Oh, dear God, NOOOOO!!!
Thursday, Oct 28, 2004 - Posted by Rich Miller
I guess we should have seen this coming.

With doctors fleeing Illinois because of sky-rocketing insurance rates and out-of-control lawsuits, an ailing “Flippy†the Dolphin suffered alone in dry-dock today, unable to carry on his tireless crusade to understand why Melissa Bean opposes tax relief.
Sadly, the dolphin’s condition worsened when he learned that Bean has no interest in remedying the doctor shortage or brining an end to what amounts to a “Health Tax†on consumers, preferring instead to remain in the tank with legal barracudas eager to sponge off our health care system and plumb the depths of excessive jury awards. [Big Snip]
Given the downturn in his condition, it appears increasingly unlikely “Flippy†will be able to meet Bean and attempt to understand why she is against delivering tax relief. The Democrat has dodged the friendly ‘phin at every stop this week, doing everything she can to avoid the question of taxes altogether.
Maybe we can still save Flipper by all clapping our hands and saying together: “I believe in anthropomorphic Republican dolphins. I believe!”
I get the feeling this is not my finest moment.
- OneMan - Thursday, Oct 28, 04 @ 6:58 pm:
I get the feeling this is not my finest moment…
No that was in the earlier entry on a Keyes telling reporters they suck…
But using the phrase ‘anthropomorphic Republican dolphins’ is up there on the list. That would also be a heck of a band name
- Anonymous - Thursday, Oct 28, 04 @ 7:01 pm:
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- Anonymous - Friday, Oct 29, 04 @ 9:43 am:
Nah, sorry Rich, there’s no saving Flippy…when a fish spends too much time out of water, it dies. Similarly, there’s no saving Phil “where’s my district?” Crane…when a Congressman spends too much time on lobbyist-funded junkets and no time in the home district, a political career dies.
Maybe on Wednesday, after the Election, we can put Flippy and Phil on a plane back to Florida - after all, they both need to return to their natural habitats.
Go get ‘em Bean-er! And yes Rich, you know who wrote this.