A little help, please
Thursday, Dec 16, 2004 - Posted by Rich Miller I received this e-mail today, and she said I could post it here. Anyone know how to help? Hi: Post your ideas, leads, etc. here.
Thursday, Dec 16, 2004 - Posted by Rich Miller This Wednesday article in the Naperville Sun appears to be the source of the Tribune’s contention that Governor Blagojevich postponed his Wednesday announcement of his video game criminalization proposal in order to get as much media exposure as possible. The governor’s office continues to deny that it postponed the event so it could get more coverage. It was a typical day at the office for Nina Menis on Tuesday.
Uncivil behavior
Thursday, Dec 16, 2004 - Posted by Rich Miller Eric Zorn concludes today’s column about candidates refusing to concede or act politely after a race is over: Campaigning is often an uncivil sport, in part because voters seem to respond to slashing personal attacks. But, like actual sport, it relies on an overarching and enduring civility. Good jab, Eric. My only problem with the thesis is that Alan Keyes had no decent manners to forget. Keyes began, ran and finished his campaign as perhaps the most uncivil major-party, statewide general election candidate this state has ever seen. Gracious concession requires that a politician recognize and bow to the people’s will. Alan Keyes believes he is the instrument of God’s will. Therefore, no concessions are necessary because he did as instructed. Phil Crane’s heavily Republican district insulated him from the people’s will for so long that he believed he owned the seat. In situations like Crane’s, opponents are viewed as thieves who want to steal an owner’s most cherished possession. Nobody ever thanks a thief for a job well done. I agree that more civility would be a good thing. But Keyes and Crane (and state Rep. Ricca Slone and several others this year) are clueless about the concept. Good riddance to all.
Mr. 27% Re-Emerges
Thursday, Dec 16, 2004 - Posted by Rich Miller Alan Keyes rationalizes his pathetic loss to Barack Obama in a recent speech in Decatur (via the freshly returned Archpundit): And in our public and political life, that means taking a stand that is consistent with truth, and doing it whether we win or lose, doing it whether we are praised or blamed, doing it whether we are accepted and received or reviled and despised, even by those who profess to share our Christian faith. I’m not quite sure how you’d write an outlook like that into Illinois’ election law, however. For the foreseeable future, 27 percent will lose to 70 percent.
Trib finally catches on
Thursday, Dec 16, 2004 - Posted by Rich Miller It only took them two years, but the Tribune is finally breaking the code. Blagojevich, who has tried to craft a populist image, will ask the legislature Thursday to make it a misdemeanor for retailers to allow anyone younger than 18 to walk out of their stores with violent or sexually explicit video games. […] More analysis here.