Valentine’s Day Dylan blogging
Sunday, Feb 13, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller

There are better poets than Bob Dylan, but few of them have written better love songs.
Valentine’s Day seemed a good time to touch on a small handful of highlights, especially for those of you who haven’t really listened.
I and I
Been so long since a strange woman has slept in my bed.
Look how sweet she sleeps, how free must be her dreams.
In another lifetime she must have owned the world,
or been faithfully wed
To some righteous king who wrote psalms beside moonlit streams.
How did I meet you? I don’t know.
A messenger sent me in a tropical storm.
You were there in the winter, moonlight on the snow
And on Lily Pond Lane when the weather was warm.
Sara, oh Sara,
Scorpio Sphinx in a calico dress,
Sara, Sara,
You must forgive me my unworthiness.
Love Minus Zero/No Limit
My love she speaks like silence,
Without ideals or violence,
She doesn’t have to say she’s faithful,
Yet she’s true, like ice, like fire.
People carry roses,
Make promises by the hours,
My love she laughs like the flowers,
Valentines can’t buy her.
- Anonymous - Monday, Feb 14, 05 @ 7:12 am:
I heard that
Rod Blagojevich is sending a Valentine to Dominick Longo
and Rod McCullogh is sending a Valentine to Jack Ryan (in his own signature)
We should all love each other more and get along
Happy Valentines Day to everyone