Is it me…
Tuesday, Oct 12, 2004 - Posted by Rich Miller …or did Alan Keyes win that debate (more than partly due to the types of questions asked)? Yes, Keyes got a little testy with one of the questioners, but at the very least he held his own, suppressed his loonier tendencies, and talked like a fairly normal human being. At worst, it was a tie. He certainly beat the extremely low expectations of his performance. More in the fax tomorrow.
Best line so far
Tuesday, Oct 12, 2004 - Posted by Rich Miller Excuse me, let me finish. Excuuuse me.
WJBC site slammed
Tuesday, Oct 12, 2004 - Posted by Rich Miller Can’t get through. Good thing I remembered I have a decent AM radio in the house.
Debate Stuff
Tuesday, Oct 12, 2004 - Posted by Rich Miller Thanks to ArchPundit, we have a link to a station that will be broadcasting tonight’s debate over the Internet. I checked it out and the station has apparently updated its online capabilities since the spring, when I couldn’t get its debate broadcast to work. WJBC Also, here’s a list of all the stations in the Illinois Radio Network, which is hosting the debate. Over at Truth Girl, we have the Obama/Keyes debate drinking game. I would highly advise against participating, however, because you could die of alcholol poisoning after about ten minutes. 1 drink: Two drinks every time Keyes interrupts the moderator and two drinks every time he interrupts Obama? Truth Girl is trying to kill us all.
The goose and the gander…
Tuesday, Oct 12, 2004 - Posted by Rich Miller Via comments we learn that the JoinCross bloggers have changed their post about the Democrats playing the race card in Rep. Beth Coulson’s campaign. Looks like a lot of it was deleted. As I wrote in the Capitol Fax today, slamming the Democrats for race-baiting was probably their only option, considering the trouble they’re in up there. But the House Republicans’ hands are not totally clean on this subject, as we’ll discuss in tomorrow’s edition. Their huffing and puffing… I mean, the Democrats claim to be the party of progressiveness and inclusion yet Michelle Bromberg and Speaker Madigan are playing this card as if it is 1904 instead of 2004. …is not exactly credible. Check tomorrow’s fax.
Tuesday, Oct 12, 2004 - Posted by Rich Miller Could this find its way into an anti-Beth Coulson mailer soon? Word is, it might.
No room at the inn
Tuesday, Oct 12, 2004 - Posted by Rich Miller I know I promised a story about the negativity in Rep. Mike McAuliffe’s race for today, but there wasn’t enough room. I’ll run it tomorrow. Also, expect a story on Congressman Crane’s race against a very hard-charging Democratic challenger. If you want to see the Alan Keyes part of the anti-Coulson mailer that was discussed in today’s Capitol Fax, go here. Go here for a new story on the Will County State’s Attorney scandal.
Guest Blogger
Monday, Oct 11, 2004 - Posted by Rich Miller Don Rose is a legendary Democratic campaign consultant and political pundit. He originally sent this out to his friends and associates, then I asked if I could post it here. I’ll have a Republican perspective soon.
Stop, please
Monday, Oct 11, 2004 - Posted by Rich Miller You know that new rumor that everyone keeps talking about? I lost count of the emails, instant messages and phone calls about this salacious topic since Friday afternoon. Well, stop it. It’s not true. Take my word for it. I checked it out with mutual friends. Everything’s fine. End of subject. Update - And to the anonymous poster, I’m not sure what planet you’re on or rumor you’re talking about, but you’re way off.
Running scared
Monday, Oct 11, 2004 - Posted by Rich Miller Remember earlier when I wrote about how the governor was bending over backwards to placate the Latino Caucus? This just in…. Gov. Rod Blagojevich on Monday appointed a panel to investigate work-related deaths among Illinois’ immigrant laborers, with an eye on tragedies impacting the state’s 1.6 million Hispanics. They must really have him scared.
Amen to that
Monday, Oct 11, 2004 - Posted by Rich Miller Copley weekend political columnist Doug Finke hits the nail on the head. If you think the Republicans were nuts to select carpetbagging Alan Keyes as their U.S. Senate candidate, you’ll love a Daily Southtown newspaper poll from last week. The answer to that rhetorical question is obviously, “No.”