Will they start running makeover stories?
Tuesday, Jan 18, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller
From an Illinois Issues interview with House Republican Leader Tom Cross:
Q. You mentioned the Internet. Can you talk about your Web site, your blog? Where does that come from and what’s the goal, to build support with younger voters?
CROSS: Yeah, of course it is. There’s a younger generation out there that gets their news and information about everything, not just politics, off the Internet, not watching Dan Rather or whomever. And so we think that’s the way to attract people, and we’ve had a lot of successes. People are reading our Web site and participating in the blog and that’s kind of neat.
It’s just a different way to communicate. Some people read Cosmopolitan. Some people read Glamour. Some people look at the Internet.
The Cosmo of the Internets.
- Rick Klau - Tuesday, Jan 18, 05 @ 4:08 pm:
I can just see the headlines now:
“13 policies the Democrats don’t want you to know!”
“Filibuster: The untold story”
“Precinct captains reveal their secrets”
These are our choices? I mean, if I read the Internet, does that mean I *can’t* read Glamour or Cosmopolitan?
For the stories, of course.
- So-Called Austin Mayor - Tuesday, Jan 18, 05 @ 5:12 pm:
“Should you be voting Republican? Take our quiz!”
“Good Pols with Strange Bedfellows”
“His Tiny Mandate”
“7 New Ways to Satisfy Your Constituency”
“Forbidden Desire: I Think I’m In Love With Barack Obama!”
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Jan 18, 05 @ 9:13 pm:
More like…
“Forbidden Desire: I Think I’m In Love With Richard Irvin!”
- Anonymous - Monday, Jan 24, 05 @ 1:39 pm:
Easy now.
Richard Irvin probably needs to actually get elected before we fall over ourselves declaring him the next big thing…