Thursday Morning Wrap-up
Thursday, Nov 4, 2004 - Posted by Rich Miller I’m taking the day off, but I’ll direct you to some stories that I paid attention to this morning. Rep. Ricca Slone (D-Peoria Heights) wants a recount. The Sun-Times and the Tribune both run stories about Cicero GOP Rep. Frank Aguilar’s stunning defeat. Neither paper, however, bothers to give its readers the breakdown of how well the rest of the Democratic ticket did in Cicero this year. Typical. Capitol Fax, which is on hiatus today, will have more on that race when it returns (which may be tomorrow, or not). Senator Dick Durbin’s potential for moving up the leadership ladder is discussed here and here. I can’t believe that the US Senate Democrats are about to make the same mistake that they made with Tom Daschle and elect Harry Reid, a Red-State Democrat, their next minority leader. Never make a potential target your leader. It doesn’t work. The Statehouse shooter was ruled unfit for trial. The inevitable Chicken Little story about the Illinois Republican Party appeared in the Tribune today, soon to be followed most definitely by every other media outlet. Some background on the Republican losses in Will County is here.