Longo Spills
Friday, Jan 21, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller Here’s the letter I wrote about in today’s “extra.” It’s a draft version, with one sentence redacted. As I told you in Capitol Fax, the governor’s office has refused to comment.
- Anonymous - Friday, Jan 21, 05 @ 4:04 pm:
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- Anonymous - Friday, Jan 21, 05 @ 5:08 pm:
Mell’s revenge begins.
- Anonymous - Friday, Jan 21, 05 @ 6:24 pm:
Two things — what’s blacked out? And why didn’t anyone know what Rod’s real name is?
- Anonymous - Friday, Jan 21, 05 @ 8:32 pm:
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- Anonymous - Friday, Jan 21, 05 @ 8:49 pm:
What if Dominic Longo starts talking about all the dirty work he did for Daley, Tim Degnan and Victor Reyes?
He was the mechanic on the difficult races and raised a lot of money for the mayor.
He could blow Chicago wide open.
Has he become a born again reformer?
- Anonymous - Saturday, Jan 22, 05 @ 11:37 am:
This is the political dirty work of Karl Rove.
The Avila’s are close to the Bush White House
and the Republicans want to squash the Blago Presidential bug NOW
- Anonymous - Saturday, Jan 22, 05 @ 3:45 pm:
Just think now that everyone has turned on Rod, we can be saved by the God Fearing, Family Values GOP gang and go back to the good old days. Remember them? Roger the Hog, Dean Bauer, George Ryan, Lee Daniels and the boys from “DuPate” county. Keep in mind, no one, has found anything on all the Rod rumors despite the GOP and Rod haters in orgasmic joy everytime a new rumor pops up. He may not be a perfect gov. but does anyone want the GOP gang of crooks back. At least nothing Rod has done killed any children.
- Anonymous - Saturday, Jan 22, 05 @ 6:22 pm:
Rod Blagobitch never supported Glenn Poshard. Remember Poshard supporting Vallas. Either did Dick Mell who I have very little support for.
So Rod Blagobitch knew Roger “the Hog” Stanley, and beyond some political rhetoric he never did any reform.
Blagobitch supported SBC to kiss ass to Bill Daley, even though it was Dick Mell who stood by him with Vilma Colom in a press conference when they were peeling people off of Rod.
Blagobitch hired Martin and Hartman at the suggestion of Chris Kelly despite their associations with the corruption at O’Hare and in the Daley administration.
Balgobitch may not have raised the state income tax but he did not support the anti-flooding bill costing thousands of dollars per homeowner, tons of fees, and hurt truckers and businesses.
The associations of Chris Kelly and Tony Retzko with Panda Express and gaming should at least be looked into.
And Roger the Hog Stanley did the mailings for Ray Frias the former indicted alderman who was good pals with Blagobitch who got a big state job at IDOT.
Or Chris Kelly’s sister who had no real credenitials.
And Fernando Grillo was real close with Edgar Lopez and the sleazy Republicans who went to Cuba with George Ryan.
Lorenzo Padron can barely speak English, and look into his business dealings, and also it is common knowledge it was a payoff for the big Cuban money donated.
Rod Blagobitch also has been real good to the 36th ward, with more alleged mob connections than the friend of theirs Dominic Longo–look at the jobs and appointments including holdovers from George Ryan.
Rod Blagobitch is also close to Angelo “Skippy” Saviano, whose real boss is Don Stephens–just do a google search no use in posting more here.
And last for right now what about Milan Petrovich–lost his law license in Indiana and is a big lobbyist in Illinois including for Victor Reyes’s law firm.
So the sleaze is present and pervasive.
And Mell and Dominic may both be sleazy and connected but they did raise money and promised a lot to get young Elvis Blagobitch elected.
- Anonymous - Saturday, Jan 22, 05 @ 6:28 pm:
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- Anonymous - Saturday, Jan 22, 05 @ 6:52 pm:
Is Avila going to get Longo to reveal all on the Daley administration?
- Anonymous - Sunday, Jan 23, 05 @ 4:11 pm:
Chris Kelly’s sister meets the minimum qualifications for her position. It is legal for Chris Kelly to suggest appointments.
Chris Kelly is not under indictment and any investigation is because of Mell and Longo.
Mell and Longo hardly have any credibility.
Chris Kelly is a succesfull businessman and people are jealous.
- Anonymous - Sunday, Jan 23, 05 @ 4:12 pm:
Why has the governor refused to comment?
- Anonymous - Sunday, Jan 23, 05 @ 10:53 pm:
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- Anonymous - Sunday, Jan 23, 05 @ 11:10 pm:
Hey Rich—-when can we see the posts you’ve removed? Or where can we see them? This is starting to get real good!
- Anonymous - Monday, Jan 24, 05 @ 5:26 pm:
Any response from the governors office yet?
- Anonymous - Monday, Jan 24, 05 @ 6:11 pm:
Last time Avila took the big boys to court, he won and they settled befoe depositions. Remember the Avila v. Sandoval case? Madigan was going to be deposed.
Dominic Longo has nothing to lose
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Jan 25, 05 @ 8:03 am:
Dominic has a lot to lose. Rod can send him to jail again. Mell will have to retire as alderman. Avila will have to practice law in another state.
They all will be crying when Rod is elected President.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Jan 25, 05 @ 10:40 am:
I will make a bet with Chris Kelly’s bookie that Rod will NEVER be elected President.
He does not have the intelligence, substance and especially the team. Press Secretary thirtysomething Bradley Tusk (who no one trusts) or arrogant Lon Monk wannabe Jerry McGuire (who no one likes)
JFK didn’t get rid of daddy Joe even if he backstabbed the mob.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Feb 2, 05 @ 5:20 am:
The only one to make out on this is federal frankie avila