Jackson and Hizzoner
Monday, Jan 24, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller
Two columns on Congressman Jesse Jackson’s recent comments about Mayor Daley and the city council sheep.
One, by the Southtown’s Phil Kadner, has some realism buried deep down in the piece:
What Jackson doesn’t realize is that many of the voices urging him to run today will be cheering for Daley tomorrow.
These are the same folks in the news media who denounce Daley for using O’Hare Airport as a personal cash station but then urge the federal government to give him billions of dollars for O’Hare expansion.
Business leaders, who benefit from Chicago’s graft themselves, will put millions in Daley’s political warchest.
Reporters will be scouring the Jackson family history for dirt.
Run, Jesse, run, as fast as your legs can carry you back to Washington, D.C.
Run for mayor and there will be three other black candidates in the race before you can say, “What’s that other Jesse Jackson Jr. doing on the ticket again?”
That’s exactly right.
The other, by the Sun-Times’ Mark Brown, is more encouraging for the congressman:
Jackson volunteers that his remarks come at a time when Daley has been interfering with his top priority: the proposal to build a south suburban airport. In particular, he says Daley has applied behind the scenes pressure for him to abandon the two northwest suburban communities — Bensenville and Elk Grove Village — that so far have bankrolled the third-airport effort.
This is a tricky business for Jackson. If he’s serious about the problems in Daley’s set-aside program, he’ll need to follow through.
If it turns out he’s just using the controversy to get what he wants on the airport, he’ll eventually be sorry he spoke up.
I look forward to hearing him more.
- Anonymous - Monday, Jan 24, 05 @ 5:10 pm:
Kadner is right. Jesse and the Mayor have had a non-aggression pact for most of Daley’s term — a pact that has been held together by a lot of pin-stripped patronage. As Kadner alluded to, if the press does enough digging here, they’re bound to find front companies with Jackson family ties that received government contracts. And, of course, the Daleys know precisely where these bodies are buried. Also, Jesse Jr.’s advocacy for a 3rd airport will work against him should he run for mayor of Chicago. Afterall, why would a mayor of Chicago support anything that would take business away from the airports the city owns? Maybe Junior should run for Will County Board President…then fighting for a Peotone airport would make sense.
- Anonymous - Sunday, Jul 3, 05 @ 4:08 pm:
Long before it was popular Patrick “Deep Water” McDonough and Frank Coconate were exposing the corruption in chicago. The results are a possible move by Jesse Jackson Jr. prodded by none other than Frank Coconate and Patrick McDonough.
Dick Daley is a corrupt and immoral mayor. He has abused the honor of his job. Fire more people, point the finger, but make sure his brother and friends keep cleaning up finacially. Daley is short in status in ever sense of the word.
On July 2, 2005, I was present as Jesse gave a speech. He was a powerful and intelligent and moving speaker. His points were on the money. He has a good looking family. I suggest all quit looking at race. Look what a change can do to restore trust in goverment. Patrick “DeepWater” McDonough