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Madigan and Senators to Quinn: Hurry up, already

Wednesday, Jun 19, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Most people figure that Gov. Pat Quinn will probably try to rewrite the concealed carry bill and make it a utopian gun control measure, with some weak “may carry” language tossed in for good measure. An assault weapons ban, a ban on high capacity gun magazines and more are expected to be tossed into the mix.

But, hey, maybe not. Maybe he’ll surprise literally everybody and sign the bill. Or maybe he’ll just issue a straight-up veto with a long message pandering to his base. Whatever the case, the pressure for action is starting to increase

House Speaker Michael Madigan - the attorney general’s father and a fellow Chicago Democrat - urged Quinn to sign the bill, which was a hard-fought compromise between the House and Senate.

“If you look at the vote in the House and the Senate it’s pretty clear that the governor’s veto could be overridden,” Madigan said after an unrelated committee hearing Tuesday.

* More

But the Southwest Side powerhouse, whose daughter, Attorney General Lisa Madigan may challenge Quinn for governor in next year’s Democratic primary, also said he expected Quinn to take action “designed to advance his campaign for re-election.”

A tad hurtful, but true.

Cook County is Quinn’s base. And Cook County Democratic primary voters do NOT like guns. It’s as simple as that.

* But, it’s really not that simple. For instance, this is a statement issued yesterday by state Sen. Mattie Hunter, a Chicago Democrat…

“I am disappointed with the current situation surrounding the concealed carry legislation we passed. My approval of the firearms regulations package was and continues to be with reservation as I believe the legislature’s approved plan leaves much to be desired. It fails to address public safety concerns and the epidemic of violence occurring on the streets of Chicago daily.

“However, I have supported this concealed carry effort because I realize the importance of making sure we have a statute in place to protect our citizens. If the governor does not take action soon, we are in danger of not providing much needed security for our communities.”

The message here is fairly clear: If you’re gonna do something, do it soon and for crying out loud don’t undercut the people who stuck their necks out and voted for the darned bill in the first place.

* The proliferation of state’s attorneys issuing their own hastily crafted ad hoc concealed carry rules is really starting to concern legislators. Several Downstate Senators issued statements on the need for urgency yesterday…

Senator Gary Forby (D-Benton) “I know the governor has concerns with this bill, but we worked really hard to come up a proposal that we think everybody can live. He may not be happy with it, but it is a compromise. There are things you like and things you don’t like.”

Senator Mike Jacobs (D-Moline) “The governor needs to take action on this bipartisan concealed carry measure. We need a concealed-carry law that applies to all gun-owners equally, regardless of where you live.”

Senator Andy Manar (D-Bunker Hill) “I don’t think anyone will be surprised if the governor vetoes the bill. I would just urge him to act quickly so that the General Assembly has enough time to respond before the extended deadline.”

Senator Dave Koehler (D-Peoria) “We had to do something about concealed carry. This compromise is much better than the ‘constitutional carry’ alternative.”

Senator Pat McGuire (D- Joliet) “The concealed-carry bill passed by a large majority of Democrats and Republicans on May 31 was the result of much compromise between House and Senate members and various interest groups. If the Governor has suggestions for yet improving the bill, I hope he would seek to make those changes through follow-up legislation. We should not risk missing court-ordered deadlines and allowing a dangerous and confusing hodge-podge of concealed-carry rules across our state.”


…Adding… From 47th Ward in comments

This is Quinn’s re-election campaign kick-off. It will not be a simple veto. It will be a full blown media event and re-write to do right, probably at the home of a Chicago gun shot victim, with lots of gun control advocates, ministers, cops and moms with kids. Expect the full monty of gun control porn, fear, fear, and more fear with a dash of victim stories and photos of departed loved ones. It’s going to be over the top.

Quinn will a/v it to include every conceivable item from ICHV and the Brady Center wish list. He’ll say this is what Governors can do, this is why you need strong leaders, the buck stops with him, he’s the only one who can protect us, yada, yada, yada.

It’s his big moment in the sun and it doesn’t matter that the veto will be promptly over-ridden. It’s too good for Quinn to pass up and it highlights his only strength. The over-ride just reinforces the message Quinn is going to deliver and makes him seem more relevant.

Trust me, it’ll be worth the wait.

I find it hard to disagree.


  1. - Abe the Babe - Wednesday, Jun 19, 13 @ 9:34 am:

    A straight veto with a long winded message would seem to benefit everyone.

  2. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Jun 19, 13 @ 9:37 am:

    The process is playing out under the rule of law and the jurisdiction of the courts.

    All our defenders of the Constitution should be pleased.

    The SA’s who are making up their own rules are doing so to score points with their constituents. What’s the difference?

  3. - OneMan - Wednesday, Jun 19, 13 @ 9:52 am:

    Putting money on Quinn being long winded is always a safe bet…

    Veto with the statement, bonus points if it mentions Lincoln and the Mississippi River.

  4. - walkinfool - Wednesday, Jun 19, 13 @ 9:58 am:

    Most tough compromises should be supported if at all possible, despite one’s original position. Those who shift toward accepting them from both sides, are to be applauded. Otherwise, we go nowhere with our form of government.

    @Word: superb comment.

  5. - RonOglesby - Wednesday, Jun 19, 13 @ 9:59 am:

    The delay is about giving homerule units more time to pass AWBs… nothing more.

    The gov knows he can be overridden in a second with a veto or heavy handed amending veto. That is why LtGov was sending out notices to homerule units and draft legislation was going out for AWBs…

    Stall, that is all. Then he can play to his base, and be overridden if necessary. In the end nothing changes.

  6. - So. ILL - Wednesday, Jun 19, 13 @ 10:08 am:

    == Cook County is Quinn’s base. And Cook County Democratic primary voters do NOT like guns. It’s as simple as that. ==

    I could understand why they don’t like gun violence. Just look at last weekend’s insanity. But, just hating guns shows a total lack of understanding of the bigger issues involved in crafting legislation dealing with legal ownership of firearms. Leave it to Cook Co. voters to blow it for the whole state on yet another critical issue.

  7. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Jun 19, 13 @ 10:12 am:

    –Leave it to Cook Co. voters to blow it for the whole state on yet another critical issue.–

    The first Southern Illinois Victim comment of the day, 10:11 a.m.

    The bill passed. It will be law.

    What’s next on the victim agenda?

  8. - Small Town Taxpayer - Wednesday, Jun 19, 13 @ 10:18 am:

    Seven people killed and 30 wounded over last weekend in Chicago. I can see few reasons residents of the city would support more guns on the streets.

  9. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jun 19, 13 @ 10:20 am:

    ===What’s next on the victim agenda? ===


    Best comment of the day.

  10. - Wensicia - Wednesday, Jun 19, 13 @ 10:22 am:

    I expect Quinn will drag this out as long as he can.

  11. - So. ILL - Wednesday, Jun 19, 13 @ 10:31 am:

    We aren’t the part of the state with all the victims. Those “strictest in the nation” gun control laws are really working well for Cook Co and the city of Chicago.

  12. - Arthur Andersen - Wednesday, Jun 19, 13 @ 10:33 am:

    word, I shudder to say this, but if more SA’s turn loose the hordes with FOIDs and 45’s you may see more Southern Illinois victims of the more tangible kind.
    Let’s just hope the damage is self-inflicted.

    “Gee whiz, I thought I had the safety on before I jammed that into my pants. Good thing I used the back pocket.”

  13. - Ummmm - Wednesday, Jun 19, 13 @ 10:41 am:

    This legislation isn’t a “hard fought compromise”. It was a last minute last ditch effort to pass “something”. It forces trading of some rights for another. It gives politicians and beaurocrats immunity. It constitutes a poll tax. It treats a person like they have been arrested (fingerprinting) and punishes those who refuse to bow to that provision. It’s a snatching of all medical records that will then be shared with all levels of government. DTI is a nasty violation of the fourth and fifth amendments aside from simple private exercise of the second itself. It IS a simple gun control bill that the feckless NRA didn’t even have the courage to oppose. Open carry? Totally and completely endlessly debatable - how ironic.

    For by and Phelps showed that they aren’t gun rights supporters but instead they are in favor of government control over people and their rights. UNLESS they stand up and refuse to call this bill after Quinn vetoes it.

    Look around the country - see that gun controllers are paying dearly for their efforts. We see anti gun protests bringing a dozen people or even THREE people (lol). We see recalls happening in Colorado. If Phelps and Forby do not run from this Madigan gun control bill - they will take serious heat come election time. Why? Because the folks are learning more and more just how UGLY this legislation is all the time and they will learn more as they “apply” and see for themselves just how bad it really is.

    Mr Phelps, do you really want your name on this when its challenged and snapped on by courts? Do you really want your legacy to be that of the man who hindered and harmed people’s Second Amendment rights for decades to come? Do you really want to give your opponents in future elections that ammo? You WILL own it, Sir, is that what you want? Sure. In the short term you can champion “concealed carry” but in the long run people will experience the wrath of this bill. Think the train wreck that is Obamacare. Eventually truth comes out. See the Forrest through the trees mr Phelps,,,,,

  14. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Jun 19, 13 @ 10:41 am:

    AA, those state’s attorneys are making their choices for their own political popularity. Some did so before the bill was passed.

    It’s not like the process is rigged. The bill will be law in due time, but the wheels of democracy can grind slow.

    Those who choose to jump the gun, so to speak, for personal popularity reasons do so at their own peril and possibly expose their constituents to civil liability for publicly proclaiming that they will not enforce the law that remains on the books.

  15. - 47th Ward - Wednesday, Jun 19, 13 @ 10:46 am:

    This is Quinn’s re-election campaign kick-off. It will not be a simple veto. It will be a full blown media event and re-write to do right, probably at the home of a Chicago gun shot victim, with lots of gun control advocates, ministers, cops and moms with kids. Expect the full monty of gun control porn, fear, fear, and more fear with a dash of victim stories and photos of departed loved ones. It’s going to be over the top.

    Quinn will a/v it to include every conceivable item from ICHV and the Brady Center wish list. He’ll say this is what Governors can do, this is why you need strong leaders, the buck stops with him, he’s the only one who can protect us, yada, yada, yada.

    It’s his big moment in the sun and it doesn’t matter that the veto will be promptly over-ridden. It’s too good for Quinn to pass up and it highlights his only strength. The over-ride just reinforces the message Quinn is going to deliver and makes him seem more relevant.

    Trust me, it’ll be worth the wait.

  16. - How Ironic - Wednesday, Jun 19, 13 @ 10:58 am:

    @Arthur Andersen
    “Gee whiz, I thought I had the safety on before I jammed that into my pants. Good thing I used the back pocket.”

    …Because that happens all over the other 49 states with CC.

    Is it possible that a responsible gun owner could suffer a negligent discharge? Yes.

    Why however, do you attempt to portray responsible gun owners as morons who barely know how to handle a firearm, let alone put it in a holster and carry it?

    Are you suggesting that Rich is one such person? He’s already stated that he will be obtaining one.

    We get it. You don’t like guns. But your commentary about those that do know how to handle firearms responsibly are off the mark and dumb.

  17. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jun 19, 13 @ 11:06 am:

    ===If Phelps and Forby do not run from this Madigan gun control bill - they will take serious heat come election time===

    I know you’re gonna have trouble believing this, but most normal people aren’t as radically goofy as you are.

  18. - Mason born - Wednesday, Jun 19, 13 @ 11:08 am:


    You hit the nail on the head even down to the theatrics. It will be something to see.

  19. - Judgment Day - Wednesday, Jun 19, 13 @ 11:26 am:

    “Those who choose to jump the gun, so to speak, for personal popularity reasons do so at their own peril and possibly expose their constituents to civil liability for publicly proclaiming that they will not enforce the law that remains on the books.”


    All those States Attorney’s out there taking these steps are really quite clear on the ‘risks’ involved, and for most of them, it’s not as much about politics - it’s more about ongoing functions of their local criminal justice system.

    When you say “….enforce the law that remains on the books”, they respond that the 2ND court of appeals has blown that one up with their decision, and unless the State of Illinois appeals and wins, they are going to be the one’s stuck handling all the unwinding of any new gun cases prosecuted post 2ND Appeals Court decision. And then everybody locally is looking at them saying “What were you thinking of?” Didn’t you anticipate this could happen?”

    You say “personal popularity reasons”. Maybe in a very few cases, but in most cases, it’s more along the lines of “Why should I potentially blow up my local LE operations just so some clown down in Springfield can pander to his political base?”

  20. - Pardon our dust - Wednesday, Jun 19, 13 @ 11:27 am:

    I am just truly shocked at the number and who voted for HB183 in the GA. I never thought I would see the day when that many liberal Democrats voted for CCW

  21. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jun 19, 13 @ 11:33 am:

    ===it’s more about ongoing functions of their local criminal justice system.===

    Oh, please. The July 9th deadline is three weeks away. You mean to tell me they can’t hold off for 21 more days, even though the original court order was handed down six months ago? Baloney. This is a gross overreaction on their parts.

  22. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Jun 19, 13 @ 11:39 am:

    JD, I think you’re whistling Dixie.

    Any SA can exercise prosecutorial discretion without announcing it to the newspapers.

    They’re doing it for political points, just as Quinn will use the veto for the same. They’re politicians — birds gotta fly, fish gotta swim.

    47th, you shouldn’t give that sort of advice away, dude. That’s for paying customers.

  23. - Cincinnatus - Wednesday, Jun 19, 13 @ 11:40 am:

    - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jun 19, 13 @ 11:33 am:

    “===it’s more about ongoing functions of their local criminal justice system.===

    Oh, please. The July 9th deadline is three weeks away. You mean to tell me they can’t hold off for 21 more days, even though the original court order was handed down six months ago? Baloney. This is a gross overreaction on their parts.”

    Rich is absolutely correct here, and I believe we can apply his thoughts to those Home Rule communities rushing to pass new laws as Simon suggested.

    Let the process play out…

  24. - dupage dan - Wednesday, Jun 19, 13 @ 11:43 am:

    47th Ward - we’ll remember what you said here. We could all use a bit of good street theater right now. It sounds like you could actually have written the script. If it comes down to half of what you said it will be - the wait will indeed be worth it.

  25. - Judgment Day - Wednesday, Jun 19, 13 @ 11:52 am:

    “This is a gross overreaction on their parts.”

    Rich, respectfully, these guys have timetables that they have to work within. And the timetables keep changing. And bluntly, things get screwed up enough just in normal operations. This process were going through isn’t making life any better.

    And here’s a situation, where currently, the best way to describe it is that ‘everything and anything done in this area is subject to change’.

    This whole issue can potentially throw waves into the criminal justice system, especially if you have a major transportation/interstate running through your jurisdiction. The States Attorney’s (many, not all) are trying to avoid that situation as much as possible.

  26. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jun 19, 13 @ 11:54 am:

    ===these guys have timetables that they have to work within. And the timetables keep changing. ===


    You don’t see the Republican Sangamon County State’s Attorney overreacting like this. You know why? Because he’s a responsible, thoughtful guy who isn’t a media hound.

    Also, there are two major Interstates running through his county. So, that undercuts another part of your argument.

    This is about local politics and blow-dried TV-hungry blowhards.

  27. - Pardon our dust - Wednesday, Jun 19, 13 @ 11:57 am:

    Quinn won’t sign until two minutes before midnight July 8. Why? Because he doesn’t have to.

  28. - mack - Wednesday, Jun 19, 13 @ 11:59 am:

    The SA’s are just acknowledging what is already the legal practice in their county since the 7th circuits decision. Is there some theater, sure. But it is being played on both sides and these SA’s are tired as are the sheriffs of having to tacitly not charge or arrest someone with a carry violation when individuals are otherwise legal and have a Foid Card as they know that it is a waste of time of law enforcement and the court since once the 7th Circuits decision is formally entered all the prosecutions and or convictions go out the window. Why should they be forced to go through that farce, why not be honest. Why not put the pressure back on Springfield to do their job and quit playing politics. If Quinn would just sign or veto the bill and allow the GA to override the veto, he can still look all pouty and hurt on TV and use it in his campaign. The only reason he is waiting at this point is either out of a desire to try to get more home rule cities to pass an AW ban or to just be obstinate. Neither reason is sufficient.

  29. - Pardon our dust - Wednesday, Jun 19, 13 @ 11:59 am:

    I’m not an insider. How much of what we are talking about is orchestrated and slowly dripped to the media? Someone other than Quinn knows what he is going to do. I

  30. - Tom G. - Wednesday, Jun 19, 13 @ 12:11 pm:

    The reason many of the SA’s are publicly annoUncing their policies may be to prevent law suits against them for enforcing a law that the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals found to be …wait for it… UNCONSTITUTIONAL! They know what a 1983 lawsuit can mean to their counties and the cops who will be exposed to personal liability suits if they arrest someone for a law that has been found to be…here’s that word
    Of course they may also just be flipping the bird at Quinn, Madigan, Tiny Dancer and Supernintendo McNuggets.

  31. - Pardon our dust - Wednesday, Jun 19, 13 @ 12:12 pm:

    If Quinn does veto, he will literally lose eye support of every Democrat in Illinois. No one will be standing behind him. I think he will sign. He didn’t oppose this bill in committee and actually said he supported Sen Rawoul and his bill. This is the same governor in 2011 who said he would stop any CCW legislation, you’re not hearing that anymore.

  32. - Lawrence - Wednesday, Jun 19, 13 @ 12:20 pm:

    Regarding the State’s Attorneys, something a couple of them pointed out is that the Illinois UUW statute has been ruled unconstitutional, and thus has never been constitutional since inception. Regardless of the stay on the issuance of the injunction against enforcing it, it is unconstitutional. As mentioned, I would hope that prosecutorial discretion would mean that statewide the State’s Attorneys have quietly ceased to prosecute any UUW “violations.” The reason to stay the injunction was to permit the state to continue to have *some* type of rule, even though convictions under that would be highly likely to be reversed. In that light, indeed some State’s Attorneys, being elected officials, are playing to their local political realities, and providing a form of regulation, ad hoc as it is, that is more realistic than pretending that the current, unconstitutional law stands.

  33. - Hank - Wednesday, Jun 19, 13 @ 12:47 pm:

    It will be a full blown media event and re-write to do right, probably at the home of a Chicago gun shot victim……….will PQ arrive on his white horse for the event?

  34. - Mason born - Wednesday, Jun 19, 13 @ 12:52 pm:

    –will PQ arrive on his white horse for the event?–

    Nah he is a man of the people a special white metra train.

  35. - Formerly Known As... - Wednesday, Jun 19, 13 @ 1:01 pm:


    Quinn Advance Team - July 7th - Checklist

    White Horse
    Ferris Wheel
    Carnival Barker
    Confetti Blasters
    Balloon Drop
    Airplane for Statewide Flyaround

    - - -

    As for the families who have been impacted by this violence or the merits of the underlying legislation?

    Well, that’s nice and all. But someone (Quinn) has a reelection to think about. And someone else (Daley, Madigan, any legislator running for higher office) has an election to think about and posture for.

    Makes me sick sometimes.

    #SadButTrue #NoMoreVenting #Thanks

  36. - Buster - Wednesday, Jun 19, 13 @ 1:14 pm:

    The Gov will almost certainly amendatorily veto the bill and make a media event out of it. I wouldn’ t be surprised if he brought Sqiggley the Pension Python along too…

  37. - A. Nonymous - Wednesday, Jun 19, 13 @ 1:43 pm:

    @ Lawrence - “pretending that the current, unconstitutional law stands.”

    It’s so “unConstitutional” that the Court let it stand til June 9th and then realized it was really, really so spectacularly unConstitutionalistical that the same court agreed to keep the law in place until JULY 9th!!

    In short, the law is still the law up until the point it isn’t.

  38. - Arthur Andersen - Wednesday, Jun 19, 13 @ 2:12 pm:

    How Ironic, learn to take a joke.
    I am not anti-gun. I am pro-enforcing the laws on the books.
    I am also pro-training for people who want the privilege to carry concealed among the general public, including proper carry procedure and the purchase of proper holsters.

    I’m sure that when Rich goes through the CCW process he will cover all those bases. I have previously been trained and the time is well spent-you?

    FOID Carry gets us none of that.

    I also suggest you do some research on the number of A/Ds with or without injuries annually. You might be surprised.

  39. - siriusly - Wednesday, Jun 19, 13 @ 2:24 pm:

    From a strictly political standpoint, 47 is totally right and I don’t see why Quinn should do it any differently. Most of those legislators are no going to help him next March anyway!

    A lot of voters who oppose CCW were unaware of the bill until after its passage. A Quinn veto / splashy press event might be a huge win for him with his base.

  40. - Sprungfield - Wednesday, Jun 19, 13 @ 2:32 pm:

    Illinois Senate Democrats website; front and center telling the Guv to sign. He has to

  41. - downstate commissioner - Wednesday, Jun 19, 13 @ 2:33 pm:

    Add Logan County to list of SAs who aren’t going to prosecute unlawful carry- in Lincoln Courier today.

  42. - Sprungfield - Wednesday, Jun 19, 13 @ 2:58 pm:

    Coincidence the next special session is scheduled for July 8?

  43. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Jun 19, 13 @ 4:01 pm:

    –Coincidence the next special session is scheduled for July 8?–

    What’s the signifigance? Death of Kim Il-sun? UFO crash in Roswell?

  44. - How Ironic - Wednesday, Jun 19, 13 @ 4:11 pm:

    @ Arthur Anderson

    Typically jokes are funny. Most likely the reason I didn’t realize you were making one.

    I do find it amusing though that you are fearful that “FOID Carry gets us none of that.”, after informing me that you “have previously been trained”.

    As if you are the only FOID holder in the State of Illinois that has undergone CCW training.

    I just don’t see the impending doom if current FOID holders are allowed to carry. I would rather have them have training, but I’m sure not seeing all of them walking out the front door with pistols jammed down their waistband.

    Hopefully this nonsense is over soon. Quinn just needs to sign the darn thing and be done with it.

  45. - Sprungfield - Wednesday, Jun 19, 13 @ 4:21 pm:


    July 9- court imposed injunction for CCW

  46. - crunch - Wednesday, Jun 19, 13 @ 6:27 pm:

    I have nothing good to about the Governor so I won’t say anything

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