Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Rauner announces “Democrats and Independents for Rauner”
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Rauner announces “Democrats and Independents for Rauner”

Thursday, Mar 20, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Bruce Rauner’s campaign unveiled a list of “Democrats and Independents for Rauner” today. Thursday was also an unveiling of Rauner’s Democratic wife…

* Most, but not all of the people on Rauner’s list are corporate types. And, as I told you Tuesday night, Rev. James Meeks is on board…

Wendy Abrams – Environmental activist, founder of the international public art exhibition “Cool Globes.”

Anthony Anderson – Retired Vice Chair and Midwest Area Managing Partner of Ernst & Young, serves on the Board of Directors for the Chicago Urban League and the Boards of AAR Corp., Avery Dennison Corporation, Exelon Corporation, and First American Financial Corporation, Chairman of Perspectives Charter Schools and Board Member of World Business Chicago.

Alfonso Barrera– Founder of HispanicPro, an organization for connecting Latino professionals via social media and face-to-face business networking.

Eleni Bousis – Board Chair for the Greek American Rehabilitation and Care Centre, Entrepreneur of Frontida (CARE) Institution supporting and assisting women and families in need and Board Member for Leadership 100 and the Little City Foundation.

Hugo Chaviano – Partner at Sanchez Daniels & Hoffman LLP, one of the nation’s largest certified minority owned law firms, a member of the Chicago Bar Association where previously served as Chair of Judicial Evaluation Appellate Review Committee and Board of Managers, member of the American Bar Association where previously served in its House of Delegates and Commission on Race and Ethnic Justice, member of the Hispanic National Bar Association where previously served as President and member of the Inter American Bar Association where previously served as Secretary General.

Ramon Cepeda - Managing Director of the Investor Real Estate Group within Wealth Management at The Northern Trust Company and a Board Trustee at the Illinois Facilities Fund and the National Museum of Mexican Art.

Wheeler Coleman – Senior Vice President and Chief Information Officer, health insurance industry, formerly Vice President and Chief Technology Officer at health care service corporation, member of the Northern Illinois University Board of Trustees and MBA graduate of Notre Dame.

James Crown - President of Henry Crown and Company, and serves on the Board of Directors of JPMorgan Chase & Co. and General Dynamics and sits on the Board of Trustees at the University of Chicago.

Rev. Ruben Cruz – Pastor at First Spanish Christian Church of Chicago.

Lula Ford – Former Chicago public school teacher, principal and administrator, public school reform activist, and the first African American appointed to the Illinois Commerce Commission in its 95-year history.

Laurence Geller – Chairman of Geller Investment Co., founder and former CEO of Strategic Hotels and Resorts.

Sue Gin - Founder and CEO of Chicago-based Flying Food Group LLC, serves on the boards of Exelon and Servair, as well as board memberships at DePaul University, The Field Museum, Chicago Botanic Gardens and Rush University Medical Center.

Robert King – Former Executive Director of the Booker Washington Community Center in Rockford and current Associate/Recruiter at World Financial Group.

Dag Kittlaus – Co-founder and former Chief Executive Officer of Siri, Inc. and ran Siri and Speech Recognition at Apple Inc., formerly served as an Entrepreneur in Residence at the Stanford Research Institute and General Manager at Motorola.

Phyllis Lockett - Founding President and CEO of New Schools for Chicago, former Executive Director of the Civic Consulting Alliance, and previously held marketing, sales and business development roles with IBM, Kraft Foods and General Mills.

Rev. James Meeks - Founder and Senior Pastor of Salem Baptist Church of Chicago and former Illinois State Senator.

Myles Mendoza– Executive Director of Ed Choice Illinois, a newly formed bipartisan advocacy organization, formerly a Senior Partner with Democrats for Education Reform and leader in the “Done Waiting” coalition, which with 200 groups, represents the largest collective effort of education reformers in national history.

Lee Miller – Global Co-Chairman of DLA Piper, member of DLA Piper’s Executive Committee as well as a member of the Legal Service Corporation Board of Directors’ Pro Bono Task Force.

Newton Minow – Senior Counsel at Sidley Austin LLP and Partner with the firm from 1965-1991, U.S. Army Sergeant in the China-Burma India Theater in World War II, Law Clerk to the Honorable Fred M. Vinson, Chief Justice of the United States, Assistant Counsel to Governor Adlai E. Stevenson and Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission under President John F. Kennedy.

Timothy Ray – Partner in a large law firm in Chicago, former member of the Illinois Sports Facilities Authority and a member of the Board of Directors at the University of Iowa.

Manny Sanchez - Founding Partner of Sanchez Daniels & Hoffman LLP, one of the nation’s largest certified minority-owned law firms, led numerous federal, state and local Democratic races, served as a member of the Democratic National Finance Committee, and sits on numerous Boards including The Executives Club of Chicago, The Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce, Northstar Lottery Advisory Board and GEMS World Academy Chicago Advisory Board.

Donna Simpson Leak – Former school superintendent and national education consultant.

Glen Tullman – Entrepreneur, Co-Founder and Managing Partner at 7wire Ventures, an investment firm focused on healthcare, education, and energy, and former CEO of Allscripts, the leading global provider of Electronic Health Records.

* Meanwhile, Rauner also released a Spanish language TV ad

…Adding… The text on the screen is pretty much the same as the voice-over. Here’s a rough translation of the text from a friend…

5 years of Pat Quinn. 90,000 jobs lost. Massive tax increases. Thousands of children in schools that fail. The worst pension debt.

Illinois can do better. Bruce Rauner is not a politician. He’s a community leader. Bruce Rauner gets results

4 Goals of Bruce Rauner: More Jobs, less Spending, better schools and term limits

Shake up Springfield, bring back Illinois


  1. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 10:25 am:

    Money … loves Money.

    “Rauner announces ‘Democrats and Independents for Rauner’…”

    First honest statement by Rauner Crew in a while…Bruce Rauner voted with them, so…

    Did Bruce Rauner sit, at the Unity Event yesterday with the 2/3 of the “good”, non corrupt GA GOPers, or did the 1/3 have to be cleansed before Nominee Rauner would absolve them?

  2. - AFSCME Steward - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 10:26 am:

    Perhaps he should rename it the “One Percenters for Rauner”.

  3. - too obvious - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 10:26 am:

    All of the bumpkins who said never mention the spouse because “you can’t help who you love” can wipe the egg off their faces now.

    Clearly Rauner himself sees his spouse as an active key piece of his political operation.

  4. - RNUG - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 10:26 am:

    And how many of these people are not part of the 1%?

  5. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 10:27 am:

    ===Rauner’s wife now at the podium: I’m a lifelong Democrat===

    Again, the wife is a prop, and a prop for a Bruce Rauner narrative. At least Bruce is not throwing her “under the bus” in this instance.

  6. - RNUG - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 10:28 am:

    - AFSCME Steward - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 10:26 am:

    Obviously we both had the same initial thought … LOL

  7. - Walker - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 10:29 am:

    Gonna need a lot of them at the polls.

    Remind me again why Meeks and other Dems support Rauner:

    Because he’s “pro-life”, or because he’s “pro-choice?”

    Because he’s for public schools, or because he’s against them?

    Because he’s for pension reform, or because he’s against it?

    Because he’s really for unions, or because he’s against them?

    Because he’s for equal protection of gay rights or because he’s against it?

    Wow! What a salesman!

    Next thing he’ll be for will be tax revenue increases. LOL

  8. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 10:30 am:

    @FakeBruceRauner - please ignore the bus tire track “patterned” outfit Mrs. Rauner has on. Just be quiet and listen to her being used as a prop, please! #AtThePodiumNotUnderTheBusSupport

  9. - Chicago Publius - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 10:30 am:

    Quinn can’t win on social issues. No one can. ‘It’s the economy’ is one cliche that still counts.

    But Quinn can win through a class-warfare strategy IF he gives working families a reason to vote for him. The best reason he can offer, because take-home pay always matters, is a progressive income tax or a graduated income-tax credit associated with real-estate property taxes. The progressive-income tax is campaign rhetoric, because he can’t deliver on that without a constitutional amendment. But he CAN deliver the graduated income tax credit, along with some other initiatives. And he ought to touting these things in his Budget Address:

    “We will continue growing this economy through principles that are as old as the Bible.

    “Fair is fair. And a tax code that treats millionaires and big business the same as working families doesn’t work. It isn’t fair and it isn’t right and it’s bad for the economy. People who own 6 mansions shouldn’t be treated the same as the working guy and gal who go to work each day, pay real-estate taxes on their only home to support schools and public safety, and pay more than their fair share of income taxes to the government.

    “That’s why the centerpiece of this Budget is a graduated income-tax credit, where working families who own a single home get credit for the local real-estate taxes that they pay. That’s right. When working families file their state taxes – you know, the simple 2-page that doesn’t have a lot of loopholes and write-offs – they will get a credit for their local real-estate taxes. And you know what? For the average working family, this credit will put $2800 back into their pockets — and THAT’s another way that we will keep growing this economy!” (Applause).

    “You know, there’s a lot of interplay between local real-estate taxes and income taxes. That’s why Illinois gives homeowner exemptions to people who live and own their own home. But you know what? It turns out that some rich people aren’t satisfied with one homeowner tax exemption. For some reason, they think they’re entitled to claim the exemption on any number of mansions that they own. And when that happens, all of us – you and your neighbors — end up paying more taxes. It must be nice to own more than one mansion. But it’s not nice to claim exemptions on them all. And it’s not fair. That’s why this budget calls for new penalties for this kind of tax evasion. What’s right is right. People who game the homeowner exemption need to play by the rules. And from now on, when we catch them – and we will – they will be subject to a stiff fines and penalties, collected through administrative review, with a portion of those receipts going back to local officials who will join with us in plugging this hole. That’s one sure way to make sure that all of us pay lower property taxes, and THAT’s another way to keep growing this economy!” (Applause).

    “For too long, rich people and corporate interests have found ways to shift their tax burden onto the backs of working families. But no more. In the the next few weeks, we will be introducing a comprehensive reform of the tax-code, to shut down loopholes, close-off write-offs, and penalize people who don’t play by the rules, especially the banks, the silk-stocking law firms, and the venture capitalists who drain resources from local and state government without contributing their fair share.

    “And we will keep growing the economy. No longer will the tax-code be contorted to benefit the rich and mighty. For many years, state and local governments have given incentives to small businesses on the procurement side of things – as a means of helping small businesses get a place at the table. These programs have been immensely successful. And this is the model that we will follow in our new tax code.

    “While small businesses account for most of the jobs-creation in this nation, tax loopholes and write-offs almost always go to big business. But no more. We will re-write our tax-code to make it easier and more efficient for small businesses to incorporate in Illinois and hire Illinois residents. And when they do, the taxes paid by small businesses and the people who own them will be reduced. And THAT’s another way to keep growing this economy!” (Applause).

  10. - PoolGuy - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 10:32 am:

    why have political parties if everyone is for Brucey?

  11. - Ahoy! - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 10:33 am:

    I actually think Rauner plays really well in the general election. In fact, I know quite a bit of Democrats who crossed over to vote Rauner in the Republican Primary, not as many union democrats crossing over, but still a lot.

    Remember, Brady didn’t loose to Quinn because of the union support, he lost to Quinn because of suburban women who Rauner will probably get.

  12. - Anonymous - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 10:34 am:

    He’s definitely not going to have Brady’s Chicago problem. It will be interesting to see how he balances this group of support with downstate.

  13. - hisgirlfriday - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 10:34 am:

    So is the Bruce Rauner soundbite Amanda Vinicky tweeted (”Frankly sometimes I disagree with myself”) soundbite on camera?

    If so, have a feeling we’ll be seeing that a lot in anti-Rauner commercials.

  14. - OneMan - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 10:35 am:

    You know, I don’t see Newton Minow at this point being about the money. Have to say he is the biggest surprise on this list.

    Rev Meeks, who wouldn’t want the support of a guy who has a lot of people worship at his church.

  15. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 10:35 am:

    “This is a … group … I feel much more … comfortable … being around,” says Rauner. “The GOP Regulars give me hay fever.”

  16. - BerwynBob - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 10:35 am:

    The content was good, as a native spanish speaker i will say though that the voice over was HORRIBLE, the guy clearly has an accent.

  17. - OneMan - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 10:36 am:

    Also Sanchez and Coleman have been on the NIU board of trustees…

  18. - Grandson of Man - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 10:37 am:

    “Eleni Bousis – Board Chair for the Greek American Rehabilitation and Care Centre”

    About them nursing homes…

  19. - Cheswick - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 10:37 am:

    So, basically, like minded 1 percenters.

  20. - Cheswick - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 10:38 am:

    Pfft. If he really wanted to be a uniter, he would have gone for the union bosses and overpaid teachers endorsement. /snark

  21. - wordslinger - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 10:38 am:

    He could have used all those independents and Democrats Tuesday night. He might have gotten within 80,000 votes of Obie in the primary.

  22. - Wensicia - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 10:38 am:

    He’s gonna take Romney’s title of Windsock in Chief away from him.

  23. - RNUG - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 10:40 am:

    Shouldn’t the name be “Independently Wealthy Democrats for Rauner” ?

  24. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 10:40 am:

    “And now, I want to bring out, my vacatin’ buddy, my fishin’ buddy, my dear friend, …again, … since late Tuesday night, … Rahm Emanuel…”

    See, that would have been fun, too.

  25. - wordslinger - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 10:41 am:

    47 raised an interesting question the other day. I wonder if Rauner considered Meeks for the l.g. spot?

    I don’t know if Meeks would have taken the pay cut, but it would have ratcheted up the interest even more.

  26. - anon - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 10:42 am:

    Rauner will do or say ANYTHING to get elected. This is the type of person who we should fear the most!

  27. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 10:43 am:

    ===47 raised an interesting question the other day. I wonder if Rauner considered Meeks for the l.g. spot?===

    Truth be told, it was - OneMan - who brought that up way back when…and I agree with both of them now.

  28. - John A Logan - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 10:44 am:

    Lots of stone throwers this morning. Time to face facts. Rauner is in it to win it. I never thought he would clear the primary, and even though it was not a blowout, a win is a win. Now he is up with Spanish Language ads and a list of endorsements. Quinn better get busy, because the Uber rich guy attacks will only resonate for so long. I also agree with Ahoy. Rauner beat Dillard like a rented mule in the Suburbs, and if that carries over at all to the general, all the nattering nabobs will be wondering where their patronage jobs went.

  29. - SonofSuperAbe2014 - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 10:44 am:

    OW what is your favorite Passion Fruit or Bitter Fruit?

  30. - Backwards - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 10:46 am:


    Brady got something like 56% of the female suburban vote. He didn’t “lose” anything there.

    It was the complete shutout in many Chicago Wards that did him in. The media narrative was just the typical sniveling anti-downstate bias.

  31. - sad - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 10:46 am:

    The Sanchez angle is interesting. Let’s assume he made a calculated decision on this. A lot of that firm’s income comes from working on City of Chicago bond deals. Because I don’t think he would risked alienating HRH Emmanuel on this, it looks to me as if HRH Emmanuel tacitly supports HRH Rauner. Or else Manny Sanchez didn’t think this through at all.

  32. - LisleMike - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 10:46 am:

    OK, so now we have two candidates espousing populist agendas. Both sides reaching out to general populace on issues important to them.
    The class warfare is going to be played and lost. Are you saying all who voted for Rauner in primary are 1%er’s? He hit a hot button, whether anyone likes to hear it or not. People blame politicians of both parties. They want change and like it or not Rauner represents change, although I think many voters do not understand what they are asking for and how difficult it will be for him to put into place his “changes”. The other guy has nothing to run on. Nothing. Jobs at Ford, yeah, but I also remember him saying “Caterpillar isn’t going anywhere. I know them, they are not going anywhere.” Whenin fact, our largest employer in the state is busy building or relocating parts of their buiness in Indiana (Electromotive) and Texas (big Crawler line) the nubmers do not even out.
    Two types of pandering going on. Obvious and not so obvious, in my opinion.

  33. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 10:47 am:

    ===OW what is your favorite Passion Fruit or Bitter Fruit?===

    “Yoo Hoo”,

    As the label says on the bottles; “Shake well”

  34. - Statesman - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 10:48 am:

    Manny Sanchez, Cepeda are all part of the Chicago United crew. These are Obama loyalists that are looking to get in on this cash parade. This has the making of Edgar II.

  35. - Bill White - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 10:48 am:

    To channel Will Rogers, if “the people” elect Bruce Rauner, they will get the change they think they want and they will get that change good and hard.

  36. - Walker - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 10:49 am:

    Rauner Team: Alert! Alert!

    Your candidate is giddy, and has said at least 5 really stupid things in the last 24 hours.

    Get him back on controlled script now!

  37. - OneMan - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 10:49 am:

    You know I realize if Bill Clinton was on this list a lot of these same comments would appear.

    But in all seriousness, do you think Newton Minnow is supporting him for some sort of financial reason?

    It’s kind of obvious Meeks has been a big charter/voucher fan for quite some time. But again, you think that isn’t it but some sort of monetary motivation?

    I am genuinely curious..

  38. - anon - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 10:49 am:


  39. - wordslinger - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 10:49 am:

    Where’s Bill Daley? He practically endorsed Rauner on his way out the door.

    He and Rahm must be waiting out in the car.

  40. - Upon Further Review - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 10:50 am:

    Morning chuckle:

    Rauner’s wife has now been seen at political gatherings and public events more often than the current First Lady of Chicago (Amy Rule a/k/a Mrs. Rahm).

  41. - North Shore Joe. - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 10:52 am:

    I haven’t heard of any these people.

  42. - William j Kelly - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 10:53 am:

    Democrats for rauner or hang a lantern on a problem? You figure it out.

  43. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 10:53 am:

    Like I own a crystal ball, eh Rich?

  44. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 10:55 am:

    ===I haven’t heard of any these people.===

    As long as those who “believe” in Bruce send big checks that “clear”, I am sure the Rauner Crew doesn’t care about “name ID”.

  45. - MrGrassroots - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 10:55 am:

    No surprises. Bruce Rauner is a schmoozer and he schmoozed Manny Sanchez, who can raise a few bucks.

  46. - OneMan - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 10:57 am:

    North Shore Joe –

    Seriously, you have never heard of Newton Minnow and James Meeks?

  47. - Cheswick - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 11:00 am:

    Newton Minow, probably is not about the money, but he knows about things like king-making, and appointments, and who to call and when, and what not. I don’t know how this ties in. I’m just saying.

  48. - OneMan - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 11:02 am:

    It’s a thought vs the same stuff that appears every time Rauner’s name is mentioned…

  49. - Mighty M. Mouse - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 11:02 am:

    Word, are you questioning Bill Daley’s bona fides as a loyal Democrat?

  50. - MrGrassroots - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 11:02 am:

    That’s right. newton Minnow is a legend. His views at one time could even be termed as very “progressive.” He is with Rauner? Interesting. Again, a matter of a lack of schoomzing skills on Quinn’s part.

  51. - anon - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 11:02 am:

    I’ve worked on several statewide campaigns. It takes a lot of time to produce these commercials. Seriously, lots of time. I would say the amount of time Rauner has committed to producing slick ads says a lot about his prioritization of his time. He has no positions on issues because he has no time to study them. He’s constantly wearing makeup and the carhart and talking into the camera!

  52. - Mcleaniac - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 11:04 am:

    This clearly shows that Bruce Rauner is a consensus builder and a uniter. Clearly, Rauner’s message of out of control Springfield corruption is resonating with ALL types of voters. People of both parties ARE tired of politics as usual and ready to get behind the Rauner campaign.

  53. - 47th Ward - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 11:04 am:

    Newton Minnow’s famous line about television is applicable to Rauner: a vast wasteland.

    Two dozen Democrats on a list does not equal a groundswell of support, but it does give Mrs. Rauner someone to talk to at campaign events.

  54. - MrGrassroots - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 11:04 am:

    Interesting news that could have been handled with a press release. If he does too many of these newsy, non-news events, that is tantamount to crying wolf. The biggest shock: His wife, a Democrat, is supporting him.

  55. - D.P.Gumby - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 11:05 am:

    Will Dillard be heading Republicans for Quinn?

  56. - wordslinger - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 11:06 am:

    YDD, you didn’t need a crystal ball. All you had to do is be familiar with Rauner’s business and political relationships, contributions to and contributions from. Hardly sooth-saying.

  57. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 11:13 am:

    ===This clearly shows that Bruce Rauner is a consensus builder and a uniter. Clearly, Rauner’s message of out of control Springfield corruption is resonating with ALL types of voters. People of both parties ARE tired of politics as usual and ready to get behind the Rauner campaign.===


    Two days, and Raunerbot responses appear again.

    So 22 names, and his wife speaking covers all those bases?

    It’s a press pop, giving cover to Dems who supported Rauner anyway, and to allow them some sunshine, and get the press to see “who’s who” in their Camp, including Mrs. Rauner.

  58. - downstate hack - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 11:13 am:


    Largest debt in the country
    worse employment growth
    unpaid bills in the billions
    yet still government spending increases

    It the economy stupid.

  59. - Mighty M. Mouse - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 11:14 am:

    “Will Dillard be heading Republicans for Quinn?”

    Republicans for Quinn. That will take some guts. It’ll be an interesting integrity check.

  60. - OneMan - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 11:18 am:

    There are times I think might be time to all start referring to some as anti-raunerbots…

    No matter who was on this list there would be some screaming consensus and some screaming they are just doing it for ‘x’…

    It gives him a nice little press hit right after the primary, odds are the focus will be on Meeks and to some extend Minnow. Again I think Meeks is the biggest name here and can help Raunner if for no other reason than making Quinn have to defend some of his base.

  61. - Meanderthal - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 11:19 am:

    Newt Minow was the gold standard among the Old Guard independent minded Democrats. He worked for Governor Adlai Stevenson probably before Rauner was even born. Frankly, I am surprised there aren’t more readily recognizable names on that list. There are many more prominent Democrats that view Quinn as feckless and will be supporting Rauner.

  62. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 11:22 am:

    ===There are times I think might be time to all start referring to some as anti-raunerbots…===

    Like anti aircraft post?

    Some I guess just fall into line as the same drivel is said?


  63. - Smashmouth - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 11:24 am:

    Quinn dumps Sanchez for Kelly Quinn on the Sports Facilities board. Sanchez backs Rauner.

    Those two things proably are not related.

  64. - Louis Howe - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 11:24 am:

    Perhaps, I shouldn’t be too surprised because Newton Minnow has prospered with his services to the power elite, but still, I wonder what he’s thinking. The Democratic list reads like a roll call for the corporate wing of the Party. A nearly perfect foil for Quinn’s brand of campaigning.

  65. - Rahm's Parking Meter - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 11:27 am:

    Lee Miller is a shock. He is a Democrat and very involved in Chicago’s Jewish Community. That is just shocking.

  66. - CU - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 11:30 am:

    is there anyone on the list south of I-80?

  67. - Almost the Weekend - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 11:33 am:

    I think Rauner should be shoring up the Republican base before he starts showing his crossover appeal.

  68. - LisleMike - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 11:37 am:

    Is it indicitive of a political “gamble”? Our guy cant’ win, let’s jump on the guy who looks better?
    They didn’t move into Rauner column until the primary was over. Perhaps there is an idea that “I was with you from the beginning (of the general election cycle.” and that it might be worth something, whether Baron Von Carhardt wins or loses. He does donate money, after all.
    Seriously, there is a “time for change” attitude out there among the people I talked to in my precinct. (small sample, not withstanding) People get in line early to support a populist view!

  69. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 11:39 am:

    ===I think Rauner should be shoring up the Republican base before he starts showing his crossover appeal.===


    Yesterday was about Unity, today is about “Democrats and Indies” and his wife?

    Better play?

    Bring out unified GOP Presser talking about how great yesterday was, new GOP allies garnered after the win and “work needs to be done inside, as we all grow out…like this Spanish Ad is going to do.”

    Much, much better.

    Tact of Unity, stand-alone, and roll out the Ad to cover the “outside” part of the statement.

  70. - Precinct Captain - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 11:39 am:

    Bruce Rauner: the insider’s insider now endorsed by more big time insiders! Which one owns the Carhartt factory and which ones has Billion Dollar Bruce puffed up with $250K “donations” for their charter schools?

  71. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 11:40 am:

    You all are arguing facts while Rauner is attempting to frame the debate.

    This was predictable, totally predictable, marginal in utility, but the kind of thing that will drive Team Quinn nuts.

    What we affectionately call psych-ops….like lining your opponent’s route to and from work with your yard signs.

    That said, Team Rauner couldnt find 20 Democrats for Bruce, so they had to let indies in the club?

  72. - Big Muddy - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 11:42 am:

    To political wonks this is a dangerous move. To the low information voter it will play extremely well IMHO. Solutions to complex problems usually come from or end up in… The middle. BVC is doing something here Quinn cannot do, get support from the other side. Only R support Quinn has, public sector republican union members, he already had. Social conservatives are gonna hate this move, but it builds a bigger reform government tent.

  73. - Mittuns - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 11:43 am:

    This is the Mitt Rauner that I can get behind.

    Which way will the wind blow tomorrow?

    Government union bosses become public employee hosses, hardworking middle classers who do a thankless job.

    Does the Carhartt turn into a pumpkin at midnight?

  74. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 11:47 am:

    ===That said, Team Rauner couldnt find 20 Democrats for Bruce, so they had to let indies in the club?===

    I think - wordslinger - said that maybe Bill Daley and Rahm were waiting in a car outside…

    This also reminds me of Brady 2010 and the social issues right after Primary Day;

    Why remind those in your own party why they didn’t like you or vote for you so soon? I know why I didn’t vote for you, so you throw it back at me less than 48 hours after the election, that you won without a majority?

    It’s not like your wife was going to be for Quinn if she didn’t get on the record today that she is a Democrat and is supporting you…

  75. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 11:47 am:

    BTW, the more interesting flip is that Bruce Rauner is no longer a businessman, he is a “community leader.”

    And i disagree with those who think Rauner should be projecting party unity. The GOP is a failed brand, so weak that Rauner was able to stage a hostile takeover, which the unions almost trumped with a hostile takeover of their own instituted in five days.

    Why wrap yourself in that brand or get bogged down in a negotiation with a bunch of folks looking for handouts?

  76. - Irish - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 11:49 am:

    To paraphrase what OW has said on this blog time and time again. The “the Rauner you see isn’t the Rauner you are going to get.”

    He is a smart, shrewd, campaigner, who has taken all of the tactics he has learned in the business world, where he is very good, and is applying them to this campaign. In the business world you promise everything to make the deal. But when the deal is over the gloves come off. And that is exactly what is going to happen in this campaign.

    Anyone who understands state government KNOWS it can’t be run like a business. In business the focus is making a profit and everything else is unimportant. In state government the focus is providing services to the taxpayers that they cannot provide for themselves. You try to minimize the costs and operate within your budget but sometimes that does not happen.

    Rauner’s record shows that his business model is profits first, service second. Look at the nursing home scandal.

    Rauner’s has stated that he is for charter schools, he believes they are better investments than public schools. When questioned about the policy of charters schools to avoid accepting troubled kids or kids with learning disabilities; he stated those kids weren’t his problem. If that statement does not define class warfare then I don’t know what does.

    Extrapolate that out to every other service the state provides. Do you want a governor who will choose who deserves state services and who does not?

    The charade you see now to garner support and votes is not the cabinet you will see in January. And the rhetoric you are hearing now is not the policy you will hear after the inauguration.

  77. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 11:55 am:

    ===Why wrap yourself in that brand or get bogged down in a negotiation with a bunch of folks looking for handouts?===

    lol, well you have a point…

  78. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 11:55 am:

    …but some are trying to make it better.

  79. - Lottie O'Neill - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 12:00 pm:

    “I swear I’m not an insider … just ask any of my incredibly wealthy and influential friends.”

    @Rahm’s Parking Meter - totally agree about Lee Miller.

  80. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 12:02 pm:

    @Irish -

    Your talking points are so yesterday.

    Rauner is still not a career politician, but he is no longer a businessman who wants to run Illinois like a business.

    He is a community leader now. A uniter.

    Please, everybody, keep up with the script!

  81. - Statesman - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 12:08 pm:

    “Quinn dumps Sanchez for Kelly Quinn on the Sports Facilities board. Sanchez backs Rauner.

    Those two things proably are not related.”

    Ding-Ding! The line for chrony capitalists starts here! Some have described this group as radicals. (umm not so sure). The real radicals will be outlined in the “Republicans for Rauner” presser.

  82. - Irish - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 12:10 pm:

    - Yellow Dog Democrat - @ 12:02 pm:

    I am hoping that was snark. If not what flavor was it? Grape?

  83. - Statesman - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 12:10 pm:

    The hispanic social media guy looks like he’s having a Forest Gump kind of day!

  84. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 12:13 pm:

    - YDD -,

    Is that the script with the fancy “Democrats and Independents…” or another script with the Howard Dean screaming points and Illinois towns listed too?

    This is harder than I thought…

  85. - Chicago Cynic - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 12:30 pm:

    Fastest lurch to the center ever. BTW, nice to see Rauner’s long lost wife here. He’s been keeping her locked up for the primary.

  86. - Walter Mitty - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 12:55 pm:

    If it was one of the “3″ who got out worked, out flanked, and lost…Choose your “guy” …Then make the same statement. You wouldn’t. He won. He pivoted straight to the middle. The bashing that this has become and lack of the both sides is sorta fun! But really, PQ is in serious trouble. The base will follow. They will see a chance to gain the top seat. If you take off the bashing glasses, here is someone who can work for results and cross party lines… He can. And will. And be relentless for all those independents and Dems that don’t think about the “Big Banks” that have them hurting… The see taxes and Obama. Here’s their chance to right their wrong… Class warfare is his only play… It’s already old… He will keep the focus on what everyones is… Our horrible ranking in many areas…

  87. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 1:11 pm:

    === The base will follow. They will see a chance to gain the top seat. If you take off the bashing glasses, here is someone who can work for results and cross party lines… He can. And will. And be relentless for all those independents and Dems that don’t think about the “Big Banks” that have them hurting… ===

    Lets be very clear;

    This is the same candidate that had his campaign spend $13 million bashing 1/3 of the GA GOP as corrupt, bashed Unions, refused to answer any specific question without either going “referendum” or “fundamentally change”, what we don’t know;

    Now, you want someone like me to realize that he like Union Folk, and less that 30 hours after a Unity breakfast, this GOP Nominee makes a play of “Democrats and Indies for…”, and a Spanish Commercial… basically blowing off GOPers as quickly as possible, because, based on nothing done, is the person the opposite he ran as days ago, but will accomplish all he said too?

    Moving left is not “new” Moving left hours after a Unity Breakfast, speaks to me as someone who is a Raunerite, and I better get in line… as opposed to someone moving left, asking me to come with him as My Party’s Nominee.

    Huge difference.

  88. - BIG R. Ph. - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 1:22 pm:

    I’m shocked to find out that Rauner is a RINO.

    “RINOs” for Rauner!!

    That will get the Republican base fired up!!

  89. - Downstater - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 1:26 pm:

    Well, I guess we are in for 7 1/2 months of Republican(?) Oswego Willy bashing, ridiculing and generally making fun of the Republican nominee for Governor. Goodness knows, in spite of Oswego’s best efforts, Rauner did win. Willy, you need to join another party.

  90. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 1:30 pm:

    Rauner is not a RINO.

    Bruce Rauner ran “Bruce Rauner” in a very weak, vulnerable GOP. Rauner then used “Rauner” to have a Nomination, a d be a “finalists” in the final election in November.

    This move/tact and manner of approaching his intro of the Dems and Indies in his campaign is a Raunerite move, to try to get HIS coalition together, and if the GOP wants to come along, than get in line and be quiet about it.

    This is not a GOP Nominee reaching across; this is a Raunerite who had conquered the GOP, and us looking to move to, again outflank Quinn, where a Raunerite feels more comfortable.

    It is what it is.

    That is the strategy. We will see if it works. It won’t be underfunded, that I know.

  91. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 1:35 pm:

    - Downstater -,

    Remember, 58% of people taking ballots, didn’t vote “Raunerite”.

    My Party doesn’t think 1/3 of its GA Caucuses are corrupt.

    I won’t be idle while the Blago of the ILGOP is running. I dinged Dems for sitting idle during the Blago years, and near a “boo” as he ran. I won’t be like those lemmings.

    “With kindest personal regards, I remain.

    Sincerely yours,…”

  92. - Johnnie F. - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 1:40 pm:

    Stay tuned for Friday’s shocking press conference announcement…”Government Union Bosses for Rauner”!!

  93. - Downstater - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 1:43 pm:

    AS I have said in the past, too many negatives waves from you Oswego.

  94. - Statesman - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 1:46 pm:

    Interesting: video of the presser. A few other notables and Jim Edgar Retreads: Arabel Rosales hiding in the background.

  95. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 1:49 pm:

    ===AS I have said in the past, too many negatives waves from you Oswego.===

    So saying 1/3 of the GOP GA members are corrupt is not negative or bashing? lol

    That “Bruce Rauner”, a positive vibe towards …well, 2/3 of the GOP Caucus members!

  96. - Walker - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 1:55 pm:

    ===Willy, you need to join another party===

    If Rauner could have beaten Quinn in a primary, he would have run as a “Democrat for Change.”

    To think that he represents some typical Republican values, is mistaken. And to then say anti-Rauner Republicans don’t belong in that party, is equally off base.

    To me Rauner seems legitimately caught between being personally “conservative” on economic and fiscal issues, and “liberal” on social issues.

    He has taken no solid position so far, except “Shake Up Springfield.”

    That might be enough, regardless of where he is on other issues. I think maybe VMan had this right all along. Change for change’s sake could carry the day.

  97. - Black Ivy - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 1:58 pm:

    Where can I get a Raunerite yard sign - there ain’t no shame, if you’ve got game. All of this Rauner-hating will only serve to fuel his movement, folks…

  98. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 2:03 pm:

    ===If Rauner could have beaten Quinn in a primary, he would have run as a “Democrat for Change.”===

    I had this discussion with someone on Election Night;

    Given the possibility of Bill Daley and/or Lisa Madigan challenging a running and committed Pat Quinn…

    Given that dinging pensions, and “Union Bosses”, was a theme to get voters engaged, but not necessarily Democratic Primary voters…

    And given that Rauner could be his own piggy bank, and, with his Rolodex, common enemies in teachers unions, and the ability to turn the spigot off for cash to 3 candidates in a fractured and vulnerable ILGOP…

    Running as a Republican … Hedged… his bets to get to the “finals” which is a shot at being “a” nominee in the General.

    He was right, exactly right.

  99. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 2:06 pm:

    - Black Ivy -,

    That would be a fun Yard Sign…

    Make it purple, (red and blue mix) that would really get Quinn too, lol

  100. - Black Ivy - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 2:07 pm:

    Also, knowing most of the “corporate types” on the “Democrats and Independents For Rauner” list, I can attest to the fact that are certainly not one percenters, simply successful professionals and public officials who dare to care. This class warfare back-and-forth wholly undermines the notion of the American dream. Since when are affluence and wealth shameful. Oh, the irony and hypocrisy of Democrats!

  101. - Anonymous - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 2:19 pm:

    ==To me Rauner seems legitimately caught between being personally “conservative” on economic and fiscal issues, and “liberal” on social issues.==

    You say that as if it’s some unusual ideological stance. Topinka, currently the most popular GOP officeholder, has been “caught between” those beliefs her entire career. Most suburban voters are “caught between” those beliefs.

  102. - Irish - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 2:20 pm:

    Downstater - If you had been around this blog for a while and read the posts you would realize that OW works very hard to try to bring back the Republican party in Illinois that used to be so successful. He is loyal to legitimate party members but does not tolerate those who would make his party look bad. I do not know him personally but have always been impressed with his knowledge and his dedication to bettering the GOP.
    While I am not a ardent supporter of either party I realize that weakness in either party allows for the substandard candidates we have seen proliferate in the last several years. A strong two party system is a must if we are to get qualified people in our government.
    For you to denigrate him and his loyalty to his party is ridiculous. Your fanaticism is not becoming.

  103. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 2:27 pm:

    ===Topinka, currently the most popular GOP officeholder, has been “caught between” those beliefs her entire career. Most suburban voters are “caught between” those beliefs.===

    I have yet to hear Comptroller Topinka or most popular GOP officeholders call 1/3 of the GOP GA members corrupt… for starters.

    See, the reality of flimsy (at best!) GOP credentials, and bashing a specific percentage of the elected party you are running in, corrupt, without naming names or having proof, and the first movement you make, moving left, may be seen as some as a move not of building from a GOP base, but building their own base, ignoring the GOP base to build upon, moderate OR conservative, does not make Rauner exactly like those you cite as similar.

    Unless those you cited gave said the GOP GA is 1/3 corrupt…

  104. - Anonymous - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 2:30 pm:

    ==I have yet to hear Comptroller Topinka or most popular GOP officeholders call 1/3 of the GOP GA members corrupt… for starters.==

    And her inability to do so for years with George Ryan is what cost her the election. If we had more people back in the “Glory Days” calling a spade a spade in terms of corruption (going all the way back to “Saint Edgar” and MSI), the GOP wouldn’t have dug as big of a hole as it did.

  105. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 2:31 pm:

    (Very humble hat tip of gratitude to - Irish -. Thanks.)

    === A strong two party system is a must if we are to get qualified people in our government.===

    That would be a “goal” I would love to see achieved, with My Party very much engaged in carrying their weight in the governing.

  106. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 2:43 pm:

    === If we had more people… calling a spade a spade…===

    The past is the past. I, like many others, try to call a spade, a spade, now…the best all if us can.

    Gotta start somewhere..,

  107. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 2:46 pm:

    “…the best all of us can do is try now…”

    Stupid phinr

  108. - Walker - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 2:59 pm:

    Black Ivy, I like and agree with all of what you say above, having been both a successful corporate type and liberal democrat.

    However, when you then say ===”Oh the irony and hypocrisy of Democrats.”=== you have fallen into the same black hole of unfair generalization that you criticize.

  109. - I B Strapped - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 3:12 pm:

    Smashmouth @11:24- Sarcasm is my favorite also!!

  110. - Secret Society - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 3:43 pm:

    Going to my favorite secret society this evening to admit that I have a problem for which I have no control over;i.e., railing against Bruce Rauner.

    Solution. Ignore the next seven months and focus on contributing to policy discussions. And thanks to Willy, Word and others who really know their stuff. A better education then my WIU Pol. Sci. degree.

  111. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 4:59 pm:

    @Willy -

    Honestly, I did not think Rauner was that awful election night. He was going for grassrootsy, I think.

    As for the script: by July, there won’t be any Republicans, Democrats or independents for Bruce Rauner. Because Bruce Rauner is really, truly beyond politics. Somewhere between a “movement” and a “theology.”

    Those doubters asking questions about specifics on his spending plans, looking for facts…they have just lost faith in Illinois. Who can blame them, though?

    Okay, with a little less snark:

    I am surprised Rauner isn’t already announcing job fairs in downstate cities.

  112. - low level - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 5:00 pm:

    Myles Mendoza? So what?
    He moved here from Denver in November or December.

  113. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 5:22 pm:

    - YDD -,

    I keep forgetting that “Bruce Rauner” is a man of the people, Howard Dean and Blago wrapped in one Carhartt. Bruce Rauner is the guy that turns on the lights at the might when the bar closes, takes your money for the entertainment, and throws you out in the street.

    My bad. You’re right.

  114. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 5:27 pm:

    “…Bruce Rauner is the guy that turns on the lights at the end of the night when the bar closes…”

  115. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 7:37 pm:

    === ===Willy, you need to join another party===

    If Rauner could have beaten Quinn in a primary, he would have run as a “Democrat for Change.”

    To think that he represents some typical Republican values, is mistaken. And to then say anti-Rauner Republicans don’t belong in that party, is equally off base.===

    - walker -,

    I missed this, well said.

  116. - RNUG - Thursday, Mar 20, 14 @ 11:24 pm:

    We can only hope Rauner so overplays this game that, by the end of October, it will be “Citizens for Anyone Else”.

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