Oy, Part 2
Thursday, Feb 10, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller I talked to Rod McCulloch a little bit last night and he completely denied forging signatures on petitions, although most of what he said was unprintable. Anyway, the Daily Herald has an update on yesterday’s story. Milton Township Assessor Jim Gumm’s name will not appear on April ballots as he officially dropped his re-election bid Wednesday. Gumm was not all that popular with the powers that be to begin with and McCulloch was called in at the last minute to help with the petition drive. McCulloch has made a lot of enemies over the years, so many people are willing to believe just about anything about him. We’ll just have to wait and see how this plays out, but if he did it, the DuPage County State’s Attorney, who wants to run for governor, will probably come down hard to set an example. Try to keep your comments reasonable, please. Innocent unless proven guilty and all that.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Feb 10, 05 @ 9:32 am:
I’ve never heard of McCulloch. This must be his 15 mihutes of fame.
GOP in Sangamon County
- BuckTurgidson - Thursday, Feb 10, 05 @ 9:36 am:
Do we have to be nice in comments about Birkett too?
Congratulations Joe. You’re a perennial candidate now.
- Pat Collins - Thursday, Feb 10, 05 @ 10:18 am:
I’ve been on the ballot 3 times. (0-3)
While it IS a pain to get signatures, it’s not really that hard. It’s just tedious & time consuming. Certainly you have enough time to do so between when you start & when you must turn them in.
I can’t imagine why that guy downstate killed himself over it.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Feb 10, 05 @ 3:27 pm:
Whatever you want to say about Rod McCullogh
1. helped bring down Jack Ryan
2. he predicted Salvi primary upset in 96
3. His numbers (even if made up)are better than Zogby he predicted almost dead on on Bush and Blago
4. He has big clients
5. he gets on Chicago Tonight and the front page of the Sun Times
- FightforJustice - Thursday, Feb 10, 05 @ 10:40 pm:
If there is election fraud, Birkett will prosecute. Unlike in the County of Crook.