Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Poll: Voters prefer union and government workers over tanking Rauner
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Poll: Voters prefer union and government workers over tanking Rauner

Thursday, Jul 21, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From Anzalone Liszt Grove via AFSCME

To: Interested Parties
From: ALG Research
Re: IL Statewide poll findings

Illinois voters like labor unions. Conversely, they do not like Bruce Rauner or think he is doing a good job as Governor. They side with labor unions in fights with Bruce Rauner generally, and they side with AFSCME specifically in their current dispute with the Governor.

Key Findings

• Labor unions and workers are popular in Illinois. Voters are favorable towards “public employee unions” (51% favorable / 29% unfavorable) and “state government workers” (57% favorable / 28% unfavorable).

• Voters have turned on Bruce Rauner. Last April, voters gave Rauner a net positive job rating (45% positive / 42% negative) and personal popularity rating (47% favorable / 36% unfavorable). That’s now flipped, and Rauner has a poor personal rating (38% favorable / 50% unfavorable) and job rating (35% positive / 60% unfavorable). That includes bad ratings with:

    o Independents (32% positive / 64% negative job)
    o The Collar counties (45% positive / 50% negative)
    o Downstate (42% positive / 54% negative)
    o People who voted in the November 2014 election (37% positive / 59% negative)

• In general, voters trust public employee unions more than Bruce Rauner in a dispute. They favor public employee unions by 24 points (54% unions / 30% Rauner) when it comes to conflicts between them and Rauner, an improvement for unions since last April (51% unions / 33% Rauner).

• In the current dispute between state employees and Bruce Rauner, voters agree with state employees. Voters overall side with state workers, as do voters in the Collar counties, Downstate, Independents, and midterm-election voters:

“When it comes to the current dispute between the state employees’ union and Bruce Rauner, which of the following do you agree with more?

    o “State employees say they are willing to negotiate with Bruce Rauner, even offering to limit pay raises and pay more for their health care. But just like Rauner held the state budget hostage for a year, he refuses to negotiate with workers. Instead he’s trying to force our everyday heroes like caregivers and emergency responders to accept steep cuts to their standard of living. 56%
    o “Bruce Rauner says that we are in such a fiscal mess because past governors gave too much to government unions that funded their political campaigns. He says that the unions’ demands would cost taxpayers three billion dollars, and that the state can’t afford employee pay raises or generous health care benefits.” 34%

• On the following points of contention, voters also agree more with the state employees’ union than Rauner. Voters don’t just agree with ASFCME on the general issue, they also take the union’s side on the key specific points of disagreement between AFSCME and Rauner.

“Which of the following do you agree with more?”

    o The union says Rauner is wildly exaggerating the cost of workers’ pay and benefits for his own political gain. 58%
    o Bruce Rauner says the union’s demands would cost taxpayers three billion dollars. 32%

    o The union says public service workers are important. They keep us safe, protect kids, care for veterans, and more. 62%
    o Bruce Rauner says government unions are part of the corrupt bargain in Springfield causing our state’s mess. 28%

    o The union says Bruce Rauner is trying to destroy unions, so he can get a blank check to outsource public services for private profit. 60%
    o Bruce Rauner says we need to cut Illinois state workers’ excessive pay and benefits. They are the highest-paid state workers in the nation at $60,000 a year. 30%

The findings are based off of an n=600 sample poll of November 2016 likely voters conducted on landlines and cellphones. Interviews were apportioned geographically based on past voter turnout. The expected margin of sampling error at the 95% confidence level is +4.0% and higher for subgroups.

Subscribers have toplines and more info. The poll was conducted July 6-10.

* From Team Rauner…

This fabricated poll is yet another attempt by AFSCME leaders to mislead and distract taxpayers from AFSCME’s true intention, which is a strike as early as September 1st.​


  1. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 9:22 am:

    Dear Democrats, Republicans, Labor, Social Services… all non-Raunerites…



    The trend here, indeed, is your friend.

    Raunerism, headed by Bruce Rauner, is trailing.

    The proxy voting, that’s the message non-Raunerites need to send. Raunerism and its distaste for Labor and State Workers… that’s the proxy battle framed.

    Vote accordingly.

  2. - wordslinger - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 9:24 am:

    –This fabricated poll is yet another attempt by AFSCME leaders to mislead and distract taxpayers from AFSCME’s true intention, which is a strike as early as September 1st.–

    Is ALG Research known for fabricating polls? Why would the union want to go on strike?​

    Just phone-it-in spin. Doesn’t even serve a purpose.

  3. - Formerly Known as Frenchie M - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 9:25 am:

    Confused about Rauner’s response (or his team’s response): Fabricated?

    They don’t like the numbers, I get that. But why “fabricated”? Are they implying that the numbers are made up? That the poll wasn’t conducted? That because it was conducted by a union it doesn’t count?

  4. - Chungas revenge - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 9:27 am:

    Team Rauner talking about fabricared? Best laugh I had in weeks.

  5. - Chungas revenge - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 9:29 am:

    Fabricated. Blasted auto type?

  6. - Nick Name - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 9:31 am:

    The burden is on the Rauner administration to offer evidence for the alleged September 1 strike date beyond rumor or fabricating it out of whole cloth. Also, they should explain why AFSCME would want to strike before the ALJ issues an opinion or the LRB makes its decision.


  7. - RNUG - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 9:33 am:

    Rauner’s own poll of the 1.4℅ shows 100℅ support for him and his policies… so this poll must be fabricated. /s

  8. - Henry Francis - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 9:34 am:

    I’ve never seen an administration project as much as this one. Don’t know if it’s part of the ooda loops or speaks to something more personal.

  9. - atsuishin - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 9:40 am:

    The poll questions obviously are biased to elicit a favorable pro union response. plus it looks like AFSMC paid for this poll. I believe this polls as much as I would believe a poll paid for by trump showing he’s leading hillary.

  10. - Lomez - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 9:44 am:

    ==Vote accordingly.==

    When do you plan to declare your support for his Dem opponent(s) in 2018?

  11. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 9:48 am:

    ===When do you plan to declare your support for his Dem opponent(s) in 2018?===

    I will likely leave “Governor” blank as I did in 2014. I, in now way, could support Quinn, and in the race, me sitting out my vote hurts, but doesn’t actively help a Democratic Nominee.

    Thanks for your question, why you have it amazes me.

  12. - Honeybear - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 9:51 am:

    Praise God from whom all blessings flow. I’m flushed with gratefulness and thanksgiving. Yesterday was a really bad day for me. I felt like giving up. I felt that few were supportive of our solidarity. This gave me hope that we may yet survive.

  13. - Allen D - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 9:51 am:

    — Nick Name - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 9:31 am “The burden is on the Rauner administration to offer evidence for the alleged September 1 strike”—

    I can’t spek to all the AFSCME Locals around the state but mine and a few have circulated the same paper seen on here in days past asking basically if we vote to strike will you vote to strike and support AFSCME. or will you vote not to strike… Be prepared, save up money, yada, yada, yada… it may happen as early as Sept 1st or sooner… Be Ready…

    That is strike talk of you ask me, preparing members to strike, getting picket groups together and phone trees…. at least at my local it is…

  14. - Honeybear - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 9:53 am:

    –This fabricated poll is yet another attempt by AFSCME leaders to mislead and distract taxpayers from AFSCME’s true intention, which is a strike as early as September 1st.​–

    Trust or no trust?

    True or Perfidy?

  15. - Anon - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 9:54 am:

    I hope rauner keeps personally attacking state workers. It makes him look small and defensive.

  16. - Cassandra - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 9:56 am:

    Lots of participants in today’s globalized economy like the idea of labor unions. But organized labor is, what, 6 percent of the private sector work force. Not sure I’d blame Rauner for that. He’s not the Ruler of the World.

    What isn’t presented here is how much Illinois taxpayers are willing to pay in increased taxes to cover the costs of the state bureaucracy, including any cost increases resulting from current negotiations. And don’t forget the pension part of those costs. Let’s get a fair estimate and do some polling on that. Maybe most citizens are eager to pay more taxes, and all these politicians are just getting in the way.
    But we likely are looking at an increase here, union concessions notwithstanding.

  17. - Honeybear - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 10:00 am:

    Thank you for posting this. It gives me such hope.

  18. - steward - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 10:04 am:

    “This fabricated poll is yet another attempt by AFSCME leaders to mislead and distract taxpayers from AFSCME’s true intention, which is a strike as early as September 1st.​”

    No our true intentions are to get a fair contract which we’ve repeatedly demonstrated by asking the administration to come back to the table.

    And what’s with this repeated claim of a September 1st strike? Labor board won’t rule till November most likely. If we are trying to strike before the labor board rules, why are we denying we are at impasse? The yoda-looping is going to strange places…

  19. - DuPage Bard - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 10:04 am:

    Fabricated? Interesting response…. not a true sample, focused too heavily on Dem households, too many Cook County households, etc…
    There could have been so many better responses than “fabricated” that would have looked good and cast real doubt on the poll. Instead it’s a tinfoil hat response with no proof it’s incorrect.

  20. - AC - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 10:08 am:

    Interesting results but I wonder how many union supporters also have the mistaken belief that certain Raunerites aren’t really Raunerites. I’ve heard way too many union folks talk about how Sara Wojcicki Jimenez seemed like a nice person, and after meeting with her on the arbitration bill didn’t think she was “that bad” even though she voted against them. I’ve heard others express the mistaken belief that Leslie Munger is somehow independent, and very few referring to her as Rauner’s wingman. Even though I know quite a few people working really hard in preparation for the fall, I fear the message isn’t getting through to union people. Union folks certainly dislike Rauner, but quite a few of them refuse to believe that Raunerites are really Raunerites. Until union folks see Rauner’s folks as a unified group, the trends identified in this pool will not help them.

  21. - Honeybear - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 10:10 am:

    –I hope rauner keeps personally attacking state workers. It makes him look small and defensive.–

    Or he could follow the lead of Kasich and make labor peace and stop attacking the state workforce.

    Constant attacks actually hurt. I was so down yesterday. I was ready to give up and just accept the poison contract and prepare to lose my job which I love and cherish. I don’t think people have any idea how hard it is to be under such constant fear for your economic security BY SOMEONE ELSES CHOICES. I know that many in the private sector get it. Now imagine 18 months of it. People calling you “greedy”, “lazy”, “out of touch”, “a burden”, etc, etc. It’s hard.

  22. - DHSJim - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 10:11 am:

    AFSCME will be fine and will be around in this State long after Governor Rauner is forgotten.

  23. - Roger Dorn - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 10:18 am:

    AFSCME certainly got their money’s worth with this poll and more.

    Given the insightful information, AFSCME should strike as soon as they can and really put the dagger into Rauner.

  24. - Nick Name - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 10:20 am:

    “I can’t spek to all the AFSCME Locals around the state but mine and a few have circulated the same paper seen on here in days past asking basically if we vote to strike will you vote to strike and support AFSCME. or will you vote not to strike… Be prepared, save up money, yada, yada, yada… it may happen as early as Sept 1st or sooner… Be Ready…”

    Allen D - yes, but that was all prior to the LRB’s vote two weeks ago to reject the Rauner administration’s motion to expedite the process, right? Accepting Rauner’s motion would have meant a decision from the Board by late August or early September, which gave a September strike some credibility.

    That possibility evaporated when the Board rejected the motion. Plus, the ALJ said not to expect a decision before November.

    And all of this ignores the fact that the September 1 date is nothing more than a “we have heard” rumor from Rauner flunky Anders Lindall in a public statement. Heard from whom? What kind of lawyer peddles unsubstantiated rumor in an official statement? It has zero credibility.

  25. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 10:23 am:

    - AC -

    Labor and Democrats should live by the credo…

    “Why take a chance?”

    ===Or he could follow the lead of Kasich and make labor peace and stop attacking the state workforce.===

    You have to WANT actual Labor Peace.

    Rauner does not want Labor Peace, Rauber wants Labor destroyed.

    All Labor… destroyed.

    Vote Acvordingly, Labor, learn the lesson of abandoning Quinn and voting for your… “destroyer”.

  26. - Mason born - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 10:24 am:

    Cue Rauners (Princess Bride) “Inconceivable”

  27. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 10:26 am:

    Labor, take note of “The 7″… (They may be 6 now… lol)

    They wrote a letter trying to fool Labor that they want Peace… and when it matter… they voted… again… against Labor.

    No quarter, Labor… No quarter.

  28. - Anon - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 10:33 am:

    So frustrating when they continue to imply that AFSCME members aren’t taxpayers. Do people believe that?

  29. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 10:40 am:

    “Given the insightful information, AFSCME should strike as soon as they can and really put the dagger into Rauner.”

    Please don’t keep saying things that keep showing how misinformed you are. The union views a strike as a last resort!

  30. - Honeybear - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 10:42 am:

    —AFSCME should strike as soon as they can and really put the dagger into Rauner.—

    Just stop people! NOBODY and I MEAN NOBODY wants to strike in AFSCME. Do you people in your masculine testosterone fantasies even know what is involved in a strike? My God, it’s a horror of missed payments, bills, collections notices, forclosures, going without, not being able to pay the school registration or activity fees, Not letting your kid do track because you can’t buy the spikes, getting your phone and internet cut off, etc. etc. That’s what a strike means. But AFSCME would go there if we had too because it means that much to keep our jobs and to not let OUR VERY JOBS BECOME unaffordable. Under Rauners LBF offer my family would pay an aprox 5900 if I go with the rock bottom and my spouse and kids get the midrange to 9000 if we all get the top plan. I didn’t get the name honeybear for nothing. I’m trying to assess if I should get the midrange as well and split the difference. Now this would really hurt us and we’d start the slow slide again. We were just starting to slowly pull out of the dive. We’ll have to ask for support from family again.



    Rauner should return to the table were we can work out a reasonable deal.

    A high priority for Rauner right now, if he were really a business man, would be to stabilize the collapsing workforce. Again, someone FOIA CMS to see what the real numbers are. I bet we’re well below skeleton crew level. He needs to make labor peace and stabilize the workforce before it actually collapses totally. Would a large business CEO be around for long if his workforce was leaving in droves, if he was literally driving them away by going after them from day one of negotiations? No, the board would get him out ASAP. Rauner is destroying his own brand in order to get rid of unions. Obviously people have noticed.

  31. - Grandson of Man - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 10:44 am:

    This is very good news–in the context of just one poll. I’m not surprised that there appears to be a strong level of support for state workers/unions when considering this governor’s job performance and policy positions.

    As far as AFSCME’s and other unions’ future prospects in this state and elsewhere, a lot of that depends on who appoints the next SCOTUS justice(s). Government employees and union members need to put a real hard think on this.

  32. - Southern Dawg - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 10:45 am:

    Just have to say that Oswego Willy is one of the most succinct, legible, and fundamentally intelligent commenter on any site I’ve read.

  33. - RNUG - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 10:47 am:

    RE the strike talk …

    While I don’t want to see a strike, I’ve been urging union members to prepare for one (or a lockout) for over a year. It’s just common sense.

    AFSCME is just doing the same thing, advising their members what MIGHT have to happen and gauging the level of support from their members for various actions. It’s like that Boy Scout motto: Be Prepared.

  34. - LessAnon? - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 11:01 am:

    I get the whole message-testing thing here, but these numbers are only good if Rauner doesn’t have his own messaging. For accuracy, they’d have to spin his side as hard as they’re doing their own, and I just don’t see it in these questions.

    If you simplify things to where Rauner will, i.e. “Do you agree with the governor that state employee pensions are too high or with their union who want to increase benefits by 3 billion dollars?” OR “would you rather see state employees get raises or important services continue for kids, seniors, the disabled and veterans?” For all practical purposes, this stuff is all but worthless until it’s done this way.

  35. - Reality Check - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 11:06 am:

    @LessAnon, read the poll again. Its questions are straight-up and balanced, reflecting accurately what each side has been saying in public, and allowing respondents to choose which they prefer. Your proposed questions are the skewed ones, offering two formulations of Rauner attacks with no opposing viewpoint.

  36. - Honeybear - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 11:15 am:

    –No quarter, Labor… No quarter.–

    I can’t remember if it was you OW or Rich who wrote “once you’ve got your boot on their neck you NEVER take it off”.

    I’ve never forgotten that.

    It’s November now.

    Rauner knocked us on our cans with his othismos.

    Now it’s our turn. We have to re-form ranks with our social service and higher education sisters and bothers and push as one.

  37. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 11:18 am:

    @LesAnon? - Obviously a Raunerbot Troll.

  38. - @MisterJayEm - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 11:20 am:

    “This fabricated poll is…”

    How it must have killed them not to call the poll a sham.

    – MrJM

  39. - Honeybear - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 11:22 am:

    o The Collar counties (45% positive / 50% negative)

    The privileged

    Downstate (42% positive / 54% negative)

    Those awaking to Rauners Great Perfidy

  40. - Mad Brown - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 11:30 am:

    If Nate Silver likes ALJ, that’s good enough credibility for me.

    “Anzalone Liszt Grove Research (ALG) is a public opinion research firm specializing in message development and strategic consulting. For nearly 20 years, we have helped clients ranging from President Obama, to EMILY’S List, to Microsoft achieve their goals. During that time, our work has been successful, strategic and accurate. Polling guru Nate Silver recently dubbed us one of the three most accurate pollsters in America.”

  41. - JS Mill - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 11:31 am:

    @Honeybear- DO NOT give up, keep hope alive. People like you are critical to our survival as a civil and compassionate society.

    I do not always agree with you, but I love your honesty and passion it is just obvious.

    Keep on keepin’ on!

  42. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 11:34 am:

    - Honeybear -,

    It wasn’t me who wrote that. I believe, but could be wrong, it was indeed Rich.

    - Southern Dawg -

    Thank you for your very kind words. Very kind.

  43. - Skeptic - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 11:34 am:

    Let’s give credit where credit is due…Rauner’s response didn’t use either the word “Sham” or “Phony”

  44. - steve schnorf - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 11:37 am:

    the Roger Dorn post says that if the poll is correct, AFSCME owns Rauner in public opinion and should move aggressively against him, using their leverage; IF you believe the poll

  45. - JS Mill - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 11:38 am:

    Maybe the message is less about “unions” per se and more about everyday people.

    What I hear (clearly making assumptions) is a clear statement that people support your average worker over the ultra Rich. Even if one were to accept Rauner’s statements regarding state workers being over paid, the average person would rather see them making a couple of thousand more than Rauner make a couple of million more.

  46. - David Wooderson - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 11:43 am:

    Huh, seems that a lot of non state employees have expressed they are amazed at state salaries, benefits and especially pensions. But I guess this poll shows otherwise, they like state employees. Confused

  47. - Honeybear - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 11:49 am:

    –the Roger Dorn post says that if the poll is correct, AFSCME owns Rauner in public opinion and should move aggressively against him, using their leverage; IF you believe the poll–

    Dude, we just want to go back to the negotiating table. THAT’S IT. period.

    What is wrong with negotiation?

    What is wrong with trying to save your workforce from collapsing because of the horror he put us and the state through?

    Why not go back to the table Terranova?

    AFSCME wants to bargain!

    We are begging to go back to the table.

    Rauner can stop this right now and withdraw the claim of impasse.

    The only reason why he doesn’t is obvious.


  48. - steve schnorf - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 11:58 am:

    JS, now that I believe: if you ask the average person if they would prefer to see the everyday worker make a little more, even if it is at the expense of the rich, you’ll get a resounding “yes”. If AFSCME can frame the question that way it will bolster their position, but that will be hard to do,since most of those paying for a state employee’s salary increase won’t be rich

  49. - Knight of Ni - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 12:04 pm:

    Rauner wants to kill organized labor and especially AFSCME and their public sector allies.

  50. - Lucky Pierre - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 12:13 pm:

    The Governor says AFSCME is asking for a 3 billion dollar raise in the next contract. The union disputes this. What is their number? A good poll question would be do you support a tax increase of (fill in the blank) to pay for a raise for state employees?

    I suspect the results of that poll might conflict with this poll.

  51. - Reality Check - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 12:22 pm:

    @Lucky Pierre, the ‘3 billion raise’ claim has been debunked on this very blog. See

    The governor’s claim isn’t true. And the poll shows the public knows that by a more than 2-to-1 margin.

  52. - City Zen - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 12:25 pm:

    And why is AFSCME outsourcing its research outside its borders to a right-to-work state?

  53. - Lucky Pierre - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 12:33 pm:

    A lot of numbers on that post but the bottom line is what is the difference in dollars between the Governor’s and the union’s last proposal?

    Do you think the majority of the poll would support a tax increase to pay for an increase for State Workers pay and benefits?

  54. - Juvenal - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 12:37 pm:

    Rich -

    I’d like to suggest that the same fact that has allowed the governor to simultaneously claim he can cut taxes without cutting vital programs is working against him in this case.

    I believe the term is “hoisted by your own petard.”

    Because the public doesn’t really understand the nexus between taxes and spending, arguing that the union demands will cost us $3 billion and force a tax hike is a waste of time.

    In that light, the poll comes as no surprise. And its why Pierre’s poll question is moot.

    Anders is going to win this argument, every single time, and the governor has helped make sure of it.

    In fact, if he ever does figure out how to convince the public there is a vital connection between the taxes they pay and the programs they demand, the GOP is doomed.

  55. - Nick Name - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 12:42 pm:

    “Do you think the majority of the poll would support a tax increase to pay for an increase for State Workers pay and benefits?”

    There’s going to be a tax increase no matter what, whether or not AFSCME agrees to a wage freeze. It isn’t AFSCME’s fault and putting it on AFSCME’s shoulders is just dishonest.

  56. - Steve Polite - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 12:46 pm:

    Currently in the tolling agreement (also included in the previous contract),
    privatization is allowed if management can show there is an economic benefit to the state.

    In Rauner’s offer, the economic benefit requirement is removed.

    In other words, he wants to be able to privatize state jobs even if it costs the state and taxpayers more than having public employees doing the work.

    For me that is one of the worst terms of his proposal.

    Many of us would be willing to accept a pay freeze, but we are not willing to give him the power to systematically dismantle the union which he would have the ability to do under his Last Best and Final offer.

  57. - Ghost - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 12:58 pm:

    Lucky Pierre the entire State pYroll is about 3 billion. if afscme got that in a raise it would double every salary….. and i havent seen a proposal to do that.

    nex fallicy, Rauner proposed a budget with. 7 billion dollar hole, a tax increase isnt for salaries.

    Lastly state workers spend their salaries…. so we might ask if local businesses want to see their income drop by 20% so that Rauner can depress wages and stagnate the economy. Because all of his proposal reduce incomes and cause people to spend less.

    And rauner brags how he doesnt spend himself… so mo trickle down voo doo

  58. - Demoralized - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 1:08 pm:


    The Governor is counting just about everything, including the kitchen sink, in that number. He’s counting it as a “raise” to maintain insurance at current levels. He’s counting it as a “raise” to maintain OT after 37.5 hours. Perhaps if he would use real numbers in terms of actual “asks.”

  59. - Demoralized - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 1:11 pm:

    And when I say he’s counting it as a “raise” I mean he’s counting anything that costs over and above his proposal as a “raise.”

  60. - JS Mill - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 1:15 pm:

    =,since most of those paying for a state employee’s salary increase won’t be rich=

    I don’t disagree with your statement, unless somehow the majority of taxpayers suddenly become multi millionaires that is factual.

    Isn’t that where the graduated income tax or millionaire’s tax comes in?

  61. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 1:42 pm:

    JS Mill @ 1:15
    I continue to wonder why we (middle class folks) continue to assume that we alone must carry the weight for both the lower and upper class instead of demanding………and I mean demanding that those who have far more, pay more! We have taken the bait of ripping each other apart—-worker against worker—-fighting over paying for each other. Really! People are up in arms over someone earning 65k while those making 65 million skate free?

    The millionaire referendum clearly showed that we expect those with more to help out by paying a higher percentage of taxes. But we were politely declined. No thanks, they don’t want to pay more.

    Time has come for middle class working people to refuse to single-handedly try to fix our economy. A graduated tax would be the only way to get that done.

  62. - HangingOn - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 1:47 pm:

    Think of it this way, LP. You take home $35,000 a year. Your boss wants you to only take home $32,500 a year. You’d be happy keeping what you have, so he complains to the shareholders that you want a $2500 a year raise to make it seem like you’re trying to get more money. That’s how Rauner do.

  63. - Skeptic - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 1:51 pm:

    Is the name of a recent former Governor a banned word? My post didn’t show up and that’s the only thing I could think was the least bit controversial?

  64. - Whatever - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 2:57 pm:

    ==“This fabricated poll is…”

    How it must have killed them not to call the poll a sham.

    – MrJM==

    Just the opposite. They’ve been waiting for an appropriation to expand their vocabulary, and are even more relieved than the service providers that the stopgap budget was passed.

  65. - Illinois bob - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 3:24 pm:


    =Now it’s our turn. We have to re-form ranks with our social service and higher education sisters and bothers and push as one.=

    It’s been “your turn” for about three decades now, bear. You’ve been “pushing as one” for all that time, and all you accomplished for the taxpayers of Illinois was pushing the economy off the cliff.

    Be honest. You couldn’t care less about those not on the gov payroll or getting entitlements.

    You’ve done a great job of hiding union greed as this poll shows….congratulations while Illinois Titanic continues to sink.

  66. - ANONANON - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 3:26 pm:

    Well the state employees just received another email from John Terranova. This one is even better… it contains a great video answering all of the questions state employees asked after the last email (snark). Also, it includes a link to so employees can view the “last, best, and final offer in the AFSCME negotiations.” I still want to know what happens if impasse isn’t declared. Does anyone really think Rauner is going to move from the last offer he gave?

  67. - Small Town Girl - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 3:27 pm:

    and the day is not complete without another “trust ME to answer your questions” email from our good friend JT.

  68. - Honeybear - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 3:31 pm:

    Anonanon, Yep, the charm offensive has begun. Psshhhh, like state workers really trust the man who has been behind all the attacks on us, social services, and higher education. I’m afraid many though will fall for it. I’d say a majority of state workers live paycheck to paycheck. They have to believe that master will be kind. Their choice. But wait till things heat up before November. Rauner can’t help himself. There’s time.

  69. - Nick Name - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 3:41 pm:

    Signs of cold-sweat desperation.

  70. - Anon - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 3:50 pm:

    Watched the JT video and noticed the push to get union members to switch to fair share if they cross the picket line. How would that help them if AFSCME wants to fine them?

  71. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 4:54 pm:

    Here they go with their ‘September 1st Strike Date’ lie again. Why would AFSCME attempt to strike on September 1st when the Illinois Labor Relations Board isn’t expected to release their ruling on whether or not there is an impasse until November? AFSCME still has hope of returning to the bargaining table, unlike Rauner.

Sorry, comments for this post are now closed.

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