Althoff goes up
Friday, Oct 29, 2004 - Posted by Rich Miller Sen. Pamela Althoff (R-McHenry) has bought Chicago broadcast TV time. No definite word yet on the buy’s size, but rumor has it at $200K. Let’s see, Althoff and Patrick Ouimet are up. Sen. Pat Welch is on the air, as is his GOP opponent Gary Dahl. Morris Republican House candidate Doug Hayse has a tiny TV buy. Can anyone remember a time when this many state legislative candidates have run Chicago television ads? Usually, it’s just one race a cycle, if that.
- Anonymous - Friday, Oct 29, 04 @ 1:18 pm:
Biggest waste of money. They all have small gross rate point totals… and even smaller legislative districts for voters to try and catch those ads. There is way to much money available this cycle.
- Anonymous - Friday, Oct 29, 04 @ 1:46 pm:
State disclosure reveals that labor organizations have too much PAC money.
- Rich Miller - Friday, Oct 29, 04 @ 1:51 pm:
That link led to a list of all candidates. And if you think labor has a lot of cash, go here