* From the Responsible Budget Coalition…
The regular session of the General Assembly ended last night at midnight and there was no agreement reached on a fiscal year 2016 or fiscal year 2017 budget. There is some indication that negotiations will continue during June in order to try to get something done before the end of the fiscal year on June 30. However, with the November general election and the partisan warfare intensifying, there is a real threat that no budget agreement will be reached until after the November general election, if ever.
The Responsible Budget Coalition (RBC) releases the following statement:
Another major deadline has passed and again the officials charged with operating state government have failed to produce a fully-funded budget that implements Illinois’ policy priorities– that is, they have not produced a responsible budget.
The failure of our leaders to reach a budget agreement means that:
Child care centers that serve the children of tens of thousands of low-income workers will stop receiving funding.
Elementary and high schools may not open on time in the fall.
As many as 130,000 low-income college students could lose the Monetary Assistance Program grants they need to afford a college education.
All 29 agencies serving survivors of sexual assault will continue furloughs and staff reductions begun in July 2015 and services for over 3,700 sexual assault survivors will be in jeopardy.
The waiting time for the suicide hotline will be at least six months.
Thousands of more people experiencing homelessness will join the 8,000 that have already lost services.
In-home care services for seniors will continue to be slashed, forcing them into nursing homes, and many more will join the over 3,000 seniors that have already lost home-delivered meals (Meals on Wheels) services.
Illinois cannot wait any longer for a responsible budget; it cannot wait until after the election. Every day of the impasse causes more suffering and unmet need, loss of infrastructure and talent, and neglected state policies and programs. Every day of the uncertainty, unpredictability and dysfunction of the impasse further erodes the business climate. The Governor and the legislators have a job to do. They must pass a fully funded budget for FY16 and FY17 before the end of June.
*** UPDATE 1 *** Press release…
Monsignor Michael M. Boland, President of Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Chicago, released the following statement today in response to the lack of a resolution to the Illinois State Budget.
“Pope Francis has called on us as a society to care for the least among us and places special value on the lives of the elderly and children. Yet, for more than a year our state leaders have failed to pass a State budget that remembers those who are suffering the most in our communities.
The social safety net across the state is continuing to crumble. Like every other human services provider, we have been greatly impacted by the lack of a State budget or clear plan of how to proceed, more than a year after we anticipated a budget would be passed. We are owed more than $25 million by the State of Illinois for services that we were contracted to provide.
More than 1 million people count on Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Chicago for help. These are the most vulnerable people in our state – seniors, children, veterans, families. These are the very people our elected leaders pledged to protect.
Throughout this past year we have made incredibly difficult decisions, including significant administrative budget cuts and implementing a hiring freeze, in order to keep our doors open and help those most in need in our communities.
This entire year we have operated in good faith that our elected officials will work together to find a solution to the State budget. It has become increasingly clear that the budget stalemate will continue into the summer.
We are the lifeline for support for 1 million people. However, it is unsustainable for us to continue to float the state more than $2 million each month for programs to support those most in need. Difficult decisions will need to be made soon if this budget stalemate continues. I strongly urge our elected leaders to take responsibility and pass a state budget that is not balanced on the backs of the poor. This is not a matter of politics, it is a matter of people’s lives.”
*** UPDATE 2 *** More bad news…
June 1, 2016
The following message was sent today by University of Illinois President Tim Killeen to faculty, staff and students regarding the state budget situation.
Dear colleagues:
The General Assembly yesterday adjourned for the second straight year without reaching agreement with the governor on funding to support the University of Illinois system and public higher education across our state. These consecutive failures in Springfield are unprecedented in Illinois history.
Gov. Bruce Rauner and legislative leaders have pledged to continue negotiations, but I am gravely concerned about the implications for our students, our faculty and staff and our campuses if we are forced to weather another protracted period without adequate funding from the state.
This great university system is not in danger of shutting its doors, but a crisis is worsening nonetheless.
We are now 11 months into fiscal 2016 with only stopgap funding that will provide about a quarter of the nearly $650 million in state funding that we received the year before. Now, we face the prospect of a new fiscal year with no state support.
To date, we have weathered the shortfall responsibly through significant cost-saving initiatives, structural reforms and prudent financial management. But we cannot withstand a continued loss of state funding without considerable damage to our core missions – teaching, research, public service and economic development.
All options are on the table as we go forward – layoffs, reductions of academic programs, closure of units and cuts in a health-care enterprise that provides critical care to underserved populations in Chicago. All would damage the very core of our mission to serve students and the public good, and erode a rich, 150-year legacy of academic excellence and economic impact that would be far more costly to rebuild than sustain.
We will continue to do everything in our power to preserve the world-class quality that is synonymous with the University of Illinois, ramping up efforts that have been underway for well over a year to advocate at every turn for the interests of our students, our employees and the people and families of Illinois. I hope all of you will join us, and I will update you as the budget process unfolds.
- Anon221 - Wednesday, Jun 1, 16 @ 9:21 am:
Well, Cullerton seems to be OK with just doing a stopgap good until Dec 31, 2016. He hopes to have one within the week. If this is the new norm for this “season”, then Stopgap including all those in the 10% signed, sealed, and delivered by Rauner, and then, and ONLY then, the K-12 “stopgap”.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Jun 1, 16 @ 9:44 am:
Well, apparently eliminating collective bargaining is certainly worth the pain of the above/s. Priorities!
- Rick retired - Wednesday, Jun 1, 16 @ 10:17 am:
Would be nice is if the state would pay the dotors we have all seen in the last year.
- Illinois Bob - Wednesday, Jun 1, 16 @ 10:28 am:
For those far more “inside” than me, does anyone think Rauner really expected Madigan to behave the way he has with this “scorched earth/Illinoisans be damned” approach?
It would seem that anyone knowing the history would expect him to let the state burn in order to keep the dysfunctional status quo continue. If Madigan had any interest in addressing the fiscal problems, he could have done it long ago.
Was this just a miscalculation on Rauner’s part, or does he somehow think the path he’s treading will result in anything but disaster?
- wordslinger - Wednesday, Jun 1, 16 @ 10:34 am:
Would anyone care to quantify how the benefits of Rauner’s agenda equals even this small portion of the overall costs to date?
- Honeybear - Wednesday, Jun 1, 16 @ 10:40 am:
Don’t feed it people. Don’t feed it.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jun 1, 16 @ 10:47 am:
To the Update,
Archbishop Cupich made it clear about the Catholic Church and Labor. Now Catholic Charities is making very clear what we already know, but leaving nothing out in this statement.
Is the Administration ready to admit that people, be they working or needy, less than an idea that can’t be measured or quantified?
Are there any Republicans left that are willing to say “Catholic Charities, Lutheran Social Servives… they all matter too!”
Raunerites seem more than happy to see this safety net for so many fail(?)
- Anon221 - Wednesday, Jun 1, 16 @ 10:55 am:
Second try:
The American Heritage Idioms Dictionary: in bad faith
“With the intention of deceiving someone or doing harm, as in I’m sure they were acting in bad faith and never planned to pay us. This expression was first recorded in 1631. The antonym, in good faith, meaning “sincerely and honestly,” as in I signed that contract in good faith, dates from about 1350.”
It took almost 300 years for the idiom of “in bad faith” to catch on. It’s only taking the Rauner Administration 18 months.
- Dome Gnome - Wednesday, Jun 1, 16 @ 10:59 am:
I’m very glad to see this. Now Catholic Charities needs to join the lawsuit. If Ounce of Prevention can do it, they can too.
- Anon221 - Wednesday, Jun 1, 16 @ 11:16 am:
Let them eat…???
- Qui Tam - Wednesday, Jun 1, 16 @ 11:19 am:
What CC needs to understand is that politics IS peoples lives. Many times at the state or federal level, our 2-party system has used public institutions to kneecap worker safety and health, attack public service, wage war for fun & profit, and in this case, undermine critical services.
Public interest has become partisan interest.
- A guy - Wednesday, Jun 1, 16 @ 11:36 am:
Msgr. Mike makes it clear. The lawsuits, the other stuff, all side shows. They’ve kept up longer than others, even while providing many more services to many more people. They thought May 31 would bring some relief or resolution. It was not known what the legislature would have the stomach for or not.
CC knows the difference between being truly vulnerable and gaming the system. For years, they’ve seen good money go to wasteful places while having to seriously supplement the state to take care of the state’s responsibilities. This goes for Lutheran Family Services as well.
If you think he’s laser focused with this letter on the Governor, you’re sadly mistaken. This is laser focused on the Members who are elected to serve the communities where the most vulnerable reside. CC and LFS are the institutions that bolster these communities while the electeds find the spotlight and the microphones. They do it humbly and quietly. They don’t care who gets the credit. They care that people eat, have a roof, heal, etc.
They care about Education, but it’s not in their swing zone. They don’t have the luxury to look beyond pure human survival with as much dignity as possible.
They want a deal that allows them to continue their mission. They care, not in the least, about any political mess or legal sideshows.
The buck….has stopped.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jun 1, 16 @ 11:46 am:
- A Guy -
===We are owed more than $25 million by the State of Illinois for services that we were contracted to provide.===
@RonSandack: I’m frustrated 2, but taking steps towards reforming IL more important than short term budget stalemate. - Ron Sandack, 9/28/15
The Governor made clear this entire past year that the Sandack Tweet meant groups like Catholic Charities, LSSI,… even Ounce of Prevention can just be “frustrated”
… even if their President did an Ad for Bruce.
The Sandack Tweet… kinda blows up your whole “everyone” thingy… and Ounce suing Gov. Rauner reinforces it too for FY2016
- Johnnie F. - Wednesday, Jun 1, 16 @ 11:55 am:
Rauner to Monsignor Boland….”We can’t be compassionate to help the most vulnerable if we’re not competitive. We just won’t get there”
- A guy - Wednesday, Jun 1, 16 @ 12:03 pm:
OW, an example of the sideshow the Msgr. wouldn’t pay an ounce of attention to. Rep. Sandack isn’t the object on his radar. Not even close.
But keep up your narrative. It’s so compelling. To you.
- Daniel Plainview - Wednesday, Jun 1, 16 @ 12:05 pm:
- The lawsuits, the other stuff, all side shows. -
In what fantasy world do you live where suing for payment owed due to services rendered is a side show? Is this really how you have to contort your logical thinking to keep supporting Rauner? Is that difficult to do every day?
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jun 1, 16 @ 12:06 pm:
- A Guy -
I didn’t Tweet it, Ron Sandack tweeted it. It’s the Rauner Narrative, not mine.
If Ron Sandack wants Catholic Charities to know their frustration for FY2016 is about Rauner’s plan, I’m helping him by just passing on the Tweet.
No one forced Sandack to tweet it, but you know that already.
- wordslinger - Wednesday, Jun 1, 16 @ 12:11 pm:
–CC knows the difference between being truly vulnerable and gaming the system. For years, they’ve seen good money go to wasteful places while having to seriously supplement the state to take care of the state’s responsibilities. This goes for Lutheran Family Services as well.–
I don’t see Monsignor Boland saying anything remotely like that in his letter. Or calling the lawsuit a “sideshow.” I haven’t seen LSSI say anything like that, either.
Are you the authorized spokesman for Catholic Charities and LSSI?
Or are you expressing your own opinion and pretending that it is that of Catholic Charities and LSSI?
Have the guts to say what you think without hiding behind someone else. What you’re doing is dishonest.
- Dr X - Wednesday, Jun 1, 16 @ 12:21 pm:
Again, this will work out perfectly for Rauner. He wants people fired at the Uof I -they are fat. He wants people not served by non-profits - they are not really hurtin’, but takin’ advantage.
In the end, only the “deservin’” will be fed and clothed. In the end, only the adjuncts will be teachin’ instead of overpaid profs.
It may not be his intention, but he’ll succeed in his mission.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jun 1, 16 @ 12:28 pm:
To the U of I update.
Its Eastern, Western, and Chicago State Rauner wants closed, maybe one of the Southern campuses, maybe, but Rauner will string UIUC along, draining them, knowing he has enough time to close some and keep UIUC runnin’
- wordslinger - Wednesday, Jun 1, 16 @ 12:30 pm:
–If you think he’s laser focused with this letter on the Governor, you’re sadly mistaken. This is laser focused on the Members who are elected to serve the communities where the most vulnerable reside.–
I don’t think you can speak for Monsignor Boland, at all.
But I do know that three weeks ago the GA passed nearly unanimously a bipartisan emergency $600 million appropriation for social services.
Perhaps you should direct your less-than-laser-like focus to the governor and encourage him to sign it.
Right now, it remains his hostage. He’s the only one keeping that relief from getting to the people who desperately need it.
Sorry to insert a little reality into your fantasy world.
But do us all a favor, and don’t drive, okay?
- A guy - Wednesday, Jun 1, 16 @ 1:26 pm:
===I don’t see Monsignor Boland saying anything remotely like that in his letter. Or calling the lawsuit a “sideshow.===
Arguably…since that’s the only way to talk with you…CC is the biggest, most important fulfiller of these services in the state. And they didn’t sign on. If that was the approach, they could do so without anyone else.
It’s not productive. It’s not focused on the mission. CC has a spokesperson. They also have a President. He just sent a letter. It’s above. Read it again. You don’t have to read between the lines there. They are sophisticated and direct communicators. What is it you don’t get?
Is the Msgr. being too vague for you? Your running mate read Sandack tweets into it? How about you? What are you seeing that isn’t remotely there.
I have a fair sense of how CC operates. I’ve been involved with them in many capacities for over 30 years. Pretty incredible group there. Unbelievably effective. Spiritually and Humanely driven. Many non-Catholics involved in leadership, rank and file, volunteerism and especially in people served.
You question my honesty? Not much I can do about that. I question your integrity when you do so.
- Honeybear - Wednesday, Jun 1, 16 @ 1:27 pm:
This is going to be the Summer of Horror.
- A guy - Wednesday, Jun 1, 16 @ 1:28 pm:
==I don’t think you can speak for Monsignor Boland, at all.==
I’m not. He doesn’t need me to. But I’ll bet you your house that I spoke to him more recently than you did smart alleck.
- A guy - Wednesday, Jun 1, 16 @ 1:32 pm:
==But I do know that three weeks ago the GA passed nearly unanimously a bipartisan emergency $600 million appropriation for social services.===
The scroll must be too tough for you. This is what Msgr. Mike said in the letter 4″ above:
This entire year we have operated in good faith that our elected officials will work together to find a solution to the State budget. It has become increasingly clear that the budget stalemate will continue into the summer.
I think he means (saying it that way for your sake) that he’d prefer a budget; like some longer term planning security.
I’d be open to listening to your sage interpretation. But at least read it.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jun 1, 16 @ 1:34 pm:
===But I’ll bet you your house that I spoke to him more recently than you did smart alleck.===
That humble-brag is fun…
You and Rauner, lol
- A guy - Wednesday, Jun 1, 16 @ 1:35 pm:
OW, did you read the update from the President of U of I. Interesting terminology, eh?
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jun 1, 16 @ 1:36 pm:
===I think he means===
You “think”, that’s fun too.
Hows about you let the letter speak for itself, you just said he could speak for himself.
===You don’t have to read between the lines there.===
So why the “think”?
Makes no sense.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jun 1, 16 @ 1:38 pm:
- A Guy -
Use your words… if you want to make a point.
- A guy - Wednesday, Jun 1, 16 @ 1:47 pm:
When you’re done with your Pee Wee Herman monologue, let me know. Sheesh, Man.
- @MisterJayEm - Wednesday, Jun 1, 16 @ 1:50 pm:
“I’ll bet you your house that I spoke to him more recently than you did smart alleck.”
I just spoke to the guy at Walgreens — so according to a guy’s transitive property, I’m now a pharmacist!!1!
– MrJM
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jun 1, 16 @ 1:51 pm:
- A Guy -
If you want to discuss something, say it. Is that too tough? How am I suppose to know what you’re looking at and thinking?
- Just Me - Wednesday, Jun 1, 16 @ 2:04 pm:
I don’t think our state’s leaders care about their constituents. They care about themselves. I’m horribly embarrassed to be from Illinois.
- Daniel Plainview - Wednesday, Jun 1, 16 @ 2:09 pm:
- It’s not productive. It’s not focused on the mission. -
It’s a lawsuit, a very real thing that costs money, involves real people, and has real consequences.
It’s a last resort for these providers. If they don’t get paid for the work they’ve already performed and continue to perform, they will cease to exist.
Yet you think they’re doing it as a stunt, for kicks? Are you even old enough to vote?
- John - Wednesday, Jun 1, 16 @ 2:12 pm:
Do you think Killeen will offer to slash his own salary?
While the professors at the UI are relatively poorly paid compared to other Big 10 schools, the UIUC has busied itself hiring all manner of employees and executives at inflated salaries with Platinum benefits. And it has to pay pensions to retired employees.
Until and unless the UIUC gets its house in order and starts trimming the massive amounts of fat, it will be pleading poor for a long time to come.
- blue dog dem - Wednesday, Jun 1, 16 @ 2:26 pm:
I don’t care for Rauner one bit, but give old blue two hours with the U of I budget, and we will get somewhere……
- Anon221 - Wednesday, Jun 1, 16 @ 2:47 pm:
Today on the 21st- LSSI and “The Beard!”
- A guy - Wednesday, Jun 1, 16 @ 2:59 pm:
===I just spoke to the guy at Walgreens — so according to a guy’s transitive property, I’m now a pharmacist!!1!===
Actually not JM. But I am guessing the pharmacist probably sneaked you a little something.
- illini - Wednesday, Jun 1, 16 @ 9:29 pm:
John @ 2:12 - be specific = Until and unless the UIUC gets its house in order and starts trimming the massive amounts of fat=
These comments do nothing to encourage a reasonable discourse on the issues impacting the University.