Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x1 - Court clerk wants disavowall or resignation *** Candidate: Lake County GOP chairman supports Sullivan ouster
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*** UPDATED x1 - Court clerk wants disavowall or resignation *** Candidate: Lake County GOP chairman supports Sullivan ouster

Monday, Nov 18, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* A spokesperson for the Republican trying to unseat GOP Rep. Ed Sullivan claims his candidate has strong backing from the Lake County GOP. From an e-mail blast…

November 17, 2013

Hi George,

A few months ago the Republican State Representative from Mundelein decided to violate our platform – the very platform he ran on – and announce his support for homosexual marriage in Illinois.

At the next meeting of the Lake County Republican Central Committee, our chairman – Bob Cook – announced that enough was enough and that we, as a Party, would seek to remove anyone from office who violates our platform or code of ethics.

After that announcement, the issue appeared to fade in the background and most thought Cook’s threat was just so much noise.

Not so!!!!

Cook and others worked behind the scenes in an effort to convince Sullivan he should vote against redefining marriage, or at least abstain from the vote. Sullivan ignored the request, ignored his constituents, and ignored thousands of years of history in order to appease what the Gallup Organization describes as roughly 4% of the population.

But there is a positive side – Sullivan’s lesbian mother-in-law must be soooooo proud that Mr. Ed stood tall and voted to destroy family values under the manufactured pseudonym of “Marriage Equality.” Unfortunately for Mr. Ed, Bob Cook’s statement at that Central Committee meeting wasn’t a mere threat, it was a promise!

I am proud to announce that Bob Bednar – the past treasurer of the Lake County Republican Party - has stepped up to the plate and accepted the challenge to replace Ed Sullivan. This is a daunting task and although Sullivan has access to a ton of cash, many believe it’s very “do-able.” People don’t like to be deceived – just witness the current mess President Pinocchio has gotten himself into with his lies and deceptions.

But Bednar needs our help in getting enough signatures to get on the ballot, and once that’s accomplished he will need a lot of help in his campaign.

George, as Bob Cook has said, “Enough is enough!” This is our chance – your chance – to give our elected politicians a wakeup call. And that call is simply this: we will hold you accountable and responsible for your actions. We will no longer sit back and let a rogue politician run roughshod over our platform or their constituents.

George, can you volunteer a few hours each month to get rid of the arrogant Ed Sullivan and let the public know that a scent of fresh air has landed in Illinois? And why you’re at it George, you might want to send Bob Cook a note of thanks and encouragement for what can only be described as a courageous step. His email address is .


Jack Koenig, Volunteer
Bednar For State Representative

Nothing but class there.

* Look, county party chairmen have the right to enforce partisan discipline in their ranks. No question. But chairmen should also try and keep the peace, not start all-out holy wars, particularly when the state party is trying hard to calm the waters.

Not to mention that aligning oneself with a guy who would ridicule somebody’s mother-in-law is probably a bad idea as well.

*** UPDATE *** Lake County’s Republican circuit court clerk has responded…


I’m troubled by this email, though not because Jack is a passionate supporter of a particular candidate. This email bothers me because it’s coming from the “Communications Chairman” of the Lake County Republican Central Committee (not because it’s Jack, but because of his title), and because the email details that you – working behind the scenes with others – actively were involved with putting one of our incumbent Republican Representatives in a primary race. For this we would send you, Mr. Chairman, “a note of thanks and encouragement for what can only be described as a courageous step”?

As an elected Republican official I find this incredibly repugnant. The notion that my own party Central Committee Chairman would work to find a candidate for a primary against a sitting Republican Representative is stunningly unbelievable. The Republican Chairman, as last I was aware, is not to endorse or take a position to affect a Republican primary, but is rather to only fully endorse and support the victorious Republican primary candidates against a Democrat rival. And the Central Committee as a whole is to take a similar tact. This was a major plank in your election as Chairman – neutrality and impartiality towards all Republicans – and one for which you were roundly commended.

This does not preclude the Chairman, or any other Republican, from participation in the electoral process – both as a supporter and as a voter. But in their capacity as a citizen only, not as the Republican Party Chairman. And that also means that the Chairman and party officials have no place in recruiting candidates to run against incumbent Republican officials. It doesn’t matter if that official votes “the party line,” or even votes with Republicans on anything else – the decision is up to the voters of the district, and not to the Central Committee or the Chairman. This also doesn’t preclude you, as Chairman, from pointing out that a particular official has strayed from the party platform, but you would do so without involvement in the race as Chairman. If you want to pre-cast races, pit candidates against each other, or decide who is the perfect party supporter, I suggest that you put a “D” next to your name and call Terry Link. The Democrats are rather infamous for pulling those stunts every election cycle, and ironically it’s one of the many reasons that so many people dislike the Democrat Central Committee and Senator Link.

Sadly, if you will not disavow these series of events tagged with your name as Chairman, I would ask you to resign your official position until such time as a replacement may named. I think you are a passionate man, and a great supporter. This email is very painful for me because your heart is in the right place – more so than so many others. But your official title limits you, and if your personal actions and your position are at odds then I would ask you to resign your post.


Keith Brin [Emphasis added.]


  1. - walkinfool - Monday, Nov 18, 13 @ 10:04 am:

    Gotta love those righteous volunteers.

    I’d wait to see if Cook responds that this guy is actually speaking for him, and gave him permission to blast his e-mail address.

  2. - Wensicia - Monday, Nov 18, 13 @ 10:09 am:

    Bednar should do a better job of choosing his volunteers; bottom feeders like Koenig don’t end up helping you much.

  3. - John A Logan - Monday, Nov 18, 13 @ 10:09 am:

    Every time the good ship GOP starts patching a few holes in the stern, someone on board throws a monkey wrench in the engine gears.

  4. - Samurai - Monday, Nov 18, 13 @ 10:13 am:

    This race will probably attract national attention for the freak show content that is sure to follow. Mr. Bednar will assuredly say some pretty–ah, interesting stuff–that will spray all over GOP candidates whom are less enthusiastic supporters of the far right social agenda: Think, Jobs. Economy. Education. Healthcare.

    The Lake and McHenry GOPies continue to be an elusive bunch. On the one hand, many will back Rauner, who has no Republican bona fides, and yet viciously attack long time GOP candidates such as Dillard for being too moderate. Now, Sullivan can go a round or two with the far righties; at least he did not do a 20 second ad in an Iowa primary for Obama.

  5. - Formerly Known As... - Monday, Nov 18, 13 @ 10:14 am:

    === mother-in-law must be soooooo proud ===

    The esteemed Mr. Koening exhibits pure class at every opportunity.

  6. - Anonymous - Monday, Nov 18, 13 @ 10:19 am:

    “Voted to destroy family values”. What nonsense. If you value traditional man/woman marriage, allowing gays to marry does nothing to diminish those values.

    Some people want to insist on purity, even if it marginalizes the party to almost nothing

  7. - OneMan - Monday, Nov 18, 13 @ 10:20 am:

    === mother-in-law must be soooooo proud ===

    Stay classy dude…

  8. - train111 - Monday, Nov 18, 13 @ 10:20 am:

    “the arrogant Ed Sullivan”

    That from a bunch of self righteous arrogant individuals that think their position is absolutely right.

    The irony on that is too rich

  9. - too obvious - Monday, Nov 18, 13 @ 10:22 am:

    The state party isn’t trying to “calm the waters.” That’s ridiculous. Jack Dorgan just wants people to shut up about issues Jack Dorgan personally doesn’t care about. It distracts from the issue he deems most important, i.e. making money lobbying mostly the Democrats.

  10. - William j Kelly - Monday, Nov 18, 13 @ 10:23 am:

    I don’t understand how binder can be the conservative alternative considering binder’s versferious support of drivers licenses for illegal aliens? Are illegal dl’s a conservative issue? Somebody help me understand the binder double talk.

  11. - wordslinger - Monday, Nov 18, 13 @ 10:24 am:

    I doubt if support for gay marriage is a game-changer in a GOP primary in Lake County.

  12. - Demoralized - Monday, Nov 18, 13 @ 10:31 am:

    Dear GOP,

    If you don’t put a clamp on the mouths of people like this in your party you will never get over the view that you are a party of litmus testers and intolerance.

  13. - ??? - Monday, Nov 18, 13 @ 10:31 am:

    Actually, I’m sure Ed Sullivan’s mother-in-law IS “sooooo proud” - as she should be. This Koenig guy is like school on Saturday: No. Class.

  14. - Demoralized - Monday, Nov 18, 13 @ 10:32 am:

    ==Illinois GOP leader wants end to ‘name calling’==

    I guess Mr. Koenig didn’t get the memo.

  15. - circular firing squad - Monday, Nov 18, 13 @ 10:34 am:

    Bed at is 100% whack job…looks like another seat for Madigan

  16. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Nov 18, 13 @ 10:41 am:

    Dear Leader Durkin,

    If you want to understand why it is so important that Rep. Sandack and Rep. Sullivan get sworn-in in January 2015, look no further then this Dopey letter, from what can only be described as the biggest “cheerleader” for Slytherin House Republicans in quite some time.

    I know Chairman Dorgan asked that the “name calling” be taken out of the discussion, and I respect that point of view, but let’s be a bit honest here, mocking a relationship of a mother-in-law, and grandmother of his children to make a point of “Purity”, at what point do you look at this kind of Sope and think…

    “This person is going to help the ILGOP grow”.

    You don’t. The letter reeks of such insufferable smugness of being “Right”, that the mere thought of considering “family” is only for those who are intolerantt.

    I truly look forward to Sen. Jim Oberweis’ take on this. Why would Sen. Oberweis be dragged into this? Well, Sen. Oberweis wanted the removal of Pat Brady on SSM, so Sen. Oberweis’ opinion on what these “Slytherin House Republicans” think and do, as a possible US Senate nominee, will … STAIN … it will stain the ILGOP, just like this letter stains your Caucus, Leader Durkin, if these type of “Purity” runs are seen as possible, destroying a Caucus that you were once a member of at one time; A Majority Caucus.

    I hope Chairman Dorgan calls you Leader Durkin and reinforces his “big tent” ideals as you face this unwarrented challenge for no reason but to shrink My Party.

    Make the difference this Primary, Leader Durkin, and maybe I won’t have to call out “Slytherin House Republicans” anymore, and I will see that 1994 HGOP Caucus taking shape again, at the cost … of being “Pure”.

    Embarassingly Pathetic “Jack Koenig, Bednar For State Representative” and I hope when you face your family, you can say, “Yeah, I keep it classy, except for …”


  17. - Chavez-respecting Obamist - Monday, Nov 18, 13 @ 10:44 am:

    They really don’t understand the internet do they? They really think garbage like this won’t surface everywhere and ultimately do a lot more damage than good for their campaign.

  18. - A guy... - Monday, Nov 18, 13 @ 10:51 am:

    Sullivan should thank this guy. If you differ on an issue, it’s important to take an intellectual approach to supporting your side of it. Sullivan is arrogant. Has been for years. Now he looks humble by comparison. Dopey.

  19. - William j Kelly - Monday, Nov 18, 13 @ 10:54 am:

    Another possible conflict for Blinder’s campaign is that many of his allies in the illegal driver’s licenses coalition are pro-gay marriage.

  20. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Nov 18, 13 @ 10:59 am:

    Um, - A guy … -,

    Representative Sullivan DID explain, quite plainly, his support of SSM. Rep. Sullivan even went on the floor and spoke of it, not like Slytherin Jim Oberweis, who, tried to get vote after vote to oust Pat Brady, but when it came to speaking on the Floor, sat, and said nothing, because Slytherin Oberweis knew, he would again, be seen as he is … intolerant.

    So, - A guy … -, what part of Rep. Sullivan’s House Speech confused you?

    You agree with “Jack Koenig, Volunteer Bednar For State Representative”?

    You argee with “Litmus Tests” and “Blood Oaths” and “platforms that must …”?

    Is that were you sit? Maybe you need to “Explain” more …

  21. - Ghost - Monday, Nov 18, 13 @ 11:02 am:

    Il GOP, where “those” people are not allowed to taint our party.

    next, the demand that the log cabin republicans be booted from the party. If only we could keep the wrong kind of people from being able to eat our ice cream or drink our milk.

  22. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Nov 18, 13 @ 11:05 am:

    - A guy … -,

    Let me be very clear on my criticism of your “Take”.

    Every dollar used to defend a seat, that is only being defended because “Purity”…”Must” win the day … is not good.

    There is no “thanking”, thanks do not add to the dollars Leader Durkin now will have to spend do defend against Dopiness like this …

    There is no “good” in any of this, let alone seeing Slytherin House Republicans, and them thinking letters, and statements, and public toungue lashings based on intolerance… is “good”… for anyone to face.

    A dollar, is a dollar, is a dollar.

    Nothing, nothing is good … about any of this.

  23. - Samurai - Monday, Nov 18, 13 @ 11:18 am:

    A Guy==Sullivan is arrogant. Has been for years. Now he looks humble by comparison. Dopey==

    Sullivan is arrogant. But, to come straight out of the campaign closet leading with anti-SSM as the crown jewel of your campaign seems a little, well– narrow minded. Not to mention the collateral damage to the GOP generally. I just don’t see how the notion of pinning your success primarily on Anti-SSM is smart. But, then again it do be Lake County.

  24. - Nosmo King - Monday, Nov 18, 13 @ 11:33 am:

    @William Kelly

    Even though I know I will regret asking, but what are you talking about? Who is “binder” or “Blinder” to whom you are referring? I think you’re on the wrong thread.

  25. - walkinfool - Monday, Nov 18, 13 @ 11:42 am:

    Sullivan can be seen as overly direct, and bit “proper” in his demeanor, but I’ve found him an open and careful listener.

  26. - A guy... - Monday, Nov 18, 13 @ 11:51 am:

    O Willie (and for that matter Mr/Ms Samurai– I’m not sure what the criticism is or why of a relatively simple comment. I think Sullivan spoke eloquently and intellectually of his reasons for supporting SSM. He was out front of the issue, early and steadfastly. It’s the only time I’ve ever seem him act eloquently and intellectually in fact. I’m not criticizing him at all. The goofy letter sent out in support of his prospective opponent is the target of my criticism. It’s poorly worded and unnecessarily crude (i.e sooooo) That’s no way to present a reasonable argument for the other side of an issue. Willie, you’ve read my comments for a while, you know that I’ve remained up in the air on this issue from the get-go. It got enough support to pass, so it’s time to figure out how to live with a new law whether people like it or not. Cardinal George said as much too. I’m sorry if Mr. Durkin and Mr. Sullivan will have to spend some money, but I also think people should have the right to run for office if they desire. Sullivan shouldn’t need any help from the HGOP. He’s a longtime incumbent with a new source of financial support. If the other guy’s supporters are like the imbecile who wrote this letter, Sullivan has nothing to worry about.

  27. - shore - Monday, Nov 18, 13 @ 11:52 am:

    If kirk wants a more tolerant, moderate, pro gay rights gop this is where he starts in his own home county.

  28. - Ghost - Monday, Nov 18, 13 @ 12:04 pm:

    so I have decided i would like to vote for Keith Brin for Governor.

  29. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Nov 18, 13 @ 12:06 pm:

    To the Update,

    First, Awesome, and well done.

    To the letter, quick points;

    ===As an elected Republican official I find this incredibly repugnant. The notion that my own party Central Committee Chairman would work to find a candidate for a primary against a sitting Republican Representative is stunningly unbelievable.===

    That is all I have asked of Leader Durkin as well. The only way for the ILGOP, the H&SGOP to grow, is to embrace, Ives and Sandack, and McCarter and Barickman. We need ALL of us.

    Further …

    ===It doesn’t matter if that official votes “the party line,” or even votes with Republicans on anything else – the decision is up to the voters of the district, and not to the Central Committee or the Chairman. This also doesn’t preclude you, as Chairman, from pointing out that a particular official has strayed from the party platform, but you would do so without involvement in the race as Chairman. If you want to pre-cast races, pit candidates against each other, or decide who is the perfect party supporter, I suggest that you put a “D” next to your name…===

    “Purity” and Litmus Tests and Blooad Oaths are destroying, even the County Party mechanisms to help ALL Republicans, because there needs to be a way to measure … your “Republicanism” … Yikes! Well said.

    Finally, Keith Brin’s Opening Paragraph is really what is going on when it comes to “Titles”, (right ‘Politcal Director’?) and this idea of speaking for those who “put you there” instead of what the “Title” should represent;

    ===I’m troubled by this email, though not because Jack is a passionate supporter of a particular candidate. This email bothers me because it’s coming from the “Communications Chairman” of the Lake County Republican Central Committee (not because it’s Jack, but because of his title), and because the email details that you – working behind the scenes with others – actively were involved with putting one of our incumbent Republican Representatives in a primary race. For this we would send you, Mr. Chairman, “a note of thanks and encouragement for what can only be described as a courageous step”?===

    “Titles” and “Personal Agendas” that are not working with building MY Pary. Bad Form.

    Keith Brin, good on you, I don’t know if the Chairman will resign, or will even think waht you are say makes sense, (it does to me), but someone in Lake County actually “saying it” out loud against the Slytherins …Got to give you Props.

    Well done.

  30. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Nov 18, 13 @ 12:11 pm:

    - Ghost -,

    I would like a shot at your vote for Governor, contact - Norseman - for more information.

    - A Guy … -,

    ===I’m sorry if Mr. Durkin and Mr. Sullivan will have to spend some money, but I also think people should have the right to run for office if they desire.===

    Hit the “search engine” of your choice, I have never stopped anyone. What is wrong, is to run, and have other GOP members think it is more than appropriate to challenge a sitting Caucus Member on a Litmus Test or Blood Oath, when 80% of the time, Rep. Sullivan votes like a Republican, even according to Slytherins.

    That is what is so pathetic.

    Money is money, and I guess if money means so littel to you in a Primary that can and should be averted because of a Litmus Test or a Blood Oath, that speaks more about you and where you really are in the GOP than what I could say about where My Party needs to be.

  31. - William j Kelly - Monday, Nov 18, 13 @ 12:13 pm:

    Nosmo king, good question, binder, blinder, Bednar, take your pick. From what I can tell he is the “conservative” primary challenger to Sullivan.

  32. - votecounter - Monday, Nov 18, 13 @ 12:28 pm:

    Who would have thought that sticking up for traditional marriage ie one man and one women would be hateful or poisonous. The letter is from a volunteer! never claimed he was sending it under his title and now the opposition to Cook will try to use it to defeat him when there is no connection. The Lake county GOP primary voter is still for traditional marriage and Rep Sullivan knew that or he wouldn’t have promised to vote against it. Sullivan is pro choice but still courted “conservatives” by saying he was pro family. Let him be what he is but this is the GOP primary Ed had help in all of his elections from conservatives.
    BTW I don’t remember any GOP party moderates complaining the “Party”, when Judy Barr was the Chairman, wouldn’t endorse or support a sitting US Senator Peter Fitzgerald and recruited Andy McKenna as a primary challenge resulting in Fitzgerald quitting giving the seat to Obama and him becoming President. Do You?
    I wish the GOP could or would enforce discipline like MJM does why elsa would the African American legislators vote so often against their constituents wishes? Gay marriage and Illegals benefits including amnesty?

  33. - A guy... - Monday, Nov 18, 13 @ 12:37 pm:

    ===Money is money, and I guess if money means so littel to you in a Primary that can and should be averted because of a Litmus Test or a Blood Oath, that speaks more about you and where you really are in the GOP than what I could say about where My Party needs to be.===
    C’mon Willie, a little sanctimonious, don’t you think? Just as the update confirmed, not everyone is on board with this. I’m glad this vote is over. We can talk about something else at doorsteps. The best way to deal with your described “Slytherin’ and Blood Oath” folks is to soundly defeat them. It’s not like the rest of the members have done such a “bang up” job either Willie. We need smart, eloquent, reasonable members, whether they have a few issues that they’re especially passionate about. I’ll support a pretty diverse group this time around, and I’m proud to do it. You might not know “where I am” with relations to YOUR party. C’mon dude, ride a shorter horse.

  34. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Nov 18, 13 @ 12:40 pm:

    - votecounter -,

    ===The letter is from a volunteer! never claimed he was sending it under his title and now the opposition to Cook will try to use it to defeat him when there is no connection.===

    From the Note,

    ===…as Bob Cook has said, “Enough is enough!” This is our chance – your chance – to give our elected politicians a wakeup call. And that call is simply this: we will hold you accountable and responsible for your actions. We will no longer sit back and let a rogue politician run roughshod over our platform or their constituents.===

    That seems like an awful lot of “liberty” with Titles and influencing based on WHO cook is, and what “Title” Cook holds, from the “Volunteer”.

    If it didn’t matter what title Cook has/d … why mention it?

    Cook, with the weight being from … the “Title”

  35. - Johnny Q. Suburban - Monday, Nov 18, 13 @ 12:42 pm:

    Well said, Keith Brin.

  36. - too obvious - Monday, Nov 18, 13 @ 12:46 pm:

    This is all a distraction. At the end of the day Ed Sullivan gets elected because aging gop voters think he might be that guy with the tv show they used to watch.

  37. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Nov 18, 13 @ 12:47 pm:

    Well then, - A Guy… -, I am sure you would support Rep. Sullivan, since you plan on supporting a diverse group and all, and Rep. Sullivan was one of 3 in an entire Caucus to be … diverse.

    I will wait to hear from the “horse’s mouth”(?)

    As to horses, I do live in Kendall County, but I do not have a horse. Are shorter horses cheaper?

    As you read, I didn’t bring up SSM. It appears the Lake County Republicans can’t stop talking or Primaring about it. Maybe your Beef is with those who might even require the “repeal” be part of a “platform”?

  38. - Chavez-respecting Obamist - Monday, Nov 18, 13 @ 1:10 pm:

    ~~would have thought that sticking up for traditional marriage ie one man and one women would be hateful or poisonous.~~

    How is this sticking up for something? People who are pro-marriage ought to be pro-letting every adult marry the one person of his/her choice.

  39. - A guy... - Monday, Nov 18, 13 @ 1:16 pm:

    Sullivan’s not in my wheel house. Nor is two putt. But I did collect some sigs for the 3rd wheel in that group. I guess I might have passed your litmus test. lol

  40. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Nov 18, 13 @ 1:24 pm:

    lol. well done, - A Guy … -.

    You were the one saying you were going to support diversity, so I thought I should ask what that all meant, so if me asking a follow-up to your “diversity” is a Test… then I better not ask any more questions.

  41. - Demoralized - Monday, Nov 18, 13 @ 1:25 pm:

    ==Who would have thought that sticking up for traditional marriage ie one man and one women would be hateful or poisonous.==

    Re-read the letter and then come back to us and tell us it’s not hateful and poisonous. The fact that you would even defend the letter is laughable.

  42. - votecounter - Monday, Nov 18, 13 @ 1:25 pm:


    Cook didn’t write the letter!! The volunteer is brought under fire from Brin’s letter trying to tie Cook to the writer. If you knew Lake county Politics you would know Jack K is not an ally of Cook but of the people who want Cook out. Jack K has every right to demand one of the elected officials live by their promise or risk having some one who does run against them. Many on this very site were writing that MJM should warn anyone NOT voting for Gay Marriage that they would be primaried.

  43. - Demoralized - Monday, Nov 18, 13 @ 1:33 pm:

    ==Jack K has every right to demand one of the elected officials live by their promise or risk having some one who does run against them.==

    The litmus test committee is down the hall . . .

  44. - reformer - Monday, Nov 18, 13 @ 1:39 pm:

    It’s instructive the fundamentalist Republicans didn’t attack Sullivan for being a double-dipper, a phrase Pat Quinn helped popularize years ago.

  45. - too obvious - Monday, Nov 18, 13 @ 1:43 pm:

    Just so we’re clear. In the CapFax comments world, Jack Dorgan and other gop officials are reasonable and great for taking a side in the Harold v. Davis primary.

    But Lake Co. GOP chair Bob Cook is a terrible person for taking a position in a primary against a candidate who went against the gop platform on an issue where about 50% of the public still supports that particular gop platform plank.

    I would have more sympathy for Ed Sullivan if he would have at least had the decency to show up during platform debate last year when the platform was being drafted and approved at the state convention. But he never showed his face or weighed in at all.

  46. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Nov 18, 13 @ 1:45 pm:

    - votecounter -,

    Then, I, along with Keith Brin, will look forward to the Chairman to take to task this use of his name and “title” …


    If the Chairman doesn’t …

    See what I mean?

    The e-mail borrows the name and Title (Chairman Cook) for credibity. You want me to borrow - votecounter - in an e-mail?

    It can be Lake County politics, or High School Politics, you borrow a “name”, then name can back or refure it.


    ===Jack K has every right to demand one of the elected officials live by their promise or risk having some one who does run against them.===

    I answered your Post out of Respect, but Dopey sentences like that totally miss the point about being in a “Party” versus being in a “Religion”

    The Reagan Rule is not being found anywhere, but “Titles” and speaking for Chairmen for credibility, under the Slytherin House Tests … Pathetic politics up there, if this is how you run … a “Party”

  47. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Nov 18, 13 @ 1:52 pm:

    ===Just so we’re clear. In the CapFax comments world, Jack Dorgan and other gop officials are reasonable and great for taking a side in the Harold v. Davis primary.

    But Lake Co. GOP chair Bob Cook is a terrible person for taking a position in a primary against a candidate who went against the gop platform on an issue where about 50% of the public still supports that particular gop platform plank.===

    Please learn.

    Davis and Sullivan are incumbents.

    I support the premise that wasting money on “Purity” or “Test” or “Oaths” to remove an incumbent is not what a Party does looking for Diversity.

    Dopes who feel taking on incumbents because Don Quixote just “didn’t go far enough” deserve exactly what they get from me.

    The “Reagan Rule of 80%” has to be in play at a greater level with diverse incumbents, especially when you have a GA GOP voting 4-62 on SSM.

    Davis and Sullivan - incumbents.

    Protect and bulid elsewhere to get to “Majority”.

    Pretty simple, actually.

    Is Ms. Harold over 20 percent yet? How is that “national” travel working out in the District?

    How fast … will Erika Harold … be irrelevent in Illinois Politics?

    Polling as she is, looks like by March.

  48. - Formerly Known As... - Monday, Nov 18, 13 @ 1:56 pm:

    === if you will not disavow these series of events tagged with your name as Chairman, I would ask you to resign your official position until such time as a replacement may named. ===

    At minimum, Jack Koenig should be removed from his official capacity. It is equally inappropriate for the “communications chair” or any official of the Lake County GOP to conspire against a sitting Republican.

    Unlike Bob Cook, however, Koenig has no plausible deniability. He provided irrefutable proof against himself in that very email.

    If the best your “communications chair” can do is “communicating” such blithering nonsense, you might need a need “communicator”.

  49. - Just Me - Monday, Nov 18, 13 @ 2:01 pm:

    Too Obvious: Dorgan’s job is to win elections, and the best way to do that is to help incumbents because incumbents have huge advantages over challengers. Helping a challenger beat an incumbent in a primary isn’t strategic at all.

  50. - Formerly Known As... - Monday, Nov 18, 13 @ 2:09 pm:

    === I don’t remember any GOP party moderates complaining the “Party”, when Judy Barr was the Chairman, wouldn’t endorse or support a sitting US Senator Peter Fitzgerald and recruited Andy McKenna as a primary challenge resulting in Fitzgerald quitting ===

    @votecounter - We are in agreement on that front. If things occurred as you describe, that is equally despicable to the Cook and Koenig actions here.

    Even Brin goes too far in describing the actions acceptable of a Chairman during a primary. You should not be doing anything that could be interpreted as endorsing one candidate over another or influencing races one way or another.

    There are obviously exceptions for extreme cases, namely corruption or gross incompetence. Derrick Smith is a good example of this. Anita Alvarez might be another.

    But recruiting a primary challenger to a sitting official on the basis of a different viewpoint or two is the antithesis of the job.

  51. - formerpolitico - Monday, Nov 18, 13 @ 2:09 pm:

    You mean to be a Republican one must support EVERY WORD of the state platform??? That would leave you with about 15 Republicans in the state (which will happen if the philistines continue to rule the GOP).

    I’ll never forget when a high GOP Lake County Party official recently told me that he “thought a Congressman should be a man”!! Gee, why is there a gender gap? What a mess.

  52. - Anonymous - Monday, Nov 18, 13 @ 2:10 pm:

    =Il GOP, where “those” people are not allowed to taint our party.=

    Related to Ghost’s and other comments, but not directly to the topic, I’ve always wondered where those who–by some, are to be “muzzled,” are shunned into, told, targeted, encouraged, etc. to leave the GOP are supposed to go.

    The Dem side, I suppose. Right?

    Or, are they to be “disenfranchised” entirely?

  53. - OneMan - Monday, Nov 18, 13 @ 3:05 pm:

    Taking the Hi George e-mail for what it is, an argument for a candidate. It may (and in fact is IMHO) inarticulate and doesn’t really give good reasons for having a primary fight, lord knows there have been primary fights for dumber reasons that an objection to how someone voted on a issue. At least it is based off an actual official action vs well he didn’t support me last time or whatever…

    That being said, being a county chair and pushing a candidate to run against an incumbent from your own party is counter-productive for a host of reasons, for one thing if you are going to go after him you better be damn sure you are going get the job done.

    You could argue the reason you had wholesale leadership changes in the Kane County GOP was the chairman and others supported the loser (big loser btw) in the County Board Chairman race.

    If you don’t pull this off, you are more or less done.

  54. - walkinfool - Monday, Nov 18, 13 @ 3:42 pm:

    Let’s be clear where these folks are coming from.

    Bednar is an active Tea Partyer and worked for Joe Walsh’s election campaigns.

    Jack Koenig is no naive volunteer. He is listed as the Lake Co GOP “Assistant Chair”, and he continues to try to push party Chairman Cook ever further to the right. Koenig is holding his own party Chairman’s feet to the fire as much as he is Sullivan’s.

  55. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Nov 18, 13 @ 3:52 pm:

    - walkinfool -,


    All the more reason, and all the more powerful the letter Keith Brin sent to the Chairman to “pick a lane”.

    The County Politics in this boils down to Chairman Cook, and which letter is Chairman Cook going to give the most weight.

  56. - Chavez-respecting Obamist - Monday, Nov 18, 13 @ 5:50 pm:

    50% of the public still supports that particular gop platform plank.

    I don’t think that percentage is correct anymore.

  57. - fake county chairman - Monday, Nov 18, 13 @ 5:51 pm:

    I would be interesting to see their by laws in the lake county gop.Is this man speaking for the rest of gop chairman in this legislative district.

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