Cosgrove Interviewed
Thursday, Oct 28, 2004 - Posted by Rich Miller
Personal PAC’s Terry Cosgrove was interviewed this week by the Windy City Times. Read it if you want his take on some legislative races, but I thought the end was the most interesting part:
We do four significant things for candidates. The first involves calling every female in a district and asking if they’re in favor of keeping the law on abortion the way it is or if they’re in favor of changing it. That way, we identify who’s pro-choice and who isn’t. If they want to keep it the way it is, then the person is pro-choice and we tell them [how the candidates stand on abortion.] We amass thousands of pro-choice voters in each district this way.
The second thing we then do is directly mail these voters. There are different pieces depending on the candidate and the district.
We also help candidates in other ways. For example, we also urge people to register to vote, which usually involves hiring a consultant. In Naomi [Jakobsson’s] case, we hired a coordinator who ran a program to register over 10,000 voters. We also provide campaign advice for candidates, which can involve providing campaign documentation or help with public speaking.
The last thing we do is make “Get out the vote†phone calls the last few days before the election. We remind them of the election date. That involves hundreds of callers in different precincts.
We don’t do a scatter-shot approach. One of the reasons I believe we have been successful is because we strategically choose our battles.
They call every female in the districts. That’s a big reason why Personal PAC has been so effective over the years. They really work it and they are super-organized.
And, yes, that’s “Hanoi Jane” in the photo.