Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x1 *** Rate the new anti-Rauner TV ad
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*** UPDATED x1 *** Rate the new anti-Rauner TV ad

Wednesday, Jul 16, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From the union-backed Illinois Freedom PAC

*** UPDATE *** I’m told that the buy is about a million dollars over three weeks. It’s tough to get a handle on the number of ratings points though since an independent expenditure like this doesn’t get a candidate discount. Either way, it’s a fairly strong buy, so it’s on.

* Script…

Should billionaires like Bruce Rauner get to play by a different set of rules?

In 2012, Rauner made 53 million dollars, but paid a lower tax rate than many of us.

And Rauner used a loophole to pay zero, nothing into Social Security and Medicare for two straight years.

Now Rauner says he’s open to taxing our Social Security and retirement income…making it harder for Illinois families to get by.

Bruce Rauner pays less but wants us to pay more?

[ *** End Of Update *** ]

* Rauner has already responded via a fundraising e-mail…

Today Pat Quinn and Mike Madigan’s special interest allies launched a new round of negative ads against us.

I’m not surprised the machine is fighting back. Are you?

These folks will say anything to protect Pat Quinn and his broken promises. They want you to forget Quinn’s promises to create jobs (we lead the Midwest in job losses), avoid raising taxes on the middle class (Quinn now supports a permanent 67% tax hike on all Illinoisans), invest in our schools (Quinn cut education spending $500 million), pass term limits (opposes our term limits proposal), and clean up state government after Blago (Quinn’s administration is now under federal investigation).

Will you help me fight back TODAY with an urgent contribution of $1,000, $500, $250, $100, $50, or $25?

Pat Quinn announced yesterday he has $12 million sitting in his campaign account - fueled by the Democrat Governors Association and his special interest allies.

Now today, the same group that spent millions unsuccessfully trying to defeat us in the primary is up with a new attack ad.

Make no mistake: Quinn-Madigan are playing for keeps. They will pull out all the stops because they know we will end the machine that has run Illinois into the ground.

Can you contribute now? Any amount helps, $100, $50, $25, $10, even $5. Every penny will be used to counterattack this latest offensive.

Illinois is run by lobbyists, for special interests, and the career politicians in charge let it happen. We can end all that – can you help take on the machine today with a contribution?

Thank you for all you’re doing. I’ll keep fighting to shake up the system – please fight with me.

Bruce Rauner


  1. - Under Further Review - Wednesday, Jul 16, 14 @ 10:43 am:


    Fasten your seat belts, it is going to be an ugly campaign. Quinn has few positives working in his favor, so it is going to be class warfare and name calling all of the way through.

  2. - walker - Wednesday, Jul 16, 14 @ 10:49 am:

    Short, clear, and to the point. Good use of voice.

    Interesting graphic of Rauner’s face not looking directly at you, while slightly shaking his head. Negative, but not monstrous or sophomoric.

    B+ ad for those who want to focus on the “unfair rich guy” issue. Not sure that’s an awful lot of switch voters.

  3. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jul 16, 14 @ 10:55 am:

    Saw it this morning…

    “B-, C+”

    It continues a narrative that the Dems are continuing, but it is not moving the ball on its own.

  4. - olddog - Wednesday, Jul 16, 14 @ 10:56 am:

    === … so it is going to be class warfare and name calling all of the way through. ===

    Why not? When guys like Rauner pick a fight with me, I’m not allowed to fight back?

  5. - Grandson of Man - Wednesday, Jul 16, 14 @ 11:01 am:

    I think the ad is a bit choppy, the way one of the scenes is cut to another. I rate it a B, because I agree with its message.

    “it is going to be an ugly campaign”

    No doubt. Even if he wins, I think that Rauner is already potentially damaged. If he does something drastic as governor, like ending defined pensions for employees going forward and rehiring everyone on 401(k) type of plans, he will certainly not be on higher ground.

    Rauner made untold amounts of money because of managing defined pensions, and he had Stu Levine on the payroll, making $25,000 per month for trying to get pension business.

    $25,000 a month! I calculated my pension, and I will make around $30,000 per year after working for 25 years (using current pay). If this dude who gulped immensely at the public trough wants to destroy defined pensions and put us all on defined contribution plans, you all will get to see a big political conflict, I predict, and one that is very justified, from those who will oppose Rauner.

    If Lewis runs for mayor and wins, and Rauner is governor, it will be time to grab the popcorn.

  6. - paddyrollingstone - Wednesday, Jul 16, 14 @ 11:02 am:

    What’s the matter with class warfare? Olddog is dead on right.

    “There’s class warfare, all right,” Warren Buffett said, “but it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making war, and we’re winning.” NY Times, 11/26/2006

  7. - Apocolypse Now - Wednesday, Jul 16, 14 @ 11:04 am:

    c Old news. Not going to change minds or perception.

  8. - Apocolypse Now - Wednesday, Jul 16, 14 @ 11:12 am:

    By the way, just saw Bruce Rauner and Diana Rauner dumped $10,600 in State Rep Dwight Kay’s campaign. Kay was a early on Dillard supporter. Looks Rauner is mending fences and building support.

  9. - Steve - Wednesday, Jul 16, 14 @ 11:17 am:

    A little irony here. Some who attack Bruce Rauner for not paying FICA taxes don’t pay them either. What about all those government workers attacking Rauner who don’t pay FICA taxes????

  10. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jul 16, 14 @ 11:18 am:

    how open is team rauner to ss &pension tax?what`s your plan?

  11. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jul 16, 14 @ 11:24 am:

    ===By the way, just saw Bruce Rauner and Diana Rauner dumped $10,600 in State Rep Dwight Kay’s campaign. Kay was a early on Dillard supporter. Looks Rauner is mending fences and building support.===

    Rauner buys support cheap. Only $10,600?

    So, are you saying Rauner holds the money back till he gets the answers he wants? That sounds like a career politician bribing someone?


  12. - Anon - Wednesday, Jul 16, 14 @ 11:30 am:

    Wrong guy trumps wrong track. Better to stick with the current mess than change to a…RICH GUY.

  13. - Anon. - Wednesday, Jul 16, 14 @ 11:31 am:

    ==Rauner made untold amounts of money because of managing defined pensions==

    But not to worry! He can make just as much managing defined contribution pension funds, and maybe more because the state can’t fail to make the defined contribution payments when due, like it did with the defined benefit plan contributions until the “ramp” law made it start catching up. Or maybe that is his true motive behind the proposed switch?

  14. - Apocolypse Now - Wednesday, Jul 16, 14 @ 11:36 am:

    =So, are you saying Rauner holds the money back till he gets the answers he wants? That sounds like a career politician bribing someone?

    No, goofball. Kay is not getting bought. Just pointing out Rauner is reaching out. With friends like you, the GOP doesn’t need any enemies.

  15. - Tired of Haters! - Wednesday, Jul 16, 14 @ 11:44 am:

    @Steve - 11:17 am
    Get your facts straight not all government employees are exempt from paying FICA.

  16. - LC - Wednesday, Jul 16, 14 @ 11:54 am:

    Other than Ruaner, who asks for $1,000 in a blast fundraising email?

  17. - Arthur Andersen - Wednesday, Jul 16, 14 @ 11:59 am:

    Anon 11:31, you are a fool.

    Go study investments before lobbing a false cheap shot. There is no, zip, nada DC Plan offering Private Equity as an investment option because the liquidity required in DC is fundamentally incompatible with PE cash flows.

    Sorry to blow up your little conspiracy theory.

  18. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jul 16, 14 @ 12:04 pm:

    ===No, goofball. Kay is not getting bought. Just pointing out Rauner is reaching out.===

    “Reaching out”, what for the $750K Rauner gave the ILGOP, is that a “big ole hug”? lol

    ===With friends like you, the GOP doesn’t need any enemies.===

    Rauner is not a Republican. Rauner is a Raunerite who secured the GOP Nomination through an electoral victory.

  19. - Archiesmom - Wednesday, Jul 16, 14 @ 12:17 pm:

    I say effective. This always resonates with the voters Quinn needs to lock in. Worked for Obama, will work for Quinn. I don’t think we’ll see a lot of new stuff from either side.

  20. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Jul 16, 14 @ 12:29 pm:

    It’s an “A.” How can you miss? Rich dude pays less in taxes. All those in favor, say “aye.”

  21. - Shark Sandwich - Wednesday, Jul 16, 14 @ 12:40 pm:

    “What about all those government workers attacking Rauner who don’t pay FICA taxes????”

    If they don’t pay, they aren’t eligible for it later. They are however, paying a substantial percentage into their defined benefit pension system in lieu of. Don’t try to pretend these are the same thing.

  22. - Joan P. - Wednesday, Jul 16, 14 @ 12:40 pm:

    @ Steve -

    I worked for the government for 35 years, county and state, and ALWAYS paid FICA taxes.

  23. - Demoralized - Wednesday, Jul 16, 14 @ 12:54 pm:

    ==What about all those government workers attacking Rauner who don’t pay FICA taxes????==

    And those workers don’t get Social Security when they retire either you dope.

  24. - Rahm'sMiddleFinger - Wednesday, Jul 16, 14 @ 12:59 pm:

    Terrific ad. Most people in Illinois are just now learning about Rauner. We saw how effective the rich guy who doesn’t pay taxes narrative was with Brady. Solid A.

  25. - A guy... - Wednesday, Jul 16, 14 @ 1:03 pm:

    It’s a pass. Good production values, but the production concept isn’t as strong as it could be. Some of the dark, ominous stuff done for effect could actually harm the believability of the ad. It’s better than anything else that’s come out, but it’s not remarkable. We’ll see if it penetrates.

  26. - Louis G. Atsaves - Wednesday, Jul 16, 14 @ 1:04 pm:

    Commercial gets a solid “B” in my eyes. Only quibble: “Less tax rate” vs. “Rauner pays less taxes” at the end. Dollar wise he paid a whole lot more taxes than the average taxpayer. Or a whole lot more than a whole bunch of average taxpayers. Should have been “lower tax rate” vs. “less tax rate.” But that is more of a quibble. The message got through.

  27. - Louis G. Atsaves - Wednesday, Jul 16, 14 @ 1:06 pm:

    OW: Isn’t the $10,600.00 figure the statutory MAX two married individuals can donate to a single campaign? I know Rauner freaks you out but . . .

  28. - Ghost - Wednesday, Jul 16, 14 @ 1:10 pm:

    Meh, they need to stir up soccer moms, and this isn’t doing it.

    Clouding kid into school ahead of others…. That will play in the burbs

  29. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jul 16, 14 @ 1:12 pm:

    - Louis G. Asteves -,

    Sometimes…a joke or mock…is just a joke or a mock.

  30. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jul 16, 14 @ 1:15 pm:

    - Louis G. Atsaves -!

    Stupid auto-correct. If you are going to use your real name, I should at least get it right. Apologies, humbly.

    The impact will probably be felt, if at all, after the true defining of Rauner hits a stride.

    It hasn’t yet.

  31. - Lt. Guv. - Wednesday, Jul 16, 14 @ 1:16 pm:

    Give me a break on the response. I know exactly why the Rauner camp put it that way, but to imply Quinn & Madigan working together is just a bold-faced lie.

  32. - Anon. - Wednesday, Jul 16, 14 @ 1:18 pm:

    ==Sometimes…a joke or mock…is just a joke or a mock.==

    Ditto, Arthur Andersen

  33. - Goooner - Wednesday, Jul 16, 14 @ 1:58 pm:

    I don’t view this spot as class warfare at all.

    They are not going after him merely because he’s rich.

    They are going after him because he personally doesn’t pay taxes but he’s “open” to the rest of us paying more in taxes.

    It is a pretty strong attack on his character.

    Combined with things like Payton Prep. this has the potential to a line of attack that might be enough for Quinn to hold on.

    I give it a B+. It is a strong ad that really goes after Rauner’s weakness.

  34. - Apocolypse Now - Wednesday, Jul 16, 14 @ 2:00 pm:

    =OW: Isn’t the $10,600.00 figure the statutory MAX two married individuals can donate to a single campaign? I know Rauner freaks you out but . . .= Your right limits per individual are now $5,300. Seems like a smart guy would no the facts, before making a dumb statement.

  35. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jul 16, 14 @ 2:05 pm:


    === Seems like a smart guy would no the facts, before making a dumb statement===

    I am mocking the fact you singled out money as a “fact” the mended fences, while also mocking the $750K given to the ILGOP.

    I guess humor and understanding the mocking that Rauner shows money as love, and money can be measured, makes measuring Rauner’s love is fun as farce.

    I am done feeding you. Your talking points to respond should be emailed soon.

  36. - Redux - Wednesday, Jul 16, 14 @ 2:12 pm:

    B. The writing could be stronger. Instead of “pays less taxes than many of us” I would reacted more negatively (which is the point, right) to a statistic like “the average family of four making $60K” or something like that.

  37. - Coffee Cup - Wednesday, Jul 16, 14 @ 2:54 pm:

    The best way to counteract this latest negative political ad is for Rauner to come out with his own with an explanation to the accusation. That makes Rauner’s opponent look small and petty (unless Bruce really doesn’t have a good explanation to the accusation). Otherwise, a great number of voters (including GOP) will be inclined to get off of the Rauner train.

  38. - Precinct Captain - Wednesday, Jul 16, 14 @ 2:55 pm:

    ==Seems like a smart guy would no the facts==

    I guess smart guys like you use Col. McCormick’s simple spelling.

  39. - A guy... - Wednesday, Jul 16, 14 @ 2:58 pm:

    I think the ad that answers this one is already in the can and ready to go. Show them a tax bill showing millions in taxes paid and position Quinn as being an enemy of anyone who succeeds or tries to succeed in Illinois. I’m sure there’s a prominent Dem in the same boat on SS and FICA. I suspect we’ll meet at least one soon enough.

  40. - so... - Wednesday, Jul 16, 14 @ 3:29 pm:

    ==I think the ad that answers this one is already in the can and ready to go. Show them a tax bill showing millions in taxes paid and position Quinn as being an enemy of anyone who succeeds or tries to succeed in Illinois. I’m sure there’s a prominent Dem in the same boat on SS and FICA. I suspect we’ll meet at least one soon enough.==

    Yeah, his name’s Pat Quinn.

  41. - Under Further Review - Wednesday, Jul 16, 14 @ 3:31 pm:

    It is easy to complain about taxes, but since when is it “unethical” to seek to avoid taxes when the US Tax Code permits such actions? I listened to Barbara Flynn Currie dance around this the other day. I am no fan of Rauner, but if he evaded taxes prosecute him. If his accountants filed a return and he avoided taxes legally, fault the Congress for not revising the code.

  42. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jul 16, 14 @ 3:33 pm:

    Under Further Review, I totally get what you’re saying. But it polls well. We know that already. And it worked against Bill Brady four years ago. There’s not much you or Rauner can do about it.

  43. - Goooner - Wednesday, Jul 16, 14 @ 3:33 pm:


    It becomes unethical when you want poor people to pay taxes on stuff like social security, and you are willing to go so far as considering increasing taxes on the elderly, while you pay no such taxes yourself.

    Taxing the other guy, and the other guy exclusively, is unethical.

  44. - Bored Chairman - Wednesday, Jul 16, 14 @ 3:44 pm:

    This one hits Rauner in the shins, not on the chin. The dancing and flashing numbers on the ad are distracting, not reinforcing. The issue may poll well, explaining the big ad buy, but not sure this over produced ad delivers. “C”

  45. - Toure's Latte - Wednesday, Jul 16, 14 @ 5:09 pm:

    Okay it is a first shot, an ankle biter. Give it a C for at least getting out of the gate.

  46. - Wensicia - Wednesday, Jul 16, 14 @ 5:22 pm:

    ==What about all those government workers attacking Rauner who don’t pay FICA taxes????==

    The percentage they pay into state retirement is higher than FICA, and some of us pay into both.

  47. - Jimbo - Wednesday, Jul 16, 14 @ 7:03 pm:

    And don’t think that all state workers don’t pay FICA, it’s mainly teachers, university employees and legislators. I’m pretty sure our Constitutional Officers pay it, but I’m not certain. If not, silly ad lol.

  48. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jul 16, 14 @ 7:19 pm:

    a nonsense answer bruce are you taxing my ss and pension?

  49. - Responsa - Wednesday, Jul 16, 14 @ 7:36 pm:

    C- I guess to be fair, it boils down to whether voters who see this ad are inherently repulsed by class warfare attacks or are heavily into class warfare. Since I’m not –and since I look at other things no matter whether it’s a filthy rich Democrat running for office or a filthy rich Republican running for office, this ad is a complete waste. I suppose poll testing has told them there enough class warrior types out there as targets to make this buy worthwhile. I also suppose we’ll be seeing a similar attack on Rahm’s wealth if/when Karen runs against him.

  50. - Arthur Andersen - Wednesday, Jul 16, 14 @ 9:26 pm:

    For the umptyeleventh time, no one in the GA Retirement System including Constitutionals pays SS or FICA.

    The Ad: Meh. How about some new material?

  51. - Tortocollis - Tuesday, Aug 5, 14 @ 10:37 pm:

    Bruce “Mitt” Rauner pays lower tax rates, uses loopholes to avoid taxes, and has accounts in the Cayman Islands. Sounds like just the sort of power hungry guy who will trample on the most vulnerable in our society as he relaxes in his Montana Ranch counting his taxes savings!!
    Seems just like the Apples and Googles of this world, who want to take advantage of everything America has to offer, but not contribute by paying their fair share of taxes.
    Don’t buy their products and don’t elect Rauner.

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