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Rauner talks a bit about Rendell

Friday, Aug 2, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Republican gubernatorial candidate Bruce Rauner was in Decatur this week and the Herald & Review’s Ryan Voyles was there

Rauner took a variety of questions, from his stance on gay marriage to why a self-labeled political outsider has made political donations to Democratic candidates.

He has contributed $200,000 to the campaigns of former Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley and has supported current Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel. He has also supported former Philadelphia mayor and Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Randell when he ran for the Democratic National Committee and Forrest Claypoolol, who previously ran for Cook County Board president.

“I will never apologize for those four,” Rauner said, adding he supported the Chicago mayors because they control the schools and little can be done without their support.

He’ll never apologize, eh?

* I reached out to Voyles to see if he had any audio of Rauner talking about former Gov. Rendell. Why? Well, you may remember this story

As friends and foes assess Ed Rendell’s tenure as governor, few events better illustrate his record in one contentious arena - campaign fund-raising - than his 2001 trip to see a Chicago businessman.

Rendell was in the early stages of the governor’s race. Aides had dispatched him to the Windy City with what they thought was a reasonable goal - a $50,000 check, according to one who spoke on condition of anonymity.

Rendell left the meeting buoyant, but confessed to aides he never asked the would-be donor for a set amount. Rendell “just had a feeling,” he told them.

A week or so later, the Chicagoan, Bruce Rauner, sent a check for $200,000. Another check, for $100,000, came just before the election.

At the time, Rauner’s private-equity firm had business with the state of Pennsylvania. GTCR L.L.C. was managing $110 million in pension funds for the State Employee Retirement System, records show.

After Rendell became governor, the state doubled its stake in GTCR funds, to $226 million. That meant at least $4 million more in management fees to the firm.

* So far, this is pretty much all the Rauner campaign has said about the money to Rendell. Greg Hinz

As Rauner spokesman Chip Englander emailed me when I asked him for comment on the Philadelphia story, “The vast majority of (Mr. Rauner’s) donations have been to Republicans and conservative and government reform causes, but Bruce is an independent guy, and he has supported some Democrats who he knows personally, or who have pursued education reform or pro-business policies.”

Mr. Englander adds, “Pennsylvania invested in GTCR funds starting in 1997, four years before Bruce ever contributed (to Mr. Rendell). Pennsylvania invested in them, under Republican and Democratic governors alike, because of GTCR’s strong returns and great reputation.”

* My e-mail to the Herald & Review reporter bounced back, so I checked in with managing editor Dave Dawson and received this…

Ryan started vacation today. I texted him to confirm my interpretation of what Rauner said, It boils down to — and this is not a direct quote — we both wanted school reform and I donated because I wanted to start a relationship with him.

I’m sure he did want a relationship. How convenient.


  1. - shore - Friday, Aug 2, 13 @ 12:38 pm:

    They seem to let their guard down when they get out of the chicago media fracas/there isn’t a national reporter following them around thinking that some cub reporter or mid career reporter from a smaller outlet won’t ask a tough question or one that if they botch, won’t make its way to this blog/chicago/or go viral. I think guys like Rauner, Brady and Daley who aren’t as smart (brady)/used to the grind of being a candidate everyday have to be extra careful with this especially.

  2. - Mokenavince - Friday, Aug 2, 13 @ 12:48 pm:

    Rauner would do well because 1 he’s a business man and smart enough to work with the Mayor of Chicago. All good Republican Governors have done this. He’s not that far right and won’t scare women. Add he’s also smarter than Quinn.
    Dillard and Brady time has come and gone.

  3. - Spidad60 - Friday, Aug 2, 13 @ 12:50 pm:

    A donation in exchange for a significant increase in managed State Employee pension funds? Where have we seen this before?

  4. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Aug 2, 13 @ 12:55 pm:

    ===…and I donated because I wanted to start a relationship with him.===

    Well, Payton Prep Clouter Bruce Rauner never dissapoints …

    Won’t apologize… in a Republican Primary … for donating to Rahm and Rich Daley …to .. gain acccess … which can incluse … access to Rauner’s Denied Winnetka-Living Daughter to be Clouted … to a Chicago Public school.


    “Payton Prep Clouter, how much does it cost to “have a relationship” where you can put your own daughter in a Chicago school? I mean, you aren’t going to apologize, so how much was the access?”

    Embarrassing pathetic, and highlights what a complete phony Rauner is, Payton Prep Clouting or not.

  5. - too obvious - Friday, Aug 2, 13 @ 1:00 pm:

    Bruce Rauner to restore Pay-to-Play to its former glory in Illinois. Wonderful.

    Quinn must be praying every night that Republicans are stupid enough to nominate this phony.

  6. - Barton Lorimor - Friday, Aug 2, 13 @ 1:04 pm:

    Poor Ryan will think twice before he turns in his next time off request.

  7. - Ghost - Friday, Aug 2, 13 @ 1:12 pm:

    I give him points for the no apology comment. he meant to give the money, and is not goi9ng to pretend he didnt. Big points to him for that.

    I also give him points for saying he was trying to by access. is there anyone who thinks contributors at his level are doing something else? This gets him more mileage with me then the carhart jacket and farmfields :)

  8. - Paul Lyin - Friday, Aug 2, 13 @ 1:21 pm:

    Taken from the Bill Cellini playbook. Besides being Democratws, what do all 4 candidates have in common, influence on pension fund boards. Or in the case of Forest Claypool, potential influence that was never achieved. This guy rails on government, but has handsomly profitted from it as his firm has managed millions for public pension funds.

  9. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Aug 2, 13 @ 1:22 pm:

    If I were involved runnig against Bruce Rauner, I think I would try this, “run it up the flagpole”, lol …

    “Bruce Rauner says he can’t ‘be bought’, but Bruce Rauner knows the prices to ‘buy’ …

    Bruce Rauner, buying access, one Democratic donation at a time, without apology.”

  10. - Arthur Andersen - Friday, Aug 2, 13 @ 1:22 pm:

    “start a relationship.”

    So that’s what they call it in tony circles.

    The US Attorney’s description is much more bureaucratic.

  11. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Aug 2, 13 @ 1:31 pm:

    ===“The vast majority of (Mr. Rauner’s) donations have been to Republicans and conservative and government reform causes…===

    No snark, not at all.

    Examples? At what …”amount”… are we talkig about in donations to Republican and Conservative …causes?

    If you are “buying” access at any level, is it better you are in the “pay to play” realm if you are only donating to Republicans, Democrats, or should you be giving to both?

    The slime and hypocricy of “shakes thing up in Springfield” is utterly beyond the pale.

    If Payton Prep Clouter Bruce Rauner comes out with a “menu”, like how much he had to pay to “advocate” for his Daughter, or the cost of gaing a “relationship” with Rahm…”How much did that run ya, Bruce?” … the cost of a “relationship” with Rich Daley …”Can I just order ‘one term’ relationship with Mayor Daley, and bring out the dessert menu too, please …”

    According to this, “Everyone DOES have a price … and Rauner will pay it … and “paying” is so, so, SO different than getting.


  12. - wordslinger - Friday, Aug 2, 13 @ 1:37 pm:

    – Rauner said local municipalities, from counties to city wards, should be able to vote on whether they want right-to-work in their area.–

    Why not precinct-by-precinct, like taverns?

    Farmer Bruce from LaSalle Street is just desperately concerned about education reform in PA; that GTCR payday had nothing to do with it.

  13. - hisgirlfriday - Friday, Aug 2, 13 @ 1:46 pm:

    So all we need to fix Decatur is become a right to work state?

    Also I don’t get his gay marriage position as described. It sounds like he is opposed to the whole concept of civil marriage entirely. How else would govt not deciding marriage work?

  14. - dang - Friday, Aug 2, 13 @ 1:49 pm:

    Hypocrisy is a word that has no meaning to men like Rauner. It is a word that has no meaning to the ruling corporate political class either.

  15. - Jim - Friday, Aug 2, 13 @ 2:17 pm:

    Rich, I don’t think you made a coherent point against Rauner. He has invested money for PA before Rendell and he invested even more after Rendell was elected. Maybe his firm’s performance justified the increased business. Are you suggesting Rendell was paying Rauner offer for his contributions, a kickback of sorts. You have to remember that Rauner would be and was hugely successfully whether he did any business with government or not. I’d be willing to bet that it was a small part of his overall business portfolio.
    As for him giving money to Chicago Dems, you all know that if he didn’t give they wouldn’t care a thing about anything he had to say about reforming the city’s schools.

  16. - Chi - Friday, Aug 2, 13 @ 2:19 pm:

    Did Blue Collar Bruce contribute to many governors (for education reform, of course) in states where he didn’t have millions of dollars in pension business?

  17. - A guy... - Friday, Aug 2, 13 @ 2:26 pm:

    This fella has emigrated to the deeper end of the pool. Water doesn’t discriminate. Choice: dog paddle back to where your feet touch. Or drowned. The life guards are changing shifts.

  18. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Aug 2, 13 @ 2:26 pm:

    ===As for him giving money to Chicago Dems, you all know that if he didn’t give they wouldn’t care a thing about anything he had to say about reforming the city’s schools.===

    Hoe exciting! The Payton Prep Clouter “had” … had to give… to be heard. Was to be heard for school reform?

    Was it to be heard for Chater Schools to make money?

    Was it heard to “Clout” his Daughter … you know, … so everyone understands that Bruce Rauner wants to be heard.

    The “Don’t hate the player, hate the game” is so false for a “reform” candidate, “shaking things up”, all the while …paying … and paying … and paying … for himself, his company, his family, and his own wallet.

    “Everyone does it” does not fly for a “reformer” … and it doesn’t fly for the “game” being the “game”.

  19. - wordslinger - Friday, Aug 2, 13 @ 2:26 pm:

    I think Illinois primary voters understand the concept of pay-to-play when it comes to governors and pension fund investors by now.

    Coming soon to a TV in your living room: negative spots on Bruce the Buyer, featuring Blago, Rezko, Cellini and Levine.

  20. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Aug 2, 13 @ 2:28 pm:

    ===Bruce the Buyer===

    I am always learning … always …

    Very well done.

  21. - zatoichi - Friday, Aug 2, 13 @ 2:36 pm:

    So Rauner gives $300,000 to Rendell and Pennsylvania triples their investment in Rauner’s company which then earns $4M in fees. ‘Just a feeling’, nothing more here. Just a friendly contribution.

  22. - Empty Suit - Friday, Aug 2, 13 @ 2:40 pm:

    Rauner add: ” I’m a citizen not a politician.”
    Yes all us average citizens donate hundreds of thousands to politicians.
    Is it too early to ask for a recount?

  23. - wordslinger - Friday, Aug 2, 13 @ 2:48 pm:

    –Yes all us average citizens donate hundreds of thousands to politicians.–

    It was money well-spent. It paid off.

  24. - walkinfool - Friday, Aug 2, 13 @ 3:26 pm:

    The “big money crowd” links with political power brokers, almost entirely regardless of Party. They have their own goals and rules for donations and expected returns.

    To use any of these cases as a “gotcha” on party loyalty, misses the whole point.

  25. - A guy... - Friday, Aug 2, 13 @ 3:26 pm:

    It’s not like he sent him the whole $300K at once. (totally sarcasm)

  26. - LincolnLounger - Friday, Aug 2, 13 @ 3:38 pm:

    –Did Blue Collar Bruce contribute to many governors (for education reform, of course) in states where he didn’t have millions of dollars in pension business?

    Well done, Chi. That is the key question that needs to be answered. Rauner rails about the “government union bosses”, but I’m guessing he didn’t do that with Rendell. Was part of the “reform” he was looking for in PA schools standing up to the teachers’ unions? I’m guessing Rendell was all in on that.

    What a phony. Downstate Party leaders HATED Dillard’s stupid appearance in the Obama commercials (too cute by half, Kirk). Wait ’til they get a load of Rauner’s contributions — no matter how proud Bruce may be.

  27. - Jim - Friday, Aug 2, 13 @ 3:43 pm:

    If you guys really are upset at the Rauner appearance issue, don’t you have to be upset with everybody. I suspect the moral outrage is highly selective; Rauner is a successful businessman, so whatever he does is suspect while others are subjected to considerably less more inspection. Suppose Rauner clouted his daughter into a good chicago school. couldn’t he have clouted her into an even better and more elite prep school. are people suggesting that this is disqualifying, and, if so, are they disqualifying others like Daley and Quinn. They play politics, too, far nastier than Rauner. Maybe some of hte GOP guys do, too.

  28. - Wumpus - Friday, Aug 2, 13 @ 3:50 pm:

    But his horse race commercial says he is anti-pay to play!

  29. - Norseman - Friday, Aug 2, 13 @ 3:57 pm:

    All I can say after this latest disclosure is:

    *** Oswego Willy for Governor - he’s no Bruce the Buyer ***

  30. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Aug 2, 13 @ 4:00 pm:

    Oh geez, here we go ….

    ===so whatever he does is suspect while others are subjected to considerably less more inspection.===

    He is a hypocrite who is runnin gto shake things up, while he is part of the problem…he brings this on himself.

    ===Suppose Rauner clouted his daughter into a good chicago school. couldn’t he have clouted her into an even better and more elite prep school. ===

    He DID …Rauner, um, “advocated” for his Daughter, who was denied … remember, DENIED … to take the spot of a real Chicago kid who …PASSED TO GET IN …but was on a waiting list, so Payton Prep Clouter Bruce Rauner can have his DENIED Winettkka living daughter could DENY a truely needy kid a spot in a PUBLIC school … Rauner wants to clout his Daughter in a Private School, I have no beef, but you deny … DENY … a child in Chicago who needs a chance, so your priviliged, DENIED, Daughter can take a spot … then say you are about education, is over the top slimy, and to ding the teachers, the public teachers who taught your DENIED daughter, that shows Hubris of a classless, Cad.


  31. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Aug 2, 13 @ 4:02 pm:

    *** Oswego Willy for Governor - he’s no Bruce the Buyer ***

    - Norseman -,

    Have that sign ready for the Fair …lol

  32. - Joan P. - Friday, Aug 2, 13 @ 4:19 pm:

    “Forrest Claypoolol”

    Typo or commentary?

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