* Daily Herald on August 26th…
Gov. Bruce Rauner said Friday he doesn’t plan to get involved in replacing state Sen. Matt Murphy, a Palatine Republican and top ally who announced his resignation earlier this month.
“I’m not going to be particularly involved,” Rauner said. “There’s a process that will unfold. And local leaders very much control that process, and I assume they’ll come up with a very good person.”
* Daily Herald today…
After initially staying out of the process of selecting a replacement for departing GOP state Sen. Matt Murphy, the governor’s office and its allies have jumped into the fray. They held interviews for the six candidates Friday in Chicago. Among those questioning the candidates were the governor, chief political strategist Mike Zolnierowicz, John Tillman of the Illinois Policy Institute and Senate GOP Leader Christine Radogno.
I really don’t understand why the governor insists on saying that he’s staying out of legislative races when everybody knows he isn’t telling the truth.
Also, some folks are really starting to get nervous about all the influence that John Tillman appears to wield over Rauner these days.
- Delimma - Monday, Sep 12, 16 @ 10:43 am:
Wait, so people are getting worried that someone might be manipulating Gepetto’s strings?
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Sep 12, 16 @ 10:50 am:
The governor sat in on interviews?
What was his big question?
“Are you for goodness or badness?” ala Judge Smails?
“How important is it you think for yourself?”
“How important is if that you you get paid?”
Rauner thinks everyone is a rube. You tell “stories” like Rauner does when you have little respect for people.
- JoanP - Monday, Sep 12, 16 @ 10:50 am:
“I really don’t understand why the governor insists on saying that he’s staying out of legislative races when everybody knows he isn’t telling the truth.”
Because he has no respect for people’s intelligence. I think he really believes he’s fooling us. After all, lying is what got him elected.
- illini - Monday, Sep 12, 16 @ 10:53 am:
Telling the truth is not, and has never been, in our Governors repertoire!!!!
- Obamas Puppy - Monday, Sep 12, 16 @ 10:56 am:
The same thing that Rauner is accusing MJM of is what he is implementing by hand picking candidates. Ahh looking in that mirror can be so unkind huh Brucey?
- anon - Monday, Sep 12, 16 @ 10:57 am:
So whomever gets appointed will be seen as a Rauner puppet from the gitgo.
- Honeybear - Monday, Sep 12, 16 @ 11:00 am:
The mere mention of Tillman makes me hiss like a cat.
- Chungas revenge - Monday, Sep 12, 16 @ 11:02 am:
What don’t you people understand? Brucie is CEO of the state of Illinois. What he says goes. How dare you question him!
- Honeybear - Monday, Sep 12, 16 @ 11:03 am:
The Governors medium, his true artistic medium is perfidy. A true master at it.
- HRC2016 - Monday, Sep 12, 16 @ 11:03 am:
Among those questioning the candidates were the governor, chief political strategist Mike Zolnierowicz, John Tillman of the Illinois Policy Institute and Senate GOP Leader Christine Radogno.
Ummmmm…. why is John Tillman of the IPI involved with the process? Isn’t that a private organization?
- Anonymous - Monday, Sep 12, 16 @ 11:03 am:
–I really don’t understand why the governor insists on saying that he’s staying out of legislative races when everybody knows he isn’t telling the truth.–
Actions vs. words. Lying when you don’t have to, and everyone knows you’re lying.
It’s a pattern; he must think that he’s doing something wrong and that people wouldn’t like him if he admitted it.
The governor claims he really wants to balance the budget, provide for higher ed, make good on state contracts he signed and rebuild the state’s infrastructure.
In those cases as well, his actions are in 180 degree opposition to his words.
- Norseman - Monday, Sep 12, 16 @ 11:06 am:
Rauner can’t seem to help his little habit of denying the obvious. Perhaps it’s like Scotty, who would always give a longer estimate to fix the engines than expected. That way he’ll come off looking like a miracle worker when it’s done earlier.
Regarding Tillman. A good propagandists is always revered by the faithful.
- chi - Monday, Sep 12, 16 @ 11:06 am:
Rauner has his message, and he sticks to it, and if it happens to be the truth sometimes, well, a stopped clock is right twice a day. And if it’s not the truth, that’s fine too as long as he stays on message.
- Arsenal - Monday, Sep 12, 16 @ 11:07 am:
I don’t get it, either. It’d be political malpractice for him to stay out of it.
- Michelle Flaherty - Monday, Sep 12, 16 @ 11:09 am:
It’s not too late Murphy, don’t go.
Pull a Jordan.
I’m back!
Even the Democrats will applaud.
- LizPhairTax - Monday, Sep 12, 16 @ 11:13 am:
The guy wears straight up costumes out in public. Not subtle wardrobe choices made with activity and audience in mind. Not, “governor since we are at the ball game why not put on the local team’s ball cap?” Full on costumes.
I’m a biker. I’m a cowboy. I’m a construction worker. This is who I really am.
He’s already lyin’ before he opens his mouth. Why would this be any different?
- Whatever - Monday, Sep 12, 16 @ 11:14 am:
I suspect the story is a fabrication. It says at least 4 people questioned the candidates. Since when does anyone else in the room get to speak when the Governor is there?
I agree with chi — “I’m a nonpolitician who is not involved in the actual work of politics” is the Governor’s signature message, and he sticks to it.
- JS Mill - Monday, Sep 12, 16 @ 11:30 am:
=John Tillman of the Illinois Policy Institute =
I may not hiss like Honeybear, but the mention of his name does illicit angry, unprintable words.
= It’d be political malpractice for him to stay out of it.=
True, so why the lies? Nobody faults him for being involved. The lying is just dumb.
- Anon221 - Monday, Sep 12, 16 @ 11:31 am:
It’s how you nuance…
“I’m not going to be particularly involved,” Rauner said.
Rauner may have just sat there and not asked questions. Tillman may have been his mouthpiece. In Rauner’s World, that is not involvement. /s
- Bluegrass Boy - Monday, Sep 12, 16 @ 11:33 am:
Who’s surprised? This Governor wants to handpick your representative to vote for his interests - and he’s going fund their campaign commercials so you’ll vote for them. You think he’s going to give em lots of money and not even meet them?
- Anonymous - Monday, Sep 12, 16 @ 11:49 am:
If it puts the brakes on the promotion of Aaron Del Mar to another undeserved position, many people will applaud Rauner’s intervention.
- Huh? - Monday, Sep 12, 16 @ 12:14 pm:
When did 1.4% find the time to interview a replacement candidate? He is running around the State campaigning against Madigan.
- call the IRS - Monday, Sep 12, 16 @ 12:17 pm:
This is why Tillman and his Illinois Policy Institute should be investigated for tax violations. It’s not a 501c3 group if it doesn’t act like one.
- 47th Ward - Monday, Sep 12, 16 @ 12:21 pm:
===Among those questioning the candidates were the governor, chief political strategist Mike Zolnierowicz, John Tillman of the Illinois Policy Institute and Senate GOP Leader Christine Radogno.===
Reminds me of that kids song, “one of these things is not like the other. One of these things just doesn’t belong.”
This is why IPI can’t be allowed a press pass to “cover” the General Assembly. They are not journalists, they are propagandists and advocates.
- Lake County Bob - Monday, Sep 12, 16 @ 12:21 pm:
Del Mar has control of about 15-20 Republican Committeeman. If he wants it and feels he got slighted he could impact a number of races in November. That commercial for McCauliffe about Madigan and the tax appeals board is just a example. I’m surprised that Rauner would even want to get his hands dirty on this one, getting involved has little if any upside
- Michelle Flaherty - Monday, Sep 12, 16 @ 12:36 pm:
I thought you were referring to Radogno and were suggesting she be removed — officially — from the process.
- walker - Monday, Sep 12, 16 @ 12:45 pm:
So Tillman is a political surrogate for Rauner. Makes sense since IPI is the Americans For Prosperity surrogate for Illinois.
This puts Harris and Morrison directly in the Rauner saucepan— commit to doing it my way, or suffer these consequence — also a message to other legislators.
- Harvest76 - Monday, Sep 12, 16 @ 12:57 pm:
John Tillman and the governor he controls?
- Mama Retired - Monday, Sep 12, 16 @ 1:15 pm:
If the man’s lips are moving… don’t expect to hear the truth.
- Wilson - Monday, Sep 12, 16 @ 1:45 pm:
Two take-aways from the Rauner experiment: having a skill set at one profession (venture capital) is not necessarily transferable to another profession (politics); and, the success of so-called “non-political” types is largely dependent upon who he/she surrounds his/herself with & in this case it appears there was no emphasis in success at governing.
- Piece of Work - Monday, Sep 12, 16 @ 2:59 pm:
Changed his mind
- sal-says - Monday, Sep 12, 16 @ 3:12 pm:
== Also, some folks are really starting to get nervous about all the influence that John Tillman appears to wield over Rauner these days. ==
Lemme fix it:
‘Also, some folks are really starting to get nervous about all the influence that a small number of uber rich appears to wield over elections these days.’ Not only in IL but nationwide as well.
- walker - Monday, Sep 12, 16 @ 3:18 pm:
This is a different process than I have seen on the other side. Madigan’s only “involvement”, in the suburban slating situations: Go ahead and pick the person you Committeemen want, then prove to me he or she can win the district if you want big money from me.
No ideological, issues, or purity tests. Only district-fit and willingness to work ones.
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Sep 12, 16 @ 4:00 pm:
- Piece of Work -
I assure you, this isn’t a changing of any mind.
See, Poe’s and Sandack’s replacements.
- Winnin' - Monday, Sep 12, 16 @ 5:27 pm:
“I really don’t understand why the governor insists on saying that he’s staying out of legislative races when everybody knows he isn’t telling the truth.”
He always stretches the truth and is more dramatic with reporters outside the Sfld sandbox. Newspaper editors are either too lazy to discern the difference or are just…indifferent.
Hence, Rauner gets away with it. That’s why he does road shows. No Amanda Vinickys there.
- NorthsideNoMore - Tuesday, Sep 13, 16 @ 8:21 am:
So What ? He will be $fundin$ them may as well get your asks in Gov.