Where the hardcore lives
Wednesday, Nov 3, 2004 - Posted by Rich Miller The ten counties that Alan Keyes won yesterday are marked with a dark red “K.” Counties where he took between 45 and 50 percent of the vote are labeled with the pinkish “K.” The counties that Barack Obama won with more than 65 percent are marked with the big blue “O.” (Click the map for a larger image) You can’t miss that big cluster of red K’s in the southeastern part of the state. That’s much of the area represented by Rep. Bill Grunloh (D-Effingham). Little wonder that the appointed Democrat got less than 38 percent of the vote yesterday.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Nov 3, 04 @ 3:02 pm:
This interesting map raises two thoughts. One, what if Keyes stays in Illinois to build a social consevative movement in central and far southern Illinois? And Two, what does it mean that Keyes didn’t do any better in Dave Syverson’s district?
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Nov 3, 04 @ 3:51 pm:
I am from Shelby Co. and the map I saw had Keyes with some votes but not winning. Anyway, Shelby Co. is hard core Democrat - no Republicans even ran for county office. The Dems were unopposed. I am not sure why Keyes would run well there, unless it was a black/white thing and the fine folks in southern Shelby thought Keyes was white. Go figure.
- illinoispolitik - Friday, Nov 5, 04 @ 7:12 pm:
The House GOP beat Democrat Grunloh in a district comprised of the counties that were right-wing, GOP, evangelical, and frankly nutty enough to carry ALAN KEYES over Barack Obama - and they’re spinning that as “an impressive victory?
If they’re calling that “an impressive victory” with a straight face, I’ve got some WMDs in Baghdad I’d like to sell them!
Thanks to Capitol Fax for pointing this out!
- JoshWeger - Sunday, Nov 7, 04 @ 6:41 pm:
Hey, I’m from Lawrence County and this map is wrong. Barack Obama carried Lawrence County, not Alan Keyes.
- Rich Miller - Sunday, Nov 7, 04 @ 11:08 pm:
If you look at the explanation, you’ll see that counties marked with pink K’s, like Lawrence, are where Keyes received 45-50 percent.