C’mon, man
Friday, Dec 5, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Gov.-elect Bruce Rauner was in Washington, DC yesterday meeting with the congressional delegation and stopped to talk to the media…
“To be clear, Illinois is in dire condition,” Rauner said. “Our financial condition is far worse than has ever been discussed publicly before.” [Emphasis added.]
* Um, no. I’ve already pointed to the column I wrote in June that found even more budgetary gimmicks and pressures than Rauner has talked about so far. The Senate Democrats also released this informative PowerPoint presentation in July…
Also in July, the CTBA released a detailed budget analysis that you can read by clicking here. And the Civic Federation released a report in October discussing the same stuff.
* Zorn…
Rauner, on the last day of May, ripped the spending plan as “phony” and “the same type of broken, dishonest budget that career politicians in Illinois have been passing for years.”
And adds…
The “If only I’d known how bad it really was!” pose from newly elected pols trying to lower the expectations of those who actually believed their commercials is always galling. But it’s especially galling here, given that Rauner spent much of the last year refusing to answer with any specificity questions about how he plans to address Illinois’ deep financial problems.
Rauner spent decades buying up companies. He has loads of experience doing “due diligence.” As some commenters have noted here, did he not do any due diligence or is this all just an act?
I’m betting on the latter.
It would be nice if the rest of the news media would start pointing out this stuff.
…Adding… Mike Flannery did a good job of rebutting Rauner’s claims this week…
“The voters have been misled intentionally by the politicians,” Rauner said.
Those politicians include Democrats, Republicans and Mr. Rauner himself. Among his campaign promises: billions of dollars in tax cuts, as well as increased spending on education, not to mention the re-opening of a Downstate facility closed to save money. He seemed to ignore six months of watchdog warnings about the current state budget.
“You would think the whole General Assembly was on medical marijuana when they were passing this thing. It’s grotesquely out of balance. It doesn’t have nearly the revenue that they claim. And they emptied their whole dirty bag of tricks to make it look balanced,” [said Mike Flannery] in early June.
In early October, the budget watchdog Civic Federation issued a detailed report on Illinois’ budget crisis. Their conclusion is one no politician wants to hear.
“There is no easy way, there is no politically attractive way to get through this. It’s gonna require sacrifice from all parties. The taxpayers are gonna end up having to pay more money. They’re gonna get less service. The employees are gonna have to take less benefits,” President of the Civic Federation Laurence Msall said.
- Walter Mitty - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 9:47 am:
Rich…. Re-read your last sentence…. No offense… But Duh? Why do you think we all come here? Everyone else plays checkers …you play chess…C’Mon Man!
- foster brooks - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 9:48 am:
You mean the newspapers that endorsed him? Lol
- William j Kelly - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 9:48 am:
Yes! Rich, you are right again! Thank you!
- Walter Mitty - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 9:48 am:
Now quit slackin and give me a rockin song for a dreary Friday!
- Commander Norton - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 9:51 am:
This morning, I heard a conservative-leaning local talk radio host going on a rant, taking Rauner to task for playing this game instead of coming out with solutions. So here’s hoping the critique is trickling down.
That said, I think the clearest evidence that this is just a pre-inauguration act is that he hasn’t requested a postponement of the budget address, as Madigan and Cullerton expected him to, as newly-elected governors have almost always done and as Pat Quinn did just last year, in fact. It seems clear to me that he’s already figured out what he’s going to say; he’s just not ready to unveil it yet, and he’s using this new line to stall for time and lay the groundwork for his actual plan, whatever it is.
- cassiopeia - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 9:52 am:
All of this will be forgotten after Rauner delivers his budget in February. The discussion will then focus on the angst in his proposed solution.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 9:56 am:
If all this faking that this is new to Rauner books down to the idea Rauner knows he can’t do Property Tax cuts, increase education spending, saving state facilities, and infrastructure spending, just to name a small few…if this phony “new to me” mantra is to be everything opposite of how he (Rauner) ran, imagine if Rauner goes into meetings with MJM and Cullerton pretending this is all new?
The Press angle just speaks to how honest Rauner wants those who pay attention to government, and how Rauner sees their opinion matters of him mean to Rauner.
If someone lies to you, and you both know it’s a lie, is it that the liar thinks so little of you, lying to you means nothing to them…or lying, the liar really doesn’t care what you think of them? Or both?
The LLs and the Press Shop. Those two Crews better be able to decipher what they “can get away” with saying to the Press that might not be the most truthful, and balance the absolute truth needed with Cullerton and MJM and their Crews to seem like a partner they can trust, and work with.
Or, just say Dopey things like above, pretend none of it matters, roll the dice, take your chances, and try the “you know, I’m just saying that, but you can trust me and us.”
Words fail me as to why they are starting out like this.
- Loop Lady - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 9:57 am:
he is earnestly lowering the bar so he can claim that he’s done a spectacular job when he assesses his first year in office…or something like that…
- Not Rich - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 9:59 am:
February 18th will be a very interesting day in the Capitol!! I can not wait to hear the new Gov’s budget address, but more importantly, I can not wait to see the look on some of the Republicans faces sitting in the House chamber. You know, the R’s that have never punched the green button in their life.. The theatre and responses will be great
- John Parnell - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 9:59 am:
Rauner reminds me of Richard Nixon when he ran for President. Nixon promised he had a plan to end the war in Vietnam, but he couldn’t reveal it before the election. There was no plan. Just like now.
- ??? - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 10:00 am:
Rich, when I click on the link where you refer to the column you wrote in June, it just takes me to yesterday’s Capitol Fax post on the subject. Do you have the link to the June column?
- Jay Dee - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 10:05 am:
Rauner kind of reminds me of the joke from The West Wing. “Two politicians were talking and one says, ‘you’re lying!’ The other responds, ‘I know, but hear me out.”
- Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 10:06 am:
Come on. The Illinois media went all-in for Rauner — largely failing to question his ridiculous math and nonsensical budget assertions. It will be hilarious (and sad) to watch the editorial boards contort themselves as this all plays out.
- Rich Miller - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 10:06 am:
=== Do you have the link to the June column? ===
It’s in yesterday’s post.
- Soccermom - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 10:06 am:
Look, Bruce. I am trying to be grown-up and supportive and big-picture-ish. But this is getting ridiculous. We all knew how bad it was — not just us “insiders.” (And please keep in mind, all of my inside information comes from readily available online sources.)
So shut up and get to work already. Sheesh.
- In_The_Middle - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 10:09 am:
Time to stop campaigning and start governing.
- Norseman - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 10:10 am:
C’mon man, your whoppers are getting bigger and bigger.
- Wordslinger - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 10:10 am:
JP, Nixon didn’t pretend that he didn’t know there was a Vietnam War.
You have to keep an eye on a guy who goes on and on about others’ “dishonesty” when he’s blowing smoke up your tukkus.
Chris Fusco quoted Rauner the other day saying the problems were not a matter of the tax increase expiring, but “mismanagement.”
Well, let’s pretend we’re in Missouri and show me.
- Soccermom - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 10:10 am:
And you know, it’s not like Rauner’s folks were not reading this blog….
- Arizona Bob - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 10:14 am:
I suspect he knew exactly what was going on with this budget when he was campaigning, and he took great pains not to be specific and box himself into a corner should he be elected.
The fact that his campaign was not about solutions was the primary reason I neither volunteered for him, donated to him, or even put up his stinkin’ yard signs up at my Illinois properties.
Maybe the way he’s doing this is the most effective way of addressing the problems and developing solutions. One thing I’ve learned over the years is that it doesn’t make any difference if you’re the smartest person in the room and have the best solutions to make things better and solve problems if you don’t get elected.
Illinois voters don’t support common sense solutions to financial problems. They want a bunch of goodies that SOMEONE ELSE pays for (as evidenced by those non-binding referenda), but those getting more than their fair share from the dole don’t want to hear about them having to sacrifice to keep things going.
I’m hoping for the best here. Maybe what Rauner’s doing is the playing the game that is politics in Illinois, and this is the means to achieve what is politically achievable. We’ll see.
I sure hope that they make the tax rate go back down to 3.75% as required. Then I can become an Illinois resident again, save tax dollars and contribute to fixing this mess again, provided adults take over the conversation and Rauner can lead to achieve REAL solutions to these problems.
- Anonymous - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 10:15 am:
So we’ve traded dishonest career politicians for what exactly? How could anyone vote for someone who has all kinds of secret plans and won’t tell you what they are? How is that better?
- Soccermom - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 10:15 am:
And if Rauner wants to run his mouth, maybe he should read the Tribune article on kids being abused, on the people’s dime.
- MrJM - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 10:23 am:
In a related development, the Tribune reports that Captain Renault was “shocked, shocked” to find that gambling took place in Casablanca.
– MrJM
- William j Kelly - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 10:25 am:
John Parnell, I don’t want to make this personal because I don’t know( you and if I do know you I would like to apologize for not remembering that I know you but that is neither here nor there as they say. )What I would like to say is it is wrong to compare ANY living human (much less rauner) to the greatest president ever! http://youtu.be/c88ACshubGM
- Norseman - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 10:26 am:
I read the mismanagement comment too. This is part of the Rauner stick. Better management is not going to put a dent in our problem.
- Sir Reel - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 10:27 am:
Selective amnesia. That’s his story and he’s sticking to it.
- Wensicia - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 10:27 am:
Rauner continues to pile on what’s wrong and is expecting his cheerleaders on the Tribune editorial board to echo his message without asking questions, and they comply. At least Zorn cuts to the chase.
- AC - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 10:32 am:
Criticism of the media for a predictable lack of analysis of a predictable pivot by a predictable politician’s fake outrage over a state’s dire financial position that everyone predicted makes my head hurt. If the media had performed an in depth analysis of a candidate with a complete lack of substance, we’d have reelected governor squeezy. If we lived in a world where media consolidation hadn’t starved real journists had the freedom and resources to do their job the world would be a better place. But it isn’t.
- Carl Nyberg - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 10:33 am:
Quick! Somebody buy Bruce Rauner a Capitol Fax subscription.
- walker - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 10:38 am:
This Rauner faux-surprise game has and will continue to frustrate the heck out of all of those who know better. We ranted about his deliberate evasion of known budget realities all through his campaign.
And yes, Rich, reporters should know better, and reflect it in their stories.
But, Rauner won with this tactic, and this latest is expected behavior.
We can simply label Rauner as another “career politician” based on this behavior, and move on.
What matters is what he proposes, not how he tries to position or cover his rear end.
Note also that Rauner picks his words carefully. He doesn’t say that he didn’t know these things months ago, or that some reporter wasn’t reporting on them, he says: “it wasn’t publicly discussed.” That can mean different things to different audiences.
- Jeeves the Cat - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 10:42 am:
For nearly two years we’ve been told Bruce’s main - almost only - qualifications were that he was a “business man” and Springfield outsider. In business, if you are in ANY position where you personally are actually supposed to be in charge of something, when there’s a problem, YOU own it. It doesn’t matter where it came from or whose fault it is, it’s your responsibility. In the type of venture capital where you’re trying to quickly bundle companies to compound market share in a niche or geographical area, if there’s a problem - you hide it until you can find someone to buy your problem from you at a profit. You’re never really responsible for anything other than making sure negative issues don’t stick to you or your firm and deftly pawning off your problems on to other people. If some of those suckers - er people, are your employees or investors so be it. That’s the way THAT game is played. Throughout the primary and the general, whenever a question of any GTCR issue or malfeasance came up - if Bruce ever addressed it at all - they were all other people’s mistakes. He wasn’t in charge. He didn’t know. He was only personally responsible for the firm’s successes. Successes which, when now famously asked in a debate, he couldn’t name.
- Del Clinkton - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 10:44 am:
Arizona Bob: Illinois voters don’t support common sense solutions to financial problems. They want a bunch of goodies that SOMEONE ELSE pays for (as evidenced by those non-binding referenda), but those getting more than their fair share from the dole don’t want to hear about them having to sacrifice to keep things going.
What are the goodies that someone else pays for?
- Rich Miller - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 10:44 am:
===resources to do their job===
How many resources does it take to do a simple Google search?
C’mon, man. I’m a one-person shop.
- walker - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 10:50 am:
SoccerMom: Three comments right in the center of the target. Also expected behavior from you. Thanks.
- illinifan - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 10:50 am:
Everytime I hear Rauner talk about the Illinois budget, I hear it to the tune and lyrics of the song from Music Man ..Ya Got Trouble in River City
“Well, either you’re closing your eyes
To a situation you do now wish to acknowledge
Or you are not aware of the caliber of disaster indicated
By the presence of a pool table in your community.
Ya got trouble, my friend, right here,
I say, trouble right here in River City”
- RNUG - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 10:51 am:
Like I said the other day, unless Rauner is deaf, dumb and blind (he isn’t), this is all about re-educating the voting public and walking back their expectations that Bruce will actually deliver on his campaign promises.
And Im sticking to my prediction that when the dust settles, we’ll all be paying higher taxes in total than we did under Quinn.
- Anonymous - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 10:52 am:
I find it offensive, demeaning and arrogant on Rauner’s part that no one gets to know how exactly their state will be magically fixed. He hasn’t even been sworn in and we’re already seeing the smokescreens that he said “other” politicians used. Well, we get what we deserve, I guess.
- bored now - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 10:53 am:
is that the austerity bell we hear ringing???
- Skeptic - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 10:55 am:
“How many resources does it take to do a simple Google search?” How many State employees does it take to change a light bulb?
- Apocalypse Now - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 11:00 am:
Rauner and “crew” no what they are doing. Lower expectation for the public. Smart politics and will allow Rauner and “crew” to make the case to public in 2015. Let’s not forget that some of the biggest lies and liars have been Madigan and Cullerton.
- Grandson of Man - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 11:01 am:
From a campaign standpoint, in retrospect, Rauner’s budget evasiveness and empty tax cuts plus education spending increase plans seem brilliant.
That’s more on us than Rauner, if we believed it.
Now the problem has been transferred more to Republicans. Taxes will have to be raised. Why should one side have to bear the problem and the political fallout alone?
- Louis G Atsaves - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 11:02 am:
This faux budget outrage knife cuts both ways.
Rauner should have known how bad the budget was. But the general public still really doesn’t know. Because the real culprits of that fiasco did not proudly take responsibility for their irresponsible actions. The cynical plan was to take a “temporary” tax increase and make is permanent, right?
After all, all the Democratic ostriches that voted for that budget in the House and the Senate didn’t run out and proudly cite their vote for that unbalanced, unconstitutional and reckless budget. And Quinn happily signed it into law without much of a peep, then told us that things were getting better and he was busy, busy, busy using his antique push lawnmower to cut expenses to the bone/roots.
They are all accountable. Including Rauner, who didn’t vote for it or sign it into law. Rauner inherits a mess. He knew going in he was inheriting a mess. I didn’t hear that denial from him.
Those who created the mess should pull their heads out of the sand, raise their hands and also say: “I was responsible for this.”
But that will never happen. It’s all Rauner’s fault, even before he takes office! And that is the biggest lie of all the ones being told about the current Illinois Budget for FY2015.
- Demoralized - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 11:03 am:
==Illinois voters don’t support common sense solutions to financial problems. ==
What you really mean is that Illinois voters don’t support YOUR solutions to the financial problems. Of course, they must support some sort of different solution since they elected Rauner. Sometimes your logic is hard to follow.
==I sure hope that they make the tax rate go back down to 3.75% as required. Then I can become an Illinois resident again==
Not sure that’s such a good time to move back because when that happens the state of Illinois government is going to get much, much, much worse before it can get any better. Unless you’ve got some magic pixie dust to make the multi-billion loss in revenue be easily fixed.
- Streator Curmudgeon - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 11:04 am:
Voters’ remorse already and he hasn’t even taken office yet.
As with Donald Trump, we’re seeing a CEO mentality who thinks he has all the answers until the reality hits him that it’s time for him to deliver.
During the campaign, I wondered if any of us geniuses could have done better than Pat Quinn, facing the same problems.
I have also wondered, for years, whether the American experiment with capitalism/democracy is running out of steam as overwhelming “wants” meet overburdensome taxation. There’s a limit to everything.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 11:10 am:
===Lower expectation for the public. Smart politics and will allow Rauner and “crew” to make the case to public in 2015.===
It’s not lowering expectations, it’s lying about knowing/not knowing the fiscal realies…and being “called” on it.
You can’t lie to MJM and Cullerton abd say you know it’s bad, by saying publicity you “didn’t know”, and the Press won’t give a pass as easily to a Governor, as it may have a candidate.
Hope this glee with your following along, you seen to miss the whole point.
- Skeptic - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 11:11 am:
“I wondered if any of us geniuses could have done better than Pat Quinn..” And I wondered whether we could have had two better candidates. But that’s water over the dam too.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 11:12 am:
“Hope this helps with your following along, you seen to miss the whole point.”
- Apocalypse Now - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 11:18 am:
=“Hope this helps with your following along, you seen to miss the whole point.”= The one thing we can all be thankful for is Rauner and the “crew” don’t pay any attention to the likes of OW.
- Demoralized - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 11:21 am:
==Rauner should have known how bad the budget was. But the general public still really doesn’t know.==
Then they don’t know because they haven’t been paying attention because the budget situation hasn’t been hidden from anybody.
==And Quinn happily signed it into law without much of a peep==
He actually made a pretty big “peep” about it. He didn’t “happily” sign anything.
==It’s all Rauner’s fault, even before he takes office!==
Having fun playing the victim are we?
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 11:21 am:
I hope they don’t pay attebtiin to me, nor do I think tgst tey do. I am hoping they are doing better behind the scenes than the work product they are presenting publicily.
I see you learned how to spell apocalypse, so I am excited for your future.
- DuPage - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 11:28 am:
Decepticon, a transformer known to wear a Carhartt jacket and 18 dollar watch in order to deceive voters. Transforms after being elected.
- Percival - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 11:28 am:
He’s just bracing the public for proposals on sharp medicine. All seem to keep forgetting that Rauner knows full well that given the legistaure, he cannot achieve much on his own. So he is promoting a crisis atmosphere, first to get negotiations at all (given Madigan’s track record) and second to get whatever he can. At least he is very publicly pulling the covers off of a terrible situation. I know that some media and organizations have previously pointed out the deep problems. But when a Governor-Elect does it, much more of the public begins to pay attention. Thus bizarre waltz has just begun.
- Wordslinger - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 11:30 am:
Louis, pay attention.
No one thinks Rauner is responsible for the current budget. They’re calling him out on his ridiculous protests of ignorance. Goes to honesty and credibility.
The Sgt. Schultz bit is over.
- Halftime - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 11:30 am:
He’s not much a businessman if he didn’t know that Illinois had financial problems when he decided to run for Governor…I bet there’s some good quotes from the Primary that would undercut his recent statements.
- foster brooks - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 11:32 am:
Skeptic if your changing a light bulb on the Eisenhower about 10. Lol
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 11:34 am:
I don’t object to Rauner’s shock. The problem here is that while Thompson and Edgar largely blamed the need for additional revenue on the national economy, Rauner is saying the reason for the budget gap is mismanagement.
The problem is, telling people that our money troubles are due to mismanagement is a terrible, terrible way to convince them to give you more money. All you are doing is reinforcing the idea that government cannot be trusted.
For some really solid research on how introducing the “Broken Government” frame hurts you in the long run, read Don’t Think About Elephants
- Pelon - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 11:40 am:
When it came to addressing the financial situation in the state, I don’t think many could have done any better than Quinn. If I recall correctly, when he took over, the unpaid bill backlog was around $8 billion. That went down under Quinn, and he still managed to make the required pension payments. Given the cries from both political parties when he tried to close facilities or cancel programs, I think the only possible solution was to raise taxes. The people just weren’t willing to accept spending cuts. I expect things are no different today, so we are likely to see taxes stay the same or even go up slightly in the Rauner years.
If you look at Quinn’s performance in running state government, however, I think the average person on the street could have done better. The effectiveness of state government has plummeted under Blagojevich / Quinn because neither one of them was either a leader or effective administrator. I’m hoping that Rauner can at least do better in this area.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 11:41 am:
===All seem to keep forgetting that Rauner knows full well that given the legistaure, he cannot achieve much on his own. So he is promoting a crisis atmosphere, first to get negotiations at all (given Madigan’s track record) and second to get whatever he can.===
By lying that;
Rauner himself didn’t know how dire things were?
The problem is based in mismanagement, not revenue?
Do I trust the liar who says he knows exactly what’s going on, but is promoting a crisis…
Or do I trust the liar who pretends he didn’t kbuw how bad it was so he can negotiate under a false premise of initial facts that are now seen as “more dire”?
It’s called lacking credibility.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 11:49 am:
Oswego Willy is correct. Blaming Democrats for the state’s budget problems is not the best way to move forward.
Even if you were only trying or only meant to blame Quinn, you need a lot of folks who supported Quinn and voted for the current budget to help.
- Louis G Atsaves - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 11:50 am:
Word: “This faux budget outrage knife cuts both ways.”
I’m paying attention. Plenty of pretenders to go around. Let’s go back to the pretenders who created this whole mess and not let them off the hook.
You may not like Rauner, but those facts aren’t going away.
- walker - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 11:54 am:
Will Rauner join MJM to convince the ISC of our fiscal emergency?
- anon - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 12:07 pm:
== I sure hope that they make the tax rate go back down to 3.75% as required.==
It will happen on Jan. 1, as required. Whether it stays at 3.75% is up to the governor-elect.
- Skeptic - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 12:14 pm:
foster brooks: Well, you need one to identify that it’s burned out, one to write up the requision, one to sign it, one to deliver it to CMS, one to lose it, one to discover it’s lost and tell whoever wrote the first one to write one again, one to sign it again, one to deliver it to CMS again, one to sign it and pass it along, one more to sign it and pass it along, one to put it out for bid, one to open the bids, one to decide the bids weren’t valid… wait, what were we doing again?
- Old and In The Way - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 12:20 pm:
The problem is not that the ISC doesn’t think there is an emergency or crisis. The problem is that there is an explicit guarantee in the state constitution and no exceptions. The ‘police powers’ that Ty and the Civies keep trotting out exists no where in the state constitution. Besides the court knows full well that the origin of the problem is the ILGA itself. Period. So now that hey have created the problem they want to be not just excused but given the power legitimize their theft. That my friend takes a lot of nerve! If I were a bond holder I would be as nervous as a state retiree…….
- cover - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 12:22 pm:
= How many State employees does it take to change a light bulb? =
It depends, how many hazardous substances are in the building?
- PublicServant - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 12:32 pm:
===Will Rauner join MJM to convince the ISC of our fiscal emergency?===
Yeah, he’ll probably file a friend of the court brief detailing how he’ll bury the court, if he doesn’t get his way.
IMHO, that is.
- RNUG - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 12:39 pm:
The one thing Quinn could have done better was create a passionate story on what needed to be done in terms of cuts and revenue increases and why. Quinn needed to be a good salesman … and on this he wasn’t.
Rauner IS a salesman … and he’s setting up the public before closing the deal. I’m sure he’s not trying a snow job on Madigan and Cullerton; I suspect he’s talking facts and figures with them. But you can’t do radical things without public support and, IMO, that’s what all the rhetoric / hot air is about.
- Anonymous - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 12:42 pm:
What is interesting is that through all of the faux protestations Governor Elect Rauner has not gone back on his campaign promises and probably will not have to do so. Most everyone else has taken care of that for him by pointing out that he cannot keep his commitments he does not have to and will never own it. Much like his formula for “successes” at GTCR.
At the end of the day, my biggest concern is effectiveness. If he is effective in resolving the problems through his leadership then I am all good. But, me thinks not so much and for the Rauner cool aide drinkers I am a bit concerned about a “Jonestown” scenario.
- RNUG - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 12:43 pm:
- Old -
Actually, if I were a bond holder, I would be more nervous. As a retiree, it’s pretty clear with Kanerva exactly what this ISC thinks about the Pension Protection Clause. I don’t think anyone’s taken a serious run at ducking a state backed bond payment for over half a century …
- Tim Snopes - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 12:59 pm:
Bruce Rauner does own this budget. He spent personal money convincing House members to oppose Pat Quinn’s plan to extend the tax rates beyond Jan. 1. He demonized Quinn and House Dem candidates in the election.
Bruce conned the public to support him while knowing full well the consequences of his actions.
He convinced Madigan and Cullerton to do nothing until he is in office.
He owns this budget and this situation.
- Apocalypse Now - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 1:00 pm:
I hope they don’t pay attebtiin to me, nor do I think tgst tey do. I am hoping they are doing better behind the scenes than the work product they are presenting publicily.
I see you learned how to spell apocalypse, so I am excited for your future.=
Hmm! I see spelling is an issue for you.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 1:03 pm:
Not “Oswego”
Not “Willy”
I can spell my name just fine, lol
- Tim Snopes - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 1:09 pm:
I would hasten to add that Bruce Rauner is a very predictable man at this point. He is building for the testosterone rush that comes with cutting a deal that will gore someone’ ox.
The question is, Whose ox will it be?
Helpful hint: Protect your oxen. The Grim Rauner is coming.
- Arizona Bob - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 1:12 pm:
@Del Cinkton
=What are the goodies that someone else pays for?=
Disproportionately high state funding for urban and rural school districts, expanded medicaid, high benefits and salaries for education systems subsidized by the state at levels the locals wouldn’t fund, unaccountable grant money to politcal cronies, corporate “welfare” through grants and tax abatements for big politically connected companies while the small businesses that do most of the hiring get bubkis (and whopping tax and fee increases),mandatory union set aside requirements for public works projects that are filtered through dues to the pols, a “Jackpot justice” system for workman’s comp that make Ilinois one of the most expensive in that area, and is oone of the most widely abused in the nation and whose costs are passed on to consumers, grants to municipalities for unnecesary capital work that SHOULD be paid for by the locals instead of the state, subsidies to the state higher education community that’s hijacked for golden pension plans and useless research that can’t attract private funding while providing medicre education for Illinois residents attending the universities and constantly raising tuition to support the educrat class…. need I go on?
- steve schnorf - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 1:24 pm:
Bob, at least occasionally you should deal in facts. Try this one,if you would. The state of Illinois provides the smallest percentage of funding for k-12 education of any state in the nation. So, how is our funding “disproportionately high”?
- Arizona Bob - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 1:28 pm:
=What you really mean is that Illinois voters don’t support YOUR solutions to the financial problems. Of course, they must support some sort of different solution since they elected Rauner. Sometimes your logic is hard to follow.=
Demoralized, and what exactly is the “plan” they supported by electing Rauner? HE DIDN’T HAVE ONE!
The voters didn’t support the ineptitude of Quinn, but what DID they support to fix this pension abnd fiscal mess? The referenda had nothing to do with solving the state’s financial problems. They were just about making the voters feel good for supporting giving low value workers a fat raise with somebody else’s money, and “Hang the Rich!” with the faux millionaire tax.
Seriously, Dem, exactly what have you gleaned from objective evidence of the last election that makes you believe that the voters are ready to bite the bullet and pay the price for their poor electoral choices over the last few decades?
Madigan is perhaps more responsible than anyone for this financial mess given his power and tenure, and he has no solution. The voters supported him by giving him a supermajority in the house.
Serious people understand that there have to be severe cuts to education and a bevy of non-essential state and local grant services, as well as increased revenues from the taxpayers,to pay for years of neglect dealing with pension benefits that never should have been given in the first place.
The voters could have elected people who would have put the breaks on the education, boondoggle capital work, and pension system escalations, but they kept electing and giving power to those who were only too happy to give away the future of the state to pander for a minority of votes and a bunch of campaign cash.
What do you think this election told the government about how the people want to fix these problems, Dem? My opinion is that they said to “stay the course”….RIGHT OFF THE CLIFF!
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 1:53 pm:
The more you read from - Arizona Bob -, you understand why the HGOP shied away.
What cuts to state education funding are needed?
If you say teacher pensions the ILSC has already decided what the pensions require.
- Skeptic - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 2:00 pm:
cover @ 12:22 … Let me guess, you work in the Stratton building?
- Demoralized - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 2:18 pm:
==What cuts to state education funding are needed?==
Oh man, OW, did you have to ask him that? Prepare for his anti-education diatribe in 3 . . . 2 . . . 1
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 2:31 pm:
- Demoralized -,
“Walked into that one”!
My first day out of bed and off Steroids, so can I blame it on NOT being medicated?
There is a difference between playibg hurt, and playing “injured”.
- Black Ivy - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 2:46 pm:
It is incumbent for Governor-Elect Rauner to speak firmly and plainly about the financial condition of Illinois. We should give him deference and flexibility to speak his truth.
- Formerly Known As... - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 2:57 pm:
== It’s gonna require sacrifice from all parties. ==
Notice that Mr. Msall did not mention a haircut for bond holders in his comments.
So, he does not actually mean sacrifice from ==all== parties.
- Demoralized - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 3:00 pm:
==We should give him deference and flexibility to speak his truth.==
His truth? What the heck does that mean?
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 3:03 pm:
===…Governor-Elect Rauner to speak firmly and plainly about the financial condition of Illinois.===
Is that before…or after…Rauner pretends it’s worse than he thought, lol.
That’s like Capt. Rannault; dies he say “Rick’s” has gambling before or after he collects his winnings?
- Skeptic - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 3:23 pm:
Black Ivy: He had months and months of campaigning to speak the truth and he never did. Why should we let up now?
- walker - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 3:37 pm:
Old and In The Way: Best wishes.
I was joking in the bit about MJM and Rauner at the ISC. I thought its absurdity was clear.
Bond holders don’t really have much to worry about either.
Still optimistic.
- Enviro - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 3:48 pm:
==We should give him deference and flexibility to speak his truth.==
“His truth? What the heck does that mean?”
It means his version of the truth. Rauner will need some serious acting lesson to convince his supporters that he has any understanding of truth. The rest of us know better than to believe him.
- Clark_Kent - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 3:52 pm:
The over analysis here is amazing sometimes. This is very simple and smart politics and he is essentially playing the long con. Selling the problem as catastrophic allows him to claim success on what little he is going to be able to actually do on budget matters over the course of his term. If done correctly, he has a good narrative for his reelection campaign.
- How Ironic - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 4:04 pm:
“Reelection campaign”? How about he try to actually govern even 1 day before he starts worrying about a repeat performance. He’s made a lot of promises. He wears the jacket now for how the budget goes. And it’s not going to be pretty. Glad I moved out when I did, but I’m sure going to enjoy seeing Rauner twist in the wind.
- Clark_Kent - Friday, Dec 5, 14 @ 4:20 pm:
@how ironic
Of course he owns the budget going forward and thats the crux of why he is selling the doom and gloom now. He’s not going to be able to keep all his promises so the worse he makes it sound now, the better of the job he can say he did with what little he’s going to be able to do. In addition, every politician is thinking about the next election. Its par for the course.