* The Speaker talked about doing this a couple of weeks ago, but then held off…
Madigan Sets Full House Hearing on Compensation for Injured Workers
CHICAGO – House Speaker Michael J. Madigan on Friday announced the House of Representatives will convene in a committee of the whole at noon on Tuesday to discuss the compensation received by workers injured while on the job through no fault of their own.
“Proposals to change the compensation received by men and women injured at their workplaces will have a significant impact on the financial security of middle-class families throughout Illinois,” Madigan said. “Changes that limit workers’ ability to provide for their families if they are hurt on the job will have an adverse ripple effect throughout our economy. The committee of the whole offers us an opportunity to discuss how proposals would impact individuals who have been hurt and their ability to be fairly compensated for their injuries and lost wages.”
The committee of the whole will include discussion on topics such as the effects of workers’ compensation systems on injured workers, a 2011 reform law pushed by Madigan to reduce employer costs, and differences between Illinois’ workers’ compensation system and the systems in other states. Legislators will also hear from workers who have been injured in the workplace and how that has impacted their families.
Since Madigan’s 2011 reform law, workers’ compensation rates in Illinois have fallen, leading to an overall reduction in insurance premiums paid by businesses. Some have argued Illinois workers’ compensation rates must be reduced even further for businesses to be competitive, but Madigan believes there needs to be a balance between the financial security of Illinois’ middle-class families, who are the backbone of any strong business, and the insurance premiums paid by businesses.
“Numbers on paper alone can’t tell the full story of men and women who are hurt at work through no fault of their own and whose families must cope with lost wages and massive medical bills,” Madigan said. “These workers and their families are the reason we have an injured workers’ compensation system, and they deserve to have their voices heard.”
Madigan noted that the committee of the whole format will allow all members of the House to participate in the discussion.
*** UPDATE *** Jim Durkin, House Republican Leader…,
“Workers’ compensation reform is a serious issue that needs a fair debate and House Republicans are glad to participate in the Committee of the Whole. The high rate Illinois employers must pay for workers’ compensation coverage is costing us jobs. We believe changes are needed to bring rates down so that Illinois employers can better compete with other states while still protecting workers who are injured on the job. Certainly, there are two sides to every story, and we respectfully ask the majority party to allow Illinois employers and job creators to testify at Tuesday’s hearing.”