Tuesday, Jan 25, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller
Would someone translate this, please? (Emphasis added):
Ohio je “swing” state, u kojoj je pobedio svaki republikanski kandidat koji je postao predsednik. Ima veliki broj blue collar glasova, koji su takodje i pod jakim uticajem sindikata. Otud vaznost ovoj drzavi.
Neznam ko, neko je skoro na ovom forumu pljuvao po Ohaju kao o devetoj rupi na svirali, i manje vaznom od Illinoisa. Pogresno. Illinois je okorelo dummocratski, ovog puta jos vise nego ikad ranije, i to zbog idiotizma lokalnih republikanaca koji su izgubili i downstate. Milorad Blagojevich pokusava da bude novi Bil Klinton, da bude sve svakome - ali u jednopartijskoj drzavi kao sto je Illinois sad najvise ima problema unutar svoje partije. I sa kamiondzijama koje ce u top da ga stave zbog najavljenog poskupljenja putarina.
Kako god, dodje novembar - Illinois i Michigan su Kerrijevi, Wisconinsin, Iowa, Ohio, Indiana su ‘up for grabs’.
Tipujem Kerry dobija Iowu, Bush Wisconsin i Ohio. I pobedjuje.
- earnest - Tuesday, Jan 25, 05 @ 6:06 pm:
I tried with an online Serbo-Croatian dictionary. This is what I come up with for the first paragraph, using a lot of creativity to fill in the words and grammar that I couldn’t figure out. I think the problem is that verb endings screw up the translator.
Ohio is a swing state, which any republican candidate for president must win. It’s rumored to have a large mass of blue collar workers who belong to unions.
I’ll see if I can make out anymore, but it looks to me like a Serbian or Croatian explanation of american politics prior to the November election.
This by way of saying thanks for bringing up the election equipment issue.
- TruthBeTold - Tuesday, Jan 25, 05 @ 7:02 pm:
This site may help decipher most of that post. I tried many of the different languages and some words come up and others don’t???? If anything at least it is a good link to translate in the future. So is Milorad just Rod’s full name?
- Eric Gordy - Tuesday, Feb 1, 05 @ 9:02 pm:
“Ohio is a “swing” state, in which every Republican vcandaidate who has become president has won. It has a large number of blue collar votes, which are strongly influenced by unions. That is why the state is so important.
I do not know who, somebody on this forum put down Ohio as an unimportant place, less important than Illinois. Illinois is irrtrievably Democratic [the writer makes an insulting pun here, “dummocratic”], and that is because of the idiocy of the local Republicans who even lost downstate. Milorad Blagojevich is trying to be a new Bill Clinton, to be everything to everyone. But in a one-party state likke Illinois he has the most problems within his own party. Also with truck drivers who want to put him in a cannon because of the announced increase in road tolls.
However it turns out, come November Illinois and Michigan are Kerry’s, Wisconsin, Iowa, Ohio and Indiana are up for grabs.
I predict that Kerry will win Iowa, and Bush will win Wisconsin and Ohio — and win>”Don’t know why you wanted this poor piece of analysis translated, but there you have it.