Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Rauner denies he’s “hurting some class”
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Rauner denies he’s “hurting some class”

Tuesday, Sep 20, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Jordan Abudayyeh

The Governor says he hasn’t been talking with democratic leadership about these things, but he’s hopeful the outcome of the election will swing things in his favor.

“Are you going to support the status quo? Or are you going to support reform? We clearly need to go in a different direction. And folks that argue our proposals on reforms are too extreme, or hurting some class, or whatever, that’s just not true. That’s political spin,” said Gov. Bruce Rauner.

I think some “classes” would beg to differ.


  1. - Earnest - Tuesday, Sep 20, 16 @ 10:24 am:

    >or hurting some class, or whatever, that’s just not true. That’s political spin

    Those proposals…who are the helping?

  2. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Sep 20, 16 @ 10:27 am:

    ===…hurting some class…===

    Oh, how I just love when Rauner goes off-script.

    “some class”

    Please note:

    If Rauner meets you in costume, or in my opinion worse meets you purposely NOT wearing a tie…

    You… you are… some class.

    Lots of words, Governor. I’ll help.

    Just say “unwashed”. Right? Exactly right.

  3. - Thunder Fred - Tuesday, Sep 20, 16 @ 10:30 am:

    Attention TA Victims; this is your moment to shine!

  4. - Bobby Catalpa - Tuesday, Sep 20, 16 @ 10:31 am:

    He out-Trumps Trump with that one.

    I mean, at least Trump embraces the fact he’s rich and that other people aren’t.

    Rauner won’t admit that he’s rich, won’t admit that anyone is poor, and won’t admit there are real, functional distinctions between the two.

    Stay classy, Rauner.

  5. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Sep 20, 16 @ 10:31 am:

    Some are “more equal” than others… Governor?

    Clouting your denied Winnetka-living daughter was over some worthy child of… “Some Class”… I bet too.

    Sometimes, correct me if I’m wrong, but having some class means not referring to the “unwashed” in your eyes as… some class.

    I know, this IS you doing better, I won’t ask for you to… actually… do better.

  6. - RNUG - Tuesday, Sep 20, 16 @ 10:32 am:

    “Some” … Would that possibly be every class but the 1.4% ?

  7. - Anon221 - Tuesday, Sep 20, 16 @ 10:35 am:

    The little guy over Rauner’s left shoulder epitomizes what Rauner’s first 20 months in office have been, especially for social services and higher ed.

  8. - Lucky Pierre - Tuesday, Sep 20, 16 @ 10:36 am:

    That is news to me that the Governor’s daughter commuted from Winnetka to Walter Payton.

    It is not “classy” to make things up to bash the Governors family Willy.

  9. - @MisterJayEm - Tuesday, Sep 20, 16 @ 10:37 am:

    “And folks that argue our proposals on reforms are too extreme, or hurting some class, or whatever, that’s just not true. That’s political spin.” — Bruce Rauner, September 19, 2016

    “In Illinois there’s been a long-time history of what I would call social service, social justice, a bigger role for government in the safety net than in many other states. I think we can drive a wedge issue in the Democratic Party on that topic” — Bruce Rauner, September 18, 2012.

    This is Bruce Rauner’s plan.

    This is Bruce Rauner’s only plan.

    This has always been Bruce Rauner’s only plan.

    He knows exactly what he’s doing.

    – MrJM

  10. - Annonin' - Tuesday, Sep 20, 16 @ 10:38 am:

    BigBrain meant to say “those people’ but he was still tryin’ o figure out who sent him to a bomb technicians convention that day after there were bombings. BigBrain really goes out of his way to avoid being caught in public when there is actual news he might need to comment on with facts about how IL works under his finely tuned, SuperStar management.
    He was able to dance away with some vauge rambling that actually made Blagoof look like he knew/cared about how IL worked.

  11. - Jocko - Tuesday, Sep 20, 16 @ 10:40 am:

    I’d like to think this one will leave a mark, but Tronc will find some way to pin this on Madigan.

    Is “some class” the new term for “working poor”? I haven’t downloaded the update for my TA decoder ring.

  12. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Sep 20, 16 @ 10:47 am:

    He’s been governor for nearly two years. He is the status quo.

    The status quo is a tripling of the backlog of bills, an $8 billion FY17 deficit, all, somehow, accomplished while gutting higher ed and social services and throwing thousands out of work by reneging on state contracts.

    And not a capital construction plan in sight.

  13. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Sep 20, 16 @ 10:52 am:

    - Lucky Pierre -

    Where was the Rauner’s residence when the daughter was in 8th Grade?

    You put a think on how a suburban-living student gets to just… apply… to a Chicago high school before living in the city… Clout?

    You put a big ole think on that, get back to me.

  14. - DuPage - Tuesday, Sep 20, 16 @ 10:54 am:

    Rauner’s actions have hurt almost everyone in Illinois, directly or indirectly. Unpaid bills and closing of social services is just the beginning. What will happen when the half-year budget runs out and all the sweep money is gone?

  15. - 47th Ward - Tuesday, Sep 20, 16 @ 10:54 am:

    ===or hurting some class, or whatever, that’s just not true.===

    The new, smaller Freshman classes at Eastern, Southern, Western and CSU disagree. Those classes have been hurt.

  16. - Grandson of Man - Tuesday, Sep 20, 16 @ 11:00 am:

    This shows just how callous and detached Rauner is. This guy has never known a middle class or poor day in his life, so it’s easy to harm so many people, including our most vulnerable.

    What happens if Rauner gains legislative seats yet still can’t get a majority to pass his agenda? How many are going to suffer then, at the hands of a very few super-rich?

    I can’t help but bristle at the idea put out by some on the left, that there’s no difference between the two major parties, or between Quinn and Rauner, or Clinton and Trump. How many people have suffered and will have to suffer under Rauner and a Trump presidency? How many rights have to be attacked, and taken away if Rauner and Trump ultimately prevail?

  17. - Huh? - Tuesday, Sep 20, 16 @ 11:00 am:

    The only “class” that 1.4% isn’t trying to hurt is his uber rich class. All of his “reforms” are geared towards helping them at the expense of the rest of the State.

  18. - Lucky Pierre - Tuesday, Sep 20, 16 @ 11:04 am:

    Plenty of things to bash Rauner on Willy but I would leave minor children out of the discussion to keep it “classy”

    Plenty of kids move to Chicago from the suburbs and vice versa. Any issues on the admission of his daughter should be directed to Arne Duncan. I guess clout is ok for Madigan only.

  19. - HRC2016 - Tuesday, Sep 20, 16 @ 11:10 am:

    Oswego Willy…. listen at the 1:40 This is what Rauner doesn’t understand or should just admit to, when it comes to wealth.

  20. - Archiesmom - Tuesday, Sep 20, 16 @ 11:11 am:

    He is the gift that keeps on giving for a good Democratic political consulting firm in 2018. There are video and audio and print archives these days, my friend.

  21. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Sep 20, 16 @ 11:19 am:

    - Lucky Pierre -

    Unless the daughter made the call and talked to Arne Duncan to clout herself… I am keeping the daughter out if it.

    Reading is fundamental.

    Plus, Rauner, that’s Bruce, said the scores were perfect. Upon further review, they weren’t “perfect”, clout, over a worthy child, from the “unwashed”, from “some group” lost a seat because Bruce Rauner wanted his denied Winnetka-living daughter accepted into a Chicago school, even after being denied… I the merits.

    Bruce Rauner chose to pull the strings, not the daughter.

    Please, do keep up.

  22. - JS Mill - Tuesday, Sep 20, 16 @ 11:26 am:

    =Plenty of kids move to Chicago from the suburbs and vice versa.=

    Umm, no not for school. Maybe vice versa, other than Rauner.

    =Any issues on the admission of his daughter should be directed to Arne Duncan. I guess clout is ok for Madigan only.=

    Welp, Madigan sent his kids to private school. I am pretty sure that does not require clout.

    It was not ok that the now governor, was able to enroll his daughter in a competitive enrollment CPS magnet school. It has been well established that she did not meet enrollment criteria and her father used his “clout” with Arne Duncan (there, does that feel better?) to violate CPS residency requirements and attend a CPS school as a Winnetka resident.

    Interestingly enough, New Trier employs a staff of people solely responsible for investigating residency issues.

    Please stop your lying. This is not about the kid it is about Rauner and he is a hypocrite. At Best.

  23. - Stuff Happens - Tuesday, Sep 20, 16 @ 11:30 am:

    Laugh at Quinn all you want for doing the “live for a week on minimum wage” “gimmick”, but at least he understood what class is.

  24. - Honeybear - Tuesday, Sep 20, 16 @ 11:30 am:

    When someone is hurting you don’t get to say that they aren’t.

    Well that hurting class(es) is/are being organized and mobilized.

    We’re coming for you and yours Governor.

    November 8, 2016

    Direct Action Gets Satisfaction

  25. - lake county democrat - Tuesday, Sep 20, 16 @ 11:41 am:

    For those non-stakeholders, a reminder:

    We have flat taxes in Illinois.

    If and when we raise taxes, it will hurt the working class and middle class more than it will the 1%. Median household income in Illinois is $58,000 - that extra $1000 or more a year isn’t trivial. And it’s not like all that money is going to help the poor (though a lot will).

    No constitutional amendments to go to progressive taxing - not even Madigan’s millionaire surcharge” from that bs referendum.

  26. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Sep 20, 16 @ 11:41 am:

    –Plenty of kids move to Chicago from the suburbs…–

    To attend a public high school?

    How many Baghdad Bobs were there? Rauner has a passel of them.

  27. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Sep 20, 16 @ 12:18 pm:

    - HRC2016 -

    That scene is in the chronological film. The best 7 hours you can spend on a film. I’ve felt it was best seen in two sittings.

    Nice grab

    So many great scenes, and “life lessons”

  28. - Lucky Pierre - Tuesday, Sep 20, 16 @ 12:59 pm:

    JS Mill -So Rauner’s daughter did not live in Chicago while attending Walter Payton and “violated CPS residency requirements”

    That is a lie. No that was never even alleged. The Governor has a residence in Chicago.There are cases of principal’s discretion all of the time. This is not the first or last time something like this has happened.

  29. - Publius - Tuesday, Sep 20, 16 @ 1:19 pm:

    -or hurting some class, or whatever, -

    “Or whatever”.

    I picture this being spoken as he does a backhand swish from the wrist. A jesture to show distain for the subject matter.

    Like ” let them eat cake”

  30. - PublicServant - Tuesday, Sep 20, 16 @ 1:40 pm:

    He can barely bring himself to say the word “class”, cause he’s ‘merican, and he doesn’t use no commie lingo. No “classes” here in ‘merica, just those who get what they want, and those who don’t.

  31. - Triple fat - Tuesday, Sep 20, 16 @ 1:44 pm:

    For cryin out loud Governor! The status quo is giving big business and scammers like Private Equity firms tax breaks and sweetheart deals. When you goin to propose legislation to turn that garbage around. At least the Democrats offer table scraps. The Gullible Party of Pretend offers regular folk nothing. Sheesh

  32. - Triple fat - Tuesday, Sep 20, 16 @ 1:46 pm:

    Oops! I meant to post the Gullible Organization of Pretend. sorry..

  33. - Earnest - Tuesday, Sep 20, 16 @ 1:48 pm:

    For some reason this makes me think of my childhood. My older brother would tease me. I’d get mad. He would of course win, get on top of me, and grab my hand and smack it against my head, saying “stop hitting yourself, stop hitting yourself.”

    Hmmm. This may have said more about me than about Rauner.

  34. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Sep 20, 16 @ 2:22 pm:

    Hurting some class? As in, only one? I agree, he is not hurting only one class.

  35. - Anonymiss - Tuesday, Sep 20, 16 @ 3:58 pm:

    Better buy a bigger cowboy hat or biker vest, Bruce. Your Trump is showing.

  36. - JS Mill - Tuesday, Sep 20, 16 @ 4:02 pm:

    =JS Mill -So Rauner’s daughter did not live in Chicago while attending Walter Payton and “violated CPS residency requirements”

    That is a lie. No that was never even alleged. The Governor has a residence in Chicago.There are cases of principal’s discretion all of the time.=

    For starters, it is not alleged that the student resided in Chicago, the allegation that has never been denied, is that she lived in Winnetka while attending a CPS school. Not that you would know (for real) but that IS a residency violation.

    Owning a home or property in a school district does not make one a resident. For school residency, one must actually inhabit the domicile.

    = This is not the first or last time something like this has happened=

    Well then, that makes it ok. You should be embarrassed by that statement but you do not know any better.

    Nothing like arguing like a child, sheesh.

  37. - cdog - Tuesday, Sep 20, 16 @ 4:53 pm:

    For a card-carrying-.01%er, expanding “some class” is part of the platform.

    Race to the bottom will make a few people very rich.

  38. - dale_cooper - Tuesday, Sep 20, 16 @ 5:04 pm:

    In Rauner’s eyes he’s not hurting any class, he doesn’t think those people have class or matter. I’m not assuming this, it’s obvious from his actions. They are pawns in his union busting game.

  39. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Sep 20, 16 @ 5:27 pm:

    “or whatever”

    Dear God, how insulting.

  40. - AnonymousOne - Tuesday, Sep 20, 16 @ 5:36 pm:

    If you refuse to admit or acknowledge something, as our governor refuses to acknowledge that he is hurting “some” class (or several of them, actually), then it’s not happening. Reality is just for them, not him. He doesn’t have to live in or with any of it. Well insulated.

  41. - Rabid - Tuesday, Sep 20, 16 @ 5:59 pm:

    That’s my sophomoric govenor communicating

  42. - Bumblebee - Tuesday, Sep 20, 16 @ 7:21 pm:

    When Rauner’s wife said he had no social agenda I don’t think most people understood it meant he had no social awareness or concern for others less privileged then himself and his cronies. . At this point I think it is clear what Rauner cares about and it doesn’t have much to do with the welfare of the residents of the state. Our biggest export use to be corn it is becoming our young people including my kids.

  43. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Sep 20, 16 @ 7:35 pm:

    –Owning a home or property in a school district does not make one a resident. For school residency, one must actually inhabit the domicile.–

    OPRF 200 recently sued a family for education costs who owned a condo in Oak Park, sent their kids to the high school, but allegedly lived in Chicago.

    I’ve lived in the village nearly 30 years. Every year my kids have been in high school, I’ve had to submit eight or nine different forms of documentation that proved we lived in the village: mortgage, tax bills, valid DL, recent utility bills, etc. I also had to sign a document that said “yes, this address is my primary residence.”

    Until this year, every OPRF parent or guardian had to so in-person at the high school; submit the documents to be copied, then sit across a table from an Oak Park police detective who reviewed them and asked questions.

    If you have the cash, it’s probably just a lot easier to drop $250K on the superintendent.

  44. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Sep 21, 16 @ 6:30 am:

    ===This is not the first or last time something like this has happened===

    Welp, I’m glad you admitted a denied Winnetka-living daughter was clouted over a child “of some class” Rauner feels he’s better than, and in reality, the daughter got special treatment after not qualifying to even be at Payton Prep….

    … to be taught, as Rauner said, by teachers, half of whom illiterate.

    See how this all fits Rauner? It’s about Rauner, and Rauner believing… he (Rauner) deserves better because he’s wealthy, and the “unwashed” just don’t deserved what his (Rauner’s) family deserves.

    Got it. Thanks.

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