Will you pay for Peoria (Pundit)?
Saturday, Nov 13, 2004 - Posted by Rich Miller Peoria Pundit’s site has been missing lately, and he explains today that his host’s server crashed and burned. PP wants to move to a new host, but explains it will cost a lot of money and is asking readers for financial assistance. Give the guy a hand if you can. Just click on the PayPal logo, which is midway down the right side of his home page. And here’s another tip: Never drink extra-dry martinis on an empty stomach. Oy. I hope I can still go back to that place. UPDATE: Apparently, I will be allowed back into the restaurant, but my martini intake will be closely monitored.
- Bill Dennis - Sunday, Nov 14, 04 @ 1:00 am:
By “a lot,” I mean maybe $200 for a year’s contract with a good, reliable (for a change) company. I’ve been going with the cheapest plan possible that provides as much bandwidth as possible. All I’ll need is the difference between the refund I expect to get on my remaining one-year contract.
And THANK YOU for the link. We’re not all grossly overpaid syndicated columnists.
- Anonymous - Sunday, Nov 14, 04 @ 12:44 pm:
Many, many bloggers use blogger.com, bloghorn.com, livejournal.com etc. that provide sites FREE. Yeah, I know Bill won’t be able to post as many (if any) of those cheesecake photos he’s so fond of, but, frankly, no big loss as far as I’m concerned.
- Bill Dennis - Sunday, Nov 14, 04 @ 1:08 pm:
I need my own domain for the control it gives me over forums, galleries, commenting, multiple blogs, etc. Also, there isn’t a free image hosting service that I trust. I lost two sets of blogs with blogger back when they were having so many problems with archives. Never again.