Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Activist: Illinois gay marriage will lead to “collapse” of America
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Activist: Illinois gay marriage will lead to “collapse” of America

Thursday, Oct 17, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* One of the more over the top fundraising appeals I’ve ever seen. From the Illinois Family Institute. Emphasis added…

As a father of six children, I often wonder what Illinois will be like in twenty years. What will it be like for your children and grandchildren?

We cannot know for sure. We can’t predict the future. Only God knows for certain.

I do know, however, that things are sure to be worse, much worse for our children, if we don’t do something now to stop the moral collapse, which will be hastened if our lawmakers undermine marriage by legalizing same-sex “marriage.”

I am doing everything in my power to prevent that from happening. I’ve put tens of thousands of miles on my car and logged weeks away from my family to fight this evil agenda in 2013, and I need your help today.

I’m not alone in making sacrifices. Many courageous people are stepping up and doing their part, including the staff and a dozen or so dedicated volunteers at IFI. I need you to do your part today.

The Chicago Sun Times admitted this week that Leftists are still “shy” of the votes they need to pass homosexual “marriage.” And that is because you have refused to stay silent. Now we must finish what we started earlier this year. We must show up in Springfield again. The politicians need to know how strongly you feel about this attack on common sense, reason, and decency. They have to understand that marriage redefinition isn’t as popular as some politicians and media pundits want you to believe it is.

And our politicians need to know that we aren’t going to allow them to ignore the best interests and rights of children and individual religious liberties without a fight. I can do no less for my children. It is my duty. It is our duty.

A friend told me about a group of WWII veterans from Iowa that drove all the way to Washington D.C. this week. They risked arrest by passing through the barricades set up by the president to keep veterans from viewing their monuments. We should be inspired to defend marriage with the same courage, conviction, tenacity, and sacrifice that the greatest generation fought to defend American principles and to honor their fallen. If we don’t stop the enemy from achieving his goal of destroying the family, there won’t be any monuments to visit. America will collapse. It is only a matter of time. Read Genesis 19.

I need your help today to continue the fight against this anti-family agenda. It takes a lot of money to pay staff, keep the bills paid, maintain our full-time office, host Pastors’ Breakfasts, travel to every part of the state, run ads, send out mailings, produce a timely and relevant website, and organize a huge Lobby Day(s). In just one week the October 23rd Lobby Day will be over. The bills won’t wait for next week.

And the truth is, the bills are mounting, and they must be paid.

We don’t get any money from the government or from the mega-rich like our adversaries do. We rely on the Holy Spirit moving in the hearts of his people: moms and dads, grandmothers, and grandfathers from all across the state.

Would you show your support for this cause and our work. Would you take a couple of minutes to make an online contribution?

Maybe you cannot be in Springfield next Wednesday.

You can make a donation.

I don’t hesitate in asking for your financial support. I am not ashamed. I’d beg you for your support if that would help. This cause is that important to me, and the Illinois Family Institute is that effective.

I know it is important to you as well. Please help your Illinois Family Institute remain strong in this fight.

Thanks for not delaying in making your contribution.

God be with you and with the great state of Illinois.

David E. Smith, Executive Director
Illinois Family Institute

* Meanwhile, back on Planet Earth, a new Fako & Associates poll has been released in Demcratic Rep. John D’Amico’s Northwest Side district. D’Amico tells Mark Brown he’s still undecided

A new poll commissioned by Illinois Unites for Marriage Equality indicates D’Amico’s constituents — at least those likely to vote in a Democratic primary — strongly support legalizing same-sex marriage with 66 percent in favor compared to only 24 percent against.

The poll of 351 likely Democratic voters, conducted by Lisle-based Fako & Associates, has a margin of error of plus or minus 5 percentage points.

You always have to consider the source with any poll, although D’Amico conceded this one appears legitimate.

Still, D’Amico did not sound persuaded by the results, especially with the poll’s concentration on Democratic voters.

D’Amico said he’s “got a whole district to represent,” not just those who take a Democratic ballot.

“I’ve seen a lot of numbers thrown at me,” he said. “I’m trying to feel it out for myself.”

D’Amico said he expects to rely more on “my own unscientific poll, talking to people.”

D’Amico is Mayor Emanuel’s floor leader, so he’s under extreme pressure to vote for the bill.


  1. - Chris - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 3:17 pm:

    ” They risked arrest by passing through the barricades set up by the president to keep veterans from viewing their monuments.”

    I presume the rest of that paragraph has as much relation to reality.

  2. - Tatler - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 3:23 pm:

    “We cannot know for sure. We can’t predict the future. Only God knows for certain.”

    “America will collapse. It is only a matter of time. Read Genesis 19.”

    Somwhat contradictory?

  3. - Aldyth - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 3:24 pm:

    I live across the river from Iowa, which has had gay marriage for four years. So far, I haven’t seen any signs of a moral depravity explosion and civilization (such as it is) ending over there. Goodness, there hasn’t been any sort of recruitment drive that I’ve heard about and none of the marriages in my neighborhood have ended because of gay people breaking them up.

  4. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 3:26 pm:

    ===I am doing everything in my power to prevent that from happening. I’ve put tens of thousands of miles on my car and logged weeks away from my family to fight this evil agenda in 2013, and I need your help today.===

    When you are on your deathbed, … are you going to ask for more time away from your family to fight the “evils” of the world, …or ask for more time WITH your family.

    Priorites, please.

  5. - MrJM - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 3:28 pm:

    Fortunately, “moral collapse” is covered under Obamacare.

    – MrJM

  6. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 3:29 pm:

    Veterans, visiting a Memorial, that is dedicated to … them, is not the same as staging a protest to get “something done”.

    The Vets, they did their part, they are being honored at the site.

    Lobbying, is not “visiting”.

    How about you keep the Vets out of your pleas.

  7. - frustrated GOP - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 3:30 pm:

    “OMG, replace “Same sex marriage” with “desegregation” and I bet you find something from 50 years ago that sounds the same. Signed by the grand wizard himself.

    The party of Lincoln, and born out of abolition is turning into the honoree at an Irish Wake, just a guy in the corner holding a beer taking up space until someone puts him in the ground. Less and less relevant and smelling worse by the day.

  8. - LincolnLounger - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 3:34 pm:

    It’s hard to understand why that group is now deemed a hate group.

    D’Amico is a real profile in courage.

  9. - Eddy - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 3:36 pm:

    Funny, I didn’t see a picture of the POTUS setting up barricades.

    I’d promis the dude 3 and a half cents to ask him to quit exaggerating.

    I have two gay nieces, both are wonderful mothers. There’s nothing evil about them or anyone in my family.

    I’ve been divorced three times. I’m a great dad. I log 30,000 miles a year in my car.

    All is fine with my family. Jesus would love to break bread with my family.

    It irks me when “Christian” groups promote hate and fear.

    That’s not the Christians I hang out with.


  10. - Timmeh - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 3:39 pm:

    The fact that we haven’t gone a few decades without a genocide makes me think that a moral collapse happened far before my time and far before gay people began asking for the ability to marry.

    Go take a look at how many horrifying crimes are committed each year. Rape, molestation, murder. We aren’t morally defunct already? Is gay marriage going to be some tipping point that throws otherwise moral human beings into monsters?

    Tell me, what does this moral collapse look like that is worse than what I can find in a newspaper from the past month?

  11. - Chicago Cynic - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 3:41 pm:

    Wait, I thought Obamacare was going to lead to the collapse of America. Now it’s gay marriage? I’m so confused. Hard to keep the enemies of America straight ;-)

  12. - Jim'e' - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 3:42 pm:

    “bills are mounting, and they must be paid”

    What a way to make a living; by preaching inequality.

  13. - truthteller - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 3:43 pm:

    What a waste of time and effort it is trying to prevent SOME people from the Constitutionally promised equal protections of the law.

    Supporting unjust, discriminatory laws seems to be what religionists do. That makes the baby jesus cry.

  14. - truthteller - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 3:43 pm:

    RE: the pending “collapse of America”

    Scare-monger much?

  15. - A guy... - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 3:45 pm:

    Let’s see how much money is donated and we’ll know how ‘over the top’ it is. I still struggle with this one. Everyone’s civil rights are safely protected; the Grand Wizard comment is patently stupid. Oddly, the whole debate over the definition of “marriage” may help the institution no matter how this issue turns out. One side is working to “protect” it, the other to “attain” it. In either case, it’s being treated as a very valuable commodity that means something very dear to the people on both sides. There are intelligent discussions and debates going on this time around. I guess my thought is that if it’s an easy one for you, you don’t think much of marriage in the first place; either way. Good for D’Amico that he’s working to be as thoughtful as he can on this.

  16. - hisgirlfriday - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 3:46 pm:

    Just reaquainted myself with Genesis 19 and have a question for Mr. Smith as I wasn’t 100 percent sure what verse and message he wanted me to focus on there.

    So if I look at Iowa will I turn into a pillar of salt? Thanks and yours in Christ,

  17. - PoolGuy - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 3:47 pm:

    what does allowing gay marriage have to do with this guys kids? or the “interests and rights of children.” Huh?

    also love how he got to jab Obama for keeping WWII vets from going to monuments. yes, the President really didn’t want our nation’s veterans to have access. but yet I bet if he forced them to stay open then House Repubs would have said he broke the law and should be impeached. crazy talk.

  18. - Jim'e' - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 3:48 pm:

    truthteller, I hope you aren’t throwing all the pastors under the bus because I know a few pastors who are great people that support a gay rights. I’m distressed that these characters at the “family institute’ are quite possibly making a living off of their campaign. Well, I guess some would say that Cardinal George’s education campaign is not doing well because of his spiteful statement on gays

  19. - Johnny Q. Suburban - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 3:49 pm:

    That’s the opposition and yet Illinois Unites is still basically toothless. Don’t understand it.

  20. - Siriusly - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 3:50 pm:

    That polling interesting is interesting. But what do the numbers look like in Jim D’Amico’s district ?

  21. - Nearly Normal - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 3:51 pm:

    Stay home and mind the family. You only get so much time on this earth.

    I have lived near and worked with gays for years. McLean County is still standing as well as the Twin Cities.

  22. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 3:52 pm:

    ===what do the numbers look like in Jim D’Amico’s district ? ===

    Not sure what you mean by that.

  23. - Demoralized - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 3:53 pm:

    == I guess my thought is that if it’s an easy one for you, you don’t think much of marriage in the first place==

    What exactly is that supposed to mean? I value marriage very highly and don’t have to think twice about this issue. It’s pretty arrogant of you to make such a statement and it’s pretty offensive also.

    ==Everyone’s civil rights are safely protected==

    No, they’re not. Unless you think unequal treatment doesn’t get into the civil rights realm.

    ==Let’s see how much money is donated and we’ll know how ‘over the top’ it is.==

    If you can’t see that this is WAY over the top then your definition of “over the top” is pretty screwed up.

  24. - Joan P. - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 3:54 pm:

    Oh, right, Genesis 19. Where the father sends his daughters out to be gang-raped. Real family values, there.

  25. - A guy... - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 3:54 pm:

    It means he reads the comments but not the story.

  26. - Demoralized - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 3:56 pm:

    ==There are intelligent discussions and debates going on this time around.==

    Perhaps but the Illinois Family Institute isn’t part of any of those intelligent discussions unless you consider hate-mongering intelligent.

  27. - Siriusly - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 3:59 pm:

    You typed Jim D’Amico by accident earlier. It was an attempt at humor at your expense.

  28. - Siriusly - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 4:00 pm:

    In today’s fax

  29. - A guy... - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 4:07 pm:

    Demoralized…Sorry for offending you. What it means is that some people (including me) believe marriage is a sacred institution that binds two people together for a lifetime and should be taken very, very seriously. Whether people of the same gender should be able to marry is a question worth pondering seriously. There are any number of laws dealing with marriage, i.e. age, close relative status, etc. that don’t make it a universal right. It’s licensed by the state. If you believe it’s a civil right, you’re mistaken. It’s offensive to people who were denied Civil Rights and had to fight for them to say so. No gay person was ever looked at as “property” by our Constitution. At least not for the reason of being gay. You woke up with your Civil Rights protected and you’ll go to sleep with them protected, as will every American. This ‘activist’ has a point of view that will resonate with some number of people. I’m suggesting we see what that is. I don’t like the harsh language of describing any group of people. There are rational people on both sides of this. If the numbers were so lop-sided it would have already passed. It hasn’t. There are still plenty on both sides and plenty in the middle (me) who have a view of marriage and yet still have family members and friends who are gay that they love unconditionally too. If that’s arrogant, I’m arrogant.

  30. - Howell - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 4:10 pm:

    ===It’s hard to understand why that group is now deemed a hate group.===

    You mean the label given to IFI by the radical Leftist SPLC? Talking about over the top!

  31. - Union County - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 4:20 pm:

    That is an expansionist reading of the Equal Protection clause of the 14th Amendment. The Radical Republicans in the Congress were concerned with protecting the rights of recently emancipated slaves, not creating a right to SSM.

    Iowa permitted SSM as the result of a judicial decision and each and every member of the Iowa State Supreme Court who had voted in favor of SSM appearing on the next judicial election ballot subsequently were removed from office.

  32. - Small Town Liberal - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 4:26 pm:

    - That is an expansionist reading of the Equal Protection clause of the 14th Amendment. -

    A reading that’s been upheld several times by the Supreme Court over the years.

    I’m sure you knew that though, because you’re such a scholar.

  33. - Demoralized - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 4:32 pm:

    ==That is an expansionist reading of the Equal Protection clause of the 14th Amendment.==

    That’s your opinion. Several courts have disagreed with you (thank goodness).

  34. - L Y O - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 4:35 pm:

    “Iowa permitted SSM as the result of a judicial decision and each and every member of the Iowa State Supreme Court who had voted in favor of SSM appearing on the next judicial election ballot subsequently were removed from office.”

    That is sometimes the risk of doing the right thing. Their vindication will be in the history books.

  35. - Mcleaniac - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 4:42 pm:

    Illinois WILL collapse- that is for sure. Politically, economically and by any other measure Illinois is facing certain ruin. It will not, however, be as a result of same sex marriage.

  36. - Laurie Higgins - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 6:22 pm:

    Just a few responses to Rich’s post and some of the comments:

    1.Rich characterizes portions of Dave Smith’s article as “over the top.” That’s rich (no pun intended). Nothing could be more “over the top” than the notion that sexual complementarity is wholly irrelevant to marriage.

    2.“Evil” is defined as “morally bad or wrong; causing ruin injury, or pain; harmful.” Severing the link between children and their mothers and fathers for no reason related to parental loss, abuse, incompetence, or abandonment is evil. Creating children to be deliberately motherless or fatherless is evil. Encoding in law the deceit that marriage is solely constituted by subjective feelings of deep romantic affection is evil. That is to say, all of the above are morally wrong and cause pain.

    3.One of the effects of legalizing same-sex pseudo-marriage will be to diminish religious liberty. Former Georgetown University law professor lesbian Chai Feldblum has confirmed this as inevitable. That too is evil.

    4.“Frustrated GOP” embarrassingly suggested that opposing the legal recognition of same-sex unions as marriages is the equivalent of endorsing racism. How is homosexuality per se analogous to homosexuality? It’s a stupid analogy that is strategically effective because we have an intellectually lazy and easily manipulated public.

    5.“Tatler” suggested David Smith was contradictory in his statements regarding societal collapse. Perhaps Tatler should read more closely. Smith wrote that we—that is to say, humans–can’t know what “Illinois will be like in twenty years,” and that “Only God knows for certain.” Then Smith pointed us to what God did to Sodom and Gomorrah in part because of their indulgence in homosexuality, which was to destroy them. It is not contradictory to say humans don’t know with certainty what Illinois will be like in twenty years and to say that Scripture shows that God does not eternally tolerate evil.

    6.The legal recognition of same-sex unions as marriages will have a corrosive effect on marriage, which has already been damaged by prior feckless philosophical shifts that emerged from, normalized, and exalted self-indulgence.

  37. - Laurie Higgins - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 6:55 pm:

    Correction: There was a typo in my prior post. Point #4 should read: 4. “Frustrated GOP” embarrassingly suggested that opposing the legal recognition of same-sex unions as marriages is the equivalent of endorsing racism. How is homosexuality per se analogous to race? It’s a stupid analogy that is strategically effective because we have an intellectually lazy and easily manipulated public. I apologize for the confusing error.

  38. - Sunshine - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 7:09 pm:

    Good Grief!!

    In combat in Viet Nam, just before a major offensive we always asked gays to move to the safety of the camp so we “straights” could go and defend our country….Yeah, Right!!!

  39. - 47th Ward - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 7:12 pm:

    Lol Siriusly. You beat me to it.

    In fairness, I can imagine Rich always referring to him as D’Amico and never really caring if he had a first name or what it might be. Sort of like Madigan, Madonna, Prince, some first names aren’t necessary.

  40. - Aloysius - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 8:16 pm:

    The Illinois Family Institute:
    Hearts of lead and brains of fruit.
    Better a sharp stick in the eye
    Than lectures from the I.F.I.

  41. - Just Me - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 8:39 pm:

    I don’t like using poll numbers to justify voting against the bill because this is a civil right, so I can’t possibly endorse using poll numbers to justify voting for it either.

    That said, poll numbers statewide favor equal marriage.

  42. - Laurie Higgins - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 9:02 pm:

    Just a few responses to Rich’s post and some of the comments:

    1.Rich characterizes portions of Dave Smith’s article as “over the top.” That’s rich (no pun intended). Nothing could be more “over the top” than the notion that sexual complementarity is wholly irrelevant to marriage.

    2.“Evil” is defined as “morally bad or wrong; causing ruin, injury, or pain; harmful.” Severing the link between children and their mothers and fathers for no reason related to parental loss, abuse, incompetence, or abandonment is evil. Creating children to be deliberately motherless or fatherless is evil. Encoding in law the deceit that marriage is solely constituted by subjective feelings of deep romantic affection is evil. That is to say, all of the above are morally wrong and cause pain.

    3.One of the effects of legalizing same-sex pseudo-marriage will be to diminish religious liberty. Former Georgetown University law professor lesbian Chai Feldblum has confirmed this as inevitable. That too is evil.

    4.“Frustrated GOP” embarrassingly suggested that opposing the legal recognition of same-sex unions as marriages is the equivalent of endorsing racism. How is homosexuality per se analogous to race? It’s a stupid analogy that is strategically effective because we have an intellectually lazy and easily manipulated public.

    5.“Tatler” suggested David Smith was contradictory in his statements regarding societal collapse. Perhaps Tatler should read more closely. Smith wrote that we—that is to say, humans–can’t know what “Illinois will be like in twenty years,” and that “Only God knows for certain.” Then Smith pointed us to what God did to Sodom and Gomorrah in part because of their indulgence in homosexuality, which was to destroy them. It is not contradictory to say humans don’t know with certainty what Illinois will be like in twenty years and to say that Scripture shows that God does not eternally tolerate evil.

    6.The legal recognition of same-sex unions as marriages will have a corrosive effect on marriage, which has already been damaged by prior feckless philosophical shifts that emerged from, normalized, and exalted self-indulgence. And, my friends, the dissolution of true marriage is a sure sign of and contributor to moral collapse.

  43. - Dinosaur - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 10:25 pm:

    There is an entire list of things that could cause America to collapse, and gay marriage isn’t on it. BTW, I don’t think America is mentioned in Genesis.

  44. - Alan - Saturday, Oct 19, 13 @ 2:28 am:

    “Laurie Higgins”: it is amazing how someone can couch such illogical drivel under the guise and in the language of rational discourse. However, your writing skill does nothing to disguise your ridiculous and irrational bigotry and your enthusiasm to deny other Americans their civil rights.

    1)Nothing could be more “over the top” than the notion of “sexual complementarity”… irrelevant to marriage. Make up words a lot? Obviously, you’ve made up your own concept of marriage, because, in the law (and in most Americans’ minds), marriage is NOT about sexuality. We live in a time when people freely engage in sexual relations without benefit (or restriction) of marriage, so no one is getting married for reasons of sex. They are getting married for reasons of love, and for reasons of sharing their lives with their loved one as a “family”. You are obviously more hung up on what goes on in the bedroom than the LGBT community is, when it comes to marriage. Time to get your mind out of the gutter.

    2)This comment about defining “evil” is not only nonsense, it is offensive. As for children having two same-sex parents - which you see as child abuse - EVERY reputable psychological, psychiatric and pediatric organization in the civilized world supports same-sex marriage as beneficial to children. Only one single study, which has been totally discredited as paid-for junk science, has ever found that there was any negative impact on children from having two same-sex parents in the home. In fact, in some areas, children of same-sex couples did BETTER than the mixed-gender couples did. But what I consider “evil” is forcing your religious prejudices down the throats of hundreds of millions of people under the guise of law, or popular votes. The rest of #2 does not even merit the dignity of a rational discussion.

    3) Yes, ending discrimination against gays is definitely going to reduce some “religious liberty” - just as ending segregation did and Loving V. Virginia did - at least the right of religious organizations to punish people with their bigotry. You know how many ministers and priests in the South declared that the end of the world is about to come about because blacks got equal rights? So yes, some religious people lost their “right” to be bigots and discriminate illegally. That’s a good thing, a very good thing. Limiting religion is a good thing. If you don’t, you end up with the Taliban or the Mullahs. But perhaps you like the idea of that?

    4) How is homosexuality analogous to race? Don’t read Supreme Court decisions much, do you? They are both disadvantaged groups who suffer from discrimination due to an immutable characteristic. Under the law, there is no difference.

    5) I have no idea what you’re talking about.

    6) A corrosive effect on marriage? MORE people wanting to participate in marriage will damage marriage? How? Will your husband run away as soon as he hears I’ve married my boyfriend? Or are you afraid that so many of those “Christian” husbands will divorce their wives and marry other men now that they can?

    Is your marriage (or relationship) so pathetic and feeble that it will dissolve if I marry my boyfriend?

    What I find corrosive is hate. What I find offensive is bashing a whole group of people because of your irrational and unreasoned prejudice.

    BTW, the first state to have Gay Marriage, Massachusetts, HAS THE LOWEST DIVORCE RATE IN THE NATION. And just to disprove your “corrosive” argument that you pulled out of thin air, the divorce rate DROPPED even further after gay marriage was permitted.

    So, go ahead, and write your flowery attack on the civil rights of LGBT Americans. But please don’t think that the rest of us are going to just roll over and take your thinly-veiled bigotry as the gospel or the law.

    Even if you did post it three times.

  45. - wayne - Wednesday, Oct 30, 13 @ 12:40 pm:

    Massachusetts has had “same sex marriage” for almost 10 years.It has the 2nd LOWEST divorce rate in the nation and a LOWER than average rate of juvenile delinquency. So much for Chicken Little!!!!!

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