Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x2 - Rauner admin responds to SEIU *** Rauner blasts basic child care service as “institutionalized brain damage”
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*** UPDATED x2 - Rauner admin responds to SEIU *** Rauner blasts basic child care service as “institutionalized brain damage”

Thursday, Jan 19, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Tribune

At a later stop in Springfield, Rauner noted the importance of early childhood education and blasted the current state of child care.

“Too often in Illinois and around America, especially for lower-income communities, child care has no education component,” he said. “And in fact, good child care is regarded as ‘strap a child in a car seat and turn the TV on.’ That is institutionalized brain damage. To me, it should be criminal.”

Um, OK, so maybe now we know why he cut child care program funding?

And an upgrade like what he’s talking about will not be cheap. At all. We’ll need a bigger tax hike if he wants to actually do it.

*** UPDATE 1 ***  Response from Faith Arnold, SEIU Healthcare Illinois executive board, vice chair, child care division…

“Bruce Rauner’s insensitive characterization of the state of child care in Illinois shows his gross disregard for providers and the children and working parents we serve. Our choice of profession reflects our commitment to children and families and is NOT a reflection of our education. And it certainly is not a reflection of our character. However, the governor’s insulting choice of words serves as a poor reflection on HIS.

“Rauner knows better than anyone that HIS cuts to service have caused incredible damage to the Child Care Assistance Program, which at one point was among the most successful in the nation. No more. As a result of his arbitrary administrative maneuvering, and his failure to reach a fair contract with the state’s child care providers, he has engaged in a full-scale dismantling of the program which has cost jobs, slowed economic growth and harmed Illinois families.

“But more than that, his regrettable use of language to insult people like me shows someone entirely disconnected from the working families he claims to serve. It’s no wonder we enter a new year without a budget and with little hope for true leadership or compromise from Bruce Rauner, who is resorting to bully language once again.”

*** UPDATE 2 *** From the governor’s office…

Hi, Rich:

The governor and First Lady have spent more time working to improve the lives of young children than almost any couple in America. And as Governor, he has successfully increased early childhood funding by $100 million. His comments were not attacking the hardworking men and women who care for children so parents can go to work, go to school, and allow kids to flourish – but he is concerned about cases where children are placed in front of a TV with few toys and even fewer books.

The governor wants to ensure that every child arrives in kindergarten developmentally prepared. His Children’s Cabinet is working to address this very issue, bringing together state agencies to improve state credentialing and licensing programs. It is disappointing that instead of joining in those efforts, SEIU is choosing to mischaracterize the Governor’s words and intentions.



  1. - Sick & Tired - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 9:46 am:

    Mama always told me if I ain’t got nothiin’ nice to say, say it anyway. Oh wait.

    Mama also told me don’t complain if I don’t have a solution. Oh wait.

  2. - Cheryl44 - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 9:47 am:

    So let’s not have any child care at all seems to be his answer.

  3. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 9:47 am:

    Second time in two days Rauner is touting new spending. First “a capitol plan”, now certified teachers for childcare.

    But no mention of how to pay for it. More upcoming election rehabilitation for Bruce.

  4. - Anon - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 9:47 am:

    Bruce must have watched too much TV as a child.

  5. - Obamas Puppy - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 9:48 am:

    Doesn’t term limits solve this problem?

  6. - DHSBob - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 9:48 am:

    Why anyone would be surprised I do not know. He is in campaign mode and has been since he took office.

  7. - The Captain - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 9:49 am:

    What is it with this Governor’s rhetoric? I’m instantly reminded of this:

    “The simple fact is that when you look objectively at the state of Chicago Public Schools, many of them are inadequate,” he said. “Many of them are woeful, and some are just tragic. Many of them are basically almost crumbling prisons. They’re not a place a young person should be educated.”

    A skeptic might argue the governor is using such loaded language not to shine a light on the conditions of the chronically underfunded district, but to make the nation’s third-largest school system seem beyond repair and in dire need of privatization.

    He’s the leader of our state and has been now for several years, the time for lobbing bombs from the sideline has long since passed. It’s time to be the Governor, this is unbecoming.

  8. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 9:49 am:

    You know Rich, you’re being too logical.

  9. - PublicServant - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 9:50 am:

    9:47 was me

  10. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 9:51 am:

    Here’s a significant problem—Many working poor parents can’t participate in the state’s halfday preschool program if they don’t have any kind of daycare for their kids during the other half of the day. So cuts to the latter also work against the former, and undercut “early education,” over all.

  11. - Ok - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 9:52 am:

    Maybe the problem Bruce has with child care is that it is all privatized with little accountability?

    Or, in reality, what he is saying isn’t actually a thing that is happening anywhere.

  12. - 100 miles west - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 9:55 am:

    Still waiting for increased higher education spending and putting all that waste-fraud-corruption savings into human services…

  13. - Amalia - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 9:55 am:

    that is a terrible quote. there are lots of good people caring for children in good ways in many sorts of circumstances. what is needed is more money for childcare because people need it so they can work. also, he’s talking about brain damage as if that is a simple thing. insulting.

  14. - A Jack - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 9:56 am:

    Wouldn’t a child care lose its license for doing something like that? And isn’t he in charge of DCFS who is in charge of licensing and regulating child care? So besides the funding issue, it seems like he is failing in the oversite of child care.

  15. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 9:56 am:

    I know plenty of people working in childcare, and none of them “regards” a car seats and TV approach to be “good childcare.” Illinois’s day care system includes quality improvement measures that have been done no favors by state budget cuts

  16. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 9:56 am:

    If the Governor only knew of a group that had in their mission early education as their core ideal…

    I guess an An Ounce of Prevention is better than a pound of cure?

  17. - Anon221 - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 9:56 am:

    Rauner: “And in fact, good child care is regarded as ‘strap a child in a car seat and turn the TV on.’”

    How about solutions instead of tweet-worthy statements that are time worn??? This is right up there with the school “choice” and vouchers rhetoric. Give parents/guardians “choice” but no way to pay for it, get to it (transportation), or even be a part of it (time/job restraints and no local site for childcare). Squeeze the beast and you get less and less and less of everything that supports communities, including childcare centers and alternatives (i.e. overnight childcare for parents working the night shift). So, here’s some research the “superstars” can check out for their ROI-

    And, if government is not going to be involved EXCEPT to take investments (not just monies, but also support/educational systems away), then the car seat-TV analogy will become more and more of a reality.

  18. - Arsenal - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 9:57 am:

    I wish he understood that he holds an office where he can do something about that.

  19. - wordslinger - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 9:58 am:

    – “That is institutionalized brain damage. To me, it should be criminal.”

    Um, OK, so maybe now we know why he cut child care program funding?–

    Is Gov. Rauner going to make a citizen’s arrest on this Gov. Rauner criminal?

    Gov. Rauner sure has been down on that do-nothing Gov. Rauner guy the last two days. Will Gov. Rauner challenge Gov. Rauner in 2018?

  20. - hisgirlfriday - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 9:59 am:

    What is he talking about?

    Are there a bunch of Uber/taxi cab operators also offering childcare services from their cars?

  21. - Dozer - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 10:00 am:


  22. - Sigh - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 10:00 am:

    Sounds to me like he is trying to get out there on all the issues that JB Pritzker is passionate about. Rauner had 2 years to work on early childhood. However, his focus has been on the term limits, property tax relief and Mike Madigan.

    Didn’t Diana Rauner’s early education group, The Ounce of Prevention Fund, sue the Governor as a result of the budget situation?

  23. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 10:03 am:

    He is on thin ice when he makes Trump-like pronupouncements as to what should be ‘criminal’. It’s always the other guy, ain’t it?

  24. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 10:04 am:

    Pronouncements. There

  25. - Anon221 - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 10:04 am:

    Act for Children 2015 report-

  26. - Dome Gnome - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 10:04 am:

    The governor’s goal is to craft an educational system which pumps out compliant workers for him and his friends, captains of industry all, to exploit. What good are toddlers if they’re not lined up in rows of cubicles?

  27. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 10:05 am:

    So why did u cut funding for it Governor. Time to step up and Govern instead of politicking

  28. - Earnest - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 10:07 am:

    I feel like I’m being OODA-looped between yesterday’s capital bill and today’s child brain damage. It makes for great distraction from the fact that the Senate has done some very responsible work and now what is Governor Rauner going to do with the ball. I would say the same for Madigan and the House, but Rauner will say that for me I’m sure, and will be right.

  29. - Honeybear - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 10:08 am:

    No this is just offensive. In his unbridled hatred of SEIU he is attacking the childcare providers, who are union members, a majority black, and fighting poverty themselves. Having served many, many of them in my office I can with 100% certainty tell you that they are wonderful caregivers and good honest decent people. This is nothing more than union hatred, poverty criminalization, and classist bashing of our fellow citizens to justify the cuts he’s about to make.

    perfidy perfidy perfidy perfidy

    Do you people smell it!

    God this makes me so mad that he would go after them.

    It’s like Reagan and his fabled welfare queen.

    Well let me tell you about the real welfare queen.


    How many millions went to the Prairie Street Brewhouse, luxury Condos and Marina?

    Go ahead tell me

    Then we’ll see who’s the welfare queen.

  30. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 10:08 am:

    And what was he doing to enrich the lives of the seniors when he was in the nursing home business? To borrow from Trump,…Fake Governor.

  31. - Altgelds Ghost - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 10:09 am:

    It’s not difficult to understand. He says whatever he thinks will make people like him at the time he says it to the audience he’s in front of. it’s Trumpian.

    We are gonna build a wall and Mexico will pay for it.

  32. - RNUG - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 10:11 am:

  33. - Skeptic - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 10:11 am:

    “Michael Madigan and the day-care centers he controls…”

  34. - RNUG - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 10:12 am:


    I found it interesting that Pharisee was one of the synonyms.

  35. - zatoichi - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 10:14 am:

    Responsibility means walking the talk not just talkin’.

  36. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 10:14 am:

    He just talks, and talks, and talks. Every day another quote, many of which sound good on paper. And then behind the scenes he doesn’t do a damn thing besides fund the ILGOP (oh, wait, he doesn’t even know what they do with his money) and push the same 3 or 4 reforms that’ll have little to no impact on our fiscal situation.

  37. - Pundent - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 10:14 am:

    There’s a really nasty subtext to all of this. If Rauner believes that this is what child care consists of in lower income communities I can see why he would have no qualms in depriving it of funding.

    Is he really suggesting that the state is enabling “institutionalized brain damage”? Has he actually seen this or is this like our crumbling prison schools?

  38. - Anon221 - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 10:18 am:

    You can find the cost for Illinois childcare in this report:

  39. - Daniel Plainview - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 10:20 am:

    Yeah Bruce, poor communities don’t have adequate resources to provide high class childcare, so it ought to be criminalized.

    What was the excuse for your son, did he watch too much tv also?

  40. - wordslinger - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 10:20 am:

    –I feel like I’m being OODA-looped between yesterday’s capital bill and today’s child brain damage. –

    Yeah, that’s the play, but it’s not that terribly different from the usual nonsense of the last two years.

    For example, the governor has convinced some of the people, all of the time, that fulfilling core responsibilities of state government is not worth it unless he can extort some of his personal political agenda out of the legislature.

    So, hocus-pocus-dominocus, the fact that the legislature will not be extorted for measures that Rauner can’t sell on their merits absolves him of the failure to fulfill core responsibilities.

    It’s strange to me that someone with the power of an Illinois governor can convince some people that he’s helpless to do his job, but there’s a sucker born every minute.

  41. - Jocko - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 10:21 am:

    For all those reporters within earshot of “Governor Drive-by”, why aren’t you asking, “How can you say these things while DELIBERATELY starving social services and higher education!?!”

  42. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 10:21 am:

    It’s sounds too often that Rauner completely ignores that he is a governor, the actual governor, and his words are of the type a challenger uses to attack a governor on the campaign trail.

    They key? Rauner gets away with talking like a challenger to a governor instead of being a governor and being challenged why or why not things like this actually “are”

    It’s bizzaro.

  43. - Bowels of the Capitol - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 10:22 am:

    Here is my take on all this:
    Rauner is right. This is why I don’t rely on government to care for my children. We take care of kids, when we can’t do it we have grandparents and aunts uncles and trusted babysitters that do. I wouldn’t have had children if I didn’t believe I couldn’t always see to it they have a loving, learning nurturing environment.

  44. - Ghost - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 10:23 am:

    need to figure this out now

    once we defund contraceptives via planned patenthood and criminalize abortions there will be a greater need

  45. - Repeat - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 10:29 am:

    Didn’t we learn at those “sham hearings” that Rauner’s Secretary of Education, Beth Purvis, is paid by the Department of Human Services? Doesn’t DHS work with individuals in those low income communities that the Governor is talking about?

  46. - NoGifts - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 10:32 am:

    ‘Bowels of the Capitol’ - what a blessed life you have lived! And so responsible too. You are an example for us all.

  47. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 10:34 am:

    Bowels (appropriate, for what you’re peddling), your superiority is duly noted. Thanks for your humble sharing.

    As much of a burden as it must be to be stuck on Planet Earth with lesser mortals (if you are mortal), a quick look around that planet will reveal that good child-care is a necessity in all economies, and for those from all economic and educational circumstances, creeds, colors and religions.

    Try to muddle through with the failures of the rest of us.

  48. - Ducky LaMoore - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 10:34 am:

    It should be criminal? Wow. Big government the answer, eh Bruce. Does he really think the government has a right to enter my house or car to determine if I am “criminally” letting my kids watch too much tv or what he would consider brain damaging tv? “Sorry kids, Daniel Tiger is warping your brain. Here, watch this Joe Verde training. It’ll make you a great person.” What a buffoon. This is starting to get really personal for me.

  49. - Huh? - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 10:35 am:

    Seeing as how 1.4% is a self-professed rascal, I liked this definition from the above link the best:

    rascal, noun, Definition: person who is unprincipled, does not work hard

    Seems to fit 1.4% to a “t”.

  50. - fed up - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 10:36 am:

    What’s his point? Blast poor (read minority) communities? Red meat for the Trumpian base?

    Too reckless, GOVERNOR. Be smart and helpful please.

  51. - wordslinger - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 10:36 am:

    Pardon, 10:34 was me.

  52. - Pundent - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 10:37 am:

    OW - Bizzaro it is. It continues in part because he isn’t being challenged on it. But it also continues because he’s using it to give himself cover. It’s all in the vein of “I don’t want to continue the status quo, I want to fix it but I can’t because I can’t get the reforms I need to make it happen.” To his credit he really has perfected that message to the point where he’s insulated himself from blame and accountability. It also helps when you deliver that message in Springfield or downstate instead of Chicago.

  53. - Earnest - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 10:38 am:

    >I wouldn’t have had children if I didn’t believe I couldn’t always see to it they have a loving, learning nurturing environment.

    I see your point. It’s only n=1, but I’m thinking about a guy whose kid gets early childhood education services. He has some mild cognitive disabilities and doesn’t really understand things enough to plan ahead in order to have prevented getting a girl (and a drug addict at that, pregnant).

    They are not together at this point and shared custody until the mother could not pass a court-mandated drug test and was prohibited from seeing the child. The father lacks understanding to have good work skills and lives in a less-than-ideal environment. So, the child has been bitten by bedbugs while living in a cockroach-infested trailer. he also got lead poisoning, which will lead to cognitive impairment as he ages. There’s no family to help, other than the young man’s father, who is at the same functioning level as him and doesn’t know better and never experienced better, so can’t imaging what a middle class lifestyle into which he could bootstrap himself, would be.

    Again, once person is not appropriate for basing state spending decisions upon. But that is why I advocate for social services. This cycle will continue without some kind of outside intervention. That’s why I’m compassionate for the DCFS front-line worker who goes into the bad neighborhood to check on the kid, bringing a plalstic bag and change of shoes in her trunk so she doesn’t bring bedbug or cockroach eggs back home with her (or him).

  54. - illinoised - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 10:42 am:

    Would love to see Governor Rauner go beyond complaining and offer pragmatic solutions/funding.

  55. - Porgy Tirebiter - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 10:43 am:

    Bowels. So happy for you and your cousin No Move but we’re talking about breathing actual children in needvhere - not theoretical ones

  56. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 10:47 am:

    - Pundent -

    ===It continues in part because he isn’t being challenged on it. But it also continues because he’s using it to give himself cover. It’s all in the vein of “I don’t want to continue the status quo, I want to fix it but I can’t because I can’t get the reforms I need to make it happen.”===

    This is well-said. It also falls upon the Democrats to look at what Rauner says and when Rauner isn’t challenged… no one or the Party… haven’t taken it upon themselves to quickly respond.

    ===To his credit he really has perfected that message to the point where he’s insulated himself from blame and accountability.===

    The goal has been to change the reality of Governors own. While he tries to disprove this, Rauner’s numbers after his millions, are still upside down.

    ===It also helps when you deliver that message in Springfield or downstate instead of Chicago.===

    That’s on the Dems. Being disengaged allows for Rauner not needing to reconcile his silliness.

    You’re on it.

  57. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 10:53 am:

    “offer pragmatic solutions/funding”

    You have made an assumption that the Governor bought the office to help Illinois. I have not seen evidence of that. Don’t confuse what he says with what he does.

  58. - Northsider - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 10:53 am:

    No reporter there pressed him on that comment, his actions, and just what that means? Typical. Just typical.

    It almost makes me want to get back into journalism just so I can go all Lou Grant on the reporter who didn’t ask the obvious follow-up.

  59. - Nick Name - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 10:53 am:

    Dear Gov. Gaslight, there is a tool at your disposal for addressing this situation. It’s right on the tip of my tongue. Starts with a B… a B…u…. b u d…

    Hold on, it’ll come to me soon…

  60. - Thoughts Matter - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 10:54 am:

    Bowels - your unpaid relatives, and your paid babysitters may or may not do any better job that a day care would. A licensed day care, especially one who is paid by the government, has to meet certain standards. Don’t just assume that relatives do any better.

    If quality day care is so important to The Gov, then why did he cut the funding to subsidized day care so low that minimum wage earners mo longer qualified for it? Why has he let social service agencies( some of whom provide day care or ore/school) go unfounded?

    The number 1 way to encourage low income parents to work and get better jobs is to make sure their children are safe.

  61. - Thoughts Matter - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 10:57 am:

    Sorry - pre-school.

  62. - Pundent - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 10:57 am:

    I will say that I don’t necessarily disagree with Rauner about the dangers of TV. That’s why in my household we have an IPI documentary running on a continuous loop.

  63. - Anon221 - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 11:04 am:

    OW- “That’s on the Dems. Being disengaged allows for Rauner not needing to reconcile his silliness.”

    It’s not all on the Dems. It is also on any Republican, any Independent, any Green, Libertarian, Progressive… in short, ANYONE who cares about our state and the People who live here to call him out. He’s shown at past pressers that he does not like the heat, and is likely to completely change the subject, laugh, or actually take offense. Yes, the press needs to press him and do honest fact checking on him. Yes, the Dems need to call him out. But we all need to hold him accountable, Rauner Bucks not withstanding.

  64. - Norseman - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 11:10 am:

    I see the master plan coming together now. He’s starving out the universities so the unemployed educational staff will take lower paid daycare jobs. Thus, improving the quality of education provided to the kids. Brilliant! /s

  65. - 47th Ward - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 11:11 am:

    Institutionalized Brain Damage would be a great name for a band.

  66. - siriusly - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 11:14 am:

    Wow, too bad nobody in Springfield has ever promoted universal preschool before. What a shame that he’s the first person in Springfield to ever say this.

    I give him credit for identifying the problem and the solution. The Governor is right of course, but like Rich said - this bold thinking requires money - not term limits.

    This policy requires money - not redistricting reform.

    Universal pre-k requires money - not the end of collective bargaining.

    This idea requires money - not Madigan the Documentary.

  67. - Pawn - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 11:15 am:


    Others will call you out on your attitude, but I also see a distinct lack of imagination in your response. It pre-supposes that grandparents will never get ill, or that other family members may never have something else to do besides look after your children. Or that you will never have financial struggles or that your spouse will always be there too.

    Sure lots of people get by without publicly funded child care. However, lots of people don’t get by without child care. So the point of publicly funded child care is three-fold: keep children safe, enable parents to work, and prepare children for school. If you can’t see how all of society benefits when those three things are addressed, then you have an even worse imagination than I thought.

  68. - NeverPoliticallyCorrect - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 11:17 am:

    This is just another misdirection action. What do you mean by child care/ Pre-schoolers do not need formalized education. They need a loving environment that allows them to interact with the world and a supportive parent/care-giver who exposes them to the beginnings of reading, math and science.

  69. - Ratso Rizzo - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 11:18 am:

    I see that as another Rauner call to privatize education. Will privatizing education make it better and/or more accountable? I know of no credible studies that support this. Will costs go down? Again, I know of no studies that support this. What does privatizing education accomplish? It eliminates teacher unions, thus eliminating some important support for the Democratic Party. So, to reduce it all to the very core—Rauner just wants to eliminate unions so that the 1.4% get richer while the rest of us get poorer.

  70. - Aldyth - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 11:18 am:


  71. - Signal and Noise - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 11:19 am:

    We’ll need a bigger tax hike if he wants to actually do it…

    No way dude. Term limits will pay for it.

  72. - Henry Francis - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 11:19 am:

    Man is Illinois government messed up. We need someone to shake things up. Someone who is an outsider, who thinks differently. And someone who isn’t afraid to speak to those in power.

    Bruce is still trying to be that guy. Despite the fact he has been governor for the last 2 years. He’s hoping the suckers don’t focus on that part.

  73. - cdog - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 11:21 am:

    Rauner is right on this. As a society, we should insure young children are exposed to environments that encourage their intelligence, not defeat and ruin them before they are five.

    In Illinois, there is alot going on in childcare. DCFS is minimum licensing standards, but there is a new game in town through DHS and their ngo partner INCRRA. Lots of good stuff going on as compared to even a decade ago. Credentials, Rating Systems, Award levels. Real stuff, with real results.

    The goal should be more kids in legitimate high-quality environments.

    The gov’s office has had this page across last few administrations.

  74. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 11:27 am:

    - Anon221 -


    Also note that GA Raunerites won’t, the Raunerite state party won’t, “vertical integration” from think tanks, radio, newspapers, editorial boards… any and all “Raunerite integration”… that’s over now.

    It’s Jim Edgar, the sporadic Republicans here on Rich’s blog… and that it.

    - Anon221 -, the ILGOP is over. Your comment presupposes there is autonomous thought explored in the old ILGOP.

    Don’t. That’s over.

    It’s up to Democrats, ironically, to get the stranger out of the house, formerly known as the ILGOP.

    Crazy, but true.

  75. - Ratso Rizzo - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 11:29 am:

    ====- cdog - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 11:21 am:

    Rauner is right on this. As a society, we should insure young children are exposed to environments that encourage their intelligence, not defeat and ruin them before they are five.

    In Illinois, there is alot going on in childcare. DCFS is minimum licensing standards, but there is a new game in town through DHS and their ngo partner INCRRA. Lots of good stuff going on as compared to even a decade ago. Credentials, Rating Systems, Award levels. Real stuff, with real results.

    The goal should be more kids in legitimate high-quality environments.

    The gov’s office has had this page across last few administrations.

    It’s all window dressing when you’re vetoing budgets and proposing balanced budgets (or any kind of budget!). Instead of dumping $100 mil into his re-election (lol) fund, do you know how much good that would do for kids who need early education? It’s like walking by the homeless dude and shouting “Somebody should help this guy!” while you’ve got a stack of hundreds in your pocket.

  76. - Anon - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 11:31 am:

    It must be Madigan’s fault that the Governor cut funding for day care.

  77. - Huh? - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 11:47 am:

    Isn’t there an early childhood education program for low income families called “Head Start”?

    Is Head Start causing the institutionalized brain damage?

  78. - Anon221 - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 11:57 am:

    OW- I still have hope for the party you remain true to- that there are still brave and courageous members of the ILGOP that will stand up to Rauner, and not just at election time, but on the floor votes, overrides, and in the media. But in the face of fear of the Retribution of Rauner, I, too, fear that it well may be over for the ILGOP. It’s a sad, sad commentary that we have so few true public servants and so many political sycophants these days.

  79. - Anon221 - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 12:28 pm:

    From Update 2- “The governor and First Lady have spent more time working to improve the lives of young children than almost any couple in America.”

    Translation??? “Only Diana and I can save the children!” Their self-promotion is really getting old.

  80. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 12:33 pm:

    Hi “ck”,

    ===The governor and First Lady have spent more time working to improve the lives of young children than almost any couple in America.===

    Matthew 6:1-3

    Hypocrisy and pointing “look at us” when in reality, this Governor has shown anything but a lack of respect to process and governing, by not even having a budgetary measure of what any program should be or what should be spent is indeed the warnings of Matthew and the hypocrisy of those pointing to themselves to make themselves “better” while ignoring the obvious hypocrisy.



  81. - RNUG - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 12:47 pm:

    == The governor and First Lady have spent more time working to improve the lives of young children than almost any couple in America.==

    Too bad so little of his time was spent on actually crafting a budget to achieve that.

  82. - Jocko - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 12:51 pm:

    ==The governor and First Lady have spent more time working to improve the lives of young children than almost any couple in America.==

    Not to mention his willingness to do the job of Governor FOR FREE! /s

  83. - Politix - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 12:58 pm:

    I grew up on a steady diet of Tom & Jerry and I turned out OK.

  84. - Enviro - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 1:02 pm:

    Early childhood education should be provided by public schools with qualified teachers who have at least a four year college degree.

  85. - Anon221 - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 1:03 pm:

    Jocko- Dr. Rauner is workin’ for free, too, at Ounce ;)

  86. - Jocko - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 1:41 pm:


    Thanks for the reminder! ck forgot to add that we should be awed by their beneficence and pursuit of noblesse oblige.

  87. - Joe Biden Was Here - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 1:50 pm:

    Ck is full of beans. You can’t mischaracterize what Rauner said. It’s offensive at a basic level. Plus everybody knows what “lower-income” is code for. Stay classy, Gov!!

  88. - Triple fat - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 2:06 pm:

    Jocko - and yet… at no other time in the history of the Great State of Illinois, has anyone working for free cost us so much!

  89. - Repeat - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 2:07 pm:

    By saying “low income communities” did the Governor just admit that we needed to increase the minimum wage, so parents can afford child care?

  90. - Tasha Green Cruzat - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 2:33 pm:

    It’s critical that the Governor and legislature work towards quality child care for every Illinois child and family. Illinois has long been a leader in developing the standards and quality for child care programs. Providing the necessary state funds to restore eligibility of child care in Illinois to 185% of the poverty level as well as to support investments in increased training for child care providers is vital.

    Tasha Green Cruzat

    President, Voices for Illinois Children

  91. - A Jack - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 2:42 pm:

    I believe ck that you forgot to address the “strap the kid in a car seat” part of the comment which to me seems to be an accusation of restraining a child which could be considered child abuse. If the Governor actually knows of this happening, why hasn’t he called on DCFS to investigate? So the governor is either not being truthful or he is derelict in his duties.

  92. - JS Mill - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 2:44 pm:

    =And as Governor, he has successfully increased early childhood funding by $100 million.=

    Fascinating “CK”, but since you brought it up….

    Early Childhood Block Grant funding for pre-k programs is going to be up for competitive bid this year. It is long over due. That is where it gets interesting.

    First- The RFP is not yet available even though we are moving toward the time of year when schools make staffing decisions. For districts with programs that currently receive grant money, we will not know if we will continue to receive teh same, less, more, or any funding until who knows when since they cannot give a target date. Be assured it will be long after March.

    Second- The priorities have changed in ways that it is unlikely for many districts will be able to qualify because of the types of services they want us to offer but large districts or organizations (Think Ounce) can and do.

    Speaking of Ounce of Prevention- looking at documents available on the ISBE website and sent to districts today, “The Ounce Of Prevention Fund” is printed at the bottom of the page- I have provided a link below.

    My guess is that “The Ounce” is going to be just fine and is inline for a windfall.

    Something about that does not seem right.

  93. - Honeybear - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 4:05 pm:

    Restaurant quality js mill. We talked about this a ways back. The reason to keep mrs Rauner on was to eventually consolidate all the mom and pop agencies under ounce. Leveraged buyout wins again.

    My god that is so unethical. Diana wears Privilege.

  94. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 4:12 pm:

    - Honeybear -

    The Ounce will take the “heat” because the know Diana is an insurance policy to sustain during Bruce’s continuation to ruin other social service agencies?

    Diana may have a social agenda, while she claimed Bruce did not?

    I do wonder, aloud here too, how The Ounce will fit here with this. I dunno yet.

  95. - Anonymous - Monday, Jan 23, 17 @ 6:18 pm:

    How is it that women do not want to stay at home and take care of their own kids? We humans don’t know how to be human anymore. Most people don’t feed their children natural food made for them by nature. We give our kids away for others to raise that do not love them. Something is very wrong with this society.

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