Stop, please
Monday, Oct 11, 2004 - Posted by Rich Miller You know that new rumor that everyone keeps talking about? I lost count of the emails, instant messages and phone calls about this salacious topic since Friday afternoon. Well, stop it. It’s not true. Take my word for it. I checked it out with mutual friends. Everything’s fine. End of subject. Update - And to the anonymous poster, I’m not sure what planet you’re on or rumor you’re talking about, but you’re way off.
- Anonymous - Monday, Oct 11, 04 @ 10:59 pm:
Don’t be so sure it is not true. Sign locations often times will tell the story. Being tossed from his home after high school by the Apostolic Father. That legendary work ethic doesn’t only apply to being a landlord. Check with different sources.
- OneMan - Tuesday, Oct 12, 04 @ 6:32 am:
You know someone is pushing it hard when I get an e-mail with the info as a ‘tip’.