Another one
Thursday, Jan 27, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller I missed this column in today’s Star Newspapers by outdoor writer Bob Macilius. It is virtually certain that the Springfield bureaucracy expected some reaction to Governor Blagojevich’s evisceration of the Illinois Department of Conservation, but I doubt they had prepared for what’s happening.
Go away
Thursday, Jan 27, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller I made this mistake once because I neglected to look at the constitution. But everyone who might be afraid (or pleased) that Alan Keyes might run for governor should look at this section (emphasis added): SECTION 3. ELIGIBILITY He can’t run for governor. Maybe he’ll run for mayor instead. I wonder what his onetime (it’s not clear if he still is) Chicago office manager thinks.
Still flailing for relevancy
Thursday, Jan 27, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller
UPDATE: Keyes is such a goof. Check this out (thanks to a commenter): Cook County United is a tri-group effort by the Chicago, Northwest Cook and Sauk-Calumet Groups to bring activists together who are interested in working on environmental issues at the county level. A little less than half – about 12,000 - of the entire membership of the Illinois Chapter of the Sierra Club live in Cook County. We are rich in public lands with 67,000 acres in county control, but are poor when it comes to having enough county-level politicians who care about the environment. I think the local Sierra Club might object if Alan Keyes, of all people, tries to highjack their name.
This just in
Thursday, Jan 27, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller
Thursday, Jan 27, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller What do you want to bet that the phonecall has already been made? Considering that the guv has packed that Board with his minions, this press release is most likely just a formality. (From a press release, so no link) Gov. Rod Blagojevich today called on the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) to renew funding for ten educational programs that serve more than 400 high school dropouts. The consortium of providers, which received grants from the State Board for almost two decades, lost its funding for Fiscal Year 2005 when the former State Board failed to renew its grant.
Thursday, Jan 27, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller I was just trying out the “Wayback This Page” Firefox extenstion a few minutes ago, and found one of the first Capitol Fax media pages. Notice that the Tribune in those days was only available to AOL users. The Trib was an early AOL investor. I was a bit of a latecomer to the web. The site was created in February of 1998 (although the Wayback page is from December of that year.) But it was one of the first of its kind because it helped organize the Internet for a specific purpose. Anyway, I gotta get back to work. Enough of this playing.
Report Card
Thursday, Jan 27, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller Jim Nowlan completed his “mid-term report card” for Governor Rod Blagojevich this week. He sends along his many thanks to this blog’s readers for their input. He also included this in his email: Below is a Report Card which all 120 guests at Wed. luncheon panel (on G-Rod at mid-term) at Sangamo Club were asked to complete. The audience was filled with lobbyists, agency people, Frank Watson and other knowledgeable people; I got a big laugh when I declared the group a perfect random sample of the Illinois electorate. So, on the important stuff, like running the government and providing leadership, the governor tanks. But on the REALLY imprtant stuff, getting re-elected, he does much better. Of course, the participants were mostly insiders, but you can’t help but wonder whether the public will ever get clued into how this governor really operates. And, by the way, I want to thank everyone who participated in the report card project, including those who sent emails and didn’t post here.
Firefox upgrades
Thursday, Jan 27, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller If you haven’t tried the new Firefox web browser yet, you’re really missing out. It’s not just the most stable browser I’ve ever used (including Mac’s Safari), but because it’s an open-source product, all sorts of geeks are working their little fingers to the bone making it better and adding upgrades and tweaks. If you have Firefox, you should check into some of the available extensions. I’ve downloaded several of them (probably too many) and am trying them out to see if they’re useful. I’ll let you know as I go along. But you really need to get the tab browser extension. It gives you a lot more options for tab browsing (and if you are one of those poor IE Microsoft diehards, you don’t know what that is yet and I feel really bad for you). Adblock is another great tool if you’re bothered by websites that inundate you with advertising. Highlight an address, right-click and then, voila! MapIt will take you to a map. You can choose your own map provider and even program in your home address to get directions every time. There’s lots more, but, like I said, I’m still playing with them. I’ll let you know.
Park fight
Thursday, Jan 27, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller Here are some excerpts from articles that I referenced in today’s Capitol Fax about budget cuts to state parks and the Illinois Department of Natural Services. First, from Bernie Schoenburg’s column, “Job-cutting governor hasn’t visited parks, prisons” When officials of the Sierra Club, the Illinois Environmental Council, Partners for Parks and Wildlife, and a state workers union were at the Statehouse last week to say planned personnel cuts would be a major threat to the state’s natural resources, another interesting point was raised about the governor. And now, Dale Bowman of the Sun-Times from December 29 of last year (”Seeing Illinois from the bottoms up”) Gov. Blagojevich has [state parks] under attack. Jan. 14 will be the last day for 87 employees in the latest round of layoffs at the Illinois Department of Natural Resources. Bowman’s column from January 16 (”State’s resources deserve sound environment”) made this point: More hidden but just as devastating is the loss of fundamental office staff. Licensing is in shambles. Applications arrive days before or after deadlines. Data compilation of vital waterfowl surveys (vital to the public) are not getting done because Kathy Thornburg is gone. And this from a Lew Freedman column in the Tribune early last year entitled “Blagojevich shows no feel for state’s outdoors legacy” and which may have sparked all the anger: Blagojevich’s proposition is potentially calamitous to all outdoors interests. That’s why an attack on one is an attack on all, and unified opposition is necessary. If this plan is enacted, Rod Blagojevich may be remembered as the the governor who shuttered state parks. Not a pretty legacy. Les Winkler of the Southern Illinoisan had this to say recently in a column entitled “BLAGOJEVICH IS CUTTING WAY TOO MUCH FROM THE IDNR”: Re-election be damned! It’s time for Gov. Blagojevich to do what is right for the state. There are a LOT more columns and stories like these, but you get the idea. I saw some comments in a previous post about Starved Rock from people who want to see even more cuts at IDNR. But we’re talking about qualify of life issues here and the legacy that we’ll pass on to future generations. So, if you’re a crank who hates all taxes and spending and are permanently glued to your computer screen, then please don’t bother posting your goofy rants to this post. We ought to be able to have a discussion without the over the top ravings.