Park fight
Thursday, Jan 27, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller Here are some excerpts from articles that I referenced in today’s Capitol Fax about budget cuts to state parks and the Illinois Department of Natural Services. First, from Bernie Schoenburg’s column, “Job-cutting governor hasn’t visited parks, prisons” When officials of the Sierra Club, the Illinois Environmental Council, Partners for Parks and Wildlife, and a state workers union were at the Statehouse last week to say planned personnel cuts would be a major threat to the state’s natural resources, another interesting point was raised about the governor. And now, Dale Bowman of the Sun-Times from December 29 of last year (”Seeing Illinois from the bottoms up”) Gov. Blagojevich has [state parks] under attack. Jan. 14 will be the last day for 87 employees in the latest round of layoffs at the Illinois Department of Natural Resources. Bowman’s column from January 16 (”State’s resources deserve sound environment”) made this point: More hidden but just as devastating is the loss of fundamental office staff. Licensing is in shambles. Applications arrive days before or after deadlines. Data compilation of vital waterfowl surveys (vital to the public) are not getting done because Kathy Thornburg is gone. And this from a Lew Freedman column in the Tribune early last year entitled “Blagojevich shows no feel for state’s outdoors legacy” and which may have sparked all the anger: Blagojevich’s proposition is potentially calamitous to all outdoors interests. That’s why an attack on one is an attack on all, and unified opposition is necessary. If this plan is enacted, Rod Blagojevich may be remembered as the the governor who shuttered state parks. Not a pretty legacy. Les Winkler of the Southern Illinoisan had this to say recently in a column entitled “BLAGOJEVICH IS CUTTING WAY TOO MUCH FROM THE IDNR”: Re-election be damned! It’s time for Gov. Blagojevich to do what is right for the state. There are a LOT more columns and stories like these, but you get the idea. I saw some comments in a previous post about Starved Rock from people who want to see even more cuts at IDNR. But we’re talking about qualify of life issues here and the legacy that we’ll pass on to future generations. So, if you’re a crank who hates all taxes and spending and are permanently glued to your computer screen, then please don’t bother posting your goofy rants to this post. We ought to be able to have a discussion without the over the top ravings.
- Pat Collins - Thursday, Jan 27, 05 @ 10:31 am:
Wow. Blago got a lot of support downstate, esp. in the primary. If he loses that, he become more vulnerable to a primary challenge.
Not good for him either if there is a steady drip drip of bad press, either.
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Jan 27, 05 @ 10:40 am:
Pat, for the first time this week, I totally agree with you.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Jan 27, 05 @ 8:47 pm:
Its admirable that these groups are fighting for what they believe in… But I have a hard time putting “nature walk guides” ahead of education, health care, and public safety. The Governor inherited a fiscal mess. Tough choices, but I think he is doing the right thing. This is better than having to close the state parks or charge a fee.
We need to keep this all in perspective.
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Jan 27, 05 @ 9:18 pm:
Looks like you got the talking points. Good for you.
- Anonymous - Friday, Jan 28, 05 @ 10:42 am:
Congratulations Rich, you’ve now got Bradley Tusk reading your blog and posting responses!