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Is that really necessary?

Tuesday, Dec 9, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Second City Cop blog passed along this completely made-up story from a Chicago police officer

I was out there tonight on Lake Shore drive while the white Protestors. And a few Black Protestors were filming us and yelling. I seen a White Girl with her camera phone filming us. She was holding the camera in the air. Then some black guy grabbed the girls phone and took off into the crowd. The girl then approached the cop next to me and stated that this black guy just grabbed her cell phone. The cop next to me raised his arms up and stated ‘Don’t call the police’. I started laughing and she turned to me and asked why I was laughing.I stated you don’t like or want the police around so you go chase that black guy. She stated that’s your job to protect me and my Property. I stated you are protesting me from doing my job. She walked away crying

I get the irony and the humor. Just desserts, indeed. Too bad it’s not true.

* I also get the explanation from the blog’s proprietor, who apparently fell for the gag

Point #1 - One copper isn’t going to chase this guy into an obviously hostile crowd.

Point #2 - The cops had orders to try to keep the protestors on the sidewalk. The priority wasn’t to apprehend phone snatchers. In a volatile situation like that, property crimes take a backseat to the overall picture. Sorry, that’s just the way it is.

Point #3 - As we said here a few days ago, f— the police until you need the police. Do you understand now ma’am?


* But what I don’t “get” are all the blatant racial references in the concocted story. Who writes like that? Who publishes stuff like that? Wait, I think I know the answer.

And the comments on the post are definitely NSFW. If that blog doesn’t have the most hideously vile comment section in all of Illinois, I don’t know what the “winner” might be. Whew.

It’s one thing to be defensive in the face of serious public criticism, it’s quite another to be disgustingly offensive.

* I also don’t get why a Chicago cop would find it appropriate and non-provocative to allegedly blast “Sweet Home Alabama” over his patrol car’s loudspeaker while escorting a “Black Lives Matter” demonstration on the city’s West Side


* Look, I like cops. I always respect people who can and will do something that I can’t or won’t do, and that particular occupation most certainly clicks both boxes. They have in many, many ways a no-win job.

But sticking up for (or even encouraging) the minority of racists, misanthropes and rule-breakers doesn’t ever endear me to anyone. You wanna know why some citizens are so angry at you? Look in the mirror.


  1. - Precinct Captain - Tuesday, Dec 9, 14 @ 4:40 pm:

    Second City Cop, an outlet that gets far too much respect–which is any–than it deserves. It’s no wonder FOP doesn’t want any audio attached to potential body cameras for them.

  2. - Wensicia - Tuesday, Dec 9, 14 @ 4:41 pm:

    ==If that blog doesn’t have the most hideously vile comment section in all of Illinois, I don’t know what the “winner” might be.==

    And they all hide behind the tag “Anonymous”.
    Their contempt for the public they’re sworn to protect is cause for concern.

  3. - Gooner - Tuesday, Dec 9, 14 @ 4:41 pm:

    That “Sweet Home Alabama” thing was shortly before the Alabama game.

    I’m giving those guys the benefit of the doubt.

    The Second City thing is a different matter altogether. That’s a disgrace.

  4. - Amalia - Tuesday, Dec 9, 14 @ 4:46 pm:

    second what gooner said. lots of Alabama song playing if their run goes on and SSC can be ridiculous.

    but some protesters have been difficult. I know a young woman who felt trapped in her car which was stopped in traffic due to the protesters. that alone would not be so bad. but they came over and started pounding on her car. she was terrified.

    also, how are these protesters not smart enough to make the issue local? and not just evidence due to death, but shootings that are found not to be justified?

  5. - Arizona Bob - Tuesday, Dec 9, 14 @ 4:47 pm:

    Ever been to a cop bar, Rich? In my imbibing days, I frequented joints on Western Ave in Beverly and 111th Street in MT Greenwood.

    I typically heard a lot worse than this from Chicago’s Finest, as well as seeing some arguments that resulted in service weapons being drawn.

    I really can’t fault ‘em for this non-PC speech, though. I’ve been in the projects and seen a lot of what goes on in the most dangerous neighborhoods. That these guys don’t go wacko from the constant danger and conflict always amazes me.

    These guys have to learn to cope to survive and keep sane. This blog speech (probably only happening in someones mind) is just some of that coping.

    Try doing a ride along in Englewood or near Orr HS, Rich, and perhaps you can better put this into perspective.

  6. - Rod - Tuesday, Dec 9, 14 @ 4:51 pm:

    The Sweet Home Alabama story even made Putin’s state English language news site (really propaganda site) Russia Today.

  7. - Arizona Bob - Tuesday, Dec 9, 14 @ 4:54 pm:

    BTW, I know “sweet home alabama” is pretty hard on Neil Young’s “Southern Man”, but I don’t recall anything racist in the song.

    I’m sure the cops playing this were just paying tribute to the birth of the civil rights movement in Birmingham, Alabama and the protestors’ triumph against George Wallace, right?

  8. - Downstate - Tuesday, Dec 9, 14 @ 4:54 pm:

    Heard a great statement from a civic leader in St. Louis that serves on a variety of community and social organizations in that city.

    He said that the problem with most of the opportunities for solutions is that 70% of the board members simply want to make “noise”, while 30% are actually looking for and working towards a solution.

    The challenge is getting the “noisemakers” to not stand in the way of hard work and solutions.

  9. - Gooner - Tuesday, Dec 9, 14 @ 4:56 pm:

    By the way, this brings back memories from the days defending those guys.

    I was brought in to defend a few POs in an investigation. Turns out some of my clients were caught on tape, if I recall, slamming a guy into fence and then knocking him down.

    Unfortunately for them, a television crew was there. One of my guys could be clearly seen mouthing [yelling I’m sure — there was no audio] “CAMERA.” He ended up with charges for failing to report it.

    The reason they took the guy down was that one of their own had just been shot, they didn’t know his condition, and the guy who was taken down thought it was a good time to blast “Cop Killer.”

    My guys did not like the musical selection. Given the tape, there wasn’t much I could do for those guys though.

  10. - 47th Ward - Tuesday, Dec 9, 14 @ 4:57 pm:

    ===I really can’t fault ‘em for this non-PC speech, though.===

    Of course you can’t Bob. One of my acquaintences is a racist Chicago cop. He likes to refer to African-Americans as “Democrats.” He and his pals get lots of laughs with that one.

    Yep. Just blowing off steam, trying to stay sane and keep the 19th District safe for the yuppies.

    I prefer to fault them Bob. You should try it sometime instead of helping them find excuses for their racist behavior.

  11. - A guy... - Tuesday, Dec 9, 14 @ 4:57 pm:

    To quote my daughter: “Total Ick”.

  12. - Wordslinger - Tuesday, Dec 9, 14 @ 4:58 pm:

    There are racist cops like there are racist accountants and florists. But not all cops are racists.

    The problem is as a society we give a lot of power and trust to cops. When they abuse it, they’re a danger.

    AB, I’ve seen drunk armed cops going at it in bars , too. They also are a danger. Don’t rationalize that behavior. If they can’t handle it, get out. No one’s indispensable.

  13. - paddyrollingstone - Tuesday, Dec 9, 14 @ 5:00 pm:

    SCC is really amazing. So so much bitterness. I represent a lot of police and I can’t tell you how offensive the comments section is.

  14. - Not surprised - Tuesday, Dec 9, 14 @ 5:03 pm:

    Shocking! Second City Cop posted something that isn’t true!

    Is Arizona Bob saying it’s okay for cops to be racist? Sure seems like it.

    Neil Steinberg wrote probably the only middle-of-the-road column I’ve seen yet on this topic. It’s pretty well done:

  15. - Fed Up - Tuesday, Dec 9, 14 @ 5:05 pm:

    Rich A. how do you know it didnt happen?
    B. like you said everyone is Anonymous could be anyone. MJM on this Blog isnt really Madigan.

    That Blog jumped the shark years ago, used to be semi relavant about the job now it has just devolved into a bathroom wall with nothing to make you believe real police even visit it anymore
    Dont think their is anything wrong with the song, niether did the protesters, but the media and other blogs are trying to make something out of it.

  16. - Abraham Froman - Tuesday, Dec 9, 14 @ 5:07 pm:

    People lose respect for law enforcement professionals when they don’t agree with laws (like cannabis prohibition, filming police etc.) and as more people learn how asset forfeitures are used for fundraising for local law enforcement agencies it also lessons the respect for those professionals. The police should be respected but their priorities have been shifted due to the war on drugs to simply make arrests and it has turned into a stats job. Take away the low hanging fruit crimes (like busting an open air drug market) and start putting more efforts towards solving murders, rapes and white collar crimes and the respect will return. Protestors are always agitated and the police do a great job of keeping the peace during these large demonstrations when there is some serious antagonizing being directed at them. In terms of the cop blog people love the anonymous nature of the internet and if it lets some guys blow off some needed steam there are much worse ways to do it then to vent on interwebs.

  17. - Not surprised - Tuesday, Dec 9, 14 @ 5:10 pm:

    Adding…I talked to someone who walked along with the cops and protesters the night in question. He was actually impressed and relieved by what he saw. There were plenty of goofballs out, but most protestors were angry but respectful and the cops were professional and non-confrontational, despite some baiting by a few of the “bomb-throwers” in the crowd.

  18. - Not surprised - Tuesday, Dec 9, 14 @ 5:18 pm:

    – Fed Up –

    I have some acquaintances like 47th Ward’s. I can tell you that
    referring to a black person as a “Democrat” is what some racists do when they’re talking about African-Americans — it’s kind of like racist code-talking. For example: “I don’t go to that restaurant anymore…too many Democrats.”

  19. - MrJM - Tuesday, Dec 9, 14 @ 5:18 pm:

    “But what I don’t “get” are all the blatant racial references in the concocted story. Who writes like that? Who publishes stuff like that?”

    The Second City Cop blog published that fabricated too-good-to-be-true story for the same reason that Marty Peretz’s New Republic published “Taxi Cabs and the Meaning of Work” — because outlandish racist stories comport with the racist world view of the proprietor.

    – MrJM

  20. - Wordslinger - Tuesday, Dec 9, 14 @ 5:25 pm:

    From my experience, “democrats” is code for blacks down South, “Canadians,” is code up here, like “lot of Canadians in the bar tonight.”

    Glad the SCC bloggers are letting us know they don’t have any racial issues as they serve and protect.

  21. - MrJM - Tuesday, Dec 9, 14 @ 5:26 pm:

    “A. how do you know it didnt happen?”


    “B. like you said everyone is Anonymous could be anyone. MJM on this Blog isnt really Madigan.”

    b. “MJM on this Blog” isn’t even “MJM”.

    But other than that…

    – MrJM

  22. - Freeze up - Tuesday, Dec 9, 14 @ 5:35 pm:

    A very public and very poor representation of the police.

    I am not a big city cop. Their situation is much different than mine, much more difficult. That doesn’t make it right.

    Gotta say it, I have been pretty proud to be a cop, (and proud of most other cops) all these years but lately the hits just keep coming.

  23. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Tuesday, Dec 9, 14 @ 5:46 pm:

    Let’s not pretend there was no intent in blasting Sweet Home Alabama.

    Young was the author of not only Southern Man but also Ohio, which is why the Skynrd tune praises not only Southern men but Nixon.

    It was an attempt to incite the protestors.

    BTW, last time I checked police vehicles were only supposed to be equipped with AM radios.

  24. - Will - Tuesday, Dec 9, 14 @ 6:03 pm:

    Freeze up-
    As a trooper I definitely feel that public perception of police has changed recently. A couple of days ago I was in a restaurant waiting to pay and a guy sidled up to me and said (sorry for the implied slur Rich) “Why are you guys letting those ni**ers get away with all that sh*t in Missouri?” I was silent and stared at him for a second, processing what he had just said. As I was formulating a response he went on a short tirade about welfare and whatnot. While he was going on I managed to interject a “It’s a bad deal all around.” and walked away.
    It bothered me a lot that he said that to me. And it wasn’t because he was some racist idiot spouting off in public, I see that all the time. It was because he never would have come up to me personally and said that if he didn’t think I agreed with him. He didn’t know me and I never said or did anything to make him think that I agreed with him but he assumed it. Would he have assumed that 4 months ago? I don’t think so. I like to think police used to get the benefit of the doubt from the public in a lot of areas. That’s changing, in a lot of different ways. Some for the better, some not.

  25. - Soccermom - Tuesday, Dec 9, 14 @ 6:20 pm:

    And we wonder why witnesses are unwilling to cooperate with the police?

  26. - Weltschmerz - Tuesday, Dec 9, 14 @ 6:27 pm:

    As a frequent reader of both this blog and SCC; I haven’t seen much difference in the quality of “truthiness” from the commentors and it’s obvious no one bothered to read the comments which immediately labeled this one BS. As for “vile”, “racist” comments, I haven’t seen any and would welcome a referral to some. It’s amusing that the majority of the comments you laud here are as phony as the cell phone story.

  27. - Cassandra - Tuesday, Dec 9, 14 @ 6:55 pm:

    “And when you gaze into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you.”

    An unfortunate occupational hazard of certain front end workers such as police officers, child protection workers and others of similar professions.

  28. - homunculus - Tuesday, Dec 9, 14 @ 8:01 pm:

    A reprimand is clearly in order but it’s better than draping a confederate flag on the hood. Lord knows there are plenty of those in Illinois.

  29. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Dec 9, 14 @ 9:22 pm:

    === I haven’t seen much difference in the quality of “truthiness” from the commentors===

    Then you’re an idiotic moron.

  30. - olddog - Tuesday, Dec 9, 14 @ 9:34 pm:

    @ Weltschmertz 6:27 pm

    === As for “vile”, “racist” comments, I haven’t seen any and would welcome a referral to some. ===

    Here’s a link for convenient reference:

    Read it again. You’ll find plenty.

  31. - crazybleedingheart - Tuesday, Dec 9, 14 @ 9:39 pm:

    1. “I’m not racist, I’m a Bama Fan” is amusing but lame
    2. Especially as an excuse OTHERS offer
    3. I don’t get to blast off-topic music at my job
    4. I certainly don’t get to do it to drown out protesters (can I get a witness, anybody at the JTRC?)
    5. Cops antagonize protesters.
    6. It’s not “ironic” to protest the police for failing to protect and serve while still asking/expecting them to protect and serve. It’s consistent, actually.
    7. Since 9/11 we’ve turned these people from public servants into irreproachable GI Joes. But as today proves, since 9/11 we’ve accomplished a lot of nasty things by giving away unchecked power like it’s going out of style.
    8. Chicago Police have served as undercover protesters in the crowd of every significant demonstration in the city in the past several years. Also some pretty darn small ones.
    9. CPD are also on record - in court - as trying to trap demonstrators/protesters into escalating their behavior. Worth remembering whenever you hear/see a CREDIBLE incident about some demonstrator’s bad behavior.

  32. - crazybleedingheart - Tuesday, Dec 9, 14 @ 9:45 pm:

    10. SCC is both a cesspool and an accurate sample of a not-insignificant proportion of the real-life force. There are many reasons one might know that’s true, but if I had any doubts about that they were allayed the day I witnessed one patrol reading an SCC blog item to another from his iphone while on duty.
    11. Something CPD could pretty easily ensure its employees weren’t doing, if it cared to.

  33. - West Side the Best Side - Tuesday, Dec 9, 14 @ 10:17 pm:

    SCC is actually mild compared to the former copper blog “Det. Shaved Longc—” And as far as vile comments, just about every other political blog I’ve seen except for this one seem to get pretty vile pretty fast. On some of them, whatever the topic is, some looney will start blaming all the world’s problems on “Barry” - about the mildest insult around for Pres. Obama - and then go downhill from there with personal attacks on other commentors and people who hold opposite political views. At least coppers have a reason to blow off steam, even if inappropriately on a very public forum, after dealing with humanity at its worst.

  34. - What is to be done? - Tuesday, Dec 9, 14 @ 10:19 pm:

    Wensicia - Tuesday, Dec 9, 14 @4:41 pm:

    ==If that blog doesnt have the most hideously vile comment section in all of Illinois, I dont know what the winner might be.==
    That would be TRUENEWS USA….

  35. - crazybleedingheart - Tuesday, Dec 9, 14 @ 10:30 pm:

    ==At least coppers have a reason to blow off steam, even if inappropriately on a very public forum, after dealing with humanity at its worst.==

    Not to pick on you, because it’s been said enough times by others…

    But, to be polite, this oft-mentioned idea is nothing but romanticized crapola, for if police are so burdened by seeing “humanity at its worst” (a dim view of the average citizens and crime victims that make up the majority of a cop’s shift contacts with the populace), they’re surely also buoyed by encountering “humanity at its very best” by spending so much time working alongside and palling around with other coppers who choose to do the same thing and refer to each other with only occasional irony as Chicago’s Finest.

    Most police work most of the time is pretty routine. Parts are awful. And?

    Lots of people choose careers in which they work with “humanity at its worst.”

    The day that DCFS workers or DHS therapists or live-in halfway house staff or ER nurses or anybody else who does their job without a sidearm and a chip on their shoulder get this kind of reflexive, unquestioning respect…

  36. - Gooner - Wednesday, Dec 10, 14 @ 7:04 am:

    Yellow Dog, that song does not praise Nixon.

    It points out that just as all Americans are not responsible for Nixon, not all Alabama residents are responsible for Wallace.

  37. - low level - Wednesday, Dec 10, 14 @ 7:31 am:

    Yeah, AZ Bob - youve seen worse, the Western Ave bars with coppers all over the place, arguments with weapons drawn. They hate the govt, they work for the city all their lives then retire to AZ. Thank God not all Beverly residents are like that but your comment doesn’t help your argument.

    This copper was dumb. To you and your kind, anything they do is justified. Unbelievably stupid to do that - anyplace. Drive the freakin car and do your job. Geez.

  38. - Carhart Representative - Wednesday, Dec 10, 14 @ 8:34 am:

    I’ve seen racists use the song Sweet Home Alabama, but I don’t think the song means what a lot of people think it means. For one thing, the surviving members of Lynyrd Skynyrd denounced the Confederate Flag because of what it’s come to symbolize, for another Neil Young even performed the song at Ronnie Van Zant’s funeral.

    One of the lines in the song that people object to is the line about Alabama Governor Wallace, but if you listen to it, it doesn’t say what most people think it means:
    Most people overlook the words that follow “In Birmingham they love the governor”, which are “Boo! Boo! Boo!” and the line, “We all did what we could do.” That is a reference to those who tried to vote Wallace out of office and used to parallel Nixon and Watergate.

    I wouldn’t say the bad was exactly enlightened, but I wouldn’t say the song or the band were particularly racist in a 1970s context considering other bands and song lyrics from the period.

  39. - Carhart Representative - Wednesday, Dec 10, 14 @ 8:35 am:

    The main thing though, is I think these cops just make it harder for good cops out there. They’ll all get tarnished with the same brush if they don’t do something to clean up their own act.

  40. - Chris - Wednesday, Dec 10, 14 @ 11:09 am:

    “Their contempt for the public they’re sworn to protect is cause for concern.”


    “these cops just make it harder for good cops out there”

    are both completely true. They are the reason that I’ve had a 30+ year distrust of all cops everywhere. And I’m a white (like a ghost) professional, never into any illegal activities (beyond drinking a beer on the sidewalk), etc etc.

    I take the view that you never know when you will have an encounter with the “bad cop”, so you have to treat *every one of them* like s/he is a “bad cop” who might mistake your phone for a gun and put a slug in your head. Just like the cops, I err on the side of caution, and treat *every one of them* (while on duty) as if they are about to shoot me.

    It’s sad, but it’s the truth.

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