Reader comments closed for the holidays
Thursday, Dec 22, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller * I will likely do a Capitol Fax for subscribers tomorrow, but I’m done blogging for a bit. If anything huge breaks, I’ll make sure to post it. I’ll be back after the new year, likely January 4th or 5th. Gonna take it slow and easy and play things by ear. You should, too, because this crazy storm ain’t ending anytime soon. People say I have the best job in Illinois and they’re right. It ain’t a piece of cake, but I still love it and I have loads of fun doing it. I wake up every day with the goal of earning your loyalty and your trust. So, thanks for reading this little blog, for your comments and for just being you. And many, many thanks to my subscribers and my advertisers. * I cannot leave, however, without mentioning that my old pal Mike McGann passed away early this morning. You know how I always say “Yard signs don’t vote”? Well, Mike used to say that all the time. Every time I wrote that phrase I was paying homage to his vast knowledge. Mike was a proud leftie, a strong union man, a loyal Vince Demuzio lieutenant and the snazziest dresser in all of southern Illinois. Here he is doing one of his favorite things, working a campaign… ![]() Mike had a million friends, so I’ll post his arrangements as soon as I get them. * As is our custom, we’ll close out the year with Suzy Snowflake…