so many items straight from here and claims it as news so I shouldn’t bash.
And Rich, I’m at 99%. I see ZERO sign Lisa will run for reelection.
Finally, Anita Alvarez for AG? Talk about self-delusion.
- Shore - Monday, May 6, 13 @ 12:22 pm:
I at least give the democrats points for recognizing women candidates. Republicans have done a horrible job developing, promoting and recruiting female candidates. I think biggert was the only gop congresswoman in the state and outside of topinka they haven’t really pushed anyone for anything.
they need to look less to 50 something millionaire north shore ceo’s that can self fund and career springfield insiders and more to what democrats have done in the suburbs. may, garrett, morrison, hamos, the woman that replaced her in evanston. Better way to go. that’s just in one 20 minute drive.
- Because I said so... - Monday, May 6, 13 @ 12:43 pm:
Sorry I misread your position.
- Dee Lay - Monday, May 6, 13 @ 12:43 pm:
- Finally, Anita Alvarez for AG? Talk about self-delusion. -
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner.
Anita is lucky if she gets reelected as the CCSA.
Her blunders have been near comical.
- Arthur Andersen - Monday, May 6, 13 @ 1:09 pm:
Am I also off the meds today, or wouldn’t JBT clobber SS in that race? The office runs well, no embarrassments, and SS doesn’t have squat in the way of qualifications.
Guess I’ll hope someone runs a poll.
- wordslinger - Monday, May 6, 13 @ 1:21 pm:
–I at least give the democrats points for recognizing women candidates. Republicans have done a horrible job developing, promoting and recruiting female candidates. I think biggert was the only gop congresswoman in the state and outside of topinka they haven’t really pushed anyone for anything. –
Shore’s very right. It’s been a while, which is strange, since suburban women used to be the state GOPs bread and butter.
Lynn Martin volunteered for a tough race against Simon. Loleta Didrickson got the nod from the moderate establishment, but they didn’t support her against Salvi.
I disagree that anyone promoted JBT for anything. She earned it all on her own.
Given the current lineup of Bruce and the Usual Suspects, I wonder if JBT might not want another shot at the Big Chair, considering she was buried by bipartisan/nonpartisan dirty money last time out against Blago.
I’ll tell you a few things: She’s a Happy Warrior, not a hater; She will and can campaign everywhere in the state and find a friend (none of those other guys can say that); and no one will out work her.
Why is she not considered the strongest GOP candidate for governor?
- Todd - Monday, May 6, 13 @ 1:23 pm:
please Anita, pretty please
- Hank - Monday, May 6, 13 @ 1:30 pm:
AA, wouldn’t it be the battle of the bands? Accordian vs banjo or am I thinking of another accordian toting mama?
- Steve - Monday, May 6, 13 @ 1:37 pm:
Rich brought up that Anita Alavarez could have problems in the African-American community over infamous 60 Minutes presentation. Let’s not forget her amazing interview with Jeff Berkowitz where she says no one should own a gun.
- justbabs - Monday, May 6, 13 @ 1:38 pm:
If Rich is up to 80% on LM not running for reelect, there’s a 20% chance of SS running for Comptroller.
- For laughs - Monday, May 6, 13 @ 1:42 pm:
Why wouldn’t Simon just run for Treasurer? At least that might be winnable for her. Even if both Comptroller and Treasurer were open, Treasurer is the better job. It has more jobs, a higher profile and more programs to get your name out. Just ask Dan Hynes what kind of stepping stone that Comptrollers office is.
- OneMan - Monday, May 6, 13 @ 1:49 pm:
If Alverez runs for AG, might be a chance for an R pickup with the correct candidate.
- Lucky Lotto - Monday, May 6, 13 @ 1:56 pm:
Sneed moved you 10%, Rich? I’ll have to remember that!
- wordslinger - Monday, May 6, 13 @ 2:08 pm:
–please Anita, pretty please–
Todd, who’s in the NRAs farm system for AG?
I’m assuming a Republican. Do you have a Dem candidate for AG?
Any way you slice it, I think it would be very informative to see a full-throated NRA-backed candidate run for AG in Illinois.
By the way, who was the last NRA sweetheart-of-the-rodeo to win a big one in Illinois? And if there was one, what did it get you?
- Esquire - Monday, May 6, 13 @ 2:33 pm:
Hold Rich:
An AG poll matching Alvarez versus Topinka may be meaningless unless Judy recently attended law school and was admitted to the Illinois bar.
- Esquire - Monday, May 6, 13 @ 2:34 pm:
Apologies Rich. I read the paragraph too quickly.
- Anonymous - Monday, May 6, 13 @ 2:51 pm:
@wordslinger: “…She will and can campaign everywhere in the state and find a friend (none of those other guys can say that); and no one will out work her.”
Have you seen JBT lately? She’s on a cane - mobility could be an issue for her.
- Rich Miller - Monday, May 6, 13 @ 2:53 pm:
===Have you seen JBT lately? ===
Yes, I have. She is still full of vim and vinegar.
- Raising Kane - Monday, May 6, 13 @ 2:55 pm:
Anonymous, she just finished a 13 city tour….I think she has plenty of mobility. But the right-wing will never let a moderate win that primary.
- John - Monday, May 6, 13 @ 3:30 pm:
With her problems in the African American community she could not survive an election in 3 years. No wonder she is looking to move on.
- Anonymous - Monday, May 6, 13 @ 3:34 pm:
@Raising Kane: Please tell me that was a deliberate pun!
@Rich and Kane: My apologies gentlemen, I was unaware of that 13-city tour… The right-wing has tolerated her for quite some time and she has incredible name recognition. Plus, beating her does not seem to end well for the victorious - the last person to beat her lives in Colorado now.
- Formerly Known As... - Monday, May 6, 13 @ 3:43 pm:
When nearly the entire Democratic establishment hopped on board with Blagojevich’s reelection, I thought they cared only about retaining power for the sake of retaining power.
If members of the Democratic establishment hop on board with Alvarez for Attorney General, then I will know those individuals care only about retaining power for the sake of retaining power.
Come on, ladies and gents. We can do better than Anita.
Far better.
- hisgirlfriday - Monday, May 6, 13 @ 4:08 pm:
@forlaughs - your comment on treasurer vs comptroller for sheila simon got me thinking… if the treasurer job is better than comptroller then why wouldn’t jbt move to reclaim it when rutherford announces for gov?
- Arthur Andersen - Monday, May 6, 13 @ 4:12 pm:
I saw her recently as well. She’s fine.
- Raising Kane - Monday, May 6, 13 @ 4:25 pm:
hisgirl…my guess is “been there…done that”.
Anonomous….hilarious on Blago!
- Oswego Willy - Monday, May 6, 13 @ 5:01 pm:
For a Birthday gift, I always wanted to have lunch with Alverez and Dorothy Brown and ask them one question;
“What are your ultimate political asperations?”
Then let them go! Seriously, how delicious would that be, the two of them, talking, planning, strategizing. I would cry, for no “lunch” birthday would match…
To the post,
Alverez does not have the chops to take on even a weak Republican AG Nominee, and she appears to eaither wilt at criticism, or doubles-down to her own detriment, making debates a troublesome task.
Alverez is Devine, less the political savy, aptitude, and self-awareness.
I hope she gets nominated!
As for going against Judy Topinka… Alverez can’t outwork her. Not possible. Rod out “TV’d” her, but never outworkedher. Ever. Alverez does not have the fire in the stomach when it comes down to it, she likes when its handed to her, like with Devine.
Maybe Dorothey, Anita, and I can lunch al fresco to really make it nice…
- Arthur Andersen - Monday, May 6, 13 @ 5:15 pm:
Willy, you are either the ultimate political junkie or a masochist.
- Oswego Willy - Monday, May 6, 13 @ 6:38 pm:
- AA -,
The answer to that is “yes”.
I guess Rauner “likes” our Yard signs, remind him they need to be paid individually, not by a gross, plus the “design” fees.
- Just The Way It Is One - Monday, May 6, 13 @ 7:27 pm:
Sorry, folks, but I just really don’t think JBT is the answer for the GOP, but ponder as you may. Also, wouldn’t be surprised to see Ms. Alvarez go for AG once Lisa stops lolly-gaggin’ around and announces–if she does (I’m more like at 95% sure now she’s willing to soon become the cause of Ultra intra-Dem. Party turmoil and chaos with her impending divisive run for the Mansion). And if she does, she’ll likely be mighty tough to beat in a Primary–depends on who else’d be in…
- Arthur Andersen - Monday, May 6, 13 @ 8:29 pm:
Willy, consider it done, plus the upcharge for “Capitol Fax Placement.”
- regular democrat - Tuesday, May 7, 13 @ 10:16 am:
In 2006 Oswego Willy must have been watching another election. To say that Judy outworked Blago simply is not true. He was everywhere and that was part of the strategy to make her look old and tired.