The further adventures of Flippy the Dolphin
Thursday, Oct 28, 2004 - Posted by Rich Miller
Here’s a pretty good article about the Phil Crane vs. Melissa Bean race, but it tells us nothing about Flippy the Dolphin.
The Palatine Countryside fills the void:
Crane supporters have called Bean’s position on taxes “inconsistent.” Saturday a person dressed as “Flippy” the dolphin stood in Lake Zurich’s Paulus Park parking lot with other protesting Republicans calling Bean a “flip-flopper” as she, Durbin and Obama rallied her troops.
The Bean campaign called the accusations “desperate attacks.”
More on Flippy’s adventures from a Wednesday GOP press release:

A sorrowful “Flippy†the Dolphin attempted to deliver flowers to Democrat Melissa Bean today and learn more about why she opposes the permanent repeal of the Death Tax, which punishes hard working farmers, ranchers, and small business owners. Sadly for the dolphin, Bean had no interest in discussing the issue, and skated out a back door at an afternoon campaign event – leaving 8th District voters high and dry. [Snip]
Forced to wait outside as Bean plotted her escape, an exhausted and dejected Flippy began to notice he was coming down with a cold, brought on by a week’s worth of attempts to meet the person who wants to be his Congresswoman.
Undeterred by Bean’s slights, Flippy vowed to see a Doctor on Thursday and continue his quest to understand just who is Melissa Bean.
How’d you like to have, “2004: Played the part of ‘Flippy the Dolphin,’” on your resumé? I bet that shows up as “Political Operative” instead.
I wonder what they ended up doing with the flowers?
- Anonymous - Thursday, Oct 28, 04 @ 11:29 am:
Flippy, the land shark called, he wants his suit back.