What, no Keyes endorsement?
Friday, Oct 29, 2004 - Posted by Rich Miller State Rep. Beth Coulson has an “R” behind her name, she sits on the Republican side of the House, votes with the GOP caucus for leadership. The trouble is, her district leans heavily Democratic. The Democrats have been trying to inform voters all season that Coulson is really a Republican, but Coulson has complained that the Democrats are just being mean. One of my subscribers received some Coulson lit in the mail today. I have some excerpts below. Sorry about the size, but I couldn’t make them any smaller. The first has her with the ever-popular Barack Obama, who, in reality, has endorsed Coulson’s Democratic opponent. This next mailer features Governor Rod Blagojevich, complete with a helpful quote from the Democratic leader. She even features Attorney General Lisa Madigan in the Blagojevich piece. As one Republican cracked today, “Coulson gives RINOs a bad name.” (A RINO, for those of you who don’t know, is a Republican In Name Only.) More later this weekend.
- Anonymous - Saturday, Oct 30, 04 @ 7:11 am:
And the goofs at Ch2 quote GOP Chief of Staff Bill O’Connor saying the D’s are running the dirtiest campaign ever.
- AmyEAllen - Saturday, Oct 30, 04 @ 8:58 am:
Evidently these Coulson castigators don’t grasp that Coulson is indeed an exemplar State Representative and that this is a contentious race that mandates bipartisan unity for Rep Coulson. Vote to Re-Elect State Rep Beth Coulson, a moderate, independent leader on Tuesday, November 2nd, 2004!
Amy Allen
Obiter Dictum Blog
- Chris Rhodes - Saturday, Oct 30, 04 @ 12:14 pm:
How bout that Picture of Lisa and Coulson.
I bet Melissa Merz is kinda salty that it showed up…
I heard that someone…..got thrown out of the press conference for taking political pictures…..
They probably shouldn’t have invited Beth.
That is all…..