The icebergs cometh
Saturday, Jan 8, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller
As I stood there, trying to warm up before heading out again, I noticed several small pieces of ice fly off the building next to mine, most of them falling harmlessly to the ground below. But then I watched in horror as a gigantic, flat piece of ice - easily four or five feet across and wide - helicoptered downward a few dozen stories and headed right for a group of revelers strolling arm-in-arm on Randolph Street. They never knew they were in danger until the huge ice shelf crashed just inches in front of them, spraying ice everywhere, causing them to leap backwards. I breathed a sigh of relief as they instictively covered their heads before furtively scanning the skies to see if any other potentially fatal gifts from God were headed their way. For a second, though, I really thought they were goners. Ah, life in the big city. Anyway, check out the video on this page for some great shots of falling ice. And in case you’re wondering who gets blamed if someone is hit by wayward ice:
Killed. Oh, man, that’s not good. I don’t mind getting shot at or blown up, but I don’t want to go out like that. “Where’s Miller?”
Mell spills his guts
Saturday, Jan 8, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller I got a call from one of the boys last night and I’m told there’s more coming on this not-so-little spat. Mell is telling friends he wants to hold a press conference on Monday. Check Monday’s Capitol Fax for more. Publicly humiliated by Gov. Blagojevich’s administration in a Will County landfill dispute, Ald. Richard Mell came out swinging Friday. He angrily accused his son-in-law, the governor, of ripping apart their family, being so politically manipulative that he would “throw anyone under the bus,” and granting plum appointments in exchange for $50,000 campaign contributions. […] Man, that’s harsh. Read the whole story, it’s definitely worth a couple of minutes. Chris Kelly essentially threatens to sue Mell for claiming he’s selling appointments. Mell compares himself to “the old wife” who has been spurned for a fancy, young, new wife (Chris Kelly). ABC-7 found Mell in Florida yesterday. He was in fine form. “This governor is trying to put on this mantled cloak of what a great white knight he is when he’s not,” said Alderman Dick Mell […] The governor’s office denies a vendetta and so does the Illinois EPA, which shut down the landfill owned by a nephew of Alderman Mell.