Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x1 - Schneider turns the tables *** New NRCC ad tries to claim Schneider has ties to Iran
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*** UPDATED x1 - Schneider turns the tables *** New NRCC ad tries to claim Schneider has ties to Iran

Tuesday, Oct 7, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

*** UPDATE *** From the Schneider campaign…

“This shameless ad is a perfect example of why Americans hold Washington Republicans in such low regard,” Schneider for Congress spokesperson Staci McCabe said. “Attacking Brad’s wife and family for cheap political gain is why so many Americans are disgusted by Republican’s tactics. The hypocrisy of this smear campaign is that Republican Bob Dold was in Congress, he voted to award the company referenced in the ad with a sweetheart land deal even after it was revealed that it would benefit Iran.”

From their background material…

Congressman Dold Voted to Protect Oil Companies that Violate Iran and Syrian Sanctions. On July 25, 2012, House Republicans voted against a plan to prohibit companies who conduct business with Iran or Syria in violation of U.S. sanctions from receiving drilling leases. [HR 6082, Vote #510,7/25/12]

Congressman Dold Voted to Protect Mining Companies Doing Business with Iran. On July 12, 2012, House Republicans voted against a plan to prohibit companies from receiving mineral exploration permits if they have violated the sanctions imposed against Iran, or if Iran holds an ownership interest in the company. The measure was offered Congresswoman Louise Slaughter. [HR 4402, Vote #467, 7/12/12]

Congressman Dold Voted Against Stopping American Companies from Conducting Business With Iran. On November 3, 2011, House Republicans voted against a measure “that would have stopped Americans from doing business with any person who directly or indirectly is doing business with Iran.” [HR 2930, Vote #824, 11/3/11; Washington Jewish Week, 11/4/11]

House Republicans Voted To Reward a Company That Helps Iran Mine The Fuel it Needs for its Nuclear Efforts. On October 26, 2011, House Republicans voted to allow Resolution Copper to swap land with the federal government, effectively clearing the way for development of North America’s largest copper mine. Resolution Copper is a subsidiary of Rio Tinto. RioTinto, one of the world’s largest mining companies, has partnered with Iran on a uranium mining operation in Nambia. The mine accounts for 7 percent of the global supply of uranium. Rio Tinto continued its partnership with Iran, in spite of United Nations ruling barring the country from investing in mines of the fuel. Iran owned its stake in the mine through the Iran Foreign Investment Company. [HR 1904, Vote #808, 10/26/11; The Hill, 10/26/11; The Arizona Republic, 10/26/11; Resolution Copper’s Website, accessed10/26/11; Bloomberg, 10/27/10; see also: JTA, 10/26/11]

House Republicans Voted to Protect a 20 Percent Tax Break for Companies Violating Iranian Trade Sanctions. In April 2012, House Republicans voted against a motion to recommit that would have eliminated a 20 percent income tax cut for companies that violate U.S. trade sanctions against Iran. The motion failed 179-229. [HR 9, Vote #176, 4/19/12; Washington Post, 4/22/12]

[ *** End Of Update *** ]

* From the NRCC…

“Brad Schneider has been trying to hide his family’s income because they invest in companies that are dangerous to America. We now know Brad invests in companies that send jobs to China and uranium companies that do business with Iran. It’s clear we can’t trust Brad Schneider’s judgment.” – Katie Prill, NRCC Spokeswoman

* The NRCC’s new ad

* Script…

ANNCR: What is Brad Schneider hiding?

Schneider still won’t release all of his tax returns.

And news reports say that Schneider has abruptly changed his filing status to keep some of his family’s income secret.

Now official documents reveal Schneider’s family invested thousands in companies that outsource jobs to China.

Schneider’s family even invested in a uranium mining company that did business with Iran.

We just can’t trust Brad Schneider.

The National Republican Congressional Committee is responsible for the content of this advertising.


Do you think people actually believe this stuff?

* Meanwhile, the NRCC is running a new spot on St. Louis TV…

Bill Enyart went to Washington and voted with Nancy Pelosi 90% of the time instead of fighting for Southern Illinois. We can’t trust Enyart when he votes to protect his first class travel and special congressional health care perks all while voting for more government spending. We need Mike Bost who will make a difference in Congress and fight for Southern Illinois families and jobs.” – Katie Prill, NRCC Spokeswoman

* The ad

* Script…

ANNCR: Bill Enyart is part of the problem in Washington.

He’s voted with his party almost 90%.

Enyart voted to raise the debt ceiling 3 times.

To reward himself, he voted to keep first class airfare and special health care perks for Congress.

Bill Enyart, another politician wasting our tax dollars helping himself.

Mike Bost is different. He’ll fight for us in Washington. Mike Bost for jobs.

The National Republican Congressional Committee is responsible for the content of this advertising.


  1. - Chicago Cynic - Tuesday, Oct 7, 14 @ 11:10 am:

    Rule number one in attack ads. It must be credible. This NRCC schtick is idiotic.

  2. - Anon - Tuesday, Oct 7, 14 @ 11:12 am:

    == What is Brad Schneider hiding? ==
    What is Bruce Rauner hiding?

    Once again, the GOP wants to have it both ways. Democrats who don’t release their returns are hiding something, but Republicans who don’t release theirs are…different.

  3. - Just Observing - Tuesday, Oct 7, 14 @ 11:13 am:

    So my guess is Schneider owns .0000001% stock in a mutual or index fund that invested in these “evil” corporations. Ridiculous.

  4. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Oct 7, 14 @ 11:16 am:

    So the Jewish guy is cashing in on the Iranians trying to make a bomb?

    You try to sell that on the North Shore, it calls into question everything else that you’re peddling, especially all the nice-nice Dold has been putting out lately.

    Very dumb idea.

  5. - AlabamaShake - Tuesday, Oct 7, 14 @ 11:20 am:

    **Once again, the GOP wants to have it both ways. Democrats who don’t release their returns are hiding something, but Republicans who don’t release theirs are…different.**

    Eh… the Dems want to have it both ways too. Dems attack Rauner, but protect Schneider.

    Both sides do it in the most hypocritical way possible.

  6. - walker - Tuesday, Oct 7, 14 @ 11:21 am:

    NRCC should do better than this. They should farm out the real corkers to the fringe GOP PACs. (without “coordinating” of course)

    Why don’t they just ask Mark Kirk what message or attack would work best for them right now? This isn’t it.

    Credit though, for finely tailoring it to the local district. At least they’ve moved off their standard anti-Obamacare message which probably hurt Dold.

  7. - in the know - Tuesday, Oct 7, 14 @ 11:24 am:

    isn’t the attack on Enyart the same message as the attack on Rodney Davis? First class airfare and health care perks?
    Kinda funny IMO

  8. - foster brooks - Tuesday, Oct 7, 14 @ 11:41 am:

    Mike Bost is different. He’ll fight for us in Washington.

    You got that right. Lol

  9. - Robert the Bruce - Tuesday, Oct 7, 14 @ 11:47 am:

    ==Do you think people actually believe this stuff?==
    I can’t imagine this helps to swing any undecided voter. Maybe 50% of regular foxnews viewers might and it might motivate them to remember to vote?

  10. - yo - Tuesday, Oct 7, 14 @ 11:47 am:

    “Mike Bost for jobs. Mike Bost for extrajudicial dog killing.”
    “When Washington DC gets out of line, he will pen it up, and put it down!”

  11. - my two cents - Tuesday, Oct 7, 14 @ 11:52 am:

    Walker, the NRCC used the same kinds of attack ads on Kirk’s behalf. It’s illegal for them to coordinate with candidates, which is why their generic and over the top messaging often backfires. This ad reminds everyone these fringe lunatics are part of Dold’s party.

  12. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Oct 7, 14 @ 11:54 am:

    The hit isn’t a “North Shore Thing”

    Outsiders are the best at understanding the least.

    Here us another example.

  13. - Carl Nyberg - Tuesday, Oct 7, 14 @ 11:57 am:

    I see the NRCC is as helpful to GOP candidates as DCCC is to Dem candidates.

    Schneider’s campaign deserves credit for turning NRCC spending to his advantage.

  14. - Everett D. - Tuesday, Oct 7, 14 @ 12:02 pm:

    I know it’s an independent expenditure, but Dold must have known about this? Really a hack job., that backfires on all counts. Hugely disappointed in their shop, as a $$ supporter The whole tax return focus is a waste of time….they’ve been at it for months…

  15. - Commander Norton - Tuesday, Oct 7, 14 @ 12:26 pm:

    In the know -

    You’re exactly right; in one Congressional district, the Republicans are savaging an incumbent for taking the same vote they’re defending one of their incumbents (in an adjacent district) for taking. The same charge of hypocrisy applies to the Dems here. I wouldn’t blame Joe Voter for concluding that it’s all a charade, and very little that’s done in Washington matters, and maybe his vote doesn’t matter much either.

    American politics has never been a clean business, but we’ve reached a point where the cynicism - and the behavior that feeds it - is seriously threatening representative government.

  16. - Pot calling kettle - Tuesday, Oct 7, 14 @ 12:26 pm:


    Mike Bost will be voting with his party 90% of the time, he’ll vote to raise the debt ceiling, and he’ll vote to keep his insurance. Duh. What will he do in Washington? “Mike Bost is for jobs.” OK, and his opponent is against jobs? Sigh. Wouldn’t it be nice to have ads where a candidates gives some details about one policy position?

  17. - Jimmy CrackCorn - Tuesday, Oct 7, 14 @ 12:30 pm:

    Re:Scheider/Dold-I think both camps look pretty dumb.

    The article cited in the ad is from October 2010. The Periodic Transaction Report is from August 2014. The Iran sanctions have pretty much been lifted during that gap, so there is nothing illegal or unethical there. But, why would you even give them a chance at a semi-clean hit if you are Schneider? (Note: I could not find the company directly on his disclosures, maybe it was part of a larger fund?)

    Then Schneider issues a non-denial that he bought stock in a company that once mined uranium with Iran and rightfully points out all of the missed votes from Dold to be tough on this company for their dealings with Iran.

    Did anyone do their homework here? Can someone help me out, am I missing something?

  18. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, Oct 7, 14 @ 12:31 pm:

    If anything they are saying was true - it would have been true back in July. Now? It is just an attempt to drive partisan turnout down.

  19. - Rahm's Parking Meter - Tuesday, Oct 7, 14 @ 12:43 pm:

    That is an insane charge that Schneider would even help Iran. The NRCC has no shame and that is just a bold faced lie. Rep. Schneider was on the boards of AIPAC and AJC. Dold and his buddies at the NRCC should know better.

  20. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Oct 7, 14 @ 12:56 pm:

    Interesting to see that Schneider self-IDs as a Democrat and calls out Republicans as Republicans.

    You don’t see that very often in any general election race, anywhere.

  21. - Shore - Tuesday, Oct 7, 14 @ 2:47 pm:

    Iran is a very hot issue and that will dent schneider with jewish voters who were the swing constituency that kept kirk in office. The prominent picture of jan schakowsky in the 2nd image is also done on purpose as she’s about as popular as hezbollah with Republicans.

    I suspect even if schneider loses he or Nancy Rotering will run in 2016 with the democratic presidential voting environment and perhaps win the seat. Dold’s next ad will likely include mark kirk who I suspect we’ll see a lot of there. If he was really good he’d find Joe Lieberman and get him to northbrook.

  22. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Oct 7, 14 @ 2:55 pm:

    ===that will dent schneider with jewish voters===

    Only if they believe it.

  23. - plutocrat03 - Tuesday, Oct 7, 14 @ 6:40 pm:

    Why would Schneider’s attacks be believable while Dold’s are not?

  24. - The Prophesy - Tuesday, Oct 7, 14 @ 7:05 pm:

    “Why would Schneider’s attacks be believable while Dold’s are not?”

    Dold’s statements are not being discussed. The NRCC’s is.

    You see, the NRCC is the Republican Party, and Bob Dold is Bob Dold.

Sorry, comments for this post are now closed.

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