Operation Save Forby
Friday, Oct 29, 2004 - Posted by Rich Miller Governor Rod Blagojevich was down in southern Illinois today to announce a multi-million-dollar clean coal initiative and help state Sen. Gary Forby’s campaign. The governor heaped praise on the appointed incumbent, who is in a tough re-election race. My brother was there (he owns a couple of papers in the region). “It was ‘Gary Forby Day,’” was how Devin described it. UPDATE: From comments section comes this valuable insight: As unpopular as Blagojevich is in Southern Illinois, this may blow up in Forby’s face, $15 million dollars or not.
- Anonymous - Friday, Oct 29, 04 @ 2:12 pm:
As unpopular as Blagojevich is in Southern Illinois, this may blow up in Forby’s face, $15 million dollars or not.
- Anonymous - Friday, Oct 29, 04 @ 3:16 pm:
the polling for the governor is terrible south of 80. If I worked for Watson, I’d wrap this around Forby’s neck
- Anonymous - Friday, Oct 29, 04 @ 4:41 pm:
Ron Summers has been has been attacking Forby as being in bed with the “liberal Chicago politicians that run the state” for several weeks. The TV ad shows a b/w Blago photo. Can’t see that it’s done much good yet. Another independent group is doing the funniest ad of the campaign the last couple of days showing cartoon images of Forby and Mayor Daley parading around Chicago liberally spending money on Chicago projects. It’s a funny ad, but so ridiculous no one would take it seriously.
- Anonymous - Friday, Oct 29, 04 @ 4:42 pm:
Ron Summers has been has been attacking Forby as being in bed with the “liberal Chicago politicians that run the state” for several weeks. The TV ad shows a b/w Blago photo. Can’t see that it’s done much good yet. Another independent group is doing the funniest ad of the campaign the last couple of days showing cartoon images of Forby and Mayor Daley parading around Chicago liberally spending money on Chicago projects. It’s a funny ad, but so ridiculous no one would take it seriously.
- Anonymous - Friday, Oct 29, 04 @ 5:56 pm:
Summers is as stiff as a board, and has no independent thought. Forby may not have the best grammer, but he’s the type of guy that stands up for his friends and family, and is honest almost to a fault. Also why does Blago have to be so patronizing when speaking about his “friends” ?? He enjoys throwing these little barbs around that are always insulting. Just another example of why the people from Little Egypt don’t trust Chicagoans.