Friday Topinka blogging
Friday, Jan 7, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller (Saturday version) International Speedway rider Tomas Topinka is from the Czech Republic (not sure if there’s any relation to our Judy). He has a website and he even sells fan club merchandise, like hats and shirts (I really want one of each, but it’s not completely clear how you can buy them). This is a photo of Tom Topinka from his site: Cool. To join the fan club, you are advised to “send a cheque for £4.00 made payable to Tom Topinka” at: Topinka Racing I have no idea what that means. Topinka has a bunch of personal stuff on the site as well. For instance, his favorite drink is “Guinness & Pepsi.” I’m not sure if he mixes the two or if he likes them in their own right. Cola-beer was a popular kid’s drink when I lived in Germany (half beer, half cola), so he could be a mixer.