More on this tomorrow…
Thursday, Oct 21, 2004 - Posted by Rich Miller Barack Obama finally helped voters see tonight that Alan Keyes is smug, condescending and arrogant to the core. Keyes truly believes he is right and the rest of us are wrong. He talks down to us as if we were small-minded children in desperate need of his vast “wisdom.” The mask Keyes wore so successfully in the first debate was partially removed tonight. Let’s hope it’s pulled all the way off during the next debate. Now, back to the ballgame.
Thursday, Oct 21, 2004 - Posted by Rich Miller I finally read the Illinois State Bar Association opinion about the tone and content of the supreme court race’s TV ads. More details in the Capitol Fax, but it comes down much harder on Republican candidate Lloyd Karmeier than Democrat Gordon Maag. Still, I’d be willing to bet that the media reports it as “both sides condemned,” and leaves it at that, as the AP has already done. Fixed headline. Oops.
Debate update
Thursday, Oct 21, 2004 - Posted by Rich Miller This e-mail just came from the Keyes campaign. It’s a list of radio and TV stations carrying tonight’s debate. CSPAN-2 will be running it live, as will ABC-7 in Chicago.
The other side
Thursday, Oct 21, 2004 - Posted by Rich Miller I received this e-mail today about Mike Noland’s House race against GOP Rep. Ruth Munson. I’m intimately familiar with this race. Considering Noland has walked the entire district, and has dozens (plural) of volunteers that are doing literature drops for him in different parts of his district, I think he has run the best low-budget campaign in Illinois. And from comments, we get this: This guy is not crazy (maybe a little too excited about a “Tier 2″ state rep race to be entirely normal), but word has it that Madigan has been monitoring this race for quite some time.
Bean buys broadcast TV
Thursday, Oct 21, 2004 - Posted by Rich Miller Congressman Phil Crane’s Democratic challenger is taking the broadcast TV plunge. The Democrat goes up on Chicago network stations with about $350,000 in ads tomorrow. More is on its way, however, and the League of Conservation Voters is already up with an anti-Crane ad. Crane, himself, is already in for 1,100 points, with more to follow. Check tomorrow’s Capitol Fax for more info.
Thursday, Oct 21, 2004 - Posted by Rich Miller JustPAC, a business-related tort reform “group” has dropped another $300,000 into Republican Supreme Court candidate Lloyd Karmeier’s campaign. That contribution means JustPAC has dropped all but $200,000 on Karmeier of the $1.2 million it has raised so far this year. And stay tuned for a truly huge contribution to Karmeier very soon.
Not what he wanted
Thursday, Oct 21, 2004 - Posted by Rich Miller Republican Supreme Court candidate Lloyd Karmeier asked the Illinois State Bar Association last week smack Democrat Gordon Maag for running ads that violated a clean campaign pledge that both men signed. Today, the ISBA called on both Karmeier and Maag to disavow their negative ads, two by Maag and one by Karmeier. A committee set up to act as ethical policeman in the hotly contested state Supreme Court race in southern Illinois said Thursday that both campaigns stepped over the line with negative television advertisements.
Lake County heats up
Thursday, Oct 21, 2004 - Posted by Rich Miller Strange goings-on in the land to the North. As candidates for county-wide office enter the final weeks of campaigning, challengers for two usually low-profile races are ratcheting up the pressure on their incumbents. That’s some creepy stuff about the coroner’s race. You definitely should read the rest of the article.
Coulson piece
Thursday, Oct 21, 2004 - Posted by Rich Miller Keep in mind when reading this story that the 59th Senate District race may break the $2 million mark. In what could be one of the state’s most expensive General Assembly races, Republican Rep. Elizabeth Coulson of Glenview is fighting for her political life against a well-funded opponent on the independent-minded North Shore.
Not what you would call “hot”
Thursday, Oct 21, 2004 - Posted by Rich Miller Keep in mind when reading this story that Democrat Michael Noland has raised about $12,000 since July 1st. This ain’t no hot race. With campaign signs sprouting like dandelions in front yards and candidate forums airing almost every week, the race for state representative in the 43rd District is shaping up as the most contentious legislative campaign in the northwest suburbs. There is a far more competitive, contentious and expensive northwest suburban race. Check out today’s Capitol Fax for details.
Oh, that’s rich
Thursday, Oct 21, 2004 - Posted by Rich Miller From the Tribune: Gov. Rod Blagojevich said Wednesday that a trip to a posh Puerto Rican resort paid by companies and lobbyists for 11 Latino legislators creates a “perception problem.” The governor flies all over the country and is feted, wined and dined at the finest hotels and restaurants, almost all paid for by lobbyists, state contractors and other hangers-on through his campaign fund, and he has the gall to even suggest that somebody else has a “perception problem”? Give me a break.
“Here” is a little background on today’s issue
Thursday, Oct 21, 2004 - Posted by Rich Miller Go here to watch the new TV ad by 32nd Senate District candidate Patrick Ouimet (D-Woodstock). You can find an article about Sen. Pam Althoff’s support for a school tax swap here. Go here for a decent background piece on 38th Senate District candidate Gary Dahl (R-Granville). You can find Dahl’s response to Sen. Pat Welch’s attack ads here Here is the recent press release from the Illinois Campaign for Political Reform that talks about fundraising totals. The Illinois State Rifle Association’s press release on Attorney General Lisa Madigan’s call for an assault weapons ban is here. And here is an article about Rep. Ron Stephens’ battle with prostate cancer.